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Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:12 pm
by edwardmurphy
abelcainsbrother wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:09 pmTrump cooperated with the Mueller investigation

I didn't make it past that line, so I apologize if you eventually said something that wasn't delusional and I missed it.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:40 am
by RickD
An eternal never Trumper, and an eternal always Trumper.

Neither one will acknowledge anything the other one says.

Both have different versions of TDS.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:11 pm
by Byblos ... 24686.html

Listen to the chain and timing of events and tell me there's nothing to investigate. One would have to suffer from total TDS not see the merits of the case against the Bidens.

I am well aware the media outfit reporting is Fox News (at least it's not Q, which I would never use as a source anyway). But unfortunately no other media outfit is willing to even acknowledge any hint of impropriety, let alone advocate for an investigation.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:51 pm
by RickD
Byblos wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:11 pm ... 24686.html

Listen to the chain and timing of events and tell me there's nothing to investigate. One would have to suffer from total TDS not see the merits of the case against the Bidens.

I am well aware the media outfit reporting is Fox News (at least it's not Q, which I would never use as a source anyway). But unfortunately no other media outfit is willing to even acknowledge any hint of impropriety, let alone advocate for an investigation.
Ed Murphy has a computer that won't allow access to FoxNews links. Apparently his computer has a TDS virus.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:24 am
by edwardmurphy
My news feed is well populated with tales from the fever swamps, and if it's too wacky for FOX I can trust Abe and Stu to tell me about it. I have a pretty good idea what those on the right think about most things.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:44 am
by edwardmurphy
Byblos wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:11 pm ... 24686.html

Listen to the chain and timing of events and tell me there's nothing to investigate. One would have to suffer from total TDS not see the merits of the case against the Bidens.

I am well aware the media outfit reporting is Fox News (at least it's not Q, which I would never use as a source anyway). But unfortunately no other media outfit is willing to even acknowledge any hint of impropriety, let alone advocate for an investigation.
I don't have much faith in Solomon. He's as partisan a hack as ever put pen to paper. I'll read more about the Bidens, though.

As far as I can tell Hunter Biden has always done his best to trade on his daddy's name. Hunter has also made a lot of poor decisions. He got himself into the military then got canned for doing drugs, he dated his dead brother's widow, he took a board position in the Ukraine while his dad was the sitting VP, and so on and so forth. The guy is a moron, and he very likely has a drug problem.

That said, the timeline doesn't really support wrongdoing by Joe Biden, and he wouldn't have had to do a thing in order for his son to trade on the family name. The claim that Biden went rogue and demanded that what's his face be fired is simply false. The Obama Administration, the EU, the IMF, and a bunch of Ukrainian reformers were all pushing for the same thing. They all wanted the guy gone because they all thought he was crooked. There is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong, or that his kid committed a criminal act. This is a political smear aimed at knocking out the Democrat that Trump sees as his most electable opponent.

It's also worth pointing out that Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and DT Junior are flying all over the place and trading on their daddy's name while he's the sitting President. Remember when the Chinese gave Ivanka a bunch of patents the day after Xi visited the Trump's at Mar a Lago? Swampy. As. [love]. Only in this instance the Donald hasn't divested from his companies, so when his kids use his position to enrich themselves they're also enriching him. So it's even swampier. In fact it's a textbook example of "high crime," which refers to crimes committed from on high (meaning crimes that are made possible by the perpetrator's position in government).

Personally I find it all pretty swampy and I'd be delighted to see all kinds of anti-swamp legislation put in place. Meantime, though, there can't be two sets of rules. Either we care about kids using their parents' positions of power to enrich themselves or we don't. If Hunter Biden's actions in Ukraine are disqualifying for his father then the Trump clan's actions all over the world are equally disqualifying for Donald Trump.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:42 pm
by Byblos
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:44 am
Byblos wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:11 pm ... 24686.html

Listen to the chain and timing of events and tell me there's nothing to investigate. One would have to suffer from total TDS not see the merits of the case against the Bidens.

I am well aware the media outfit reporting is Fox News (at least it's not Q, which I would never use as a source anyway). But unfortunately no other media outfit is willing to even acknowledge any hint of impropriety, let alone advocate for an investigation.
I don't have much faith in Solomon. He's as partisan a hack as ever put pen to paper. I'll read more about the Bidens, though.

