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Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:52 am
by CallMeDave
mlynchrules wrote:So I don't actually feel like jumping in on other people's conversations, so I'm just going to start my own thread of comments and see where we go. Apologies if I bring up points brought up by others in the previous 13 pages. I understand that in Christianity, homosexuality is an extremely touchy subject and I want to do my best to not offend anyone, but I would love my opinion to be heard by a large group of respectable people.

I am a Christian. I was born, raised, and brought up as a faithful Christian who believes that Jesus Christ died for the world's sins on the cross. I have accepted Jesus as my personal saviour and I have a very strong love for Him. I would do anything if I believed it to be His will. This being said, I cannot see Jesus as being hateful towards homosexual people. I am of the strong belief that Jesus/God loves all of His creations and would not create something that he does not love. Why, then, would God create people who are homosexual if He hates homosexuality? I think that God loves everyone equally and has a special place in Heaven for all of his people.

I know that the general argument against homosexuality is the fact that homosexual relationships are "unnatural". I understand where this argument may come from, but there are several instances of homosexuality found right in nature. You could even argue that not being open to thought of other sexuality is actually unnatural, because nature is constantly changing and doesn't necessarily get stuck in one path.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and feel free to respond to my post. I would love to hear your responses!
Thanks for your input. Perhaps a better question to ask is : Why would God make people homosexual from the start (which includes the inherent dangerous health risks including (but not limited to) an early painful death) when he says in his written Word that he considers homosexuality a perversion, an abomination, a sin, and restricts people practicing it from ever getting to heaven ? Homosexuality is a CHOICE and not something that people 'cant help themselves with' ; not all of our sexual impulses and desires are necessary to act out on whether homo or heterosexual and in fact God says he will give us a way out of the temptation "IF" we truly want to . God DOES love everyone but he also finds some things so abhorrent that it is deserving of his wrath if continued . God in fact, does hate some things which people choose to do yet still loves the Person...enough to warn them out of sincere concern --- and that should be our heartbeat as Christ Followers instead of trying to muster up tolerance /excuses to that which is not only wrong in Gods eyes but very dangerous biologically and which continually and mercilessly destroys People . Regards.

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:07 am
by CallMeDave
Kurieuo wrote:As a Naturalist one should surely believe that homosexuality is wrong -- because it goes against survival of the fittest in that ones gene is not propogated. Oh, that's right. Right and wrong do not exist without God, only pleasure and pain. If it feels good do it. We own our own lives.

I don't know why non-Christians even raise this topic with Christians. The two worldviews talk entirely different languages. And this is the problem with any dialogue on this or any other moral topic.
Correct...objective right and wrong for all people do not exist without God , because otherwise, it is only mans opinion . Everyone of us has a moral code written on the fiber of our Being ... and it didnt come about a natural way via rocks, dirt, planets, raw chemicals , and a massive cosmic explosion . In fact, moral relativism as an atheistic ideology so people can behave as they like...cant even be truthfully lived out as an atheist/naturalist . The 'if it feels good , do it' mantra may work out alright for Forest Animals...but it hasnt worked out well at all for Human Beings when examining the consequences (Homosexuality and Sexual Hedonism particularly) . Lastly, God in his love gives us OUR choice between pleasure and pain we bring upon ourselves with his protective moral mandates prescribed for our benefit .

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:31 pm
by Jayscience
[quote="PaulSacramento"]I do NOT agree with homosexuality but I have seen what they have been through and as one of them said to me from his bed after being beaten by some people for being gay a few years ago, " How can anyone believe I choose to get live this way" If I could be hetro I would change right now".
It's a very difficult tI know a few homosexuals and NONE of them CHOSE to be that way, but they did CHOOSE to live that way, if one believes that one can choose sexual orientation.

I agree with Paul in that I don't believe people choose what or who they are attracted to, but I know what God has to say about it. Just because we are inclined to enjoy something doesn't make it right. For instance we have people in prisons that enjoy killing people or rapping people, and I don't think anyone would defend that.

I can tell you that as a married man I have been attracted to other women, but I don't act on that because I know what God thinks of that. Animals don't controll there impulses because they don't have reasoning. God gave us the ablitiy to make choices and control our impulses.

That being said though I don't feel I have the right to judge anyone for what they choose in that reguard. Only God can or should do that. From a scientific point of view a man fits with a woman.

