RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by neo-x »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
neo-x wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:What's the point? To you, and others, it's like religion. No matter what is presented, to those who believe in the whole enchilada of evolutionary origins such is sacrosanct. I mean, isn't that why you keep posing that question, to re-verify to yourself over and over how right you are? Those who are passionate about it will continue to dogmatically believe in it, there's no other story without God.
I can sympathize with Audie on her statement. really no one has given any serious objection to ToE. I believe it's true because of the data, the evidence. Critics of ToE, keep hammering it down via objections that don't prove anything and don't even prove the data wrong which supports ToE but then, as ACB does, continuously claim that the theory is wrong.

I mean seriously, if sites like RTB and others of the same nature really have proved problems with ToE, they don't present evidence nor data that shows as such. They publish private books but won't submit it to be peer reviewed. Instead they usually tweak and twist words and try to stuff it into the scriptures.

The next Nobel could be handed to the person who proves the ToE data wrong. And no pun intended here it would be amazing to see if there is another mechanism proving ToE false.

I have seen very few people who actually engage the ToE supported data, most people simply don't understand it or think of it worth enough to look into, lest they might have their eyes opened, pun intended. But seriously I think it's better to have a discussion, argument, on the data of what proves what rather than sweeping statements about ToE being false.

NOTE: K, I haven't read the link in your post. My comment is just a general comment intended more towards posters who don't engage the data. I hope this clears it.
I have got into the evidence used in evolution science before to show how it does not demonstrate life evolves,it just demonstrates normal variation amongst the kinds and the environment has absolutely no effect,they still demonstrate normal variation amongst the kinds. I have got into the evidence,but it is just denied and they say I don't understand it. So eventhogh I can get into the evidence for evolution it is unnecessary here because evolutionists in one way or another have admitted it,yet they still choose to believe it anyway and nobody can change somebody's mind who chooses to believe something despite the evidence to the contrary. Evolution science has only really proven that God created kinds to produce after their kind based on their evidence.
I don' think you have. Evolution is undeniable if you look at the data. Ofcourse if you look at it already from a view that says it must be wrong then obviously you will say so. It is not more serious than an athiest saying he's read the Bible and found it full of problems. But that is your view, and you are entitled to one. However, I don't agree because I have not seen any serious scientific objection to ToE. Infact every find and evidence goes to support it.

Ever wondered if the bolded is true for you as well?

I shared a post multiple times in the past about what it would take to put a dent in the ToE. Maybe you missed it but it lists the things that if were found or observed would truly knock the theory atleast to the degree that we'd have to rethink it.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by abelcainsbrother »

neo-x wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
neo-x wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:What's the point? To you, and others, it's like religion. No matter what is presented, to those who believe in the whole enchilada of evolutionary origins such is sacrosanct. I mean, isn't that why you keep posing that question, to re-verify to yourself over and over how right you are? Those who are passionate about it will continue to dogmatically believe in it, there's no other story without God.
I can sympathize with Audie on her statement. really no one has given any serious objection to ToE. I believe it's true because of the data, the evidence. Critics of ToE, keep hammering it down via objections that don't prove anything and don't even prove the data wrong which supports ToE but then, as ACB does, continuously claim that the theory is wrong.

I mean seriously, if sites like RTB and others of the same nature really have proved problems with ToE, they don't present evidence nor data that shows as such. They publish private books but won't submit it to be peer reviewed. Instead they usually tweak and twist words and try to stuff it into the scriptures.

The next Nobel could be handed to the person who proves the ToE data wrong. And no pun intended here it would be amazing to see if there is another mechanism proving ToE false.

I have seen very few people who actually engage the ToE supported data, most people simply don't understand it or think of it worth enough to look into, lest they might have their eyes opened, pun intended. But seriously I think it's better to have a discussion, argument, on the data of what proves what rather than sweeping statements about ToE being false.