As far as I can tell Hunter Biden has always done his best to trade on his daddy's name. Hunter has also made a lot of poor decisions. He got himself into the military then got canned for doing drugs, he dated his dead brother's widow, he took a board position in the Ukraine while his dad was the sitting VP, and so on and so forth. The guy is a moron, and he very likely has a drug problem.

That said, the timeline doesn't really support wrongdoing by Joe Biden, and he wouldn't have had to do a thing in order for his son to trade on the family name. The claim that Biden went rogue and demanded that what's his face be fired is simply false. The Obama Administration, the EU, the IMF, and a bunch of Ukrainian reformers were all pushing for the same thing. They all wanted the guy gone because they all thought he was crooked. There is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong, or that his kid committed a criminal act. This is a political smear aimed at knocking out the Democrat that Trump sees as his most electable opponent.

It's also worth pointing out that Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and DT Junior are flying all over the place and trading on their daddy's name while he's the sitting President. Remember when the Chinese gave Ivanka a bunch of patents the day after Xi visited the Trump's at Mar a Lago? Swampy. As. [love]. Only in this instance the Donald hasn't divested from his companies, so when his kids use his position to enrich themselves they're also enriching him. So it's even swampier. In fact it's a textbook example of "high crime," which refers to crimes committed from on high (meaning crimes that are made possible by the perpetrator's position in government).

Personally I find it all pretty swampy and I'd be delighted to see all kinds of anti-swamp legislation put in place. Meantime, though, there can't be two sets of rules. Either we care about kids using their parents' positions of power to enrich themselves or we don't. If Hunter Biden's actions in Ukraine are disqualifying for his father then the Trump clan's actions all over the world are equally disqualifying for Donald Trump.
Then let a real investigation determine whether or not there was quid pro quo that benefited Biden's son. But if the democrats and the mainstream media are not even interested in opening the subject, then they ought to lay off Trump for doing the same (assuming it is even provable). Goose, gander, and all. That, now, would be fair, don't you agree?

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:33 pm
by edwardmurphy
Byblos wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:42 pmThen let a real investigation determine whether or not there was quid pro quo that benefited Biden's son. But if the democrats and the mainstream media are not even interested in opening the subject, then they ought to lay off Trump for doing the same (assuming it is even provable). Goose, gander, and all. That, now, would be fair, don't you agree?
The fact that Hunter Biden was on the board at Burisma while his dad was VP isn't new information. This came up in 2015. You might recall that the GOP held both the House and the Senate in 2015. They could have thrown together an investigation, but for some reason they didn't feel the need.

Four years later the GOP still holds the Senate. Senate committees can investigate stuff too, but for some reason they're not doing it.

Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States. If he felt that there was something that needed to be investigated he could have simply called the DoJ and requested an investigation, but for some reason didn't do that.

If there was reason to think that Hunter or Joe Biden had committed a crime the DoJ could have investigated independently. The FBI could have, too. If the rumors were coming from Ukraine our Legal Attache could have looked into it. But yet again, nothing.

Byblos, as Daniel Day Lewis said in Lincoln, the President is "clothed in immense power." If he was sincerely concerned about corruption in Ukraine, either by the Bidens or in general, all he had to do was pick up the phone and call the State Department, the Department of Justice, somebody on the House Foreign Relations Committee, somebody in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the FBI, the Legal Attache at the US Embassy in Kiev, his Ambassador to Ukraine, and so on and so forth. He was not without resources. Legal resources. Resources that would not require him to be sneaky, or imperil an ally, or act like a Mafia boss.

So why on earth did he involve his personal attorney? Why did he bring in his Ambassador to the EU? Why all the subterfuge and backroom dealing and the quid pro quo? Why the cover up? Why the lies? Why is he telling his people to defy subpoenas? Why is he acting so guilty?


Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:40 pm
by Blessed
edwardmurphy wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 7:26 am
Blessed wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:44 pmEdward,

Just keep on telling yourself that...

You cherry picked my quote.

