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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:16 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I'm not trying to be a know it all or brag because God blessed me with the knowledge I have but I hope everybody notices the lack of evidence life evolves and I hope you see I'm the only one putting forth my belief and giving evidence to back it up too.I am making a point and I hope you can see who is backing their self up with evidence and who isn't. I have already tested the Gap theory against evolution on an athiest web-sight and I made the same point on it,there is no scientific evidence that proves,shows or demonstrates life evolves,they saw it too,just some remain in denial but one of the mod's acknowledged given enough time a newer theory will come along and beat another one.I bet he got in trouble for it.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:00 am
by jpbg33
well if that is what make you believe there was earth before Geneses account of creation. I can explain that one for you. When he spoke of the earth being destroyed by water That was referring to the grate flood of Noah's time and Noah and the ark was about 2 thousand years or so after the creation in Geneses. Then the part about the earth being reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Is talking about the judgment to come and that this time earth will be destroyed by fire.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:14 am
by melanie
Seeing you made out to be a fool jpbg33 brings me no pleasure whatsoever.
I know it's done in good humour but it's unkind, I don't like it.

You do not need to believe in the theory of evolution, I don't either. Yes it can be said that it is the best theory we have to date with the available data, but that does not equal truth. I have a better theory. God created however the damn well He chose to. It could have been by any means, I don't pretend to have the answers but I don't pretend some douche in a lab coat has it either.

With the upmost sincerity jpbj33 you are out of your league. You have admitted you don't like to read and that's more than okay, you're obviously reading the right book but you are going to get eaten alive on here and I for one don't want to see that.

Knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. You can have a whole heap of one and be lacking in the other. Your lack of knowledge speaks nothing to me about you or your faith. You are holding a great piece of wisdom. You have a strong faith, that is obvious and a strong desire to live for our Lord. God bless you for that. When it's all done and dusted that's all that matters. People's fancy words, clever language skills, sharp intellect account for not alot. God couldn't give one iota. It is our love for others that defines our character and our love for God that defines our faith.

Keep loving God like you do and even though the pursuit of knowledge can be the cause of spiritual bankruptcy, always keep an open, willing mind to grow and learn y@};-

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:04 am
by abelcainsbrother
jpbg33 wrote:well if that is what make you believe there was earth before Geneses account of creation. I can explain that one for you. When he spoke of the earth being destroyed by water That was referring to the grate flood of Noah's time and Noah and the ark was about 2 thousand years or so after the creation in Geneses. Then the part about the earth being reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Is talking about the judgment to come and that this time earth will be destroyed by fire.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This was before God did anything in Genesis 1 to create and make this world. Also you say 2nd Peter 3:5-7 is referring to Noah's flood yet you believe you are still a descendent from Adam and Eve so how can you say this world perished?

It says the world at that time perished,you think was the 2000 years before Noah's flood.But it tells us that world perished,also you overlook how it says the heavens and earth were of old now Noah's flood only effected the earth,this flood of water the earth was created out of effected both the heavens and the earth that were of old re-read Genesis 1 and you'll see from verse 2 until God divides the waters and says "Let the dry land appear"the earth is flooded, so the earth was formed out of water like the NASB says eventhough I prefer other translations the point still stands,2nd Peter 3:5-7 is pointing us to Genesis 1 not Noah's flood.

This is why you cannot make Noah's flood fit here.God spared this world in Noah's flood so that Jesus would be born to save us,but not in Lucifer's flood the former world perished and this is what the evidence in the earth all of the fossils,coal and oil,all of the life that we know lived at one time and is now extinct testifies to,plus the evidence the heavens and earth are very old confirms that a former world existed that perished.

Scientists who believe in evolution have looked at everything and all of this evidence from an evolution perspective,which we both know it cannot be demonstrated life evolves,but this does not mean everything they say is wrong,they are just interpreting everything from an evolution perspective and have a flawed view of what all of this evidence really proves and it is that a former world perished,not evolution.

Dinosaurs for instance lived in the former world not this world and there are many other examples too. Now if you believe the earth is young then you must say dinosaurs were living when Adam and Eve were here,but they weren't,the fossils were already in the layers of strata at that time to be discovered in our world one day.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:14 pm
by Storyteller
melanie wrote:Seeing you made out to be a fool jpbg33 brings me no pleasure whatsoever.
I know it's done in good humour but it's unkind, I don't like it.

You do not need to believe in the theory of evolution, I don't either. Yes it can be said that it is the best theory we have to date with the available data, but that does not equal truth. I have a better theory. God created however the damn well He chose to. It could have been by any means, I don't pretend to have the answers but I don't pretend some douche in a lab coat has it either.

With the upmost sincerity jpbj33 you are out of your league. You have admitted you don't like to read and that's more than okay, you're obviously reading the right book but you are going to get eaten alive on here and I for one don't want to see that.

Knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. You can have a whole heap of one and be lacking in the other. Your lack of knowledge speaks nothing to me about you or your faith. You are holding a great piece of wisdom. You have a strong faith, that is obvious and a strong desire to live for our Lord. God you for that. When it's all done and dusted that's all that matters. People's fancy words, clever language skills, sharp intellect account for not alot. God couldn't give one iota. It is our love for others that defines our character and our love for God that defines our faith.

