The Gap theory

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by neo-x »

ACB wrote:
Water in outer space confirms this biblical prediction that Moses could not have known without inspiration of God.Moses was right claiming water is in outer space but also the planet Mars used to have water on it,now this baffles secular scientists who wonder where the water went,we if God flooded both the heavens and the earth and removed the water?this is why Mars no longer has water on it,that baffles scientists.
So I have produced scientific evidence to back up Lucifer's flood.
When do they award you the Nobel?

Can someone post this to NASA and tell them we have a science wizard here who knows what happened to the water on Mars? Might save you Americans, billions of dollars of research.

P.S ACB's post above is really by far the best entertaining post I have seen in a long time. And I do really mean that, I laughed and laughed, in an otherwise very dull day. Just to be clear, I didn't laugh at you ACB (I don't mean any offense either) but your idea, its so humorous. :esmile:
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by Audie »

neo-x wrote:
ACB wrote:
Water in outer space confirms this biblical prediction that Moses could not have known without inspiration of God.Moses was right claiming water is in outer space but also the planet Mars used to have water on it,now this baffles secular scientists who wonder where the water went,we if God flooded both the heavens and the earth and removed the water?this is why Mars no longer has water on it,that baffles scientists.
So I have produced scientific evidence to back up Lucifer's flood.
When do they award you the Nobel?

Can someone post this to NASA and tell them we have a science wizard here who knows what happened to the water on Mars? Might save you Americans, billions of dollars of research.

P.S ACB's post above is really by far the best entertaining post I have seen in a long time. And I do really mean that, I laughed and laughed, in an otherwise very dull day. Just to be clear, I didn't laugh at you ACB (I don't mean any offense either) but your idea, its so humorous. :esmile:
I was told in all earnestness that the extra water from the flood was wafted to Neptune, where it shines to this day as a warning beacon against incoming rogue angels.

I imagine the fellow has equivalent scientific evidence to back that. :D
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by RickD »

***Warning*** Long boring post ahead. Anyone interested in reading, please take caffeine first. I will not be responsible for you falling asleep face first and breaking your keypad.
Skip to the bottom for a summary of this post.
RickD wrote:
Tell us how you went to a seminary, studied, a change came, and then you pushed it all aside and believed evolution. I don't understand how you are arguing for correct interpretation of scripture, when you admit that you don't even believe what scripture says in some cases. What's the point of correct interpretation if you just toss it into the trash anyways?
Neo wrote:
Hah Rick! but there you are wrong my friend. I have always kept myself to see facts as they are. I didn't push it all aside. Remember I was a T.E, which was not common a beleif but still valid with the OEC framework. So for one your statement is wrong, I didn't throw it all aside. It came naturally at a very slow pace, took more than a year infact. To the point where I saw that to twist the scriptures to fit to NEW scientific findings, one was going against the original message and the purpose for it.
I didn't say you pushed it aside immediately. And I didn't say that you didn't struggle while pushing it aside. But you're the one who says that you believe scripture points to a YEC belief, yet you throw that belief aside, in favor of evolution.
If the Bible doesn't merit some things, for instance the use of yom as an extended period of time in Gen 1, then how can we just do that today?
If I believe it didn't merit an interpretation of a long period of time, I wouldn't believe it. But of course you know the fundamental disagreement with yom.
Its a bold position, mine that is, and quite unpopular. I understood the scriptures and I was very interested in evolutionary biology and having studied both I concluded that these just didn't gel together. The science is purely anti-creation and the bible is plainly anti-evolution and pro-creation. More so I realized what the authors of Gen 1 probably thought, they wrote down the story, which was handed down to them via oral traditions. Similar to how Luke wrote his Gospel. In Luke's case though the timeline was a few decades old. Incase of Gen 1, the stories being written down were centuries or more so a millennia old. Too much a of a gap to keep those fully intact.
Ok. Now you're touching on something different. You are saying that the authors of Genesis wrote what they believed were true, but they were probably wrong in what they believed. Which I hope you see, calls the inerrancy of scripture into question.
And then I studied how ancient Hebrews sang the scriptures and stories, a good way to preserve them in memory, for lessons and retelling. Oral tradition was a the only tradition until then which was a sure shot way to keep the basic story passing to the new generations. And Genesis 1 is extremely poetical, parallel poetical, infact. That is why there are two accounts, one a summarized one, details too balanced, expressions and wordings repeated and it was so and so and thus it was day x etc (probably the singing version), then the second account a detailed one and fantastic none the less, Adam names all the creatures and so on and so forth. The talking snake and the fruit. The angel guarding the garden.

