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Re: My journey

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:43 pm
by 1over137
Philip wrote:It's incredible how God can use difficult things in our pasts to create beautiful things in our present.

Re: My journey

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:52 pm
by Storyteller
I am crumbling away
like a sandcastle in the tide
a moment in time
a memory
once upon a time.

Re: My journey

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:23 pm
by Nessa
Storyteller wrote:I am crumbling away
like a sandcastle in the tide
a moment in time
a memory
once upon a time.
My favourite so far

I Imagine it being a painfully slow process..crumbling bit by bit...almost like the water is teasing the sand...keeping the sandcastle wondering....'how much will be taken from me this time?..' and on it goes until the water finally relents...just for a moment..the ultimate tease...and then..swoosh the rest of the sandcastle collapses. It is no more.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:44 am
by Storyteller
I need.... something.

I feel unsettled, not sad exactly, I dunno, flat maybe. Kinda like whats the point? Im fine, really. My faith is still strong, I just dont feel as connected. I feel listless.
What point is there to my faith in God if my family dont believe? I know, I know, maybe they will come to Christ, but maybe they wont. What then? No more tears in heaven it is said. I cling to that. I fear my husband, my daughter wont find Christ.

Normally praying, or reading helps when I feel like this, not today. Maybe because the last couple of days have been eurphoric. The crash after the peak. I dunno. I just feel meh.

I know it will pass.

Where do I find comfort when I cant bear to think of God? That came from nowhere, but its true, right now, I dont want to think sbout God. Except I do.

This is where I normally hide away. Im reaching out instead.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:53 am
by Storyteller
I feel scared, lonely and vulnerable, especially after the last few days.
The flipside of such highs is the crushing lows.
I share my thoughts with you all when I am up there yet hesitate to drag you all down so that I can climb back up.
I need you guys.
Tell me you love me.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:00 am
by Storyteller
Not even reading through the posts here today is helping :(
There are a few I wanna respond to (and will do later) but meh.
I hate feeling like this.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:28 am
by Nessa
Storyteller wrote:I feel scared, lonely and vulnerable, especially after the last few days.
The flipside of such highs is the crushing lows.
I share my thoughts with you all when I am up there yet hesitate to drag you all down so that I can climb back up.
I need you guys.
Tell me you love me.
Im rather envious of your honesty :econfused:
Hows that for honest? ;)

I know what its like to want to hear people say 'I love you'
You feel a great need and just long to hear those words
And the frustrating thing is people cant read minds cos
We need to actually hear it without having to ask.

I pray you will have many people love you in word
That is also.folllowed up with action.

You are loved ST y@};-

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:50 am
by Storyteller
Nessa wrote:
Storyteller wrote:I feel scared, lonely and vulnerable, especially after the last few days.
The flipside of such highs is the crushing lows.
I share my thoughts with you all when I am up there yet hesitate to drag you all down so that I can climb back up.
I need you guys.
Tell me you love me.
Im rather envious of your honesty :econfused:
Hows that for honest? ;)So beautifully, honestly heartfelt y@};-

I know what its like to want to hear people say 'I love you'
You feel a great need and just long to hear those words
And the frustrating thing is people cant read minds cos
We need to actually hear it without having to ask.When did you get so wise?

I pray you will have many people love you in word
That is also.folllowed up with action.

You are loved ST y@};-
nessa, my dear, dear friend. Its scary how well you understand. Thank you y>:D< y@};-

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:53 am
by Nessa
Dont forget Narnia...its still there at the back if the wardrobe and it WILL not always be winter

Dont lose hope

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:04 pm
by Storyteller
Nessa wrote:Dont forget Narnia...its still there at the back if the wardrobe and it WILL not always be winter

Dont lose hope

I will never, ever lose hope. I just may fall over a few times.
And I know, and remember, Narnia. I absolutely adored Aslan. Imagine my surprise to find out the link to Christ.

The light of the Holy Spirit is still alight, it's just flickering a bit low right now. But even a small candle flame burns bright enough to be seen for miles on a dark night (unless thats an urban myth)

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:10 pm
by Philip
Annette, we all have such days. We just can't see beyond the veil that God has imposed upon us - or sometimes the one we have created by withdrawing from fellowship with Him. But He sees both sides, makes no mistakes, has us here for specific purposes. When we are anxious and fearful, the enemy can take hold - it's what he loves and how he most effectively operates. So, when we feel in such ways, turning to God, leaning on Him - that is what He wants and precisely what we need. We want to seek comfort elsewhere - even from other Christians - that which only God is capable of (giving us peace amidst chaos and a world that is anything but). I have realizes that there is much, as a mortal man, that I will NEVER understand. I realize feelings can be all over the map, and very frequently not indicative of reality. Just run to God in such moments. Tell Him your fears. Ask Him what you need to pray for. Ask for specific guidance on specific issues - just like He is your ETERNAL Father. Try to outhink your feelings - they are what they are - don't give them more credibility than they should receive.

