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Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:31 pm
by Kenny
RickD wrote:
Ken wrote:
According to science; many of the claims of the Bible can be proven wrong.
Care to back this up with an example?
Are you sure you wanna go there? Okay here are a couple;

Noah’s Ark
Any engineer will tell you it is impossible to build a vessel strictly out of wood; without any steel reinforcements, the size on Noah’s ark and float. The problem with this story is the guy who made it all up gave the dimensions of it; unaware he was claiming the impossible. Even with today’s pressure treated wood, a vessel of this size cannot float. People (theists) of today have built replicas of the Ark, but they either were not up to scale, were put on a barge, or were built with a steel frame because the builders knew the dimensions of such a boat will not float.

So the entire planet was covered with water? Was that salt water or fresh water? How did the fresh water life survive in salt water or visa versa? Even though it only rained for 40 days, it is said the total time spent on the Ark was over a year. What did all those animals eat during this time without any type of refrigeration? Dead meat would have spoiled, vegetation would have withered away after a year.
And what about the waste? The door was shut (God had the key) so how did they dispose of all that waste? Disease would have been everywhere; not to mention the smell.
So the Ark landed on a mountain somewhere in Middle East Asia, so how did all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears get to Australia without leaving a trail? And after the water rescinded, how did the salt water separate from the fresh water? And where did all the water go? They say in order to cover the entire earth to the highest mountain it would require 5 times as much water that we currently have. Now I know we have water under ground; but not that much so where did the water go?

Naww I don’t think Science would sign off on that one.

The day the Sun stood still

So during a war, Joshua held his hands up which stopped the Sun from setting which allowed his army to win?

In order for the Sun to appear to quit setting, the entire planet would have to quit rotating. (a little fact that eluded the guy who made this story up) Planet Earth currently rotates at approx 1,000 mph at the equator. (this was Middle East Asia so let’s say 700 mph) Can you imagine the damage momentum would cause if the entire planet went from it’s current speed to a screeching halt? With 2/3’s of the planet covered with water, what do you suppose all that water would do? Everything on the planet would be destroyed!s Yet everybody just kept on fighting as if nothing was wrong.

You don’t have to be a scientist to see the flaws in that one. I could go on, but I think you see my point


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:58 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:
Ken wrote:
According to science; many of the claims of the Bible can be proven wrong.
Care to back this up with an example?
Are you sure you wanna go there? Okay here are a couple;

Noah’s Ark
Any engineer will tell you it is impossible to build a vessel strictly out of wood; without any steel reinforcements, the size on Noah’s ark and float. The problem with this story is the guy who made it all up gave the dimensions of it; unaware he was claiming the impossible. Even with today’s pressure treated wood, a vessel of this size cannot float. People (theists) of today have built replicas of the Ark, but they either were not up to scale, were put on a barge, or were built with a steel frame because the builders knew the dimensions of such a boat will not float.

So the entire planet was covered with water? Was that salt water or fresh water? How did the fresh water life survive in salt water or visa versa? Even though it only rained for 40 days, it is said the total time spent on the Ark was over a year. What did all those animals eat during this time without any type of refrigeration? Dead meat would have spoiled, vegetation would have withered away after a year.
And what about the waste? The door was shut (God had the key) so how did they dispose of all that waste? Disease would have been everywhere; not to mention the smell.
So the Ark landed on a mountain somewhere in Middle East Asia, so how did all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears get to Australia without leaving a trail? And after the water rescinded, how did the salt water separate from the fresh water? And where did all the water go? They say in order to cover the entire earth to the highest mountain it would require 5 times as much water that we currently have. Now I know we have water under ground; but not that much so where did the water go?

Naww I don’t think Science would sign off on that one.

The day the Sun stood still

So during a war, Joshua held his hands up which stopped the Sun from setting which allowed his army to win?