NOTE: K, I haven't read the link in your post. My comment is just a general comment intended more towards posters who don't engage the data. I hope this clears it.
I have got into the evidence used in evolution science before to show how it does not demonstrate life evolves,it just demonstrates normal variation amongst the kinds and the environment has absolutely no effect,they still demonstrate normal variation amongst the kinds. I have got into the evidence,but it is just denied and they say I don't understand it. So eventhogh I can get into the evidence for evolution it is unnecessary here because evolutionists in one way or another have admitted it,yet they still choose to believe it anyway and nobody can change somebody's mind who chooses to believe something despite the evidence to the contrary. Evolution science has only really proven that God created kinds to produce after their kind based on their evidence.
I don' think you have. Evolution is undeniable if you look at the data. Ofcourse if you look at it already from a view that says it must be wrong then obviously you will say so. It is not more serious than an athiest saying he's read the Bible and found it full of problems. But that is your view, and you are entitled to one. However, I don't agree because I have not seen any serious scientific objection to ToE. Infact every find and evidence goes to support it.

Ever wondered if the bolded is true for you as well?

I shared a post multiple times in the past about what it would take to put a dent in the ToE. Maybe you missed it but it lists the things that if were found or observed would truly knock the theory atleast to the degree that we'd have to rethink it.
I know,you assume I looked at it as it must be wrong,but you're wrong. I looked into it to find out if it was really true or not. I considered theistic evolution but going through the evidence convinced me I could not accept it. People who accept evolution think that the only way the theory of evolution can be refuted is by peer review,so that it can never happen.The thing about it is I do not knock people's faith if they accept evolution eventhough I reject it. I just explain why I reject it and then offer what to me is a better theory.

Oh,and yes I have and do consider if I am wrong or overlooked something but I don't think I have and nobody has been able to show me where or how I'm wrong about evolution. I've never denied there is a lot of evidence behind evolution but quality of evidence is more important than quantity of evidence.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by neo-x »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
neo-x wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
neo-x wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:What's the point? To you, and others, it's like religion. No matter what is presented, to those who believe in the whole enchilada of evolutionary origins such is sacrosanct. I mean, isn't that why you keep posing that question, to re-verify to yourself over and over how right you are? Those who are passionate about it will continue to dogmatically believe in it, there's no other story without God.
I can sympathize with Audie on her statement. really no one has given any serious objection to ToE. I believe it's true because of the data, the evidence. Critics of ToE, keep hammering it down via objections that don't prove anything and don't even prove the data wrong which supports ToE but then, as ACB does, continuously claim that the theory is wrong.

I mean seriously, if sites like RTB and others of the same nature really have proved problems with ToE, they don't present evidence nor data that shows as such. They publish private books but won't submit it to be peer reviewed. Instead they usually tweak and twist words and try to stuff it into the scriptures.

The next Nobel could be handed to the person who proves the ToE data wrong. And no pun intended here it would be amazing to see if there is another mechanism proving ToE false.

I have seen very few people who actually engage the ToE supported data, most people simply don't understand it or think of it worth enough to look into, lest they might have their eyes opened, pun intended. But seriously I think it's better to have a discussion, argument, on the data of what proves what rather than sweeping statements about ToE being false.

NOTE: K, I haven't read the link in your post. My comment is just a general comment intended more towards posters who don't engage the data. I hope this clears it.
I have got into the evidence used in evolution science before to show how it does not demonstrate life evolves,it just demonstrates normal variation amongst the kinds and the environment has absolutely no effect,they still demonstrate normal variation amongst the kinds. I have got into the evidence,but it is just denied and they say I don't understand it. So eventhogh I can get into the evidence for evolution it is unnecessary here because evolutionists in one way or another have admitted it,yet they still choose to believe it anyway and nobody can change somebody's mind who chooses to believe something despite the evidence to the contrary. Evolution science has only really proven that God created kinds to produce after their kind based on their evidence.
I don' think you have. Evolution is undeniable if you look at the data. Ofcourse if you look at it already from a view that says it must be wrong then obviously you will say so. It is not more serious than an athiest saying he's read the Bible and found it full of problems. But that is your view, and you are entitled to one. However, I don't agree because I have not seen any serious scientific objection to ToE. Infact every find and evidence goes to support it.

