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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:18 pm
by ryo dokomi
i think i figured it out....lets hope, well even if i not very good looking, in fact, most everyone i know (besides mom and sis, but they dont count) they all say that im deside for yourself, but beware, you might go blind if you look too closely....well here goes nothing, sorry for any retinal damage....


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:48 pm
by Ark~Magic
You actually look older than 17. Like 28.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:51 pm
by beckyandretti
Why would you believe someone when they say you are ugly? You should have a higher opinion of yourself. You are not ugly.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:46 pm
by ryo dokomi
well, i am 17. and i thank you becky for the are right, i do need to have some more self esteem...ohh very sincere gratitude. and Ark, yes i am 17-- 09/05/88 is my birth day...the pic was my senior picture, one of many rather good looking ones...(see there is the higher opinion at work right now) :)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:20 pm
by Forge
Nice semi-dramatic picture. Definetely an August in the making.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:31 pm
by August
Excuse me?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:48 pm
by ryo dokomi
you know...well you actually dont...any way, i just realized something...i am 1/2 japanese, and i dont look it at all....and yeah, the pic under my name is from a manga called Naruto, he is the main character.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:47 am
by Believer
ryo dokomi, you do not by ANY means look ugly, anyone who says that is a liar, even if they think they are right. Don't let people run you down like you're trash, because you aren't. You are perfect the way God made you, and just accept that. You are very loved.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:28 am
by Forge
August wrote:Excuse me?
That's a completment!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:31 am
by beckyandretti
Forge wrote:
August wrote:Excuse me?
That's a completment!
Nice job Forge... making the mods wonder isnt necessarily a good thing. lol

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:50 am
by August
beckyandretti wrote:
Forge wrote:
August wrote:Excuse me?
That's a completment!
Nice job Forge... making the mods wonder isnt necessarily a good thing. lol
I thought it was an insult to poor Ryo, you guys have never seen me.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:25 am
by Forge
The "you as protrayed on GoS", then.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:18 am
by ryo dokomi
thank you Thinker...[tears of happyness]...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:34 pm
by kateliz
Dustin, you have nothing to feel bad about. I know exactly where you're coming from with having such an opinion of your own appearance, (mostly very negative, but other times somewhat, if not more than somewhat, conceited). Only recently have I been able to come to more a plateau in my own opinion of myself, and thankfully that of a generally positive one. One that's not really conceited, but appreciative of how God chose to make me, yet humble about it at the same time.

I believe the main reason I had such a negative opinion of my appearance was because, first of all, my sister would routinely tell me that I'm as ugly as a dog. Everyone would always talk about how attractive she was, but no one ever said anything positive to me. A few times I found myself sitting with my family for a holiday where everyone is telling her how attractive she is, and no one paid any mind to me. My mother used to say that my sister had a mysterious, exotic look to her, yet I had a "girl next-door" look. She meant to portray us as equal yet different, but no one's that stupid. My friends from sixth grade, and probably from several other years as well, along with aquantainces, (spelling?) used to tell me I look like a witch because of my protruding and pointy nose and chin. I have a long-lizard tongue as well. They'd routinely make fun of me for those things. And it doesn't help none that I'm horribly unphotogenic. Decent pics of me are very rare indeed.

So I believe I know exactly where you're coming from, Dustin. It's a terrible crime against God's handiwork when people don't appreciate it appropriately, and then dare to take that out on those bearing the handiwork. But here's a secret I learned several years ago: no one is ugly. I thoroughly believe that God did not make one single person ugly. Now, that might not help you much, but keep it in mind. And also keep in mind that God will most likely give you a wife one day, and that woman whom you will find beautiful in your eyes will find you delightfully handsome, adorable, and thoroughly attractive.

To speak for myself, from your senior picture I can see that you are indeed attractive, adorable, and also handsome. Cute, if you will, as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I'm attracted to you, (and please don't get all funny about this, I'm just trying to be helpful by being frank and honest,) but I can see those qualities in you, and I'm positive other people can as well. I'll bet that helps at least a little! Wish that I had people in my life that would've done the same thing for me that I have just done for you. People are so unjustly mean. Refuse to let them get to you- hold on to the truth of God making you a perfect masterpiece. Everything else is a lie that not only hurts you, but hurts God, the Great Artist, infinitely more. You are NOT ugly!

From now on, when you look in the mirror try to see the truth in all that. You might have to re-train your eyes to see your reflection as positive, but it's the simple truth, and I hope you can learn to recognize it for yourself! You deserve it.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:14 pm
by ryo dokomi
to Kateliz, Thinker, and Becky; i will never be able to put into words how much your statements have meant to me. if i were to know you personally, [please dont be feel uncomfortable] i would be wrapping my arms around you all in a tearful [on my part, 'course] hug expressing my gratitude. i pray all the Blessings of God upon you all, and also those who agree with them....and Kateliz....2 things, 1--i dont take the comment as you being attracted to me.... :( :wink: 2--i do believe that God the Father has a wife for me, however...i must start liking women before i can get married to a woman