As for those you love that may not embrace Christ. Do what we can, don't worry about what we cannot, as that is the realm of God - and yet He simultaneously listens to our prayers while not violating a person's free will (in regards to Him). But as for your child, LEAD her. Teach her what you know to be true, to be CRITICAL to her life now and eternally. Do not simply wait until she makes her own decisions - which she must - but meanwhile, lead, enlighten, model for her the Light which is within you. You know Proverbs is a book of sayings, many of which while not a certainty (whenever they involve the free will choices of an individual), they are, however, generally true. See Proverbs 22:6: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Make sure you do this! My dad, who was not the most spiritual guy - especially when I was a kid - nonetheless was a Christian who knew what to expose me to, what to teach me. He made sure I was knowledgeable about the Lord in key ways. This lead to ME deciding as a child to follow Jesus - yes, a child with MUCH maturing and learning through difficult days (mostly of my own doing). Ultimately, for all my interest in apologetics, etc., I came to Christ with the simple understanding of a child.

I have been praying for you, will continue to.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:28 pm
by Storyteller
I have been praying, will continue to, I am, and always will be, hurtling myself into my eternal Fathers arms, even when I cant see the way.

As for my family, I do talk to them, the other night my husband, after talking about God and faith, said "Christ is the embodiment of God" so there is hope, my daughter is curious, she is learning about different religions at school, she likes the idea of a few, she loved the Narnia books and she knows what I believe, and why. I lead her by action. word and deed, and she sees me read the Bible a lot :)

Thank you for your prayers, please keep praying.


Re: My journey

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:01 pm
by Philip
Story, the one other thing I'd note is, as far as influencing your family to find and have what you do, in Christ, is the additional influence and power of reinforcement that comes by them simultaneously being regularly exposed to others whom also have faith in Jesus. In this way, they have the powerful witness of multiple believers - that this incredible faith and joy you have shows up just as powerfully in other Christians. It is important, as to the perceptions of unbelievers, that they realize we are not unique - in that, there is a whole BODY of Christ collectively showing a tremendous contrast with the world in how they strive to live out their lives, and in their concern and compassion for others. There is great power in the proximity of other believers, that impacts the families and children of unbelievers - far beyond what ONLY your own influence might have.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:48 am
by Storyteller
The last few days have been surreal. I have cried so, so much. And given thanks to God.
I have been so close to, and distant from, at the same time from God. Something has happened, is happening and I don't know how to explain it.
Why do I care more about if my family find Christ than, say, Ken or ed? Are we not told to love our neighbour? How much it must hurt God, to see His creation turn away from Him.

I was praying, not particularly earnestly, just being kinda there and I caught a scent. Of roses. And yes, I know the significance of that, and its the second time. I bawled. I felt broken, totally and utterly broken. Drunk, stoned and sinning. But I also felt something else. Remorse. And forgiveness, acceptance. Love.

The thing I've been missing is that it's okay. I am human. I will sin, it's how I react to that.

I am broken.
I have lied and cheated.
I have hurt those I love and I have hurt strangers.
I have sinned.

I finally broke open in front of God, and wept, on my knees.

I have been given something that no words can express.

I am proud, with all my faults, all my sins, all my scars, to stand and say Christ is my Lord.

I had a moment, a brief, terrifying moment, just for a heartbeat, of doubt. A nano second of allowing the idea of Him not being real and I saw Satan. Not actually saw, or felt, or anything, just this flash of an impression.

I have felt the furthest away from God than I ever want to again, but, I think I had to, to come back this close.
This time was different, this time I kept praying. I didn't hide. Anything. Even that moment of doubt.

So how to conclude?

I don't know if I'm honest, so I'll just hit submit.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:00 am
by RickD

As I read through your posts, I can't help but thank God that you came to this forum. One of my biggest pet peeves with people, and especially "religious" people, is how fake people can be. They put on a happy mask, and pretend to others, that their lives are great. They don't want to be real, and let themselves be vulnerable. I really admire how you are open and honest with all of us here.
It really shows me how God is working in your life. And how you are allowing Him to work.

You are such a blessing to us here. And with everything you are going through, God has a plan for you. Keep praying and listening to Him.

I know you already know this, but through everything, trust in Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you.