But what you do get from the story was that the Authors meant it as severely literal. Its so hard to say its allegorical or means other than what it says that now I think that to even consider the possibility is incredible to say the least. And the produce of these stories are answers, answers to fundamental questions people would have naturally.
Sounds like you're believing in an allegorical interpretation, which is fine if you want to do that. But it contradicts what you said before, about the authors intent being literal.
How everything is made?
Are we above beasts?
e.g Why do we die? because we ate the fruit, leads to concept of punishment and our toiling time on earth.
why is there child labor pains?
why does the earth needs toiling?
why are snakes dangerous?
why do we wear clothes?
what we are to do to get god's favor? sacrifice.
How everything is made?
Yes. Scripture shows that God is the author of creation.
Are we above beasts?
Of course.
e.g Why do we die? because we ate the fruit, leads to concept of punishment and our toiling time on earth.
Why do we die, or why did Adam die? Adam was placed in the garden, which was separate from the rest of the earth. You can't say that scripture says there was to be no toiling outside the garden. Death already existed outside the garden. Animals and plants had been dying for millions of years. Otherwise there would be no ecosystem to sustain the earth.
why is there child labor pains?
Scripture doesn't say child labor pains were a result of her punishment, only an increase of pain.
why does the earth needs toiling?
For plants to grow for food.
why are snakes dangerous?
Not sure where this one is going. Some snakes are dangerous because God created them with venom, or the ability to constrict their prey. Again, all part of earth's ecosystem.
why do we wear clothes?
So our wee wees won't get sunburned.
what we are to do to get god's favor? sacrifice.
Really? Then I'm doing it all wrong. I was under the impression that I couldn't gain God's favor. So I trusted what Christ did instead. I'm such a dope!
Bottomline, these stories are enriched with lessons. Lessons needed for the Hebrew line. Passing down from oral tradition these stories contained basic truths but not all truth. That Adam and Eve being the first humans, for one.
Since you believe scripture clearly teaches YEC, then I'm going to assume you believe scripture teaches the YEC belief that Adam was the first human. So, then I would naturally take the next step and assume that you believe the author was wrong about Adam being the first human. Which then leads me to think you believe scripture is wrong.
For instance I am open to idea that Adam and Eve were historical characters, maybe the ancestors who started the Hebrew line. But not that they were the first humans.
Were they specially created as you believe the bible states? Or, were they just evolved humans?
However the point being the stories were fundamental and Moses wrote those down probably thinking the same, that these things happened as is. I never can imagine he would make these up on the go. That is not even remotely possible. Next he did not mean it as an allegory because if it was allegorical then it went against the oral stories which the people knew, widespread. So he can't make them up, too many people know the stories and he can't call it allegory, there is no motive to do so and again these stories were widespread knowledge.
Again, I'm seeing a theme here. Moses believed what he wrote to be true, but he was wrong. And God allowed false beliefs to be promoted as true?
To come to evolution the facts are:
1. Adam and Eve were not first humans. No single couple was.
2. That everything living did not eat grass.
3. That death was there, doesn't matter if someone ate the fruit or not. So were earthquakes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions etc.
1. Adam and Eve were not first humans. No single couple was.
According to evolution, yes. According to what you yourself said that scripture teaches, no. So in your mind, you concluded that evolution is correct, and scripture is wrong.
2. That everything living did not eat grass.
I don't disagree with that. Except to say that all animals ultimately do rely on plants somewhere in the food chain.
3. That death was there, doesn't matter if someone ate the fruit or not. So were earthquakes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions etc.
I don't think the bible disagrees with that. Death, and natural disasters have always been necessary for life to be possible on earth.
No matter what these say about anything they completely fly in the face of Gen 1.
No matter what you say, that's just your interpretation. Plenty of people who understand Hebrew better than you or I disagree with you.
So you see my conundrum, on one hand I see the scriptures faithfully saying true to their spirit. On other hand the science is undeniable. Hence my conclusion that this story can't be real at least on some points.
As I've been consistent in telling you, it's a completely unnecessary conundrum. If God is the creator, and the author of scripture, there cannot be any contradiction. The only contradiction comes with a faulty interpretation of nature, scripture, or both. Unless you don't believe God is the creator of the universe, or the one who inspired scripture.
And please don't think it rude but what's the point of it anyway when you can't accept that yom in Gen 1 is just that, a 24 day period. I mean that's tossing out scripture in the trashcan. Just because liberally the word can, doesn't mean it should in every instance you prefer, be longer than 24 hours?
I don't think it's rude. I just don't understand how you can possibly believe what you do. It just makes no sense to me. And, I'm not getting into a discussion on yom. I understand that you believe what you think it means. But like I said, people who understand Hebrew much better that you, disagree.
Right there I charge you, you don't believe in the Bible in some cases.
Because I literally interpret yom in certain instances to mean something other than 24 hours, I don't believe in the Bible? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
Along with, burning the witch and stoning the prostitute and the homosexual. Or turning the other cheek or being proud and be against divorce instead on when its only allowed to us, or to lie or boast or gossip. Sins we all do everyday, everyone of us, one sin or another, I mean really what's the point of believing in it, when by disobeying we throw the scriptures in the trashcan anyway?
What on earth are you talking about? Are you advocating going back to the OT law, otherwise scripture is trash?
I know what you will say, lying is not the same as not believing Gen 1 to be true through and through. And generally I agree with you but the end result is all the same. You don't stone a prostitute, you don't believe in it. You think that part of the Bible is what? irrelevant now? Is it really any different to what I am doing?
What? I don't believe anything in the OT is irrelevant. Neo, I have no idea what you're even trying to say here.
But again two wrongs don't make a right. I was not dazzled by the lastest science to just jump ship. Infact my analysis of the Bible further drove me to the conclusion that its very YEC. I agree, however just as you don't seem to be affected by "stoning the harlot" or "killing the homosexual", I am unaffected by Adam and his story be that fact or fiction. It makes no difference to me whether he was real or not. His story matters to me and the lessons it gives. It is only a minor point but the Author does indeed write these people as very real. It is the Author's source which is prone to introduce problems, and here the study of evolution came in, which I will deal latter on below.
Well, even though NT authors believed Adam was real, it makes no difference to you? I hope you see where this logically leads. The NT authors also thought Jesus was real. And our need for redemption was real. I'm not saying that you don't believe we need redemption. I'm just asking you to follow your belief that it doesn't matter if Adam was real.
And thus the scriptures do matter to me. It is out of my respect for those scriptures, that unlike PC's for example, I am not trying to alter the meaning of the words just so it can fit in with the latest scientific findings of the day. I am sure you don't think you are disrespecting scripture even when you don't accept the textual analysis and basis of why yom in Gen 1 can't be penned as more than 24 hours.
Neo, that's just not true. I do not alter the meaning of words to fit science. You seriously believe that? Then you really have no idea what you're talking about. And again, I believe scripture literally teaches that yom does mean something other than 24 hours, in certain cases.
But in one way you are plucking the speck of your brother's eye and leaving your plank there in your eye. But since you don't feel that way its different from you, nor do I think its intentional from you. The only difference between your's position and mine, is that I am not ashamed of the eventuality and consequences of my position.
This quote is extremely telling, and troubling. You are claiming that I am ashamed of the consequences of my position. My position is that I believe God created the universe, and He inspired scripture. And when properly understood, there is no contradiction to what nature tells us, and what scripture tells us. I am ashamed of believing in what I see in nature, and my literal interpretation of scripture? You think I'm ashamed of that?
My faith in this position is only based on my honesty with which I came to it. I can say I tried with my best and came to this difficult position (and believe me it is dificult). However I am willing to call it as it is, anti-creation, against the Gen 1 story but sincere nonetheless.
And this is where I'm supposed to applaud you for your sincerity? You believe as a Christian, that scripture is wrong, because it disagrees with evolution. And I'm the one who's ashamed of my position?
You however have to do quite a bit of semantics to get to that long yom you always stress upon. And I call it unbiblical but the problem is, unlike me you are ashamed to accept that and so you don't. You call it biblical. And that just tells me you are not ready to accept the consequences. You will have to give up your core beliefs just to accept that, and as Jac said, if you invested in this belief, it will be hard to let go.
Neo, I believe scripture LITERALLY teaches that yom means something other than 24 hours, in certain cases. And again, I may be wrong, but I'm certainly not ashamed of myself for taking a literal interpretation of scripture. That's just absurd. And FYI, my "core beliefs" are the gospel of Jesus Christ, which I get from scripture, which I actually believe to be true. My "core beliefs" have nothing to do with a non-essential creation belief that I have.
I may be very wrong. I give you that. But there is nothing wrong with my method. Your method in my opinion however is flawed but you keep to it anyway.
So, my method of interpreting scripture literally as I see it, is flawed. But your method of believing your interpretation of your "anti-creation"(your own words) version of evolution, OVER your interpretation of scripture is ok?
And the thing is I am really not trying to blame you for anything. The reason I chose you or (PC's) as an example to use in my points is nothing else but that, that we are conversing and it represents your position
Thanks for clearing that up. Otherwise, from what you wrote, I would've thought you were blaming me for intentionally twisting scripture to fit what I believe science says, being ashamed of my beliefs, believing that it does make a difference if Adam was real, because that belief is important to NT teachings on sin and redemption, intentionally keeping my interpretation of scripture, even though it's flawed, etc.