Ever wondered if the bolded is true for you as well?

I shared a post multiple times in the past about what it would take to put a dent in the ToE. Maybe you missed it but it lists the things that if were found or observed would truly knock the theory atleast to the degree that we'd have to rethink it.
I know,you assume I looked at it as it must be wrong,but you're wrong.
Yet you accuse others of this repeatedly, especially Hugh.
Last edited by neo-x on Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by hughfarey »

Kurieuo wrote:Here is an article that gets into the issue I'm trying to highlight, but I often struggle to explain it in a manner that others understand. This page, on an peer-reviewed journal website, describes problems that arise with consciousness and varying levels, it goes into a quite broad covering: http://www.iep.utm.edu/hard-con/
The main 'problem' with the evolution of consciousness, as I see it, is that it is such a subjective experience that we find it very difficult to detach ourselves from a wholly subjective approach to discovering it in others. We are prepared to accept that other people are conscious, as we share so much in common, but not that a dog, a mouse, or a chair might be conscious, simply because they are different creatures, not because we actually know. Really, the only way we can detect consciousness is by its effects: for all I know my cat or my computer might be plotting to overthrow the world or compose a beautiful poem, but unless I have some way of detecting that, I cannot consider them conscious. To experiment with consciousness, then, we cannot begin with "I think this, and a rabbit doesn't, so a rabbit isn't conscious", as we don't know what a rabbit thinks. Instead we have to begin with "How do I recognise consciousness?" We have begun with things like recognising oneself as different from others, empathising with others' experiences, expressing emotions, communicating ideas about the past and the future, making jokes, and so on, none of which is a definitive marker for consciousness, but, given enough criteria, might define an organism (not necessarily a living organism), whose behaviour is indistinguishable from that of a conscious organism. There is a discussion among the developers of robots about whether a robot could ever be conscious. One side says that however lifelike a robot's behaviour, it could never be conscious because a robot isn't a human. The other says that if a robot was ever created whose behaviour was indistinguishable from a human, then to all intents and purposes it must be considered as conscious. The famous Turing test was designed to highlight the dilemma. Seen on that way, it would be interesting to know what you thought was qualitatively different between the consciousness of higher primates and ourselves.
Then another form of Theism that embraces an evolutionary origins, is that God seeded life, but then was involved in the process ensuring an natural hurdles e.g., the accumulation of information, stable reproduction rather than extinction and the like were overcome. My feeling is that the latter belief is a type of God of the gaps.
Quite so, but that's not what I think. The words "but then was involved" imply that the original plan could result in things going 'wrong' which had to be corrected. I don't think the original plan was that imperfect. Another odd analogy that occurred to me is that of someone producing an animated film by drawing a series of pictures. Each picture is an entirely logical continuation of the story from the previous sequence, and, if thought about in sufficient detail from the start, does not require any new picture to contain any unpredictable element. The pictures cannot draw themselves, of course, and there is no reason why the artist could not suddenly introduce an elephant in the garden in a single picture, if that's what he wanted. But my experience of the show so far suggests that he hasn't, but followed the plan which was in his mind from the very beginning.
To to use an analogy to describe the limited of natural selection acting upon random mutations, I can use my hand to push a screw into wood a little, enough for it to stay there, but I need something more like my drill to firmly screw it all the way in (I've been hanging a number of doors lately).
Is evolution your hand, and God the drill? But God created the screw, the hand, and the wood. By my analogy he designed the wood so that the hand could manage the job by itself...
Even in intelligent selection (which is what Darwin reflected upon, and hence "natural" selection) there are limits with what breeders can breed.
We don't know that. We know what has, and has not, been achieved, but not what could be, or will be achieved, given enough time.
Boundaries if you will in nature, between species. While species are hard to define, we know there are limits to the point that you can just mix two different species together.
This is a common enough belief, but is based on ignorance, not evidence. As I say, we know what we have achieved, and not achieved, but that is insufficient for us to say that the evolution of species is impossible. (And you ought to avoid the ACB-ism of the idea of "mixing species together," which is evolutionarily meaningless)
Natural selection would surely weed such out, and we're talking about the tips of evolutionary trees. With evolution, we would be hope the best of both worlds (Lion/Tiger) would form a better super-species of sorts than is better adapted to survive however such isn't the case.
