RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Kurieuo wrote: Further, to someone already committed to evolution, Progressive Creation would appear suspect, just like vice-versa.
Those who value objectivity dont commit themselves so.
I'd call incredible borderline impossible odds of all life evolving (and re-evolving) "on its own"
So it doth seem, to you.
(according to orderly laws we call "natural" due to the way they appear to "just run" in a stable and predicable manner) from a common ancestor.
WHERE do you get the "stable and predictable"? Curious terms to apply to the course of evolution. I wonder what you are thinking of.
I haven't even mentioned the complexity of information in life and actual biological language itself which convinced Francis Collins, Antony Flew and others of something more at play.
Mr. Flew would think that.

Mr. Einstein was more inclined to see childish superstition in religion.

Still further, only one of the two theories I mentioned, between Evolution and PC
We were unaware that PC is in fact a theory. Prease supply reference.
, accounts for both consciousness and physicality. The other only really presents a story of half the picture. (And for Audie's sake, by "consciousness" I mean more than awareness, in intellectual circles it's come to more not merely a conscious state but also degrees and levels. For example, level of intelligence, spirituality, moral expression, communication and the host of other feature that make human "consciousness" a massive leap from all previous life).
"Massive leap" is a term. I suppose a flying squirrel is a massive leap from
a regular squirrel.

Personally, I think if we knew what was going on in the brains of some animals, we'd be some humbled by it.

We are different ( so are all other organisms different from eachother)
by as you noted, degree and level.

For those who feel they must be god's special pet, that is unacceptable.

From my POV, I'd think humankind has something to be kind of proud of, collectively, that we pulled ourselves up out of the mud by our own bootstraps; look at what we've done! A long hard struggle, but we did it ourselves. I dont feel it is right giving all the credit to some "god" who just went poof.

(I have this idea that should there be an afterlife, and there is a reception line of all of one's ancestors, and it would be a long long line. It would stretch far back past the point where Christians would have to deny their ancestors.)

Kind of a crappy things to do, really.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by hughfarey »

Kurieuo wrote:So don't you believe God sustains everything, every single atom and the laws they follow, in existence?
On the contrary, that's exactly what I do believe. However, I also believe that this maintenance of a program does not require constant irrational intervention into what is a sublimely rational process.
Further, to someone already committed to evolution, Progressive Creation would appear suspect, just like vice-versa.
You must avoid falling into ACB's error. I am not "committed" to evolution at all. It just seems to me the best explanation for the evidence.
We can only do our best to weigh the evidence given no one has witnessed matters and what we have is circumstantial and what I'd call incredible borderline impossible odds of all life evolving (and re-evolving) "on its own" (according to orderly laws we call "natural" due to the way they appear to "just run" in a stable and predicable manner) from a common ancestor. I haven't even mentioned the complexity of information in life and actual biological language itself which convinced Francis Collins, Antony Flew and others of something more at play.
As I said, there are different possible interpretations of the evidence. The usual PC interpretation is that this or that development is so improbable as to be impossible without divine intervention. I do not agree with that, and consider an evolutionary explanation not only sufficiently probable not to be impossible, but also more in keeping with divine rationality.
Still further, only one of the two theories I mentioned, between Evolution and PC, accounts for both consciousness and physicality. The other only really presents a story of half the picture. (And for Audie's sake, by "consciousness" I mean more than awareness, in intellectual circles it's come to more not merely a conscious state but also degrees and levels. For example, level of intelligence, spirituality, moral expression, communication and the host of other feature that make human "consciousness" a massive leap from all previous life).
On the other hand I consider consciousness an emergent quality of mostly vertebrate development, of which humans are only the most comprehensive example.
As for my particular PC view Hugh, if interested you can read a little about it here: http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... 15#p168162
I have not studied it yet, as it is late at night here, but will certainly do so tomorrow.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