When I say there are no facts I'm speaking about the constant flow of fake phony made up exaggerated "hypotheticals on hypotheticals" dressed up as "news" from all the mainstream media news sources and those "independent" web news sources that have been bought out.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:05 pm
by Blessed
All these "investigations" are a gross abuse of discretion and if that point has escaped you then I don't know what else to say.

I honestly just want the United States to balkanize at this point. Everyone can see where there is headed. A hardcore leftist homosexual and his "first man" are running for President. And his last name sounds like "Booty". I don't want to live in a country where President Booty and his "first man" elevate LGBT to a whole new protected elitist social caste (more than they are now) and pass all kinds of new insane sick laws.

I really think separation would be for the best. They HUD programs intentionally mixed it where it might not effectively make a difference however it would allow majority rule in those who agree with the far left and their demagogues and those who don't - to relocate in a state (new country) that would have Hungarian style border control to prevent these people from pouring into their newfound nations.

For example California, Oregon and Washington could be a new country. The entire USA as whole is slowly de-evolving into a third world country anyways.

Edward - you can create a new Constitution where you can criminalize free speech, the right to bear arms, quarter for soldiers, taxes, police marriage and family, unlimited 3rd world immigration, and all the other Un-American hell that is coming soon anywhere.

I am in Las Vegas again and the area surrounding the strip feels like a crime riddled 3rd world area. There is literally the smell of sewage from broken sewer pipes wafting in the air due to the new cheap labor hired to handle utilities as hordes of people from CA fleeto NV turning it Blue. You have never seen so many CA license plates outside of CA ever.

It is only a matter of time before you see the same thing (if indeed it goes on that long) in Nebraska West Virginia and Idaho so it's best to stop it now. It won't happen but it should because nations have a right to elect their leaders, control their currency, protect their Constitutional rights and exist.

What is going on with Trump is a witch hunt. These people have overplayed their hand. They have proved this government is controlled by a tiny camoflauged un-elected minority who use the laws that they wrote to maintain power. When the FBI CIA NSA directors are grossly abusing power to get rid of Trump which is uncalled for in the first place - and they STILL cannot find anything.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:20 pm
by Blessed
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:24 am My news feed is well populated with tales from the fever swamps, and if it's too wacky for FOX I can trust Abe and Stu to tell me about it. I have a pretty good idea what those on the right think about most things.
I'm sure your news feeds include people like David Packman, Rachael Maddow, Anderson Cooper, and the Young Turks (AKA The young liars who are financed by Saudi Arabia) and other self righteous leftist narrators.

These people make me sick. I just want to hear the news or watch the video. Yet they always have to put on this pompous elitist bend; cherry pick quotes and narrate as if people are nothing more than useful idiots who cannot think for themselves and need to be told what to think.

Most of the time I end up clicking out and watching whatever video they are trying to narrate. I don't need someone to tell me what to think about something. These leftist media outlets always do this. I can get more honest news from Alex Jones than these people. And yes I'm being serious.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:34 am
by edwardmurphy
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:20 pmI'm sure your news feeds include people like David Packman, Rachael Maddow, Anderson Cooper, and the Young Turks (AKA The young liars who are financed by Saudi Arabia) and other self righteous leftist narrators.
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:20 pmThese people make me sick. I just want to hear the news or watch the video. Yet they always have to put on this pompous elitist bend; cherry pick quotes and narrate as if people are nothing more than useful idiots who cannot think for themselves and need to be told what to think.
You want news so you watch pundits and whine? That's on you. Sorry, but how patient would you be if I was crying because Hannity and Limbaugh kept interjecting their opinions into the story?
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:20 pmMost of the time I end up clicking out and watching whatever video they are trying to narrate. I don't need someone to tell me what to think about something. These leftist media outlets always do this. I can get more honest news from Alex Jones than these people. And yes I'm being serious.
I always go straight to the source material if it's available and I almost never read opinion pieces.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:42 am
by edwardmurphy
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:05 pmAll these "investigations" are a gross abuse of discretion and if that point has escaped you then I don't know what else to say.

