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Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:55 pm
by RickD
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
Let me know if you are open to the possibility that all you believe about the nature of God, and the very existence of same may be 100% wrong.
So now you're willing to discuss metaphysics and how it pertains to God? Good. It's about time!

you didnt answer the Q.
I didn't know you were asking me. But since you asked, I'm 100% sure that I'm not 100% wrong with my beliefs about the nature of God.

While the concept itself can be pretty deep and somewhat difficult to understand, My beliefs about the nature of God are based on pretty simple logic.

And believe me, if it's not simple, I'm not going to understand it.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:22 pm
by 1over137
I am open to the possiblity. But I doubt it on 100% ;)

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:36 pm
by Philip
And, let's be clear: ANYONE reading this forum is aware of the basic, crucial words of the Gospel, as I would say virtually is anyone in the media-connected, Internet-using world. So whatever possibilities the Lord might allow for people in some remote, isolated hut, say, in some jungle in Borneo (where, by the way, there are many Christians), and places where they've never heard the Gospel and have no current way of hearing it, for whom discuss here, on this forum, and across the connected world, ARE very aware of the Gospel and Jesus. It's just that they either deny or avoid it the details (which are both rejections of God). And, so, for our purposes here, there is no excuse of ignorance, as they have all the opportunity to understand the Gospel, whether we're speaking of Audie or anyone else.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:14 pm
by Audie
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
Let me know if you are open to the possibility that all you believe about the nature of God, and the very existence of same may be 100% wrong.
So now you're willing to discuss metaphysics and how it pertains to God? Good. It's about time!

you didnt answer the Q.
I didn't know you were asking me. But since you asked, I'm 100% sure that I'm not 100% wrong with my beliefs about the nature of God.

While the concept itself can be pretty deep and somewhat difficult to understand, My beliefs about the nature of God are based on pretty simple logic.

And believe me, if it's not simple, I'm not going to understand it.

Ok so keeping it simple, its impossible for you to be wrong.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:15 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Philip wrote:And, let's be clear: ANYONE reading this forum is aware of the basic, crucial words of the Gospel, as I would say virtually is anyone in the media-connected, Internet-using world. So whatever possibilities the Lord might allow for people in some remote, isolated hut, say, in some jungle in Borneo (where, by the way, there are many Christians), and places where they've never heard the Gospel and have no current way of hearing it, for whom discuss here, on this forum, and across the connected world, ARE very aware of the Gospel and Jesus. It's just that they either deny or avoid it the details (which are both rejections of God). And, so, for our purposes here, there is no excuse of ignorance, as they have all the opportunity to understand the Gospel, whether we're speaking of Audie or anyone else.

I think you misunderstand my position, but hey none of us are perfect. y@};-

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:15 pm
by Audie
Philip wrote:And, let's be clear: ANYONE reading this forum is aware of the basic, crucial words of the Gospel, as I would say virtually is anyone in the media-connected, Internet-using world. So whatever possibilities the Lord might allow for people in some remote, isolated hut, say, in some jungle in Borneo (where, by the way, there are many Christians), and places where they've never heard the Gospel and have no current way of hearing it, for whom discuss here, on this forum, and across the connected world, ARE very aware of the Gospel and Jesus. It's just that they either deny or avoid it the details (which are both rejections of God). And, so, for our purposes here, there is no excuse of ignorance, as they have all the opportunity to understand the Gospel, whether we're speaking of Audie or anyone else.
Its clear that this is what you think.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:29 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Audie wrote: Pointing to flaws in analogies is tiresome, but air is most tangible, That is a very different sort of faith.
All analogies have flaws.................... :ebiggrin:

Also, I recognize no instinct in myself that declares there to be a god. I do agree there is something generally inate in people tho, that thinks of gods. It seems universal among cultures to have supernatural beliefs. What that means exactly, I dont know.

Why do you think you are on this forum Audie, you are searching for God, that is the innate knowledge inside of you. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has set eternity into your heart, why do you think mankind is so obsessed with living longer, because we were not made to die but instead were made with an eternal soul and because of that we seek God.

With regard to changing lives..