Thanks Hugh for discussing, rather than trying to belittle.
hughfarey wrote:
Still further, only one of the two theories I mentioned, between Evolution and PC, accounts for both consciousness and physicality. The other only really presents a story of half the picture. (And for Audie's sake, by "consciousness" I mean more than awareness, in intellectual circles it's come to more not merely a conscious state but also degrees and levels. For example, level of intelligence, spirituality, moral expression, communication and the host of other feature that make human "consciousness" a massive leap from all previous life).
On the other hand I consider consciousness an emergent quality of mostly vertebrate development, of which humans are only the most comprehensive example.
The question is, that has eluded many, emergent from what specifically? Can we increase our consciousness levels by perhaps tweaking some physical part within us? If you get the time, I'd love you to pick up a copy of Thomas Nagel's book, Mind and Cosmos and hear your thoughts thereafter.
Hugh wrote:
As for my particular PC view Hugh, if interested you can read a little about it here: http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... 15#p168162
I have not studied it yet, as it is late at night here, but will certainly do so tomorrow.
I'm sure you'll find it interesting, I just think it'll help with any discussion we have to understand better what is believed my end. Some things said, you see absurdity with God "tinkering", but then, I see such intervention ought to be expected. Especially considering God is personal, creative, the biggest Artist in world.

Further, God does sustain all, which you thankfully agree with. This means, God didn't just walk away from the world after creating, setting up some laws and the like. Via a necessary ontological dependency, I don't see such is even possible. For if God walks away then that which God walks away from would cease be. It is as absurd to me as saying that Sun rays could still be sustained on their own, if the Sun was to cease. Rather God is the reason everything came into existence and remains in existence, God is the reason why the laws continue working because God is directly keeping them in check, God is directly involved in moving everything and keeping everything in regularity.

So then, for me, God is forever "tinkering" (as in sustaining and moving) this atom and that in existence and behaving as they do. It's just a matter of if God chooses to break from the stable order that He sustains, to turn an atom this way rather than that. It really doesn't seem to me that God is any more or less clever for choosing one way over the other, since in both God is forever directly involved. God has nothing to prove.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

God's supposed "tinkering," is a wrongful understanding related to time - which God stands outside of. God doesn't decide things in the moment, ALL of His decisions, He's always known. EVERY newspapers' headlines, He's ALWAYS known. And thus He's also always known what His decisions are - as for what He allows to happen normally/naturally (the way things have been constructed to more typically work), and places where He interjects actions and events that are atypical, or by us, considered miraculous. Not to mention, God isn't "hands-on" in the way we usually think of the term - ALL of His directives of things in the physical realm are controlled by His mind and power. The whole "tinkering" debate is rather silly. And I see a lot of it coming from people that think because He made things so that they would typically operate in one fashion, can't see Him suddenly changing it - AS IF - they think He would have thought of a situation arising, and so they tend to think He would have done things in such a way that the typical/normal precedents of created things and their functions, would have been made so as no "tinkering" would be needed. The other issue is, God DOES allow for and respond to the actions of man, IN REAL time - why? Because we LIVE in real time. But His RESPONSES have always been known, as have the actions that preceded them.

An all-powerful/all-capable/all-knowing God can do things in any way He so desires to. And for us, puny-brained humans, to think we can correctly deduce that God wouldn't have done things in ways we find strange or inconsistent - wow - because should EXPECT the unexpected with God - that is, that He should be expected to do things that mystify us. But as for being hands-on with us, in the moment/in the real time moments of our lives - wouldn't we expect a PERSONAL God that loves us to care about our concerns, fears, the desires of our hearts, etc? But His response to such has ALWAYS been known and ALWAYS been decided. God is a simple Being - He does not ACCRUE knowledge or need more information to make decisions. He's always had ALL of the information, and known all of His decisions. And while he's given us free will, He has nonetheless set and controlled its parameters. Is that "tinkering?" Call it what you will, but He didn't intervene, didn't override what would normally happen, we would have destroyed each other by now - because now we actually have the technology to do so. But our free will in no way limits God's ability to control all outcomes, in ways He so desires. Time is but a tool to God. He cannot be surprised.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

Philip, I agree with tinkering comments, and edited my "tinkering" comment to better clarify what I meant.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Philip wrote:God's supposed "tinkering," is a wrongful understanding related to time - which God stands outside of. God doesn't decide things in the moment, ALL of His decisions, He's always known. EVERY newspapers' headlines, He's ALWAYS known. And thus He's also always known what His decisions are - as for what He allows to happen normally/naturally (the way things have been constructed to more typically work), and places where He interjects actions and events that are atypical, or by us, considered miraculous. Not to mention, God isn't "hands-on" in the way we usually think of the term - ALL of His directives of things in the physical realm are controlled by His mind and power. The whole "tinkering" debate is rather silly. And I see a lot of it coming from people that think because He made things so that they would typically operate in one fashion, can't see Him suddenly changing it - AS IF - they think He would have thought of a situation arising, and so they tend to think He would have done things in such a way that the typical/normal precedents of created things and their functions, would have been made so as no "tinkering" would be needed. The other issue is, God DOES allow for and respond to the actions of man, IN REAL time - why? Because we LIVE in real time. But His RESPONSES have always been known, as have the actions that preceded them.