In order for the Sun to appear to quit setting, the entire planet would have to quit rotating. (a little fact that eluded the guy who made this story up) Planet Earth currently rotates at approx 1,000 mph at the equator. (this was Middle East Asia so let’s say 700 mph) Can you imagine the damage momentum would cause if the entire planet went from it’s current speed to a screeching halt? With 2/3’s of the planet covered with water, what do you suppose all that water would do? Everything on the planet would be destroyed!s Yet everybody just kept on fighting as if nothing was wrong.

You don’t have to be a scientist to see the flaws in that one. I could go on, but I think you see my point

You're looking at Noah's flood all wrong there is no need to add water to the earth like you think.According to NOAA the average depth of the oceans is 14,000 feet but it goes down over 36,000 feet this is deeper than the tallest mountains are on land,the tallest mountains on the earth rise up from the sea floor,now tell us what would happen if we could level out the earth's surface and filled in the deep trenches that make it so deep,it could probably be done on a computer simulation.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:10 pm
by Kenny
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:
Ken wrote:
According to science; many of the claims of the Bible can be proven wrong.
Care to back this up with an example?
Are you sure you wanna go there? Okay here are a couple;

Noah’s Ark
Any engineer will tell you it is impossible to build a vessel strictly out of wood; without any steel reinforcements, the size on Noah’s ark and float. The problem with this story is the guy who made it all up gave the dimensions of it; unaware he was claiming the impossible. Even with today’s pressure treated wood, a vessel of this size cannot float. People (theists) of today have built replicas of the Ark, but they either were not up to scale, were put on a barge, or were built with a steel frame because the builders knew the dimensions of such a boat will not float.

So the entire planet was covered with water? Was that salt water or fresh water? How did the fresh water life survive in salt water or visa versa? Even though it only rained for 40 days, it is said the total time spent on the Ark was over a year. What did all those animals eat during this time without any type of refrigeration? Dead meat would have spoiled, vegetation would have withered away after a year.
And what about the waste? The door was shut (God had the key) so how did they dispose of all that waste? Disease would have been everywhere; not to mention the smell.
So the Ark landed on a mountain somewhere in Middle East Asia, so how did all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears get to Australia without leaving a trail? And after the water rescinded, how did the salt water separate from the fresh water? And where did all the water go? They say in order to cover the entire earth to the highest mountain it would require 5 times as much water that we currently have. Now I know we have water under ground; but not that much so where did the water go?

Naww I don’t think Science would sign off on that one.

The day the Sun stood still

So during a war, Joshua held his hands up which stopped the Sun from setting which allowed his army to win?

In order for the Sun to appear to quit setting, the entire planet would have to quit rotating. (a little fact that eluded the guy who made this story up) Planet Earth currently rotates at approx 1,000 mph at the equator. (this was Middle East Asia so let’s say 700 mph) Can you imagine the damage momentum would cause if the entire planet went from it’s current speed to a screeching halt? With 2/3’s of the planet covered with water, what do you suppose all that water would do? Everything on the planet would be destroyed!s Yet everybody just kept on fighting as if nothing was wrong.

You don’t have to be a scientist to see the flaws in that one. I could go on, but I think you see my point

You're looking at Noah's flood all wrong there is no need to add water to the earth like you think.According to NOAA the average depth of the oceans is 14,000 feet but it goes down over 36,000 feet this is deeper than the tallest mountains are on land,the tallest mountains on the earth rise up from the sea floor,now tell us what would happen if we could level out the earth's surface and filled in the deep trenches that make it so deep,it could probably be done on a computer simulation.
Science does not claim the earth's surface was leveled off. Remember; this was in response to biblical claims that could be proven wrong via science.
What about all the other stuff I mentioned; do you have an opinion on any of that stuff?


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:23 pm
by Kenny
abelcainsbrother wrote:All we still have is people preaching TOE is right yet no evidence life evolves.I am right when I say there is no evidence in science,including biology that demonstrates life evolves and this is why no evidence is given.I reject evolution because of a lack of evidence in science life evolves and nobody is trying to show me how I'm wrong.