I sure am glad you aren't blaming me... :roll:
There is nothing personal here Rick, I have written in a good mood and consider it iron on iron and nothing else. I know these debates get personal but I don't want that. You asked and I have replied with my honest thoughts. These however do not represent the bond we share and that to me is more precious.

I bid you a good day.
Nothing personal from my end either. More than anything I'm just trying to understand your rationale for believing what you do. And, I'm really no closer now, than before.

1) According to Neo, I am ashamed of my Progressive Creation belief. The belief which I arrived at because I believe God is the author of both nature and scripture, and I think PC best shows that.

2) Neo believes scripture clearly points to YEC as being true. But, since that interpretation is at odds with Neo's "anti-creation"(Neo's words) evolutionary beliefs, he's concluded that even though authors believes what they were writing was true, he now knows they were wrong. And what they were writing is wrong. Therefore tossing the inerrancy of scripture right out the window.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by neo-x »

Its a bold position, mine that is, and quite unpopular. I understood the scriptures and I was very interested in evolutionary biology and having studied both I concluded that these just didn't gel together. The science is purely anti-creation and the bible is plainly anti-evolution and pro-creation. More so I realized what the authors of Gen 1 probably thought, they wrote down the story, which was handed down to them via oral traditions. Similar to how Luke wrote his Gospel. In Luke's case though the timeline was a few decades old. Incase of Gen 1, the stories being written down were centuries or more so a millennia old. Too much a of a gap to keep those fully intact.

Ok. Now you're touching on something different. You are saying that the authors of Genesis wrote what they believed were true, but they were probably wrong in what they believed. Which I hope you see, calls the inerrancy of scripture into question.
No, not the inerrancy of the scriptures completely, only of that of Genesis, the adam eve story. The Bible wasn't written by a single person not at a single time, so how does one thing calls into question the books not written by Moses?
Sounds like you're believing in an allegorical interpretation, which is fine if you want to do that. But it contradicts what you said before, about the authors intent being literal.
Never allegories, fiction perhaps, truth mixed with legend but not allegorical.
Since you believe scripture clearly teaches YEC, then I'm going to assume you believe scripture teaches the YEC belief that Adam was the first human. So, then I would naturally take the next step and assume that you believe the author was wrong about Adam being the first human. Which then leads me to think you believe scripture is wrong.
Yes at a certain story it is wrong on some facts.
For instance I am open to idea that Adam and Eve were historical characters, maybe the ancestors who started the Hebrew line. But not that they were the first humans.

Were they specially created as you believe the bible states? Or, were they just evolved humans?
I don't think so, but I am open to that idea in a remote way, its highly unlikely imo. But I think God may have spoken to them.
However the point being the stories were fundamental and Moses wrote those down probably thinking the same, that these things happened as is. I never can imagine he would make these up on the go. That is not even remotely possible. Next he did not mean it as an allegory because if it was allegorical then it went against the oral stories which the people knew, widespread. So he can't make them up, too many people know the stories and he can't call it allegory, there is no motive to do so and again these stories were widespread knowledge.