None of that's true, which you'd know if you were to pull your head out of your backside, wipe your glasses clean, and set to reading the Constitution, the relevant Federal law, and the primary source documents from the hearings, but I have no hope of ever convincing you of that and I don't see you putting in the work if it will challenge your narrative. And I assure you, it will.
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:05 pmEdward - you can create a new Constitution where you can criminalize free speech, the right to bear arms, quarter for soldiers, taxes, police marriage and family, unlimited 3rd world immigration, and all the other Un-American hell that is coming soon anywhere.
This just insane ranting. I don't believe any of that, and neither does the typical liberal or any mainstream politician I've ever heard of. You're literally babbling hate.
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:05 pmI am in Las Vegas again and the area surrounding the strip feels like a crime riddled 3rd world area. There is literally the smell of sewage from broken sewer pipes wafting in the air due to the new cheap labor hired to handle utilities as hordes of people from CA fleeto NV turning it Blue. You have never seen so many CA license plates outside of CA ever.
Blessed wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:05 pmWhat is going on with Trump is a witch hunt. These people have overplayed their hand. They have proved this government is controlled by a tiny camoflauged un-elected minority who use the laws that they wrote to maintain power. When the FBI CIA NSA directors are grossly abusing power to get rid of Trump which is uncalled for in the first place - and they STILL cannot find anything.
You've been listening to pundits rather than reading primary documents. That's bad practice.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:24 am
by Byblos
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:33 pm
Byblos wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:42 pmThen let a real investigation determine whether or not there was quid pro quo that benefited Biden's son. But if the democrats and the mainstream media are not even interested in opening the subject, then they ought to lay off Trump for doing the same (assuming it is even provable). Goose, gander, and all. That, now, would be fair, don't you agree?
The fact that Hunter Biden was on the board at Burisma while his dad was VP isn't new information. This came up in 2015. You might recall that the GOP held both the House and the Senate in 2015. They could have thrown together an investigation, but for some reason they didn't feel the need.

Four years later the GOP still holds the Senate. Senate committees can investigate stuff too, but for some reason they're not doing it.

Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States. If he felt that there was something that needed to be investigated he could have simply called the DoJ and requested an investigation, but for some reason didn't do that.

If there was reason to think that Hunter or Joe Biden had committed a crime the DoJ could have investigated independently. The FBI could have, too. If the rumors were coming from Ukraine our Legal Attache could have looked into it. But yet again, nothing.

Byblos, as Daniel Day Lewis said in Lincoln, the President is "clothed in immense power." If he was sincerely concerned about corruption in Ukraine, either by the Bidens or in general, all he had to do was pick up the phone and call the State Department, the Department of Justice, somebody on the House Foreign Relations Committee, somebody in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the FBI, the Legal Attache at the US Embassy in Kiev, his Ambassador to Ukraine, and so on and so forth. He was not without resources. Legal resources. Resources that would not require him to be sneaky, or imperil an ally, or act like a Mafia boss.

So why on earth did he involve his personal attorney? Why did he bring in his Ambassador to the EU? Why all the subterfuge and backroom dealing and the quid pro quo? Why the cover up? Why the lies? Why is he telling his people to defy subpoenas? Why is he acting so guilty?

The 'why' is very very simple. I'm just not sure you want to see it though or are even ready to acknowledge it but here it is Ed, from the mouth of a conservative and staunch Trump supporter, OF COURSE THERE WAS QUID PRO QUO. That much is obvious, let's not kid each other. But here's the rub Ed, THERE IS ALWAYS QUID PRO QUO IN POLITICS of one form or another. It's been happening since the dawn of time and with every president and administration from Washington on. You really think Nixon didn't quid pro quo all day long? Or Kennedy? Or the CLINTONS? Seriously? They've built their careers on exactly that.

And so you ask why no one pursued the case with Biden? Because no one cared, that's why. This whole QPQ thing didn't become news until the democrats decided Russia-gate didn't do the job of removing Trump so they're trying another tactic, one that will burn every democratic president and politician for years to come but they don't care, all in the name of removing Trump.

It's all partisan B.S. Ed. Trump is no angel, that's for sure. But what the dems are doing is dirty, rotten to the core and they will pay for it come November 2020, whether Trump is still around or not, mark my words.

Re: Convinced yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 3:11 pm
by Kurieuo
What is wrong with quid pro quo? Perhaps it's the content of one's exchange that matters.