Viruses,bacteria,finches,salamanders,fruit flies,frogs,etc which is evidence life evolves shows us life does not evolve,yet why are scientists lying to us telling us they evolved?

When they did not evolve at all,the only thing you see is variations in reproduction or life adapting which nobody rejects because we can see and observe variations in reproduction and the fact life adapts and you do not have to go in a science lab to know these are true but we are looking for evidence life evolves and are being lied to and tricked by scientists,yet when I point this out Audie thinks scientists would not do this because it is peer reviewed evidence,when they are doing it,as I have shown.

Scientists are lying to you telling you these things are evidence life evolves and this is peer reviewed evidence too,which shows that scientists are corrupted by money instead of doing real science.
When a doctor does a throat culture by jamming a stick down your throat, he is checking to see what drugs your infection is susceptible to before treating you.

On farms, insecticide will often become ineffective because the insects will evolve in a way that allows them to live with that particular insecticide.
Weeds will often evolve resistant to herbicides in just a few years.

Years ago a worldwide attempt to cure malaria was foiled because the mosquitoes evolved resistant to DDT.

These are examples of evolution people deal with everyday. Keep in mind; what you call adaption; science calls Evolution.


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:36 pm
by melanie
Don't forget turning water into wine, raising people from the dead, making the blind see, feeding thousands from a few fish and loaves of bread ect.....
You do realise I hope that these things are attributed to miracles
Choose to not beleive them but you are trying to attribute to a miracle (scientific reasoning), which the lack thereof is actually what defines it (lack of scientific explanation)
Here is the definition for you
an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
Another definition;
An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.

So yes Ken, there are things in the bible that defy scientific reasoning, that's kinda the point! As I said choose to not believe, your choice, but seems a bit silly to point out to christians what we already know.

On a side note, there are many people who have to believe that something came from nothing to adhere to their scientific beliefs. A miracle if you like. Defies scientific reasoning and the laws of nature.

I place the miracles I believe in as the workings of God, others choose to believe in miracles but at the hand of well nothing.
So if your going to criticise the belief in the occurrence of miracles then best to sweep the whole spectrum with that brush.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:42 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Kenny wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:All we still have is people preaching TOE is right yet no evidence life evolves.I am right when I say there is no evidence in science,including biology that demonstrates life evolves and this is why no evidence is given.I reject evolution because of a lack of evidence in science life evolves and nobody is trying to show me how I'm wrong.

Viruses,bacteria,finches,salamanders,fruit flies,frogs,etc which is evidence life evolves shows us life does not evolve,yet why are scientists lying to us telling us they evolved?

When they did not evolve at all,the only thing you see is variations in reproduction or life adapting which nobody rejects because we can see and observe variations in reproduction and the fact life adapts and you do not have to go in a science lab to know these are true but we are looking for evidence life evolves and are being lied to and tricked by scientists,yet when I point this out Audie thinks scientists would not do this because it is peer reviewed evidence,when they are doing it,as I have shown.

Scientists are lying to you telling you these things are evidence life evolves and this is peer reviewed evidence too,which shows that scientists are corrupted by money instead of doing real science.
When a doctor does a throat culture by jamming a stick down your throat, he is checking to see what drugs your infection is susceptible to before treating you.

On farms, insecticide will often become ineffective because the insects will evolve in a way that allows them to live with that particular insecticide.
Weeds will often evolve resistant to herbicides in just a few years.

Years ago a worldwide attempt to cure malaria was foiled because the mosquitoes evolved resistant to DDT.

These are examples of evolution people deal with everyday. Keep in mind; what you call adaption; science calls Evolution.

Yes I agree with what you are saying but the insects never evolve they adapt and survive a hostile condition like bacteria that grows and thrives by radiation,it adapts there is a difference between life adapting and life evolving and you seem to be saying life adapting is life evolving but the insects never evolve as you can see so no dinosaurs could evolve into birds. It is because life can adapt that allows insects to adapt but never evolve,but also natural selection has no effect on the insects or mosquito's too because even when it adapts it remains an insect,mosquito,bacteria,virus,etc.