Keep loving God like you do and even though the pursuit of knowledge can be the cause of spiritual bankruptcy, always keep an open, willing mind to grow and learn y@};-
jpbg, I am ashamed of myself.
I shouldn't have teased you.
Your spelling and grammar etc has nothing to do with the validity of your posts and I'm sorry.
I meant it all in humour but I was wrong to do it.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:17 pm
by Audie
Jp and abe are both so out of their depth trying to talk about science that it makes for a painful sort of comedy.
I will refrain from encouraging more by responding to any of it.

I do wish them both well.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:27 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Audie wrote:Jp and abe are both so out of their depth trying to talk about science that it makes for a painful sort of comedy.
I will refrain from encouraging more by responding to any of it.

I do wish them both well.
God bless you,you'll get it one of these days,you'll realize no biologist can demonstrate life evolves and you'll see through the facade and reject it,even if you disagreed with me,I'm planting seeds of truth that can grow in the right soil.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:42 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I would like to get into the evidence for evolution but nobody is posting much so let's talk about viruses.I remember back hearing on the news years ago how viruses proved evolution was true and at first I kinda believed it but then one day I looked at the evidence on line about viruses and how they evolve and I realized the virus never evolved like they said it did.Then I realized they are confusing life adapting with life evolving.

I know they say adaptation is a mechanism of evolution but the evidence does not demonstrate this at all. A virus never evolves it only adapts and survives a hostile environment but not only does it not evolve but natural selection has no effect on it either. So the next time you hear somebody say evolution helped produce vaccines,know it is just the fact life adapts that vaccines were made.

Also as I researched viruses this popped in my mind Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This would seem to me to be saying the more man sins the more the curse for death expands or grows.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:01 am
by jpbg33
abelcainsbrother you are wrong. a few verses before that Peter told us it was the flood of Noah " 2Peter 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;" we are still all descends from Adam and eve because Noah was descendant's of Adam and Eve.

Dinosaurs are in the bible Job said he seen a dragon the size of a horse.

And for bones being buried deep in the ground

with the weight of the water that was on the earth and all the volcanic eruptions that was happening under the water that is why they are there.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:39 pm
by abelcainsbrother
jpbg33 wrote:abelcainsbrother you are wrong. a few verses before that Peter told us it was the flood of Noah " 2Peter 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;" we are still all descends from Adam and eve because Noah was descendant's of Adam and Eve.

Dinosaurs are in the bible Job said he seen a dragon the size of a horse.

And for bones being buried deep in the ground

with the weight of the water that was on the earth and all the volcanic eruptions that was happening under the water that is why they are there.
Here is a link to read that I hope clarifies 2nd Peter 3:5-7 for you.Read the text in detail and you should see why it cannot be talking about Noah's flood but is describing a much,much worse flood that effected the heavens and earth that were of old.Peter is clarifying what he meant in the the verse you gave in 2nd Peter 3:5-7.

Read through this and pray about it like I did and I think you'll see what I see. Remember "Let God be true and every man a liar.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:40 pm
by neo-x
I see no one has produced any kind of evidence to negate the evidence of evolution. 14 pages and nothing?

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:44 pm
by neo-x
K, if you read this, I remember you mentioning about ID being hijacked into very poor presentation in its infancy. I believe you hinted that people, including me, may have the wrong idea about it. So can you recommend me a book which shows ID in its true form, as you see it.

Thank you.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:57 pm
by Kurieuo
neo-x wrote:K, if you read this, I remember you mentioning about ID being hijacked into very poor presentation in its infancy. I believe you hinted that people, including me, may have the wrong idea about it. So can you recommend me a book which shows ID in its true form, as you see it.

Thank you.
I'm not sure what you're looking for exactly?

Watch the Unlocking the Mystery of Life.

Anything at the Discovery Institute would be legit.
It is perhaps best to see ID as a movement closely tied to its founders.

Interestingly the biochemist professor, Michael Behe accepts most of evolutionary theory,
and so it's interesting that an attack was made on him in this thread another similar thread.

Shows the true colour of the debate is philosophical and not science.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:01 pm
by abelcainsbrother
neo-x wrote:I see no one has produced any kind of evidence to negate the evidence of evolution. 14 pages and nothing?
I've been waiting for scientific evidence life evolves and yet so far don't see any.I would like to get into the evidence that is supposed to show life evolves but nobody is giving any.I mentioned viruses and explained how the evidence shows and proves viruses do not evolve,explain how they did,because viruses is supposed to be evidence that life evolves but as we see the virus never evolves and natural selection has no effect on it either,it remains a virus,so how did it evolve?

You see they are playing a trick using the fact life can adapt as evidence it evolves,it is a trick,so don't be tricked by them.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:44 am
by jpbg33
Peter didn't say Noah's flood then later say it was not Noah's flood. He said it was Noah's flood then he explained more about Noah's flood. But if you wont to believe in the gap theory go ahead but that isn't proof of gap theory.

I also already new that people believed that horses had three toes that doesn't disprove what I am saying I am not sure when evolutionist believe they became hoofs but I'm pretty sure it was way before 5000 years ago but I might be wrong. I do not study evolution its a waste of time even the author of it said thing do not evolve yes Darwin him self said after close observation he discovered that thing do not evolve.

When someone says that evolution is the best theory that just aggravates me because it isn't the best. It is the best with out God maybe but not the best well maybe best theory but not best fact. Best fact is God creating the world.

how can something coming from nothing or no known reason be better reasoning then every thing coming from God

Both require a believe in some thing incredible to happen but it is much easier to believe that someone created something than to believe that things just started happening on it on.