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Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:23 pm
by bbyrd009
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.
you can ask questions, i don't want to get pedantic on you, and assume that you have no spiritual understanding, when i know that you do. So, if my references are too vague, then snip, and ask for some clarification. Or just leave it there, on the ground, for someone else, maybe it isn't for you. But what you are doing here is neither one, and you have brought nothing that needs to be interpreted with you. Why not? Why not bring an example, to make your case? So then with all due respect, please don't tell me what to do, if you cannot demonstrate what it is i am not doing.

And btw bbyrd009,
RickD wrote: I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
See what you will see. I have already testified that i see no problems with Trinity, the doctrine, and i am in complete agreement with it, so i am not sure what you mean by "theology" there, as you have now made implications that seem to deny this.

Can you elucidate what it is about my "theology" that is--let's just face it--"wrong," in your opinion? ty

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:26 pm
by jenna
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.

And btw bbyrd009,

I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
this is why i choose not to get involved in this, even though my views of the trinity are not good.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:28 pm
by RickD
bbyrd009 wrote:
So then, to make perfectly plain, i have no problems at all with your believing that Jesus is God, if you like. Pray to Him, even, if you want. But at least recognize where that leads; what the fruit is, ok.
You don't believe Jesus is God?*

*Simple answer for us simple folk please.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:29 pm
by crochet1949
RickD -- I sit here at my computer keyboard scratching my head. Is '009' for Real?! Maybe I should be putting 'this' in a PM rather than 'here'.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:29 pm
by RickD
jenna wrote:
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.

And btw bbyrd009,

I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
this is why i choose not to get involved in this, even though my views of the trinity are not good.

At least you've admitted that your views of the Trinity are not good. The first step in fixing a problem, is recognizing you have a problem. :mrgreen:

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:30 pm
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Believers are called to be Christ-like // the Son of God // not like God. While Jesus Christ was here -- What Would Jesus Do -- in a given situation.
hey, you don't have to guess lol, He gave us explicit instructions. Go out two-by-two, meaning the two of you, crochet, 2 men in a bed, leave town, don't take a purse or extra shirt or shoes, just go, go out in the manner of a shepherd, and when you are welcomed somewhere, stay there until you leave that town, and "eat" what they give you.
So, see, we are literal enough when it suits us, huh, but then you have to run from, or ignore, literal instructions by Christ Himself, when it doesn't.

So, i came back to let you off the hook now, and suggest to you that you live in a town, right now, spiritually speaking, surrounded by your peers, who all believe pretty much what you do, and that you can "leave town" the both of you, right from your seat, whenever you like, and go to a "different town," without even having to pack, no purse, no extra shirt or shoes, whenever you like, and it might take a minute of searching, in this new town, to find someone who speaks to you, that you click with or whatever, but then "stay at that house, and eat whatever they put in front of you." Which does not mean that you have to believe everything that this foreign person in this different town believes, or anything, for that matter. Judge by the fruit, which is maybe a little more difficult spiritually speaking--because you can't directly witness the fruit first, like when you see someone's prize tomatoes, and then you start asking questions, trusting what they say because, after all, there is that tomato, talking to you, louder than any words--so i will tell you that i don't do this, when "travelling," i just trust that i am there, and chose that house, at the Spirit's prompting, and so i trust that i am there to learn something, that will change my mind in some way, and it usually becomes obvious now when i have gotten what i came for.

I'm going to take a moment to respond to this. I'm not on any hook for you to feel a need to take me Off of. I think that I was responding back to your comment about a person becoming a 'God' -- that Jesus Christ is the Son of God // that He, Jesus Christ is separate From God. He is God's Son. That Jesus Christ was here on earth as God incarnate. But He was here as the 2nd person of the Godhead. At No point in a person's life will he/she become a 'god' or be Like God. And that in our daily lives we are to think about / consider 'what would Jesus Christ do in any particular situation. As in -- we're invited to a party / from work -- and the entertainment is questionable as are the beverages being offered to drink. So -- would Jesus Leave the party? Would He stay and be a positive good example to follow. Make an opportunity to share a Good, clean story and drink water rather than alcohol? Act in an appropriate way with the other's in the party rather than flirting or whatever like everyone else Is doing?

What would Jesus Do in a given set of circumstances -- has Nothing to do with what you responded back with.

The principle of going out two by two Is Scriptural -- but a specific group of men were given those directions for a Reason. And none of your comments have any bearing on that.
...that you are able to presently discern, yes. So, perhaps that was for someone else, no biggie. Never mind, for now, that Christ was sending out disciples, and you may come to identify with them at some point. It is not too...well, it is what it is.

See that if "the truth shall be established with 2 or 3 witnesses" can be understood to mean that "a spiritual truth should have at least two Scriptures promoting it" can be true, then some other symbology may at some point come to bear, on, say, false prophets being actual people, or whatever. No one is forcing anyone to change here.

Asking WWJD is a great application, imo, and there is not a thing wrong with it.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:32 pm
by RickD
crochet1949 wrote:RickD -- I sit here at my computer keyboard scratching my head. Is '009' for Real?! Maybe I should be putting 'this' in a PM rather than 'here'.
That's ok crochet, nobody reads this forum anyways.

Bbyrd009 is clearly an intelligent person. He just doesn't realize that the rest of us don't understand his intellect.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:32 pm
by jenna
RickD wrote:
jenna wrote:
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.