Well obviously not. it is no argument to say that because lions and tigers "ought" to have interbred, but haven't, that therefore natural selection doesn't work. Evolution is not about species "mixing together" but about species diverging. Lions and tigers shared a common ancestor not so many millions of years ago, the populations of which diverged according to their environment to the extent that eventually they were reproductively isolated.
It'd take much faith for me to believe in a purely mechanistic solution for the diversity of life that we see, where there was previously or even starting with algae.
Ah, well, that's where I see God as being much cleverer than you give him credit for...
Your position is better, yet, your views, I'm sure Audie and many others in science would still find abhorrible.
I think not. They might disagree philosophically, but my views are as scientifically sound as the most atheistic evolutionist. There is a point, beyond the big bang, at which the atheist has to say "I don't know", an ignorance which I fill by calling it God. Between me, Audie and Richard Dawkins we could attempt to derive some understanding of this entity.
Where we disagree, is that you don't believe in God's direct creation of a new species or even genus or family taxonomic levels. Right? You believe that God superintends over natural processes to develop new distinct forms of life, rather than directly creating many new distinct forms of life from scratch as I believe.
I think that's correct. So can I explore exactly what you think the direct creation of a new species might involve. Say the kiwi, to bring back an earlier example. Currently, there are insufficient fossils for me to "prove" the evolution of the kiwi, so let me, for the sake of argument, follow a creationist point of view. Do you think that a small group of adult kiwis were instantaneously planted on the virgin soil of New Zealand? (Presumably more than one, for breeding purposes, and more than two, to maintain sufficient genetic diversity). Or were there some non-kiwi mothers who laid eggs containing the DNA of true kiwis, which, when hatched, were sufficiently similar to their mothers to be cared for, but not sufficiently similar to interbreed with their mothers, or their non-kiwi cousins. (Presumably, being slightly better adapted to their environment than the non-kiwis, they eventually out competed them, resulting in the extinction of the previous species.) Or perhaps you have other ideas?
Yet, I believe God, while he models modern humans upon hominids who have had many thousands of years to adapt and develop resistances against certain sicknesses and the like (as they adapted within a changing environment), God merely adopted such as a template with which to create us as a brand new creation.
Again, how exactly do you thing he might have gone about it? In the case of humans there are a number of pre-human fossils suggesting that the new humans replaced them, rather than suddenly filling a whole new ecological niche.
Consider we have discovered a biological code exists, DNA. So I draw similarities with how programmers work, which seems reasonable to me since we are dealing with code. Coders start with a programming language, and languages often come with a set of pre-defined functions that programmers can make use of to develop applications or the like. "Frameworks" are often developed based upon best coding practices and they includes new templates and methods for doing things. These frameworks can really make the task of coding something much easier and the code is more solid and resilient against "bugs" and "attacks" from hackers (see a similarity here with ERVs?). Looking back to how God created, it's not so much that God needed an easier way, but certainly seems more efficient of God nonetheless to adopt a "framework" and "template" when coding his own new "programs" (different life forms). We know the language God used, AGC and T, and would love to re-engineer it. But then, you know, where evolutionary science sees an ancestor between human and chimps, such an ancestor may have simply been a template God used to model both humans and chimps upon when creating each as distinct, brand new species.
Yes, good. God may indeed have done that: taken a variety of genes from an appropriate model, then reassembled them, with one or two additions of his own, to derive the new species. Except that in our case, our genes are so similar to those of the higher primates that there was no need to disassemble and reassemble; all that was needed was the few little tweaks. So how, do you suppose, he went about that? Manually? Or maybe by the judicious targeting of cosmic rays?
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

I will observe to see if you figure out a way to have a sensible
conversation with magical thinking.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

I will observe to see if you figure out a way to have a sensible
conversation with magical thinking.
This, from the Queen of Magical Thinking Herself! :lol:
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Philip wrote:
I will observe to see if you figure out a way to have a sensible
conversation with magical thinking.
This, from the Queen of Magical Thinking Herself! :lol:
Now that IS rich.