I dont know what it is that changes people sometimes. Human psychology is harder than particle physics. If placing trust in God would consistently get results with drug and alcohol abuse, then I would think there is something real going on..probably.
The AA, NAA and other affiliated programs which were created by Christians are the most successful programs ever, they are so successful because their main focus is submitting to God of your own understanding.
As it is, the intractable problems like substance abuse and mental illness are untouched. Similar to how missing legs are not grown back tho other ills are said to be miraculously cured.
This is always a tough question and I don't really have an answer other than God is not a magic genie and suffering is not in and of itself evil or morally wrong (at least I don't believe so).
If you guys are on to something, I'd be glad to hop on as best I can. So far, I just dont see it, at all.
No worries Audie I am sure you will find your way, nothing I could ever do or say will sway you towards Christ, that is a decision you must make yourself. y@};-

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:30 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Jac3510 wrote:The real question is what is the "will of my Father" in Matt 7. I would submit that goes back to the false prophets of v. 15 and so the good tree/bad tree analogy. The fruit of the prophet is his doctrine, not his behavior. And, in fact, we see that the condemned who did not do the will of the Father had right behavior. They thought their works would save them, but it would and could not because they had not believed the gospel.

All this is very good OT theology. See Deut 13. So the will of the Father in Matt 7 is to believe what Jesus is telling them, ultimately, to believe that Jesus is the Christ. That's why the very next thing Jesus says is, "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Notice, by the way, the further context. In Matt 3:16, the Father testifies of the Son. In Matt 4:17, Jesus declares His message (consistent with OT theology) to repent because the Kingdom was there in Himself. In Matt 5, as Jesus begins the Sermon, the text says that He opened His mouth and began to teach (a phrase only used there). Notice that back during the temptation Jesus said that we are to live on the words that come from God's mouth.

The point? To do the will of the Father, again, is to listen to Jesus--not just to at like He wants you to act. It is to place your faith in Him, that He is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the Living God (and so, later, the great confession of Peter). Nothing less is the will of God--not as Jesus meant it in Matt 7.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:34 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Kurieuo wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:The will of the Father is to believe and listen to His Son.
John 6:40
In reference to:
D220 wrote:Faith is trust, to trust Christ, you must know him, you know Christ by doing the will of the father, so you do God's will no matter what, even if it risks your life.
is a little tautologous, right?
I agree and like I have said time and again, if someone has heard Christ's message and rejects it then they were never saved.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:35 pm
by RickD
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
Let me know if you are open to the possibility that all you believe about the nature of God, and the very existence of same may be 100% wrong.
So now you're willing to discuss metaphysics and how it pertains to God? Good. It's about time!

you didnt answer the Q.
I didn't know you were asking me. But since you asked, I'm 100% sure that I'm not 100% wrong with my beliefs about the nature of God.

While the concept itself can be pretty deep and somewhat difficult to understand, My beliefs about the nature of God are based on pretty simple logic.

And believe me, if it's not simple, I'm not going to understand it.

Ok so keeping it simple, its impossible for you to be wrong.
You asked if I'm open to the possibility that what I believe may be 100% wrong. I never said that I may not be wrong about certain things. And I certainly never said that it's impossible for me to be wrong.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:45 pm
by Audie
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Audie wrote: Pointing to flaws in analogies is tiresome, but air is most tangible, That is a very different sort of faith.
All analogies have flaws.................... :ebiggrin:

Also, I recognize no instinct in myself that declares there to be a god. I do agree there is something generally inate in people tho, that thinks of gods. It seems universal among cultures to have supernatural beliefs. What that means exactly, I dont know.

Why do you think you are on this forum Audie, you are searching for God, that is the innate knowledge inside of you. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has set eternity into your heart, why do you think mankind is so obsessed with living longer, because we were not made to die but instead were made with an eternal soul and because of that we seek God.

With regard to changing lives..

