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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:07 pm
by thesign
crochet1949 wrote:Thanks RickD. -- do You see a conspiracy theory in those verses. Actually there Is a difference in the last line of the 2nd verse.
But -- what does 'thesign' see as a conspiracy theory.

Just wondering.
It isn't a theory.

Check your versions listed, they all have interposed the use of the word 'vile' from verse 20 to verse 21, or as in other cases, done away with it altogether.

That error began as early as 1535 A.D. with the printing of the Coverdale Bible and his been, moreover, consistent than not.

Getting back to those demons at wikipedia that can't give an accurate report through RickD, there'll be out in the streets when the power goes out during the Three Days of Darkness, May 5-7, 2016 A.D. . . .

groping, as usual.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:12 pm
by Philip
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll:

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:14 am
by Storyteller
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll:
Me too.

And I`m slightly disconcerted because 5 May is my wedding anniversary :(

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:51 am
by melanie
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:16 am
by Nessa
images (50).jpg
images (50).jpg (8.49 KiB) Viewed 3421 times

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:20 am
by Storyteller
Nessa wrote:The.sign...
images (50).jpg


Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:41 am
by thesign
Storyteller wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll:
Me too.

And I`m slightly disconcerted because 5 May is my wedding anniversary :(
In the Day of the Lord Cruise link deleted by moderator. is included one Don Rickles, comedian, who, after such inclusion, I noticed had the birthday of May 8 . . .

and then there is this :

link deleted by moderator. Thesign, this forum will not be used to promote your warped theology.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:52 am
by thesign
melanie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess
So now you're a self-proclaimed psychiatrist besides being a hooker.

Geez, poop, I forgot about that one.

And it laughs and writes "no disrespect".

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:55 am
by Storyteller
thesign wrote:
melanie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess
So now you're a self-proclaimed psychiatrist besides being a hooker.

Geez, poop, I forgot about that one.

And it laughs and writes "no disrespect".
I have reported your post @thesign

How DARE you call mel a hooker? She is one of the most genuine, kind hearted posters on here.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:06 am
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:
thesign wrote:
melanie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess
So now you're a self-proclaimed psychiatrist besides being a hooker.

Geez, poop, I forgot about that one.

And it laughs and writes "no disrespect".
I have reported your post @thesign

How DARE you call mel a hooker? She is one of the most genuine, kind hearted posters on here.
What, hookers can't be genuine and kind hearted?
FYI, I'm not calling Mel a hooker. And,
I think thesign's post was a response to Mel calling him delusional, and not "your run of the mill 'crazy'".

Crazy man, please don't call Mel a hooker.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:37 am
by melanie
thesign wrote:
melanie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess
So now you're a self-proclaimed psychiatrist besides being a hooker.

Geez, poop, I forgot about that one.

And it laughs and writes "no disrespect".

The sign
I am tempted to laugh......
Which I did when I read your reply
There is no animosity on my behalf.
I extend to you goodwill and humour
Which I'm very graciously offering you on my behalf
I assure you in not a hooker..... Hahaha
I'm actually still laughing a little
Not quite sure how to reply but giving you a slap up side the head whilst laughing and extending a friendly wake the f**k up and realise we can be your friends if you stop insulting
Peace y@};-

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:41 am
by Storyteller
melanie wrote:
thesign wrote:
melanie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess
So now you're a self-proclaimed psychiatrist besides being a hooker.

Geez, poop, I forgot about that one.

And it laughs and writes "no disrespect".

The sign
I am tempted to laugh......
Which I did when I read your reply
There is no animosity on my behalf.
I extend to you goodwill and humour
Which I'm very graciously offering you on my behalf
I assure you in not a hooker..... Hahaha
I'm actually still laughing a little
Not quite sure how to reply but giving you a slap up side the head whilst laughing and extending a friendly wake the f**k up and realise we can be your friends if you stop insulting
Peace y@};-

I love you y>:D<

The grace you have just shown is truly beautiful.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:53 am
by RickD
Excuse me Ms. Mel,

Please don't use the f-bomb.

Thank you,


Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:01 am
by melanie
RickD wrote:Excuse me Ms. Mel,

Please don't use the f-bomb.

Thank you,

Thanks for the head up Rick :mrgreen:
I will refrain in future
I didn't actually use it, but used **** instead

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:03 am
by thesign
Storyteller wrote:
thesign wrote:
melanie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Crazy s**t, huh?
Uh, yeah, I certainly concur with that analysis! :roll: disrespect but when I read previous posts on this thread that was the one line line that stood out to me.
'The sign' was using the humour deliberately I'm sure.
Crazy [poop], huh
I can't work this bloke out....
Delusional no doubt, but not your run of mill 'crazy', not by a long a shot
Takes all sorts I guess
So now you're a self-proclaimed psychiatrist besides being a hooker.

Geez, poop, I forgot about that one.

And it laughs and writes "no disrespect".
I have reported your post @thesign

How DARE you call mel a hooker? She is one of the most genuine, kind hearted posters on here.
It isn't difficult given its [the hooker's] 'diagnosis' [unnecessary use of force] against me, nor the same to rank you as anything better.

I watched Dr. Carson last evening speak about the need to keep white trash like yourselves from committing internet crime, though, given your attitude, come the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., you'll have far worse than anything the good doctor can do unless you repent.

Admittedly, you are fulfilling Daniel 11:21 in your hatred, but that still doesn't exonerate you from internet crime.

You chum it up like you're those 'kind hearted' posters you claim to be, but at the end of the day you're nothing but a bunch of lying, thieving, murdering cyberdevils, the same as those shown at wiki.