An all-powerful/all-capable/all-knowing God can do things in any way He so desires to. And for us, puny-brained humans, to think we can correctly deduce that God wouldn't have done things in ways we find strange or inconsistent - wow - because should EXPECT the unexpected with God - that is, that He should be expected to do things that mystify us. But as for being hands-on with us, in the moment/in the real time moments of our lives - wouldn't we expect a PERSONAL God that loves us to care about our concerns, fears, the desires of our hearts, etc? But His response to such has ALWAYS been known and ALWAYS been decided. God is a simple Being - He does not ACCRUE knowledge or need more information to make decisions. He's always had ALL of the information, and known all of His decisions. And while he's given us free will, He has nonetheless set and controlled its parameters. Is that "tinkering?" Call it what you will, but He didn't intervene, didn't override what would normally happen, we would have destroyed each other by now - because now we actually have the technology to do so. But our free will in no way limits God's ability to control all outcomes, in ways He so desires. Time is but a tool to God. He cannot be surprised.
Got me thinking..

Regardless of whether past present and future are all the same to God, simultaneous in some sense, is not change via a series of small steps at least as reasonable as sudden lurches?
He didn't intervene, didn't override what would normally happen, we would have destroyed each other by now -
How do you know that?
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

Audie wrote:WHAT is wrong with natural selection of genetic variations?
Such a mechanism alone isn't enough as I see things (and I'm not alone really on this). For example, it doesn't explain how the accumulation of massive amounts a biological information arose in the first place for NS & GV to play with. Many aren't agreed as to the exact mechanisms, but nonetheless see strong evidence they would associate with evolution having happened.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

A wrote:
K wrote:Still further, only one of the two theories I mentioned, between Evolution and PC
We were unaware that PC is in fact a theory. Prease supply reference.
Theory: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
A wrote:For those who feel they must be god's special pet, that is unacceptable.
By "special pet" I assume you mean, unique and special. I think it is quite self-evident humans are. I'm unsure why such would be unacceptable?
A wrote:From my POV, I'd think humankind has something to be kind of proud of, collectively, that we pulled ourselves up out of the mud by our own bootstraps; look at what we've done! A long hard struggle, but we did it ourselves. I dont feel it is right giving all the credit to some "god" who just went poof.
I think humanity is quite atrocious quite frankly. Look at how we look after the planet and other life? More like rape to me. We're not good stewards, humans always fighting for power, wealth or what-have-you. And as quickly as one gets it, it evaporates and was all for nothing.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by hughfarey »