I dont know what it is that changes people sometimes. Human psychology is harder than particle physics. If placing trust in God would consistently get results with drug and alcohol abuse, then I would think there is something real going on..probably.
The AA, NAA and other affiliated programs which were created by Christians are the most successful programs ever, they are so successful because their main focus is submitting to God of your own understanding.
As it is, the intractable problems like substance abuse and mental illness are untouched. Similar to how missing legs are not grown back tho other ills are said to be miraculously cured.
This is always a tough question and I don't really have an answer other than God is not a magic genie and suffering is not in and of itself evil or morally wrong (at least I don't believe so).
If you guys are on to something, I'd be glad to hop on as best I can. So far, I just dont see it, at all.
No worries Audie I am sure you will find your way, nothing I could ever do or say will sway you towards Christ, that is a decision you must make yourself. y@};-

The reason that faith healing-cures do not show up in the AMA journal, or Lancet is kind of obvious, isnt it? Same as for why legs dont grow back.

Im sure people recover from their addictions in a number of ways. "The most" successful in the USA might be what, 1% better than some other program? 88%? Anecdotes are just anecdotes unless some math can be applied.

Mao's drug counseling was the most successful ever, if you want to go by numbers.

Right now I need to find my way home and get some rest. Im for sure getting sick.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:50 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Audie wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Audie wrote: Pointing to flaws in analogies is tiresome, but air is most tangible, That is a very different sort of faith.
All analogies have flaws.................... :ebiggrin:

Also, I recognize no instinct in myself that declares there to be a god. I do agree there is something generally inate in people tho, that thinks of gods. It seems universal among cultures to have supernatural beliefs. What that means exactly, I dont know.

Why do you think you are on this forum Audie, you are searching for God, that is the innate knowledge inside of you. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has set eternity into your heart, why do you think mankind is so obsessed with living longer, because we were not made to die but instead were made with an eternal soul and because of that we seek God.

With regard to changing lives..

I dont know what it is that changes people sometimes. Human psychology is harder than particle physics. If placing trust in God would consistently get results with drug and alcohol abuse, then I would think there is something real going on..probably.
The AA, NAA and other affiliated programs which were created by Christians are the most successful programs ever, they are so successful because their main focus is submitting to God of your own understanding.
As it is, the intractable problems like substance abuse and mental illness are untouched. Similar to how missing legs are not grown back tho other ills are said to be miraculously cured.
This is always a tough question and I don't really have an answer other than God is not a magic genie and suffering is not in and of itself evil or morally wrong (at least I don't believe so).
If you guys are on to something, I'd be glad to hop on as best I can. So far, I just dont see it, at all.
No worries Audie I am sure you will find your way, nothing I could ever do or say will sway you towards Christ, that is a decision you must make yourself. y@};-

The reason that faith healing-cures do not show up in the AMA journal, or Lancet is kind of obvious, isnt it? Same as for why legs dont grow back.

Im sure people recover from their addictions in a number of ways. "The most" successful in the USA might be what, 1% better than some other program? 88%? Anecdotes are just anecdotes unless some math can be applied.

Mao's drug counseling was the most successful ever, if you want to go by numbers.

Right now I need to find my way home and get some rest. Im for sure getting sick.

No worries Audie, get some rest and peace to you.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:54 pm
by Philip
Right now I need to find my way home and get some rest. Im for sure getting sick.
Audie, safe travels and hope you'll be feeling better soon! Hopefully, by now, you realize that we do not view you as some kind of adversary but as one we deeply care about, who likely needs a bit of tough love and accountability for consistency (as we all do, from time to time) :D .

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:21 pm
by Audie
Philip wrote:
Right now I need to find my way home and get some rest. Im for sure getting sick.
Audie, safe travels and hope you'll be feeling better soon! Hopefully, by now, you realize that we do not view you as some kind of adversary but as one we deeply care about, who likely needs a bit of tough love and accountability for consistency (as we all do, from time to time) :D .

Thanks phil. Im going to get emotional now. signing off fast.

Re: Why the Bible is true...

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:44 pm
by Kurieuo
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:The will of the Father is to believe and listen to His Son.
John 6:40
In reference to:
D220 wrote:Faith is trust, to trust Christ, you must know him, you know Christ by doing the will of the father, so you do God's will no matter what, even if it risks your life.
is a little tautologous, right?
I agree and like I have said time and again, if someone has heard Christ's message and rejects it then they were never saved.
I thought that's kind of what you were changing your opinion on. :lol:

But, anyway, I'm sure we'll clash again sometime on this. :)