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Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:35 pm
by Audie
RickD wrote:
1over137 wrote:I think I have resigned to fix Audie's quotes anymore. The above post, the post here

Yes Hana, I know what you mean. It must be because her posts are evolving. Because, if there were any intelligent creator of those quotes, they would make more sense. :mrgreen:
There is as theory that Im not as intelligent as I like to think I am.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:04 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
PaulSacramento wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Notice no evidence life evolves and yet it is OK to interpret the evidence in the earth from this perspective even though nobody even knows if it really happens based on evidence.They tell you it is true and you believe them.I don't believe them because I want evidence life evolves but they've got the cart before the horse.
Based on the available evidence, yes life evolves. That's what all the historical evidence says.
If you can provide an alternative explanation of the evidence that can make predictions we can test for and has a better explanatory power than evolution then I am all ears. Until that time ACB I dismiss your assertions, because that's all they are, nothing you have said is based on any fact.
I admire your persistence but dude...

Oh God don't admire it, I keep taking the bait and now I am getting frustrated and saying stupid stuff. John put things back into perspective for me in a pm and I am going to bow out of this thread now for the time being, I think there are much more pressing issues. y>:D<

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:24 pm
by abelcainsbrother
You see people,evolutionists preach evolution is true like a preacher preaching about Jesus but when you point out there is no evidence in science that proves,shows or demonstrates life evolves,you just get the bit about 99% of scientists accept it,so I do too and you should too.

It is faith based which means I'm going to put my faith in God's word that God created the life in this world to produce after its kind like the bible tells us which is backed up by evidence all around us,we see and observe it because it is true and true faith is not blind,read your bible there is substance and evidence to faith if you put your faith in the truth,if not you will not have substance and evidence which is what we get when it comes to life evolving,it is believed by blind faith but the preaching it is true has worked for many,not me though.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:37 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
abelcainsbrother wrote:You see people,evolutionists preach evolution is true like a preacher preaching about Jesus but when you point out there is no evidence in science that proves,shows or demonstrates life evolves,you just get the bit about 99% of scientists accept it,so I do too and you should too.

It is faith based which means I'm going to put my faith in God's word that God created the life in this world to produce after its kind like the bible tells us which is backed up by evidence all around us,we see and observe it because it is true and true faith is not blind,read your bible there is substance and evidence to faith if you put your faith in the truth,if not you will not have substance and evidence which is what we get when it comes to life evolving,it is believed by blind faith but the preaching it is true has worked for many,not me though.
We all have faith in God's word but God's word is silent on these matters, however you have put faith in your interpretation of God's word, let's not confuse your interpretation with God's word, or are you saying ACB that you are God? Because it certainly seems that way. y:-?

I however put my trust in God, even if my view on creation is wrong and my interpretation of his word is wrong, I trust that God has it altogether and he will show me all the secrets in due time.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:56 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:You see people,evolutionists preach evolution is true like a preacher preaching about Jesus but when you point out there is no evidence in science that proves,shows or demonstrates life evolves,you just get the bit about 99% of scientists accept it,so I do too and you should too.

It is faith based which means I'm going to put my faith in God's word that God created the life in this world to produce after its kind like the bible tells us which is backed up by evidence all around us,we see and observe it because it is true and true faith is not blind,read your bible there is substance and evidence to faith if you put your faith in the truth,if not you will not have substance and evidence which is what we get when it comes to life evolving,it is believed by blind faith but the preaching it is true has worked for many,not me though.
We all have faith in God's word but God's word is silent on these matters, however you have put faith in your interpretation of God's word, let's not confuse your interpretation with God's word, or are you saying ACB that you are God? Because it certainly seems that way. y:-?

I however put my trust in God, even if my view on creation is wrong and my interpretation of his word is wrong, I trust that God has it altogether and he will show me all the secrets in due time.
I'm saying what I said and I put my faith in God's word which tells us God created the life in this world to produce after its kind,I cannot put my faith in evolution because of blind faith and evolution would violate and make God's word wrong that kinds produce after their kind.