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:11 pm
by Murray
Good points jay

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:42 am
by CallMeDave
Jay : 'I can tell you that as a married man I have been attracted to other women, but I don't act on that because I know what God thinks of that. Animals don't controll there impulses because they don't have reasoning. God gave us the ablitiy to make choices and control our impulses.

That being said though I don't feel I have the right to judge anyone for what they (Homosexuals) choose in that regard. Only God can or should do that. '

We are not to judge anothers eternal destiny for that is Gods job. But, the Bible does call us to Judge, Discern, and decide what actions, behaviour, and talk from Others are right from wrong / moral from immoral in light of Scripture. This is why the Bible says for us to go to Another who is heading down the wrong path in life to caution the Person and to help them see the right way to travel . In fact, up until circa 1962 , the adage of 'I am my Brothers Keeper' was something that was fully displayed, but nowadays in society and sadly in our churches, the mantra is : 'You can do whatever you feel like doing just so long as it doesnt affect Me...and ill be willfully tolerant to it (even if it is clearly wrong, immoral, or destructive to yourself and Others) ' . Its nothing short of Apathy . Hence, the huge cultural change in values which enhances moral degradation in the U.S.

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:16 pm
by jlay
Yes, "do not judge...." does not mean to abadon sound judgment.

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:21 pm
by Jayscience
[flash=][flash=]We are not to judge anothers eternal destiny for that is Gods job. But, the Bible does call us to Judge, Discern, and decide what actions, behaviour, and talk from Others are right from wrong / moral from immoral in light of Scripture. This is why the Bible says for us to go to Another who is heading down the wrong path in life to caution the Person and to help them see the right way to travel . In fact, up until circa 1962 , the adage of 'I am my Brothers Keeper' was something that was fully displayed, but nowadays in society and sadly in our churches, the mantra is : 'You can do whatever you feel like doing just so long as it doesnt affect Me...and ill be willfully tolerant to it (even if it is clearly wrong, immoral, or destructive to yourself and Others) ' . Its nothing short of Apathy . Hence, the huge cultural change in values which enhances moral degradation in the U.S.[/quote[/flash][/flash]]

Sure I can see trying to guide a friend if we are asked but giving advise where its not asked for rarely works. We can try to live by example but I don't think shunning someone for there life style is what Jesus would want from us. Sexual prefferance isn't the same as most wrong paths in life it is far more involed then hanging around with the wrong crowd or drinking to much.

I can tell you this I like women and there is knowthing you could ever say to me to change that about me. So what would make you think you could talk a gay man for example into being attracted to women? That would be living a lie, that is a sin as well.

Re: Why do many christians not like homosexuals?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:44 pm
by CallMeDave
Jayscience wrote:[flash=][flash=]We are not to judge anothers eternal destiny for that is Gods job. But, the Bible does call us to Judge, Discern, and decide what actions, behaviour, and talk from Others are right from wrong / moral from immoral in light of Scripture. This is why the Bible says for us to go to Another who is heading down the wrong path in life to caution the Person and to help them see the right way to travel . In fact, up until circa 1962 , the adage of 'I am my Brothers Keeper' was something that was fully displayed, but nowadays in society and sadly in our churches, the mantra is : 'You can do whatever you feel like doing just so long as it doesnt affect Me...and ill be willfully tolerant to it (even if it is clearly wrong, immoral, or destructive to yourself and Others) ' . Its nothing short of Apathy . Hence, the huge cultural change in values which enhances moral degradation in the U.S.[/quote[/flash][/flash]]

Sure I can see trying to guide a friend if we are asked but giving advise where its not asked for rarely works. We can try to live by example but I don't think shunning someone for there life style is what Jesus would want from us. Sexual prefferance isn't the same as most wrong paths in life it is far more involed then hanging around with the wrong crowd or drinking to much.

I can tell you this I like women and there is knowthing you could ever say to me to change that about me. So what would make you think you could talk a gay man for example into being attracted to women? That would be living a lie, that is a sin as well.
If you truly are concerned for the other person, you will find the right time, the right environment, and choose the right loving words to express your concern for them. Sexual preference is a big enough issue with God that he says no person practicing homosexuality can ever make it to heaven -- for us to do nothing is not what God wants us to do. Further, its not our job 'to talk a gay man out of it' ...its our job to show our concern/help them see the danger then allow God to convict the person from the seeds we've sown. Many thousands of homosexual men and women have exited the lifestyle so it is very possible for one to change to the sexuality he/she is supposed to have and which God wants . As in any addictive behavior , change is possible but it takes a strong desire and hard work along with Gods power.