Again, I'm seeing a theme here. Moses believed what he wrote to be true, but he was wrong. And God allowed false beliefs to be promoted as true?
Yes, just like he let the belief run that sun and the moon stopped and never clarified that it was Earth and moon which did.
1. Adam and Eve were not first humans. No single couple was.

According to evolution, yes. According to what you yourself said that scripture teaches, no. So in your mind, you concluded that evolution is correct, and scripture is wrong.
Yes, Moses sources were centuries old oral stories. Evolution has dna based evidence, which is irrefutable.
No matter what these say about anything they completely fly in the face of Gen 1.

No matter what you say, that's just your interpretation. Plenty of people who understand Hebrew better than you or I disagree with you.
Its not a question of number or authority. Truth will still be truth if no one believed it.
And, I'm not getting into a discussion on yom. I understand that you believe what you think it means. But like I said, people who understand Hebrew much better that you, disagree.
And perhaps they are misguided.
Along with, burning the witch and stoning the prostitute and the homosexual. Or turning the other cheek or being proud and be against divorce instead on when its only allowed to us, or to lie or boast or gossip. Sins we all do everyday, everyone of us, one sin or another, I mean really what's the point of believing in it, when by disobeying we throw the scriptures in the trashcan anyway?

What on earth are you talking about? Are you advocating going back to the OT law, otherwise scripture is trash?
Perhaps you rushed through my post. I suggest you reread it again. I never said anything like that.
Well, even though NT authors believed Adam was real, it makes no difference to you? I hope you see where this logically leads. The NT authors also thought Jesus was real. And our need for redemption was real. I'm not saying that you don't believe we need redemption. I'm just asking you to follow your belief that it doesn't matter if Adam was real.
It doesn't matter what they believed. they also believed that Christ would come back in their life times. Did he?
And thus the scriptures do matter to me. It is out of my respect for those scriptures, that unlike PC's for example, I am not trying to alter the meaning of the words just so it can fit in with the latest scientific findings of the day. I am sure you don't think you are disrespecting scripture even when you don't accept the textual analysis and basis of why yom in Gen 1 can't be penned as more than 24 hours.

Neo, that's just not true. I do not alter the meaning of words to fit science. You seriously believe that? Then you really have no idea what you're talking about. And again, I believe scripture literally teaches that yom does mean something other than 24 hours, in certain cases.
Not consciously you don't. You just call it your interpretation. The fact is there is no biblical merit to say that Gen 1 uses yom as a longer day. That when you choose to not accept, makes a problem and hence my statement that it is 24 hours only where you prefer it would not go against your belief, so in gen 1 you prefer to not use the 24 hour word, which actually is the most strongest contender to be there and you say it "COULD" be translated as a longer day there, hence my conclusion that you fail to accept the meaning for the language and the context and choose to accept the one which fits with your view or latest science.
This quote is extremely telling, and troubling. You are claiming that I am ashamed of the consequences of my position. My position is that I believe God created the universe, and He inspired scripture. And when properly understood, there is no contradiction to what nature tells us, and what scripture tells us. I am ashamed of believing in what I see in nature, and my literal interpretation of scripture? You think I'm ashamed of that?
No, I never said you are ashamed of that. I said that you are ashamed of not believing or admitting that this is as much throwing the scripture in the trashcan as you could. The bible clearly at Gen 1 merits the 24 hour period. There is not even a reason to see why it would call for a vague long age. Add to the fact that authors reference back to the 6 day period later. So not clearly seeing why this is a problem, is a problem.
And this is where I'm supposed to applaud you for your sincerity? You believe as a Christian, that scripture is wrong, because it disagrees with evolution. And I'm the one who's ashamed of my position?
There is nothing to applaud.
Neo, I believe scripture LITERALLY teaches that yom means something other than 24 hours, in certain cases. And again, I may be wrong, but I'm certainly not ashamed of myself for taking a literal interpretation of scripture. That's just absurd. And FYI, my "core beliefs" are the gospel of Jesus Christ, which I get from scripture, which I actually believe to be true. My "core beliefs" have nothing to do with a non-essential creation belief that I have.
Then I hope you understand the same is true for me. Because I can see someone just waiting to ask, not you...that since you don't accept Adam as real, why Christ?
So, my method of interpreting scripture literally as I see it, is flawed. But your method of believing your interpretation of your "anti-creation"(your own words) version of evolution, OVER your interpretation of scripture is ok?
Your method is flawed because you don't give weight to the context, the grammar of Gen 1, you don't give weight to the critical textual analysis and why yom can not mean anything but a 24 hour day.
1) According to Neo, I am ashamed of my Progressive Creation belief. The belief which I arrived at because I believe God is the author of both nature and scripture, and I think PC best shows that.

2) Neo believes scripture clearly points to YEC as being true. But, since that interpretation is at odds with Neo's "anti-creation"(Neo's words) evolutionary beliefs, he's concluded that even though authors believes what they were writing was true, he now knows they were wrong. And what they were writing is wrong. Therefore tossing the inerrancy of scripture right out the window.
1. No, that is a misrepresentation of what I wrote. When you fail to accept that by substituting the meaning of yom you are throwing scripture away. Yet you call is biblical, which you have no license then to.

2. Yes, I addressed it above. My view is not grounded in scripture and I am not ashamed to say that. And at some points you are clearly in the same boat as me, though you don't accept it.