I'm not judging just explaining why and what I put my faith in.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:11 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:You see people,evolutionists preach evolution is true like a preacher preaching about Jesus but when you point out there is no evidence in science that proves,shows or demonstrates life evolves,you just get the bit about 99% of scientists accept it,so I do too and you should too.

It is faith based which means I'm going to put my faith in God's word that God created the life in this world to produce after its kind like the bible tells us which is backed up by evidence all around us,we see and observe it because it is true and true faith is not blind,read your bible there is substance and evidence to faith if you put your faith in the truth,if not you will not have substance and evidence which is what we get when it comes to life evolving,it is believed by blind faith but the preaching it is true has worked for many,not me though.
We all have faith in God's word but God's word is silent on these matters, however you have put faith in your interpretation of God's word, let's not confuse your interpretation with God's word, or are you saying ACB that you are God? Because it certainly seems that way. y:-?

I however put my trust in God, even if my view on creation is wrong and my interpretation of his word is wrong, I trust that God has it altogether and he will show me all the secrets in due time.
I'm saying what I said and I put my faith in God's word which tells us God created the life in this world to produce after its kind,I cannot put my faith in evolution because of blind faith and evolution would violate and make God's word wrong that kinds produce after their kind.

I'm not judging just explaining why and what I put my faith in.
I don't feel evolution contradicts God's word as God's word was never intended to be a scientific explanation of the world but rather a theological explanation of why we are here, who God is and what he wants for us. If the Bible was meant to give a scientific explanation of the world then why isn't it more comprehensive, why would an omniscient and omnipotent God give us a book that really is short on any sort of scientific explanation of the world around us. It just makes no sense to say it is a science book or to interpret it as one.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:21 am
by Audie
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:You see people,evolutionists preach evolution is true like a preacher preaching about Jesus but when you point out there is no evidence in science that proves,shows or demonstrates life evolves,you just get the bit about 99% of scientists accept it,so I do too and you should too.

It is faith based which means I'm going to put my faith in God's word that God created the life in this world to produce after its kind like the bible tells us which is backed up by evidence all around us,we see and observe it because it is true and true faith is not blind,read your bible there is substance and evidence to faith if you put your faith in the truth,if not you will not have substance and evidence which is what we get when it comes to life evolving,it is believed by blind faith but the preaching it is true has worked for many,not me though.
We all have faith in God's word but God's word is silent on these matters, however you have put faith in your interpretation of God's word, let's not confuse your interpretation with God's word, or are you saying ACB that you are God? Because it certainly seems that way. y:-?

I however put my trust in God, even if my view on creation is wrong and my interpretation of his word is wrong, I trust that God has it altogether and he will show me all the secrets in due time.
I'm saying what I said and I put my faith in God's word which tells us God created the life in this world to produce after its kind,I cannot put my faith in evolution because of blind faith and evolution would violate and make God's word wrong that kinds produce after their kind.

I'm not judging just explaining why and what I put my faith in.
I don't feel evolution contradicts God's word as God's word was never intended to be a scientific explanation of the world but rather a theological explanation of why we are here, who God is and what he wants for us. If the Bible was meant to give a scientific explanation of the world then why isn't it more comprehensive, why would an omniscient and omnipotent God give us a book that really is short on any sort of scientific explanation of the world around us. It just makes no sense to say it is a science book or to interpret it as one.
A person should never shut his mind to any possibility that he's made some basic mistakes in his beliefs. Faith, wrongly applied, can be a terrible barrier to any real understandings.

So sez Audie.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:02 pm
by Morny
bippy123 wrote:As far as DNA similarities that can also be explained by intelligent design as a. Designer would be working with similar material when designing .
As far as common descent , we can use the same car analogy . They all look familiar and they all came from a simple prototype design , but they were all designed
This common misunderstanding about common descent has appeared in the last few days in various forms from at least 3 different posters.