I want evidence life evolves and you are showing that life can adapt which I accept.Eskimos adapted to live in the extreme cold and yet still no evolving going on.So science is showing you life can adapt and using this as evidence life evolves. Where is evidence life evolves? Evolution has always been about one kind of life evolving over time and changing into another kind of life and this is what kind of evidence I'm looking for to know it happens.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:52 pm
by Kenny
melanie wrote:So yes Ken, there are things in the bible that defy scientific reasoning, that's kinda the point! As I said choose to not believe, your choice, but seems a bit silly to point out to christians what we already know.
Point out to Christians what they already know? You might want to inform the Christian I was responding to. This appears to have eluded him.
melanie wrote:So if your going to criticise the belief in the occurrence of miracles then best to sweep the whole spectrum with that brush.
I wasn’t criticizing miracles; the person I was responding to asked me to give examples of biblical claims that science would disagree with.


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:53 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Kenny wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:
Ken wrote:
According to science; many of the claims of the Bible can be proven wrong.
Care to back this up with an example?
Are you sure you wanna go there? Okay here are a couple;

Noah’s Ark
Any engineer will tell you it is impossible to build a vessel strictly out of wood; without any steel reinforcements, the size on Noah’s ark and float. The problem with this story is the guy who made it all up gave the dimensions of it; unaware he was claiming the impossible. Even with today’s pressure treated wood, a vessel of this size cannot float. People (theists) of today have built replicas of the Ark, but they either were not up to scale, were put on a barge, or were built with a steel frame because the builders knew the dimensions of such a boat will not float.

So the entire planet was covered with water? Was that salt water or fresh water? How did the fresh water life survive in salt water or visa versa? Even though it only rained for 40 days, it is said the total time spent on the Ark was over a year. What did all those animals eat during this time without any type of refrigeration? Dead meat would have spoiled, vegetation would have withered away after a year.
And what about the waste? The door was shut (God had the key) so how did they dispose of all that waste? Disease would have been everywhere; not to mention the smell.
So the Ark landed on a mountain somewhere in Middle East Asia, so how did all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears get to Australia without leaving a trail? And after the water rescinded, how did the salt water separate from the fresh water? And where did all the water go? They say in order to cover the entire earth to the highest mountain it would require 5 times as much water that we currently have. Now I know we have water under ground; but not that much so where did the water go?

Naww I don’t think Science would sign off on that one.

The day the Sun stood still

So during a war, Joshua held his hands up which stopped the Sun from setting which allowed his army to win?

In order for the Sun to appear to quit setting, the entire planet would have to quit rotating. (a little fact that eluded the guy who made this story up) Planet Earth currently rotates at approx 1,000 mph at the equator. (this was Middle East Asia so let’s say 700 mph) Can you imagine the damage momentum would cause if the entire planet went from it’s current speed to a screeching halt? With 2/3’s of the planet covered with water, what do you suppose all that water would do? Everything on the planet would be destroyed!s Yet everybody just kept on fighting as if nothing was wrong.

You don’t have to be a scientist to see the flaws in that one. I could go on, but I think you see my point

You're looking at Noah's flood all wrong there is no need to add water to the earth like you think.According to NOAA the average depth of the oceans is 14,000 feet but it goes down over 36,000 feet this is deeper than the tallest mountains are on land,the tallest mountains on the earth rise up from the sea floor,now tell us what would happen if we could level out the earth's surface and filled in the deep trenches that make it so deep,it could probably be done on a computer simulation.
Science does not claim the earth's surface was leveled off. Remember; this was in response to biblical claims that could be proven wrong via science.
What about all the other stuff I mentioned; do you have an opinion on any of that stuff?

I know science does not claim the earth's surface was leveled off but I'm saying if it was the whole earth would be flooded over the tallest mountains on land on the earth right now.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:55 pm
by abelcainsbrother

Do you really believe life adapting is evolution?

