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Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:11 pm
by Byblos
Adam_777 wrote:Since you think people can't scroll and review, I'll save them some time:
Byblos wrote:I spent an hour yesterday listening to a link you (or jlay I'm not sure) provided (the biologist turned YEC Christian) and it was an hour wasted as nothing of any value was discussed other than the usual gibberish we hear from YECers how we're not Christian because we don't believe God could have done it in 6 days.
What did you say was discussed in that Seminar?... Well, the part highlighted in red. Byblos, a simple apology would be satisfactory unless of course you have an ax to grind.
The part highlighted in red is your cherry picking. You neglected to highlight the subject of the statement, that being that God could have done it in 6 days. That's what YECers accuse us of doing all the time. But I guess I will have to go back and listen to that sermon a second time. Will get back to you on this by Monday.

And Adam, trust me when I tell you when my ax is ground someone will be cut down. This is not the case.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:22 pm
by Adam_777
That is still there in my own quote! and you're completely grasping at straws because the lie is that Gary Parker said nothing useful (which is also arrogant and wrong because he says many things you should even agree with) and that his accusation was against OEC and it was the usual gibberish that you aren't a Christian which is a total lie, and you know it.

Here is the seminar in dispute if anyone wants to see that byblos is covering up a misrepresentation: ... 8540143&ei

It's a shame that we can respect and use many of the useful aspects of fellow Christians work, even when they disagree with things we feel strongly as YECs but YECs must be belittled and disregarded as unserious Christians, calling what they say "usual gibberish" maybe you're trying hard to sway an onlookers opinion before they even review the arguments to bolster their presuppositions if they lean in a OEC direction. Oh well, if that's what you have to do to defend a failing theory, so be it.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:44 pm
by dayage

The Bible says that the laws governing the heavens and earth are constant (Jere. 33:25).

The last link you gave shows many ways to test the constants and none have been found to vary.

The Big Bang light problem has been solved: ... tion-model

I'll add more later

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:53 pm
by Adam_777
Take a good epistemological base and then pile on the assumptions with no regard for what is happening. ;) This debate really takes place in the uncritically accepted world of presuppositions. Presuppositions are good and necessary but dangerous if unacknowledged and misunderstood. The cosmic background radiation is about as inconclusive as it gets with loud ballyhoos of certainty slapped onto it. It's interesting, it's good to have some understanding about it but looking at background radiation doesn't have smoking gun status and anyone who thinks it does, isn't looking at the limited scope of what's observed.

As for laws...If a skier is skiing down a hill and he's speeding up are the laws changing?

The idea that YEC ideas are violating the laws of God can be used to say that miracles also violate the laws of God, right?

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:01 pm
by zoegirl
adam wrote:onlookers opinion before they even review the arguments to bolster their presuppositions if they lean in a OEC direction. Oh well, if that's what you have to do to defend a failing theory, so be it.
wow, golly gee, I guess that's it...

Failing, huh?

adam wrote:That whole argument is so wrong that I can apply it to your own assumptions and it produces the exact same "problem". According to that poorly reasoned article, God is a liar because we are seeing light from things that may or may not be there and we don't know for sure. Zoegirl, if we see a nova take place next week then God was lying for the entire time because that nova was actually there when we were deceived into thinking it was actually a star because that's what we saw.
Adam, it's as simple as this. If God created light in transit (which even you admitted had problems!), then what we are seeing isn't there, God has to have created an illusion. Do you really want to support a model of the universe that says that we CAN"T TRUST WHAT WE SEE BECAUSE GOD IS FOOLING US? The God of the Bible is a trustworthy God and He has created a trustworthy creation.

It just seems positively silly the absurd lengths that are traveled to to prop up a failing science of YEC. I have said this before. Much of Young earth creationism math is bad...see the link I provided earlier. ... #Fallacies

