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Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 1:35 pm
by ochotseat
bizzt wrote:If my Father Knew Christ then he would be a Brother through Christ would he not. He is my Earthly Father but my Spirtual Brother. I don't know if that makes sense but hope it does :wink:
But I'm not sure if Tan meant that in that respect. You probably don't know this, but Mormons believe that everyone existed as spirit children, including Christ, before the Creation.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 2:16 pm
by bizzt
ochotseat wrote:
bizzt wrote:If my Father Knew Christ then he would be a Brother through Christ would he not. He is my Earthly Father but my Spirtual Brother. I don't know if that makes sense but hope it does :wink:
But I'm not sure if Tan meant that in that respect. You probably don't know this, but Mormons believe that everyone existed as spirit children, including Christ, before the Creation.
Really! Weird. So John 1:1 is not believed by the Mormons then?

Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:17 pm
by Tanyan
Thank you for your posts. As to the Father "creating" Jesus we would half to say that the Human Jesus [On Earth] and post Human Jesus [Post Resurection] were created. As to the pre/Mortal Jesus Christ there is arguments both ways. Also remember thou the the author of the article on the website is critical he also soeaks of problems in Christian criticisms of LDS Doctrine/Teachings/Thought/Practice.
Remember the name in Tanyan not Tan, thank you. Jewish/Moslem state that Christian beliefs look pagan. My earthly father IS my brother through ADAM, and if he did accept Jesus [I am adopted and never met my real Father] then he is my Brother IN CHRIST. The statistics that were given are not complete. Washington [?] Christian sociologist Rodney Stark has researched and found that by I believe 2080 there will be 200 million LDS in the world. I will post more later, but for your information I am a "HE/Male" not a "She/Female", please keep that in mind, thank you. Hopefully later this evening if time permits I will give more info. Thanks for your patience. Thank you, In His [JESUS CHRIST] Debt, Tanyan.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:54 pm
by Tanyan
Just wanted to add that I am not a Babe in "joe smith" but Christ Jesus. In His Debt, Tanyan.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:57 pm
by CountryBoy

Can you explain, in your own words mind you, how Jesus is a Brother to the devil.


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:36 pm
by ochotseat
bizzt wrote: Really! Weird. So John 1:1 is not believed by the Mormons then?
What does John 1:1 say?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:45 pm
by jerickson314
ochotseat wrote:What does John 1:1 say?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (WEB).

There are many, many ways to look up Bible verses online. For the NIV, you can go to You can also get free Bible study software for the computer, such as Sword or eSword (which, despite the similarity in names, are not related to each other).

In fact, you can just do a Google search for "Bible" and will find many hits. Hope this helps.

Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:45 pm
by ochotseat
Tanyan wrote: Also remember thou the the author of the article on the website is critical he also soeaks of problems in Christian criticisms of LDS Doctrine/Teachings/Thought/Practice. .
Like what?
Tanyan wrote: Remember the name in Tanyan not Tan, thank you. .
Tanyan wrote:Jewish/Moslem state that Christian beliefs look pagan. .
Jews believe that Jesus was only human. Muslims believe that Jesus was a divine messenger, but he wasn't God.
Tanyan wrote:Christian sociologist Rodney Stark has researched and found that by I believe 2080 there will be 200 million LDS in the world..
There are now about 1.2-1.3 billion Muslims, but we don't consider them saved, do we? Where's your source? Even if your stats will come true by 2080, there'll be a lot more Christians by then, so that won't be too extraordinary an increase if you think about it.
I will post more later, but for your information I am a "HE/Male" not a "She/Female", please keep that in mind, thank you.
Well, you can't really blame us for assuming that you're female, because your username sounds like Tanya. :wink:

Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:30 pm
by Tanyan
Sorry, busy couple of nights, went to a Baptist Bible study last night, then another tonight [Different Baptist church than last night]. Sorry ochotseat, the article I was reffering to was a different article by the same author entitled : Mormon Scholarship and Evangelical Neglect, Losing The Battle and not Knowing it. I suggest you reread the article I posted above again it details the problems with LDS critics thou he is one himself.
You seemed to avoid my statemen and what was intended in my comment concerning Jews/Moslems. Check Rodney Starks material for sources which I believe show a decline in some Christian groups.
Well it would have been great if you had read my user name "Completly" and see it had a "N' at the end. I am seriously thinking about this as my last post due to my trying extremly hard to be Christlike.Charitable but in return I have gotten UnDisciplship posts on the other end. I gave you references to go to but my posts are in vain. Well take care, post away your statements to get them off your minds/chests. Thank you for reminding me why I am no longer an Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian. Thank you all for this experience, it was a good reminder. Grace to you all. In His Debt [Jesus Christ] Debt, Tanyan.

Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:45 pm
by ochotseat
Tanyan wrote:Sorry, busy couple of nights, went to a Baptist Bible study last night, then another tonight [Different Baptist church than last night]. Sorry ochotseat, the article I was reffering to was a different article by the same author entitled : Mormon Scholarship and Evangelical Neglect, Losing The Battle and not Knowing it. I suggest you reread the article I posted above again it details the problems with LDS critics thou he is one himself.
You seemed to avoid my statemen and what was intended in my comment concerning Jews/Moslems. Check Rodney Starks material for sources which I believe show a decline in some Christian groups.
Well it would have been great if you had read my user name "Completly" and see it had a "N' at the end. I am seriously thinking about this as my last post due to my trying extremly hard to be Christlike.Charitable but in return I have gotten UnDisciplship posts on the other end. I gave you references to go to but my posts are in vain. Well take care, post away your statements to get them off your minds/chests. Thank you for reminding me why I am no longer an Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian. Thank you all for this experience, it was a good reminder. Grace to you all. In His Debt [Jesus Christ] Debt, Tanyan.
Why would you go to a Protestant church if you're a Mormon?
I read your article, and it stated that though Mormons share many common beliefs with Christians, they aren't exactly Christians either. Was that the message you were trying to convey or...?
Sounds like you have some beef about Christians, particularly evangelical ones?
What some people here are trying to say is that you should state your personal take on something rather than just post links to websites.

Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:17 pm
by Tanyan
#1. Because I have friends that attend there and I want to learn what and why others believe the way they do in fellowship.
#4. I was trying to lay a base then share, but that will not probably happen. Bye.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 6:35 am
by CountryBoy

The base is laid, now share what YOU believe, if you are allowed to have personal beliefs. One of the key similarities in cults is that their members are discouraged from having their own beliefs. You seem to fit into that area, always point people to the so-called leader.

Good luck in your search for truth, sounds like you are close.

May the Holy Spirit guide you into all truths and out of mormonism.


Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:05 am
by Tanyan
CountryBoy, Thank you for your kind/considerate post it is appreciated. Perhaps tonight or sometime tommorrow I will Share my belief system within the Mansion/House/Framwork of the LDS Doctrine/Theology/Teaching/Thought/Belief/Practice. By "pehaps" does not mean a definate "yes"or "no". So please be patient. Thank you. In His Debt [JESUS CHRIST], Tanyan.

Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:57 am
by bizzt
Tanyan wrote: Well it would have been great if you had read my user name "Completly" and see it had a "N' at the end. I am seriously thinking about this as my last post due to my trying extremly hard to be Christlike.Charitable but in return I have gotten UnDisciplship posts on the other end. I gave you references to go to but my posts are in vain. Well take care, post away your statements to get them off your minds/chests. Thank you for reminding me why I am no longer an Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian. Thank you all for this experience, it was a good reminder. Grace to you all. In His Debt [Jesus Christ] Debt, Tanyan.
I hope I have not added to the Heat. I don't mind you linking to other Sites really it can be quite Useful but I don't want to go to a Site then have to search for everything. I found that to be very Painful trying to search some of the sites that you have Posted Tanyan... I also wanted to respond to people calling you Tan. Many people do not use their Real name in the Forum. For example Bizzt is my forum name but my real name is different. I could not care less if bizz was used or my real name for that Matter. However if someone calls you Tan, try not to take offense to it as in Forums it is just a mean of NOT typing so much (even if it is an extra 3 letters :wink: ). Most of the people here are trying to get your take on the things you believe in and WHY you believe in them and that is where people are probably getting frustrated because you respond back with a Website that most of time we have to search through to find the answers for. If it was a Direct Link then it would be no Problem. However Judging a person by the religion they follow does not mean that the person does not know Christ. I will be patient and wait for your testimony and why you believe what YOU believe

Peace be with you through our Lord Jesus


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:29 pm
by ochotseat
CountryBoy wrote:Tanyan,

The base is laid, now share what YOU believe, if you are allowed to have personal beliefs. One of the key similarities in cults is that their members are discouraged from having their own beliefs. You seem to fit into that area, always point people to the so-called leader.

Good luck in your search for truth, sounds like you are close.

May the Holy Spirit guide you into all truths and out of mormonism.

Yeah, it's always this web-site or that web-site.
Thank you for reminding me why I am no longer an Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian.
What's wrong with them?
1. Because I have friends that attend there and I want to learn what and why others believe the way they do in fellowship.
Have you invited them to your temple?