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tanyans inability to answer my ?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:51 pm
by twoedgedsword
well tanyan are you going to answer my ? about Matthew 7:3,4

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:10 am
by ochotseat
Prodigal Son wrote:ocho,

well, see you when i get there. :lol:
Speak for yourself or someone else. God loves me, and so do I. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:35 am
by Prodigal Son
so scary, huh?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:02 am
by ochotseat
All we can do is pray for the unbelievers. It's up to them to accept Christ or not. If they don't, they're going to hell.
I thank God that he has touched so many people. I've had a very fortunate life, which some have coveted, and I know it has been because of Christ. It feels good to be truly loved by Jesus and my loved ones and to know that I'm bound for heaven. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:33 am
by Deborah
We do not earn eternal life, it is given as a gift from the creator of us all.
His Word says that he wants not one lost.
2 Peter 3:9
My belief is that he will go to the end of the earth and back so that not as many will be lost as you think. Only those who commit the forbidden crime of blastpheming against the Holy spirit will not be saved. The fallen angels have already commited that sin. They sinned against God knowing what it was to live in his light.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:21-24 that he will be more tolerable in the coming last judgment for the men, women and children who lived and died in ignorance than for those of His day who openly rejected Him.
Who are those who openly reject him. They are the people who claim to be "Christian" but do not follow the word of God.

If there is no chance after death then why did Jesus minister to the spirits of the flood?

Was the fall of the angels before or after Adam and Eve?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:50 am
by Believer
Deborah wrote:We do not earn eternal life, it is given as a gift from the creator of us all.
His Word says that he wants not one lost.
2 Peter 3:9
My belief is that he will go to the end of the earth and back so that not as many will be lost as you think. Only those who commit the forbidden crime of blastpheming against the Holy spirit will not be saved. The fallen angels have already commited that sin. They sinned against God knowing what it was to live in his light.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:21-24 that he will be more tolerable in the coming last judgment for the men, women and children who lived and died in ignorance than for those of His day who openly rejected Him.
Who are those who openly reject him. They are the people who claim to be "Christian" but do not follow the word of God.

If there is no chance after death then why did Jesus minister to the spirits of the flood?

Was the fall of the angels before or after Adam and Eve?
Only those who commit the forbidden crime of blastpheming against the Holy spirit will not be saved.
That is if you really mean it and don't intend to repent, like play if off as a joke. Last year I had a problem with blaspheming the Holy Spirit unintentionally after reading an article about what is the only unforgivable sin, I became very guilty, but it ended when I submitted myself to God and asked for forgiveness. Besides as a person suffering with uncontrollable mental disorders, I can firmly say that God understands all conditions a person has in and out.

Deborah, we have discussed this before on blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Are you referring blaspheming to Jesus at His second coming?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:07 am
by Deborah
Deborah, we have discussed this before on blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Are you referring blaspheming to Jesus at His second coming?
Yes, as in truely seeing the light and refusing to repent.
the unforgivable sin against the holy spirit.
many will for the first time see this light.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:49 pm
by ochotseat
Deborah wrote: My belief is that he will go to the end of the earth and back so that not as many will be lost as you think. ?
Everyone's heard God's Word by now though.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:55 pm
by Deborah
Everyone's heard God's Word by now though.
I disagree
many have no way of understanding it
those who died before Christ. Your saying they are lost?
They have no hope?
nations like Iraq where the people are punished and too afraid to read the bible. (well back then)
You said christians are dying for spreading the word, well so are thiose they spread it to.
What happins when they spread the word to someone who is still learning and has not yet accepted Jesus, they are killed too. Your saying they are lost, I don't believe it, because they still die for Christ and he promised those who die for him will be saved.

Not everyone has heard the word of god or is capable of understanding it.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:02 pm
by ochotseat
Deborah wrote: nations like Iraq where the people are punished and too afraid to read the bible. (well back then)
Iraq wasn't a theocracy.
What happins when they spread the word to someone who is still learning and has not yet accepted Jesus, they are killed too. Your saying they are lost, I don't believe it, because they still die for Christ and he promised those who die for him will be saved.
Not everyone has heard the word of god or is capable of understanding it
I'm sure everyone has at least had some exposure to Christianity due to missionaries, televangelism, and colonial histories. I agree that they need help understanding the gospel. People who've never heard the gospel in their lifetime can still go to heaven, but their lives will be enriched if they know the gospel.

Re: tanyans inability to answer my ?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:08 pm
by Tanyan
[quote="twoedgedsword"]well tanyan are you going to answer my ? about Matthew 7:3,4[/quote]

Did you mean vrs 13+ 14 ?.

to each their own belief

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:32 am
by stixandstones
Not all answers can be found in the bible. What purpose would it serve if for instance, it were true all religions arrive at the same gate and all that is different is you pass ports (religions), that that info was privy in the bible? Such a statement would not instill much faith if they were to say you can get the same results with a more lenient religion. What incentive would there be to achieve a higher standard if it was not necessary? We are human after all, and by nature lazy, thus seek the easiest path. And if the easiest path is to merely accept God's existence rather than ritualize your belief then why the ritual? Keep in mind the Bible is an interpretation of an interpretation! It is moral a a written record of a moral compass rather than historic record

Re: to each their own belief

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:47 am
by bizzt
stixandstones wrote:Not all answers can be found in the bible. What purpose would it serve if for instance, it were true all religions arrive at the same gate and all that is different is you pass ports (religions), that that info was privy in the bible? Such a statement would not instill much faith if they were to say you can get the same results with a more lenient religion. What incentive would there be to achieve a higher standard if it was not necessary? We are human after all, and by nature lazy, thus seek the easiest path. And if the easiest path is to merely accept God's existence rather than ritualize your belief then why the ritual? Keep in mind the Bible is an interpretation of an interpretation! It is moral a a written record of a moral compass rather than historic record
I will agree not all Answers are in the Bible. However the answers to save our Soul are there and that is the most important thing! The Bible is the only book that tells us only one person can save you from your sins! He is the Mighty Counsellor, the Holy and Annointed one being Jesus Christ. In the Bible the Incentive is to be Christ-Like HOWEVER that will never happen as he was perfect and we are not. The Bible was given to Man from God and of course you believe that by faith. However it is our interpretation on what these Men wrote that might be wrong. The Bible can be served both as a Historical Record (In which Archealogy has discovered to be VERY Accurate) and as a Spirtual Guide for our Soul.