And btw bbyrd009,

I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
this is why i choose not to get involved in this, even though my views of the trinity are not good.

At least you've admitted that your views of the Trinity are not good. The first step in fixing a problem, is recognizing you have a problem. :mrgreen:
:pound: never said it was a problem, did I? if it aint broke, dont fix it

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:42 pm
by crochet1949
RickD wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:RickD -- I sit here at my computer keyboard scratching my head. Is '009' for Real?! Maybe I should be putting 'this' in a PM rather than 'here'.
That's ok crochet, nobody reads this forum anyways.

Bbyrd009 is clearly an intelligent person. He just doesn't realize that the rest of us don't understand his intellect.

What do you mean 'We' are here. :)

If '009' 's posts are an indication of his intellect --------- :shakehead:

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:53 pm
by bbyrd009
jenna wrote:
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.

And btw bbyrd009,

I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
this is why i choose not to get involved in this, even though my views of the trinity are not good.
hmm. could you explain why? briefly? Ok, not "why," but "what," then. What has the trinity evidenced as "not good" to you? Of course you don't have to, and i do not need to put you on the spot or anything; the fruit is already plain, why offend people who have a different opinion, right.

As to the "why," of course that part i understand, we seek the approval of men, naturally, and although this is made into a "bad" thing, it is not; it is one of the ways we have to justify our positions, and let's not forget that we are advised to seek agreement, also, which is just another way of putting the other side of that coin, as sure as your witness of the fr...results of the trinity from your pov would also illuminate the issue, but even though there is no way they could be proven "false," because after all they are just opinions (which is all i have, too), you recognize that you would have to suffer a "stoning" for this, so to speak, and i have already been hit with that exact stone a couple times already, lol, the spot is just getting numb now, or whatever, so Rick thinks I'm a fruitcake, then. Rick is entitled to an opinion, too. But then i notice Rick didn't bring a prophet, saying "Trinity," either, or anything else, for that matter, for support, so i trust that everyone will see what they need to see. Maybe Rick is right! :)

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:56 pm
by bbyrd009
RickD wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
So then, to make perfectly plain, i have no problems at all with your believing that Jesus is God, if you like. Pray to Him, even, if you want. But at least recognize where that leads; what the fruit is, ok.
You don't believe Jesus is God?*

*Simple answer for us simple folk please.
bbyrd009 wrote:i do not believe that Jesus was God,
not sure how much clearer i can make it, Rick.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:58 pm
by bbyrd009
jenna wrote:
RickD wrote:
jenna wrote:
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.

And btw bbyrd009,

I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
this is why i choose not to get involved in this, even though my views of the trinity are not good.

At least you've admitted that your views of the Trinity are not good. The first step in fixing a problem, is recognizing you have a problem. :mrgreen:
:pound: never said it was a problem, did I? if it aint broke, dont fix it
ah, so we get a tiny little bit closer to outing the fruit, see, even with jokes, they work too. :lol:

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:03 pm
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:At No point in a person's life will he/she become a 'god'
So then, nevermind what God said,

"6I said, "You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High"

for now, ok? Poof, there you go, it is gone.

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:03 pm
by RickD
bbyrd009 wrote:
RickD wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
So then, to make perfectly plain, i have no problems at all with your believing that Jesus is God, if you like. Pray to Him, even, if you want. But at least recognize where that leads; what the fruit is, ok.
You don't believe Jesus is God?*

*Simple answer for us simple folk please.
bbyrd009 wrote:i do not believe that Jesus was God,
not sure how much clearer i can make it, Rick.
I just wanted to be clear. Some people think Jesus was a man while he was on the earth, but then attained some kind of "godhood" when he died.

So, you're saying you believe Jesus isn't now, nor ever was, God in the flesh? Immanuel?

Re: Understanding the Trinity

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:07 pm
by jenna
bbyrd009 wrote:
jenna wrote:
RickD wrote:Please don't babble in strange tongues if there's nobody who can interpret.

And btw bbyrd009,

I see the fruit in your theology. It's chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices.
this is why i choose not to get involved in this, even though my views of the trinity are not good.
hmm. could you explain why? briefly? Ok, not "why," but "what," then. What has the trinity evidenced as "not good" to you? Of course you don't have to, and i do not need to put you on the spot or anything; the fruit is already plain, why offend people who have a different opinion, right.

As to the "why," of course that part i understand, we seek the approval of men, naturally, and although this is made into a "bad" thing, it is not; it is one of the ways we have to justify our positions, and let's not forget that we are advised to seek agreement, also, which is just another way of putting the other side of that coin, as sure as your witness of the fr...results of the trinity from your pov would also illuminate the issue, but even though there is no way they could be proven "false," because after all they are just opinions (which is all i have, too), you recognize that you would have to suffer a "stoning" for this, so to speak, and i have already been hit with that exact stone a couple times already, lol, the spot is just getting numb now, or whatever, so Rick thinks I'm a fruitcake, then. Rick is entitled to an opinion, too. But then i notice Rick didn't bring a prophet, saying "Trinity," either, or anything else, for that matter, for support, so i trust that everyone will see what they need to see. Maybe Rick is right! :)
it isnt that i seek the approval of men. if i did, i would not be here at all, since much of what i believe is strongly disputed. i just dont have the time nor the desire to debate on whether or not the trinity is real or false. maybe one day i will, but not today.