The guy who figures that god-poof is the answer to all mysteries
thinks that to admit one does not know the deepest mysteries of the universe
is magical thinking.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Kurieuo »

God didn't do it, nobody saw God do it, you can't prove anything. Which leaves me to speculate whatever magic I like for our universe and life's existence.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

Audie: The guy who figures that god-poof is the answer to all mysteries
thinks that to admit one does not know the deepest mysteries of the universe
is magical thinking.
No, no, NO!!! The magical thinking is in reality YOUR belief that a non-intelligent cause or causes, could make NON-EXISTING things IMMEDIATELY show up/burst into physical reality, with immense power, obedience to strict laws, with unfathomably complex functionality, necessary interactivity, and stupendous design. There is NO slow change of evolving as to what sophisticated things immediately burst into reality at the Big Bang - as they weren't there, and a moment later, they WERE. And those first things check EVERY single box - on an insanely vast scale - that any sensible person with assert to show immense intelligence. And yet YOU assert they could appear without an intelligent and purposeful cause. No, dear Audie, YOURS is the magical thinking. It sure ain't SCIENCE - and you KNOW it's not! Is belief in God the belief in the miraculous? Of course. But it is belief in what you assert to be possible without an intelligent cause that I call magical - that's not rational!

If what showed up did not IMMEDIATELY have such marvelous design and functionality, if it was merely non-functioning rocks, for example - even those would have needed a source, but that source would have to at the very least have the ability to make the immaterial/non-physical, burst into reality, and harness either some eternal power or that power had to come from it (both miraculous and needing miraculous ability and purpose). But the incredible design and functionality that showed up - these were not simply random chaotic things, as in some mass explosion. No, THOSE things revealed not just unparalleled power and the ability to make the immaterial become physical (a miracle enough - also revealing an ability mankind does not have nor understand), but an unfathomable intelligence of a DESIGNER. I don't believe such things are possible without an intelligent cause, merely because I DON'T believe in magical things that have no purposeful intelligence behind them. You do - which is why I call it magical thinking. Or my fall back term, "Pop Metaphysics!"
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Philip wrote:
Audie: The guy who figures that god-poof is the answer to all mysteries
thinks that to admit one does not know the deepest mysteries of the universe
is magical thinking.
No, no, NO!!! The magical thinking is in reality YOUR belief that a non-intelligent cause or causes, could make NON-EXISTING things IMMEDIATELY show up/burst into physical reality, with immense power, obedience to strict laws, with unfathomably complex functionality, necessary interactivity, and stupendous design. There is NO slow change of evolving as to what sophisticated things immediately burst into reality at the Big Bang - as they weren't there, and a moment later, they WERE. And those first things check EVERY single box - on an insanely vast scale - that any sensible person with assert to show immense intelligence. And yet YOU assert they could appear without an intelligent and purposeful cause. No, dear Audie, YOURS is the magical thinking. It sure ain't SCIENCE - and you KNOW it's not! Is belief in God the belief in the miraculous? Of course. But it is belief in what you assert to be possible without an intelligent cause that I call magical - that's not rational!