No hard feelings Rick, that is how I see PC, sincere but in error.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by Mallz »

1) According to Neo, I am ashamed of my Progressive Creation belief. The belief which I arrived at because I believe God is the author of both nature and scripture, and I think PC best shows that.

2) Neo believes scripture clearly points to YEC as being true. But, since that interpretation is at odds with Neo's "anti-creation"(Neo's words) evolutionary beliefs, he's concluded that even though authors believes what they were writing was true, he now knows they were wrong. And what they were writing is wrong. Therefore tossing the inerrancy of scripture right out the window.

1. No, that is a misrepresentation of what I wrote. When you fail to accept that by substituting the meaning of yom you are throwing scripture away. Yet you call is biblical, which you have no license then to.

2. Yes, I addressed it above. My view is not grounded in scripture and I am not ashamed to say that. And at some points you are clearly in the same boat as me, though you don't accept it.
I only read these out of the two posts!
Oh that was funny :mrgreen:
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by RickD »

Ok. You seem to be focusing on your idea that I'm throwing scripture away because Genesis 1 can only possibly show that yom means 24 hours. And you said:
The bible clearly at Gen 1 merits the 24 hour period.
So, I'm just going to show anyone who gives a hoot, that Genesis 1 actually doesn't clearly show that yom can only mean 24 hours. And as you may or may not know, by adding the word "clearly" to any assertion, doesn't necessarily make it true. This is just one link that I hope shows that yom meaning 24 hours in Genesis 1, is NOT clear. So, anyone who cares, read this:

And I hope you do realize that by saying Genesis is wrong, you are saying scripture is not inerrant. You don't have to claim all of scripture is not inerrant. If you claim any part of scripture is not inerrant, you are disagreeing with the inerrancy of scripture.

And then you have the logical question that you have to account for: if Genesis is wrong, then on what basis can you possibly claim any part of scripture is correct? You need to deal with that "conundrum". How can you defend the gospel of Jesus Christ, if scripture is wrong?
There's absolutely no reason to believe any of the bible is true, if any of what it teaches, is wrong.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by neo-x »

RickD wrote:Ok. You seem to be focusing on your idea that I'm throwing scripture away because Genesis 1 can only possibly show that yom means 24 hours. And you said:
The bible clearly at Gen 1 merits the 24 hour period.
So, I'm just going to show anyone who gives a hoot, that Genesis 1 actually doesn't clearly show that yom can only mean 24 hours. And as you may or may not know, by adding the word "clearly" to any assertion, doesn't necessarily make it true. This is just one link that I hope shows that yom meaning 24 hours in Genesis 1, is NOT clear. So, anyone who cares, read this:

And I hope you do realize that by saying Genesis is wrong, you are saying scripture is not inerrant. You don't have to claim all of scripture is not inerrant. If you claim any part of scripture is not inerrant, you are disagreeing with the inerrancy of scripture.

And then you have the logical question that you have to account for: if Genesis is wrong, then on what basis can you possibly claim any part of scripture is correct? You need to deal with that "conundrum". How can you defend the gospel of Jesus Christ, if scripture is wrong?

If you claim any part of scripture is not inerrant, you are disagreeing with the inerrancy of scripture.

Can you show me where its written? Where did you come to know its rule I must follow? I am disagreeing with the inerancy of a certain scripture, called Genesis and within that a certain chapters to be specific. I am not disagreeing with the rest. The rest seems fine to me.
IAnd...there's absolutely no reason to believe any of the bible is true, if any of what it teaches, is wrong.
There you go again on that. I really don't see it that way nor I think I am needed to. Just because Moses got one story wrong doesn't mean Luke got his story wrong too. There is no sense to it. I think you don't understand my point when I say all books were not written together so their inerrancy don't lie together.
So, I'm just going to show anyone who gives a hoot, that Genesis 1 actually doesn't clearly show that yom can only mean 24 hours. And as you may or may not know, by adding the word "clearly" to any assertion, doesn't necessarily make it true. This is just one link that I hope shows that yom meaning 24 hours in Genesis 1, is NOT clear. So, anyone who cares, read this:
Yom may mean more than 24 hours days but it depends on context and usage. That is not the case in Gen 1. Infact no one thought of long ages until the age of the earth was discovered to be longer than biblical timelines.

That is the reason why no one in the entire Bible ever suggested that the creation days were not 24 hour days. that is why in the Law, it says that God rested on the 7th day. So we should honor the Sabbath. A clear 24 hours day is in mention yet you deny the clear connection back to to creation days.

Further more, Moses if he meant more than a 24 hour days was clearly unsure then what he was writing about. Infact he clears all the time in 7 days flat and call everything good.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by RickD »

RickD wrote:
If you claim any part of scripture is not inerrant, you are disagreeing with the inerrancy of scripture.

Neo wrote:
Can you show me where its written? Where did you come to know its rule I must follow? I am disagreeing with the inerancy of a certain scripture, called Genesis and within that a certain chapters to be specific. I am not disagreeing with the rest. The rest seems fine to me.
Neo, I came up with it from simple logic. Let me try to show you.

1) you believe there are errors in Genesis

2) Genesis is scripture

3) therefore, you believe scripture is not inerrant

Show me where I'm wrong.
RickD wrote:
And...there's absolutely no reason to believe any of the bible is true, if any of what it teaches, is wrong.