Kurieuo wrote:Can we increase our consciousness levels by perhaps tweaking some physical part within us? If you get the time, I'd love you to pick up a copy of Thomas Nagel's book, Mind and Cosmos and hear your thoughts thereafter.
I don't know the extent to which consciousness can increase in the future, but the future is not the past. Various 'levels of consciousness' have been observed in different animals. Recognising oneself in a mirror seems to indicate some degree of consciousness, as does recognising another person's point of view, being able to deceive others, and so on, all of which have been demonstrated in non-human animals. Gorillas, chimps and bonobos seem to exhibit quite high levels of consciousness, and I see no reason why human consciousness could not have emerged from the evolution of humans from earlier primates.
I'm sure you'll find it interesting, I just think it'll help with any discussion we have to understand better what is believed my end. Some things said, you see absurdity with God "tinkering", but then, I see such intervention ought to be expected. Especially considering God is personal, creative, the biggest Artist in world.
I have now read that blog entry, and found it interesting, to the extent that I'm not sure your version of progressive creation is not almost identical with my version of theistic evolution. If I may quote: "So God takes something pre-existing, adds to it and moulds some brand new life. So whereas Naturalists believe all the mechanisms to be natural, I'd say a driving mechanism for new biological information and function is intervention.Something new being created from what already existed plus God's added input and tweaking." At a microscopic level, I think the difference between us may come down to single genetic mutations. We see a molecule of DNA minutely changing. An atheist considers this entirely random. A progressive creationist sees it as a direct intervention by God. A theistic evolutionist considers that although it is apparently random, it is the result of the structure of the maintenance and progression of the universe originally designed before the big bang. I would agree with you that there is a sense in which every change in every atom of the universe is a direct intervention by God, but disagree with you that any of these changes diverts from the rational pattern He established before time began.
So then, for me, God is forever "tinkering" (as in sustaining and moving) this atom and that in existence and behaving as they do. It's just a matter of if God chooses to break from the stable order that He sustains, to turn an atom this way rather than that. It really doesn't seem to me that God is any more or less clever for choosing one way over the other, since in both God is forever directly involved. God has nothing to prove.
Well, yes. The word 'tinkering' suggest to me an adjustment necessary when something goes wrong, which in turn suggests that the original design was flawed. 'Sustaining and moving' I think expresses the idea better. An analogy which occurs to me is that of a model railway powered by somebody generating electricity by a dynamo attached to a static bicycle. Sure, the moment the cycler stops cycling everything stops working, but the overall working of the system does not require that he lifts the engine from one track to another, or manually adjust his points.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Kurieuo wrote:
Audie wrote:WHAT is wrong with natural selection of genetic variations?
Such a mechanism alone isn't enough as I see things (and I'm not alone really on this). For example, it doesn't explain how the accumulation of massive amounts a biological information arose in the first place for NS & GV to play with. Many aren't agreed as to the exact mechanisms, but nonetheless see strong evidence they would associate with evolution having happened.
Differences of opinion, they say, makes for horse races.
strong evidence they would associate with evolution having happened.
Look out, here comes abe to say there is no evidence!! :D
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Evolutionists act like its no big deal that not one scientist has ever demonstrated life evolves after having tried to,many of times and failed to,but they give science a pass and must assume and use evolution imagination when looking at the evidence in the earth.I don't have to,short of going back in time,I believe we have a lost world that perished and I have evidence of the life that lived in the former world until it perished.More life is extinct in the earth than all of the life on the earth now,so there was a lot of life in the former world and it went on for a very long time based on the evidence,at least billions of years and it was a different world that existed than this world we now live in since Adam and Eve.

A Lost World is more believable based on the fossils that shows many of the kinds of life that lived in the former world,plus the high amount of death and extinction in the earth that produced coal and oil,so it had both biological life and trees,plant life,etc and it shows it was a different world than this world we live in since Adam and Eve.Dinosaurs lived in the former world along with hominids,etc. Anybody can Google fossils and can look and see the kinds of life that lived in the former world up until they died in a way they could fossilize and until the former world perished.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by hughfarey »

abelcainsbrother wrote:Evolutionists act like its no big deal that not one scientist has ever demonstrated life evolves after having tried to,many of times and failed to,but they give science a pass and must assume and use evolution imagination when looking at the evidence in the earth.
I don't have to,short of going back in time,I believe we have a lost world that perished and I have evidence of the life that lived in the former world until it perished.
Oh, good. What is it?
More life is extinct in the earth than all of the life on the earth now,so there was a lot of life in the former world and it went on for a very long time based on the evidence,at least billions of years and it was a different world that existed than this world we now live in since Adam and Eve.
Quite true. The living things of the past were different from the living things today. They changed gradually through time. They continued to change gradually through time. That's called evolution.
A Lost World is more believable based on the fossils that shows many of the kinds of life that lived in the former world,plus the high amount of death and extinction in the earth that produced coal and oil,so it had both biological life and trees,plant life,etc and it shows it was a different world than this world we live in since Adam and Eve.
This is the same statement. The response is the same too.
Dinosaurs lived in the former world along with hominids,etc.
Absolutely not.
Anybody can Google fossils and can look and see the kinds of life that lived in the former world up until they died in a way they could fossilize and until the former world perished.
The fossil record cannot be interpreted as a group of organsims which all lived unchanged for millions of years, and then all perished, to be replaced with another set, however devoutly one believes that's what happened.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

hughfarey wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Can we increase our consciousness levels by perhaps tweaking some physical part within us? If you get the time, I'd love you to pick up a copy of Thomas Nagel's book, Mind and Cosmos and hear your thoughts thereafter.
I don't know the extent to which consciousness can increase in the future, but the future is not the past. Various 'levels of consciousness' have been observed in different animals. Recognising oneself in a mirror seems to indicate some degree of consciousness, as does recognising another person's point of view, being able to deceive others, and so on, all of which have been demonstrated in non-human animals. Gorillas, chimps and bonobos seem to exhibit quite high levels of consciousness, and I see no reason why human consciousness could not have emerged from the evolution of humans from earlier primates.
Yet, even gorillas and chimps pail in comparison to human consciousness.