If what showed up did not IMMEDIATELY have such marvelous design and functionality, if it was merely non-functioning rocks, for example - even those would have needed a source, but that source would have to at the very least have the ability to make the immaterial/non-physical, burst into reality, and harness either some eternal power or that power had to come from it (both miraculous and needing miraculous ability and purpose). But the incredible design and functionality that showed up - these were simply random chaotic things, as in some mass explosion. No, THOSE things revealed not just unparalleled power and the ability to make the immaterial become physical (a miracle enough - also revealing an ability mankind does not have nor understand), but an unfathomable intelligence of a DESIGNER. I don't believe such things are possible without an intelligent cause, merely because I DON'T believe in magical things that have no purposeful intelligence behind them. You do - which is why I call it magical thinking. Or my fall back term, "Pop Metaphysics!"
Perhaps you could acquaint yourself with what magical thinking actually is.

http://magicalthinkingbook.com/wp-conte ... -Intro.pdf

or more briefly

Magical thinking is a term used in anthropology and psychology, denoting the fallacious attribution of causal relationships between actions and events, with subtle differences in meaning between the two fields.

Sans the strings of hyperbolic adjectives you don't have much to say, and less still if you delete all the phony and scurrilous things you invent to say about me. You dont know those things; you just magically think them into existence and attribute them to me. Or maybe it is just that mundane old psychological projection. Either way there are some real problems with it. One of many is that you carry on both sides of the conversation, substituting your imagination for me.

As for the thin streak of substance in your post-

What little is there could equally be applied
to lightning, if this were say the year 1500.

No doubt many pretended that they knew what it was then. The more superstitious / religious, the more they would be so sure they knew, n'est-ce pas?

I see no magical thinking in simply saying that I do not understand or know something. I think that is reasonable. You invent something else for me to think, and then say that it is irrational.

I dont think ancient texts nor ancient philosophical methods are up to the task of revealing the nature of reality to us.

You see no magical thinking in god-poof. And, I guess you think the old timers did better than I think they did.

If you wish not to be compared with abe in any way (which I did not earlier, tho you invented that I had) then try to avoid doing as he does.

If you wish to have some sort of conversation with me, then try to be more sensible. I cant puzzle out if you are playing a game, lack reading comprehension, deeply into projection, or what. I dont know as I care to keep trying if you are going to continue on this tack.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by PaulSacramento »

Audie: The guy who figures that god-poof is the answer to all mysteries
thinks that to admit one does not know the deepest mysteries of the universe
is magical thinking.
In all fairness, because of Audie's (incorrect) understanding of what God is, it makes sense for her to think this.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

PaulSacramento wrote:
Audie: The guy who figures that god-poof is the answer to all mysteries
thinks that to admit one does not know the deepest mysteries of the universe
is magical thinking.
In all fairness, because of Audie's (incorrect) understanding of what God is, it makes sense for her to think this.
No, it makes sense because it is not magical thinking to say I dont know.

But you do understand what 'god" is? Seriously? You think that?

What you guys claim to "know" and "understand" is the very definition of magical thinking.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by PaulSacramento »

No Audie, as it has been pointed out, it is based on logical reasoning and metaphysical philosophy.
We may not know what God is 100% exactly, BUT we do know what he MUST BE to be God.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

PaulSacramento wrote:No Audie, as it has been pointed out, it is based on logical reasoning and metaphysical philosophy.
We may not know what God is 100% exactly, BUT we do know what he MUST BE to be God.
Well I do hail ye, the Infallibles.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

Audie: I see no magical thinking in simply saying that I do not understand or know something. I think that is reasonable.
I'm with you, so far - as that is just being honest.
Audie: You invent something else for me to think, and then say that it is irrational.
No, Audie, your OWN words and assertions have prolifically shown that you do not believe a living entity or intelligence was behind the universe we have. Further, you've asserted it's not necessary. Because, at the Big Bang, not only were the marvelous things that INSTANTLY appeared reveal the polar opposite of random function, design and interactivity, but what showed up were also PRECISELY the VERY things required to create a universe of incredible functionality and design, on an astounding scale. So, that is a double whammy of incomprehensible coincidence - which rational thinking tells us could in no stretch of the imagination could have been randomly produced.

So, let's again try to pin you down, once AGAIN: Do you or do you not believe the universe's origin required/necessitated a thinking, intelligent and purposeful Source that was also eternal?
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