Neo wrote:
There you go again on that. I really don't see it that way nor I think I am needed to. Just because Moses got one story wrong doesn't mean Luke got his story wrong too. There is no sense to it. I think you don't understand my point when I say all books were not written together so their inerrancy don't lie together.
As I said above, Genesis is scripture. You believe Genesis is wrong. You believe scripture is not inerrant. If you believe any part of scripture has errors, that means you believe it's not inerrant. It doesn't matter if one percent is wrong, and the other 99 percent is correct. Would you eat a piece of cake I made for you if I told you there was only a little bit of rat poison in it?
Yom may mean more than 24 hours days but it depends on context and usage. That is not the case in Gen 1. Infact no one thought of long ages until the age of the earth was discovered to be longer than biblical timelines.

That is the reason why no one in the entire Bible ever suggested that the creation days were not 24 hour days. that is why in the Law, it says that God rested on the 7th day. So we should honor the Sabbath. A clear 24 hours day is in mention yet you deny the clear connection back to to creation days.
God also instituted a sabbath year for the land to rest. Work the land for 6 years, and let it rest on the 7th year. And slaves were to work for their masters for 6 years, and were to be set free on the 7th year. It's a six to one pattern that was followed. I do not deny the connection to creation days. I can see the six to one pattern.
Further more, Moses if he meant more than a 24 hour days was clearly unsure then what he was writing about. Infact he clears all the time in 7 days flat and call everything good.
Not sure what you're saying here. If you are referring to Genesis 1:31
31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Again, Moses doesn't say 24 hour day. He used the word Yom. And you know Yom has more than one literal meaning. If you want to believe Moses meant a 24 hour day, then you can do that. But you cannot say that Moses said 24 hour day, when he said Yom.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by abelcainsbrother »

RickD wrote:
ACB wrote:
Water in outer space confirms this biblical prediction that Moses could not have known without inspiration of God.Moses was right claiming water is in outer space but also the planet Mars used to have water on it,now this baffles secular scientists who wonder where the water went,we if God flooded both the heavens and the earth and removed the water?this is why Mars no longer has water on it,that baffles scientists.
So I have produced scientific evidence to back up Lucifer's flood.
You are saying God took water from Mars, and used it to flood the earth? Water floated 140,000,000 miles through outer space and came to earth. And you call that scientific evidence?
No.That is not what I said.The point about Mars is just a possible answer to where the water on Mars went?That has baffeled scientists,but I believe the heavens and earth were flooded and this would explain water on Mars,the when God cleaned up the mess he removed the water from Mars.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by RickD »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
RickD wrote:
ACB wrote:
Water in outer space confirms this biblical prediction that Moses could not have known without inspiration of God.Moses was right claiming water is in outer space but also the planet Mars used to have water on it,now this baffles secular scientists who wonder where the water went,we if God flooded both the heavens and the earth and removed the water?this is why Mars no longer has water on it,that baffles scientists.
So I have produced scientific evidence to back up Lucifer's flood.
You are saying God took water from Mars, and used it to flood the earth? Water floated 140,000,000 miles through outer space and came to earth. And you call that scientific evidence?
No.That is not what I said.The point about Mars is just a possible answer to where the water on Mars went?That has baffeled scientists,but I believe the heavens and earth were flooded and this would explain water on Mars,the when God cleaned up the mess he removed the water from Mars.
Why do you think the heavens were flooded? Doesn't the bible say that the floodgates of the heavens opened up? That just means it rained really hard. It doesn't mean it rained on outer space.

The floodgates of the heavens opened up, just means it freaking poured.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by abelcainsbrother »

RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
RickD wrote:
ACB wrote:
Water in outer space confirms this biblical prediction that Moses could not have known without inspiration of God.Moses was right claiming water is in outer space but also the planet Mars used to have water on it,now this baffles secular scientists who wonder where the water went,we if God flooded both the heavens and the earth and removed the water?this is why Mars no longer has water on it,that baffles scientists.
So I have produced scientific evidence to back up Lucifer's flood.
You are saying God took water from Mars, and used it to flood the earth? Water floated 140,000,000 miles through outer space and came to earth. And you call that scientific evidence?
No.That is not what I said.The point about Mars is just a possible answer to where the water on Mars went?That has baffeled scientists,but I believe the heavens and earth were flooded and this would explain water on Mars,the when God cleaned up the mess he removed the water from Mars.
Why do you think the heavens were flooded? Doesn't the bible say that the floodgates of the heavens opened up? That just means it rained really hard. It doesn't mean it rained on outer space.

The floodgates of the heavens opened up, just means it freaking poured.
Floodgates of heaven is referring to Noah's flood and I do believe the floodgates of heaven were opened up in Noah's flood but only the earth was flooded in Noah's flood and this world did not perish in Noah's flood.In the flood in 2nd Peter 3:5-7 it describes a flood in which both the heavens that were of old and the earth were flooded causing the former world to perish,and going by the NASB the earth was formed out of these waters that flooded both the heavens and the earth that caused the former world to perish and this is pointing to Genesis 1 not Noah's flood,because the earth wass not formed out of the flood waters of Noah's flood,so we cannot stick Noah's flood here.

This is pointing to a much,much worse flood than Noah's flood and we call this flood Lucifer's flood even though it is not mentioned in the bible,like trinity,or rapture,it is by interpretation that we call this flood Lucifer's flood which caused the former world to perish.
I have already explained this much better in previous posts as there are more scripture to consider.This is a brief explanation.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by abelcainsbrother »

OK I'm going to clarify two biblical points I made about both Moses and Peter telling of a former world perishing.I will not use the KJV either to make my points because I'd be looked at as a KJV- onlyist and I know that the KJV is not read much here so I'll use the NIV to make my points backing up a former world perishing from both Peter and Moses,this is the OT and the NT revealing it.