Human car designs freely swap sub-components across models. Common descent doesn't. Car models can form multiple nested hierarchies. But the one objective nested hierarchy from biological traits supports common descent. God could have designed species, but did so with the implication of common descent.
bippy123 wrote:And since most if evolution is historical science ,
Common descent rests on the biological traits of living species. Historical evidence is unnecessary.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:34 pm
by Audie
Morny wrote:
bippy123 wrote:As far as DNA similarities that can also be explained by intelligent design as a. Designer would be working with similar material when designing .
As far as common descent , we can use the same car analogy . They all look familiar and they all came from a simple prototype design , but they were all designed
This common misunderstanding about common descent has appeared in the last few days in various forms from at least 3 different posters.

Human car designs freely swap sub-components across models. Common descent doesn't. Car models can form multiple nested hierarchies. But the one objective nested hierarchy from biological traits supports common descent. God could have designed species, but did so with the implication of common descent.
bippy123 wrote:And since most if evolution is historical science ,
Common descent rests on the biological traits of living species. Historical evidence is unnecessary.
One does not see objections to / problems with ToE that are not based on misrepresentation / misunderstanding of
the science. Same with deep time.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:23 am
by abelcainsbrother
I don't feel evolution contradicts God's word as God's word was never intended to be a scientific explanation of the world but rather a theological explanation of why we are here, who God is and what he wants for us. If the Bible was meant to give a scientific explanation of the world then why isn't it more comprehensive, why would an omniscient and omnipotent God give us a book that really is short on any sort of science.
Properly understood true science will not contradict God's word and it doesn't which is why I'm an old earth gap theory creationist and secular science bears it out no need to go to AIG unless you doubt Noah's flood maybe just don't cram all of the fossils and evidence of death into just Noah's flood because it is too much evidence of death from Adam and Eve to Noah's flood anyway so that you cannot make it fit. True secular science confirms God's word true.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:26 am
by neo-x
Sometimes I really wish I could go back to the days when I was a YEC, everything made so much sense and was much simpler.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:39 am
by abelcainsbrother
neo-x wrote:Sometimes I really wish I could go back to the days when I was a YEC, everything made so much sense and was much simpler.
Neo we've had a recent Ebola scare in America now isn't it awesome that science tells us to do the same things God's word tells us to do like discovering who is contagious and then removing them from camp which is quarantining and it was in the bible long before science told us to quarantine.

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:38 am
by bippy123
neo-x wrote:Sometimes I really wish I could go back to the days when I was a YEC, everything made so much sense and was much simpler.
Neo why does it have to be YEC my friend or evolution ?
Why not explore old earth creationism or ID

Remember in genesis it says that God created the universe in 6 YOMS. YOM in Hebrew can mean either literal day or indefinite time period

Many of my fellow Christians make the mistake of reading genesis in only English, not knowing that words in the Hebrew language can have multiple meanings . YOM is still used in lebanese and Levantine Arabic and it is still used in multiple ways as well. This I know for a fact . :)

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:08 am
by Danieltwotwenty
bippy123 wrote:
neo-x wrote:Sometimes I really wish I could go back to the days when I was a YEC, everything made so much sense and was much simpler.
Neo why does it have to be YEC my friend or evolution ?
Why not explore old earth creationism or ID

Remember in genesis it says that God created the universe in 6 YOMS. YOM in Hebrew can mean either literal day or indefinite time period

Many of my fellow Christians make the mistake of reading genesis in only English, not knowing that words in the Hebrew language can have multiple meanings . YOM is still used in lebanese and Levantine Arabic and it is still used in multiple ways as well. This I know for a fact . :)

Why can't we all just take the position of who cares!!! Is it really that important??? y@};-

Re: Does Evolution and Science draw people away from God?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:08 am
by PaulSacramento
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
bippy123 wrote:
neo-x wrote:Sometimes I really wish I could go back to the days when I was a YEC, everything made so much sense and was much simpler.
Neo why does it have to be YEC my friend or evolution ?
Why not explore old earth creationism or ID

Remember in genesis it says that God created the universe in 6 YOMS. YOM in Hebrew can mean either literal day or indefinite time period

Many of my fellow Christians make the mistake of reading genesis in only English, not knowing that words in the Hebrew language can have multiple meanings . YOM is still used in lebanese and Levantine Arabic and it is still used in multiple ways as well. This I know for a fact . :)

Why can't we all just take the position of who cares!!! Is it really that important??? y@};-
NO, it is NOT.