Here is an article that gets into the issue I'm trying to highlight, but I often struggle to explain it in a manner that others understand. This page, on an peer-reviewed journal website, describes problems that arise with consciousness and varying levels, it goes into a quite broad covering: http://www.iep.utm.edu/hard-con/
hughfarey wrote:
K wrote:I'm sure you'll find it interesting, I just think it'll help with any discussion we have to understand better what is believed my end. Some things said, you see absurdity with God "tinkering", but then, I see such intervention ought to be expected. Especially considering God is personal, creative, the biggest Artist in world.
I have now read that blog entry, and found it interesting, to the extent that I'm not sure your version of progressive creation is not almost identical with my version of theistic evolution. If I may quote: "So God takes something pre-existing, adds to it and moulds some brand new life. So whereas Naturalists believe all the mechanisms to be natural, I'd say a driving mechanism for new biological information and function is intervention.Something new being created from what already existed plus God's added input and tweaking." At a microscopic level, I think the difference between us may come down to single genetic mutations. We see a molecule of DNA minutely changing. An atheist considers this entirely random. A progressive creationist sees it as a direct intervention by God. A theistic evolutionist considers that although it is apparently random, it is the result of the structure of the maintenance and progression of the universe originally designed before the big bang. I would agree with you that there is a sense in which every change in every atom of the universe is a direct intervention by God, but disagree with you that any of these changes diverts from the rational pattern He established before time began.
If I may dig into the "greyness" that exists between us and our beliefs to clarify what are perhaps differences between your form of Theistic Evolution and my form of Progressive Creation. We would no doubt share many common thoughts :shock: ;), but then there are I'm sure crucial differences.

First, by far the most common understanding of Theistic Evolution is that God seeded life in a very pluripotent manner, and from that seed life unfolded according to how God intended. Then another form of Theism that embraces an evolutionary origins, is that God seeded life, but then was involved in the process ensuring an natural hurdles e.g., the accumulation of information, stable reproduction rather than extinction and the like were overcome.

My feeling is that the latter belief is a type of God of the gaps. It tries to hang onto evolutionary to fit in with scientific consensus, yet it nonetheless rejects a Neo-Darwinian form where God isn't needed to guide the process. The latter, God isn't needed, not even to guide the process, is the form Neo-X believes in, and obviously Audie.

Now as for my own Progressive Creation believes, sure evolution can happen, we witness it with pesticide resistances and the like. We see natural selection happens, which is really more like an extinction mechanism that enables those which can adapt to their environments to survive (or more the case, weeds out the "weaker" species that cannot adapt). We see random mutations, and science tries to apply an expected average mutation rate across life from start to finish. So I don't not believe there are some ingredients for change. To to use an analogy to describe the limited of natural selection acting upon random mutations, I can use my hand to push a screw into wood a little, enough for it to stay there, but I need something more like my drill to firmly screw it all the way in (I've been hanging a number of doors lately).

Even in intelligent selection (which is what Darwin reflected upon, and hence "natural" selection) there are limits with what breeders can breed. Boundaries if you will in nature, between species. While species are hard to define, we know there are limits to the point that you can just mix two different species together. And where there are enough similarities for breeding to occur, then there are other issues. For example, ligers (cross between a lion and tiger), selectively bred. If the mother isn't given a c-section and doesn't die during birth, often the offspring has birth defects, health issues, is infertile and dies young. Natural selection would surely weed such out, and we're talking about the tips of evolutionary trees. With evolution, we would be hope the best of both worlds (Lion/Tiger) would form a better super-species of sorts than is better adapted to survive however such isn't the case.

So, you know, I'm quite open to natural mechanisms, but then I see many like natural selection acting upon random mutations exaggerated beyond [this person's] belief at being the main driving force (the drill!) with the development of distinct lifeforms. It'd take much faith for me to believe in a purely mechanistic solution for the diversity of life that we see, where there was previously or even starting with algae.