OK 2nd Peter 3:5-6 From the NIV version of the bible. "But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.
This tells us that the waters that deluged and destroyed the world were the same waters that the earth was formed out of.Now if we read about Noah's flood the earth was not formed out of waters so we must look for another flood that caused this world to perish.The only other flood we can find is in Genesis 1. In verse 1 the earth is dry land "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth( dry land).How do we know the earth is "dry land"?verse 9-10 "And God said,Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place,and let dry ground appear."And it was so.God called the dry ground "land,"and the gathered waters he called " seas." And God saw that it was good.
Yet in verse 2 the very next verse the earth is flooded and covered with water"Now the earth was formless and empty,darkness was over the surface of the deep,and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
It should be pointed out the earth is both covered in water and frozen because of no sunlight or light from any light.
And the earth is formed out of this water that Peter told us about above,go back and re-read it above.On the 2nd day "And God said,"Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water."So God made(not create,but made)the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the waters that were above it. And it was so.I already posted verse 9-10 above so no need go back and read it again,my point is the earth is formed out of the waters that deluged and destroyed the former world Peter told us about above.

OK so here is Peter revealing a flood that destroyed the world,this did not happen in Noah's flood go to Genesis 7 and read and you'll see that life survives Noah's flood,there were animals,etc on the ark and man that survived it and no water was removed off of the earth,this world did not perish,Noah stepped out of the ark on the same earth he stepped on when he entered the ark.

Now here is Moses revealing a flood which destroyed all life.Genesis 9:11"I will establish my covenant with you:Never again will ALL life be cut off by the waters of a flood( the flood that deluged and destroyed the former world in which all life died)never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."(Noah's flood)15."I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life."
This reveals that Moses know of a flood in which all life perished and died and this was the flood that destroyed the former world.God spared this world and kept it going so not all life perished and so that Jesus would be born.

But here is both Peter and Moses revealing a flood that caused the former world to perish and all life to die in it.So we have both the NT and OT revealing Lucifer's flood.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by neo-x »

As I said above, Genesis is scripture. You believe Genesis is wrong. You believe scripture is not inerrant. If you believe any part of scripture has errors, that means you believe it's not inerrant. It doesn't matter if one percent is wrong, and the other 99 percent is correct. Would you eat a piece of cake I made for you if I told you there was only a little bit of rat poison in it?
Rick, that is not good reasoning at all. The proper thing to say would be that the cake has 66 layers, all prepared by different chef in different bakeries at different times. So yes if I found or you told me that one certain of the cake layers have poison in it, I will simply ignore that layer.
God also instituted a sabbath year for the land to rest. Work the land for 6 years, and let it rest on the 7th year. And slaves were to work for their masters for 6 years, and were to be set free on the 7th year. It's a six to one pattern that was followed. I do not deny the connection to creation days. I can see the six to one pattern.
Patterns have no significance here, nor contextually they ever have an importance outside of their specific contexts. I will ask you simply if you think one year pattern then also be used in Gen 1. But you won't agree and you might say it won't fit. The context of Gen 1 is important, what later patterns hold on their own do not account for anything unless they are directly applicable here. Which they aren't.

Infact how do you justify morning and evening.How do you justify exodus 20:11

"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

Do you mean to say that days here are long ages?
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
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and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: The Gap theory

Post by RickD »

RickD wrote:
As I said above, Genesis is scripture. You believe Genesis is wrong. You believe scripture is not inerrant. If you believe any part of scripture has errors, that means you believe it's not inerrant. It doesn't matter if one percent is wrong, and the other 99 percent is correct. Would you eat a piece of cake I made for you if I told you there was only a little bit of rat poison in it?

Neo wrote:
Rick, that is not good reasoning at all. The proper thing to say would be that the cake has 66 layers, all prepared by different chef in different bakeries at different times. So yes if I found or you told me that one certain of the cake layers have poison in it, I will simply ignore that layer.
My point is that the book of Genesis is scripture. If you think Genesis has mistakes, then you think Scripture isn't inerrant. Or perhaps you don't think Genesis belongs as part of scripture.
RickD wrote:
God also instituted a sabbath year for the land to rest. Work the land for 6 years, and let it rest on the 7th year. And slaves were to work for their masters for 6 years, and were to be set free on the 7th year. It's a six to one pattern that was followed. I do not deny the connection to creation days. I can see the six to one pattern.
Neo wrote:
Patterns have no significance here, nor contextually they ever have an importance outside of their specific contexts. I will ask you simply if you think one year pattern then also be used in Gen 1. But you won't agree and you might say it won't fit. The context of Gen 1 is important, what later patterns hold on their own do not account for anything unless they are directly applicable here. Which they aren't.
I don't understand what you're saying Neo. The 6 to 1, six days of God creating, to one day of rest, is a pattern that was used in scripture. For Israel to use as a pattern in their work week(6 days of work to 1 day of rest). For Israel to use as a pattern to give land a rest(6 years of sowing and reaping to 1 year of rest). As a pattern for slaves(6 Years of work to rest/freedom the 7th year). The 6 to 1 pattern is for remembrance of Creation(6 days), as well as a foreshadowing of Christ(Sabbath rest).
Infact how do you justify morning and evening.How do you justify exodus 20:11

"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

Do you mean to say that days here are long ages?
Of course I would say the days are long ages. That's probably a universal belief among Day Age/Progressive Creationists. That's what the "Day Age" means.

And as I said above, God's resting from His creating on the 7th day, is a foreshadowing of our rest in Christ. Christ is the Sabbath.


My point is this...You cannot say any part of scripture is wrong, and still hold to inerrancy of scripture. it's just not logical.

So again, your belief that evolution takes precedence over scripture, is a SERIOUS problem. I can't see how you can live with it. I really don't see any way out of the problem you have gotten yourself into.