For example
A large class of "evidences" presented by young-Earth advocates involve measuring rates of various Earth processes, then attempting to extrapolate them backwards for millions of years. Generally, the purpose is to show that the process in question would build up to absurdity if it were allowed to continue through "evolutionary timescales." The fallacy of most claims of this type is a failure to recognize the importance of equilibrium. Most processes on Earth are in a state of balance, in which one process (such as erosion of the continents) is counteracted by others (such as emplacement of new continental material by volcanoes and tectonic uplift). Generally, processes on Earth do not build up without limit, because there is always another process that opposes the build-up, leading to the establishment of equilibrium. The method for dealing with young-Earth claims of this type is to look for the limiting process that imposes equilibrium. In some cases the balancing process has simply been overlooked, and the young-Earth claim is laid to rest by pointing it out. Other times the balancing process is not well understood or even unknown, which may seem to lend credence to young-Earth claims. However, in these cases we simply revert to the unexplained mystery. Unless we can prove that no balancing process exists (and in most cases that cannot be done), we should adopt the working hypothesis that there is a yet-to-be-discovered process that provides the equilibrium, rather than jumping to the assumption of a supernatural explanation. Examples of the One-Sided Equation Fallacy include Influx of Magma from Mantle to Form Crust, and Erosion of Sediment from Continents, Maximum Life of Comets, and Helium-4 in the Atmosphere
The source then goes on to show numerous examples of bad math. What you say is a failing theory is the own YEC model of a young earth. It's ludicrous to point fingers at scientists when there are just so many almost laughable examples (if they weren't so shameful) of fearful Christians who go to great lengths to manipulate equations just to lead to a conclusion that they have already made.

If you really want to challenge the science of OEC then go through each and every one of the pieces of evidence on the link I posted above. The chart shows over 20 methods of calculating the age of the earth and the age of the u niverse. Be my guest, show how ALL of them are wrong. YOu have come to our site and given over three pages in the last three days of just tired rhetoric. Prove all of them wrong.

And jlay, nobody here claims that the speed of light is constant. That's basic high school physics, that light will slow down with different media, the speed of light, however, can be very reliably measured. We know the speed of light in different refractive media, we know how it behaves.
adam wrote:As for laws...If a skier is skiing down a hill and he's speeding up are the laws changing?
You're joking right? Please say that you are not implying that because ACCELERATIOn exists then God's laws are not constant!! God's laws are trustworthy, they don't change. This does not mean that those laws don't govern how a mass will accelerate according to the physical properties around it. Again, basic high school physics here. Hopefully you are just joking though(!)

Miracles, as CS Lewis has describe, aren't violating the laws from God. God has simply interceded.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:10 pm
by Adam_777
zoegirl wrote:Adam, it's as simple as this. If God created light in transit (which even you admitted had problems!), then what we are seeing isn't there, God has to have created an illusion. Do you really want to support a model of the universe that says that we CAN"T TRUST WHAT WE SEE BECAUSE GOD IS FOOLING US? The God of the Bible is a trustworthy God and He has created a trustworthy creation.
Thank you for reiterating my point. You must not understand and don't see how this argument is the same either way. Is God lying when there are stars that we see out there that are actual nova that we can't see yet? So we're seeing something that isn't there. :shakehead: Your argument is foolish because it's the same with either set of ideas.

Even the Big Bang theory is calculated with a light speed "cheat" so what's the problem? Most Big Bang theorists agree that light speed is violated in the early universe. Actually, it's normally stated that all the laws of physics breakdown, which has huge metaphysical implications. Jlay makes great points about how little we actually know about light but we do know that light can be manipulated stripping it of "constant status". Even if we calculate it as a constant for the convenience of calculations that doesn't make it magically an actual constant.

Zoegirl, I'm sure with all that said, you're the exception. You know everything there is to know about light, don't you? :wave:

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:16 pm
by Adam_777
zoegirl wrote:You're joking right? Please say that you are not implying that because ACCELERATIOn exists then God's laws are not constant!!
Duh! That is my point. :shakehead:

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:27 pm
by zoegirl
Adam_777 wrote:
zoegirl wrote:You're joking right? Please say that you are not implying that because ACCELERATIOn exists then God's laws are not constant!!
Duh! That is my point. :shakehead:
What, that you are misusing and misunderstanding scripture?!?!?

Okay, I see a basic physics lesson is in order. Just because a body in motion can increase or decrease in speed does not indicate that the LAW governing these changes are not constant. (DUH) Hello, that's why we can calculate safety laws in cars, roller coasters, etc...

the very fact that these laws are very, very constant in measuring the changes in speed should show us that, yes, God's creation is very, very trustworthy.

His LAWS are constant, the bodies in motion ARE NOT.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:34 pm
by Adam_777

I'm not sure how to put people on my ignore list yet but consider yourself ignored. You have a tendency to be a time waster in my estimation. Maybe you're just joking but it gets silly and nonproductive.


Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:36 pm
by Adam_777
Ahhh, there it is... much better.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:42 pm
by zoegirl
Adam_777 wrote:
zoegirl wrote:Adam, it's as simple as this. If God created light in transit (which even you admitted had problems!), then what we are seeing isn't there, God has to have created an illusion. Do you really want to support a model of the universe that says that we CAN"T TRUST WHAT WE SEE BECAUSE GOD IS FOOLING US? The God of the Bible is a trustworthy God and He has created a trustworthy creation.
Thank you for reiterating my point. You must not understand and don't see how this argument is the same either way. Is God lying when there are stars that we see out there that are actual nova that we can't see yet?
Uh, no, God is not lying in that case.
The ABSENCE of seeing something doesn't not prove God is lying. This is absurd. It simply shows that we are not seeing it. Again, our very experience should show us that. We used to think that there were only 3 planets, then 4, then 5, then 6....should the fact that we weren't *seeing* them didn't mean that God was lying.

IF, HOWEVER, we see something, measure it and find that it is such-and-such length, distance, and then say...hey wait, what we see ISN"T THERE, we are seeing an illusion, essentialyl calls God a liar.

Don't you see the difference?!?!? In the first scenario we are not insisting that something is there but God is DELUDING us into thinking it is not. In the second scenario, you are insisting that what we are seeing ISN"T THERE and that GOD is DELUDING us into thinking it is.
adam wrote: So we're seeing something that isn't there. :shakehead: Your argument is foolish because it's the same with either set of ideas.
Uh, no it;s use your own word....DUH
adam wrote:
Zoegirl, I'm sure with all that said, you're the exception. You know everything there is to know about light, don't you? :wave:
<SIGH> Gee, do all of your arguments work like this? Let's see If I can predict your argements. You say something absurd, I call you out about it and you come back with an absurd generalization. I don't have to know ALL about light to know when something you do say IS wrong and when your logic is wrong.

To your ignoring me....all I can say is....ooohhh I'm scared!!!

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:17 pm
by Canuckster1127
Adam_777 wrote:
That article you linked is interesting. It references the work of Ken Miller a double minded scoffer who goes to his ritual of worship on Sunday, to his god, and then all week formulates new ways to scoff at those who say you can detect the handy work of God.
This is just sad. Adam_777. I don't agree with everything Ken Miller says but I don't need to spew this type of ugly judgment. I'd much prefer to spend a Sunday morning with Ken given the fruit I've observed in the tone and quality of his writing and thinking than to spend minute in a similar context with the fruit of what I'm seeing and hearing from your direction.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:21 pm
by Canuckster1127
Adam_777 wrote:
The idea that YEC ideas are violating the laws of God can be used to say that miracles also violate the laws of God, right?
The two have no connection and the argument is a non sequitur. A miracle by definition is a divine intervention circumveting the laws of nature.

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:24 pm
by Adam_777
Canuckster1127 wrote:
Adam_777 wrote:
The idea that YEC ideas are violating the laws of God can be used to say that miracles also violate the laws of God, right?
The two have no connection and the argument is a non sequitur. A miracle by definition is a divine intervention circumveting the laws of nature.
No kidding? It doesn't sound like a non sequitur to me. When Hugh Ross rambles on about needing millions and billions of years to get the right conditions for a life sustaining planet with all his wonderful calculations that purport this need, I get the idea that philosophical naturalism is clouding his judgment.

I can't picture anything but a retarded and wasteful god that needs millions and billions of years and millions and billions of dead and dying creatures to get to the point where he can finally say things are very good.
Gen 1:31 wrote:
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
When resurrection day comes and things are set back to pre-sin condition I guess there will still be bloodshed, suffering and disease but just in the animal kingdom so it will be very good. :econfused: I guess Isaiah doesn't know what he's talking about:
Isa 11:6-8 wrote:
6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb , and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
Isa 65:25 wrote:
The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.
So when things are restored, what God calls hurtful and destructive in the future because all the animals will be vegetarians and not killing each other, wasn't hurtful and destructive in the first billions of years before sin, right?

Let the hand waving begin. :nono:

Re: Curious about YEC position

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:42 pm
by Canuckster1127

Your past several posts are rapidly deteriorating in tone and increasingly showing disrespect to those who disagree with you, including sarcasm and personal attacks.

Respectful disagreement is welcome. Please refer to the Board Purpose and discussion guidelines if you have any questions.

Thank you,