Your position is better, yet, your views, I'm sure Audie and many others in science would still find abhorrible. They might let you slide, so long as you don't fuss to much over the real problems you see in a purely natural and unguided mechanistic accounting of evolution. If you did, then they might challenge you as filling in gaps with God, rather than real science. Though I believe you are simply responded to real problem that exist that are irresolvable (i.e., new structured biological information).

So back to our views. Where we agree, is that God is still necessary. There are real challenges, in a purely natural accounting, that without God's intervention or perhaps superintendence, we both believe could not be overcome if the natural mechanisms in place were left to come up with everything on their own.

Where we disagree, is that you don't believe in God's direct creation of a new species or even genus or family taxonomic levels. Right? You believe that God superintends over natural processes to develop new distinct forms of life, rather than directly creating many new distinct forms of life from scratch as I believe. Though I'd concede that at the taxonomic tips we can have a variety of life based upon interbreeding and dominance of genes, even with mutation as a mechanism for a create a wider diversity of traits and the like within a species.

Yet, I believe God, while he models modern humans upon hominids who have had many thousands of years to adapt and develop resistances against certain sicknesses and the like (as they adapted within a changing environment), God merely adopted such as a template with which to create us as a brand new creation.

Consider we have discovered a biological code exists, DNA. So I draw similarities with how programmers work, which seems reasonable to me since we are dealing with code. Coders start with a programming language, and languages often come with a set of pre-defined functions that programmers can make use of to develop applications or the like. "Frameworks" are often developed based upon best coding practices and they includes new templates and methods for doing things. These frameworks can really make the task of coding something much easier and the code is more solid and resilient against "bugs" and "attacks" from hackers (see a similarity here with ERVs?).

Looking back to how God created, it's not so much that God needed an easier way, but certainly seems more efficient of God nonetheless to adopt a "framework" and "template" when coding his own new "programs" (different life forms). We know the language God used, AGC and T, and would love to re-engineer it. But then, you know, where evolutionary science sees an ancestor between human and chimps, such an ancestor may have simply been a template God used to model both humans and chimps upon when creating each as distinct, brand new species.

So the difference between Progressive Creation and your form of Theistic Evolution, is that for me, I see God as directly creating new and distinct lifeforms based upon previously existing frameworks, God does not use any real mechanism with which to bring about new and distinct lifeforms (except natural reproduction of course which is the method for life continuing).
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by abelcainsbrother »

neo-x wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:What's the point? To you, and others, it's like religion. No matter what is presented, to those who believe in the whole enchilada of evolutionary origins such is sacrosanct. I mean, isn't that why you keep posing that question, to re-verify to yourself over and over how right you are? Those who are passionate about it will continue to dogmatically believe in it, there's no other story without God.
I can sympathize with Audie on her statement. really no one has given any serious objection to ToE. I believe it's true because of the data, the evidence. Critics of ToE, keep hammering it down via objections that don't prove anything and don't even prove the data wrong which supports ToE but then, as ACB does, continuously claim that the theory is wrong.

I mean seriously, if sites like RTB and others of the same nature really have proved problems with ToE, they don't present evidence nor data that shows as such. They publish private books but won't submit it to be peer reviewed. Instead they usually tweak and twist words and try to stuff it into the scriptures.

The next Nobel could be handed to the person who proves the ToE data wrong. And no pun intended here it would be amazing to see if there is another mechanism proving ToE false.

I have seen very few people who actually engage the ToE supported data, most people simply don't understand it or think of it worth enough to look into, lest they might have their eyes opened, pun intended. But seriously I think it's better to have a discussion, argument, on the data of what proves what rather than sweeping statements about ToE being false.

NOTE: K, I haven't read the link in your post. My comment is just a general comment intended more towards posters who don't engage the data. I hope this clears it.
I have got into the evidence used in evolution science before to show how it does not demonstrate life evolves,it just demonstrates normal variation amongst the kinds and the environment has absolutely no effect,they still demonstrate normal variation amongst the kinds. I have got into the evidence,but it is just denied and they say I don't understand it. So eventhogh I can get into the evidence for evolution it is unnecessary here because evolutionists in one way or another have admitted it,yet they still choose to believe it anyway and nobody can change somebody's mind who chooses to believe something despite the evidence to the contrary. Evolution science has only really proven that God created kinds to produce after their kind based on their evidence.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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