It seems pretty obvious to me, that either your interpretation of nature(evolution) is wrong, or your interpretation of scripture is wrong. And as bad as THAT is, if you believe your interpretations of both are correct, you have much greater problems. MUCH GREATER.

I don't know how you can live with that contradiction. If it were me, I'd not stop until I figured out were my error was. I guess that's just the way my mind works. If something isn't logical, I figure out what's wrong.
John 5:24
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Re: The Gap theory

Post by Philip »

Rick: It seems pretty obvious to me, that either your interpretation of nature(evolution) is wrong, or your interpretation of scripture is wrong. And as bad as THAT is, if you believe your interpretations of both are correct, you have much greater problems. MUCH GREATER.

I don't know how you can live with that contradiction. If it were me, I'd not stop until I figured out were my error was. I guess that's just the way my mind works. If something isn't logical, I figure out what's wrong.
I've not had time to follow the recent posts of this thread closely, but I did immediately see some problems with Neo's assertions.

First, Neo claims that the text of the Genesis Creation accounts cannot possibly be meant to convey long periods of time for the days, that it's a forced reading of the text. Rubbish! Scholars like Gleason Archer, Norman Geisler, William Lane Craig, many others, confirm that the text most certainly could be referring to very long periods. We know that there is much figurative and symbolic language in Scripture that has a deeper meaning. Geisler, a most ardent believer that Scripture is ALL "God-breathed," says he has studied the issue for 50 years and says that there is no definitive answer as to the age and that the text most certainly CAN, REASONABLY support long periods for the days. So, right off, we know that NEO isn't any smarter than such theologians whose careers have revolved around studying theology. Also, such scholars are exceptionally knowledgeable about the original languages. Michael Heiser, one of the world's foremost scholars (and an evangelical Christian) on the subject of the original languages and cultures of the Bible says that Genesis was NOT written as a science book - the context was pre-scientific people who have just come out of absorbing 400+ years of pagan creation myths. In fact, other scholars (Dr. Johnny Miller amongst them), has laid out in great detail how the Genesis texts shadow the pagan creation myths prevalent prior to Israel's Egyptian bondage. The Genesis Creation accounts are INCREDIBLY similar, EXCEPT, that in the Genesis accounts, Yahweh is not PART of the Creation, He stands outside of and is the One responsible for it. He is the ONLY God. So, the context may well also be to correct the THEOLOGICAL misunderstandings by beginning with what the Israelites already had absorbed and thought. They weren't designed to convey accurate scientific understandings to a pre-scientific culture that has long thought (at the time of Moses) of how things came to be in light of the common creation myths that had been drilled into them by the ancient Near Eastern cultures and Egypt. And, before Moses and Genesis, they had absolutely no understandings about the details of the Creation process.

Luke's New Testament genealogy begins with Adam and links him to Christ. Is Jesus linked to a real man's lineage or not? When Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled (Mat 5:17-18), we know precisely what The Law included, and Jesus said it was ALL of God and will ALL come to pass. Does He associate Himself with books filled with errors, myths and fabrications? Would He not differentiate where the problem passages were? Can God create a UNIVERSE but not control His own Word - the one He came to DIE a hideous, shameful and painful death for? Does God create on such a breathtaking scale, controlled by His fixed parameters down to the smallest design and functionality, and yet gets sloppy with how His Word gets distorted and mixed up with all kinds of inaccuracies and lies. Just think of the hideous things people might do if they are following lies instead of truth? Is God all powerful or not? Does He have the power to protect His word, or not? Could He create in any way possible or not? We are human, could we expect to correctly fathom how and what God did nearly 14 billion years back? Did He do it ALL by what He installed in nature, or did He do some as Genesis tells us He did for Adam & Ave - instantly, miraculously. It seems that the Creation of the Universe and so many things about prophecy, the Resurrection, etc, defy natural means and processes - not all, mind you, but quite a few things that only a God could do. All that, and one thinks God had to do things like this or that, or yet reading about them can't be the true accounts.

What does it say about God if He allowed His word to get turbo-blended with copious amounts of fiction, inaccuracies and outright lies? And THEN, He comes to earth and fails to warn us about this situation - making sure we knew that the Bible was a mixed bag - some truth, many myths, copious lies, and one heck of a lot of creative writing. This view of how God has supposedly treated Scripture makes absolutely no sense of what we know about God's Holy character. Even us corrupt mortals would have shown more diligence over protecting something important as our personal communications to those we love, as we would want to make sure the care, time and effort of our communications weren't ruined or rendered ineffective by others with nefarious intentions. Or that we aren't damaged or hurt by following dangerous teachings from who knows what sources of who knows what evil intent. My suspicion of an error-filled Bible would be that 1) God COULDN'T involve men and also protect His Holy Word; 2) That His word wasn't even IMPORTANT enough for Him to protect. 3) His love isn't very hands or concerned of how we might foolishly conduct our lives if we are applying fiction, lies and myths to our personal behavior, AS IF they are treasured truths from the mind of God Himself.

If an error-filled Bible, how do I know what is true and what is not? Did Jesus really overcome death? Were the writings of the Apostles just their own opinions? How many practices that I think are righteous are instead abominations in God's eyes - as what is recorded in the Bible's moral teachings may just be a load of worthless, even dangerous, stuff! If error-filled and I can't really know which is truth, myth, lies, evil or good, who must determine and define the differences? Because if Scripture can't be depended upon to reveal truths and moral maxims, then I must decide which is which, what behaviors are good, bad, admirable, unacceptable, etc. I become the little god who decides the standards - that is, if we can't depend upon many parts of the Bible as actually being God's Word.
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