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:15 pm
by Proinsias
Thanks for the offer, I'll pm you.

I can't reasonably take on board his initial premise regarding intelligence, design, irreducibility or complexity. If I do run with his, or even Dembski's, starting definitions I can see how they get to where they are. They are nebulous abstract concepts strung together using a backbone of stuff we don't know about biochemistry. It seems reasonable for a biochemist to see the hand of God within his own field of study and I can relate to what I imagine Michael Behe actually believes: that God is plainly evident in the inner workings of life itself. It's just that if he is ultimately in the right he doesn't advance biochemistry, it doesn't further our knowledge of the inner workings of flagellum or mousetraps. If he is only partially correct, that intelligence other than the Christian God is responsible for life, he opens the door to a whole world of possibilities none of which offer much insight into the inner workings of the cell either.
Kerieuo wrote:Side Note: What of marriaging such with the phrase "irreducible complexity"?
By that Behe simply means if you backward engineer and something stops works then such is irreducible. Seems common sense.
That doesn't follow for me. To use an analogy: I'm running a custom linux kernel on my desktop, if I recompile it removing a few modules or disable some kernel code & it locks up at boot it does not follow that the whole system, the individual modules or the kernel itself is irreducibly complex. It means I broke my computer and will hopefully learn something fixing it, preferably not encountering any horrendous code that appears to be irreducibly complex along the way.

Irreducible simplicity seems more in line with an intelligent design to me. Though it may sound mundane small changes in genotype affect small changes in phenotype and these small changes have been going on for a long time, they are observable, to some extent predictable and we can influence/interact with them. A bombshell opening up a world of variety & possibility embedded with the cell/genome itself would be awesome but I don't see one.
Kerieuo wrote:The term is only wrong if Behe claims that such could not be caused by nature. But, he's not claiming that at all by such a term.
He's not claiming something irreducibly complex means God did it. Only that such is a "sign" of true design rather than apparent design.
Do you see the difference? And the misconception here over what is intended by "irreducibly complex" is just the smoke and wind of stupid people debating and clouding the issue.
It's wide the ranging nature of his solutions to the problems he sets out I take issue with. If I have a sudden curiosity about the workings of mousetraps, being told that they are irreducibly complex and the product of intelligence, either of the natural or supernatural kind, or maybe a bit of both, doesn't really add much to my understanding of mousetraps.

The court date I was thinking of was the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District:
Witnesses for the defense

October 17–19

Michael Behe was the first witness for the defense. Behe is professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, and a leading intelligent design proponent who coined the term irreducible complexity and set out the idea in his book Darwin's Black Box.[25]

As a primary witness for the defense, Behe was asked to support the idea that intelligent design was legitimate science. Behe's critics have pointed to a number of key exchanges under cross examination, where he conceded that "there are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of any biological system occurred".[26] In response to a question about astrology he explained: "Under my definition, a scientific theory is a proposed explanation which focuses or points to physical, observable data and logical inferences. There are many things throughout the history of science which we now think to be incorrect which nonetheless… would fit that definition. Yes, astrology is in fact one, and so is the ether theory of the propagation of light, and… many other theories as well".[27]

His simulation modelling of evolution with David Snoke described in a 2004 paper had been listed by the Discovery Institute amongst claimed "Peer-Reviewed & Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting the Theory of Intelligent Design",[28] but under oath he accepted that it showed that the biochemical systems it described could evolve within 20,000 years, even if the parameters of the simulation were rigged to make that outcome as unlikely as possible.[29][30]

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:33 pm
by Kenny
abelcainsbrother wrote:Kenny

Do you really believe life adapting is evolution?
No. First of all I am by no means an expert on Evolution but I would probably call adaption when a creature is able to adapt to it's environment; sorta like a dog shedding his winter coat during summer time. I would call Evolution when a creature's off spring has changed to the point of being different than the creature due to the environment, and doesn't have the option of changing back to what his parent was. Adaption changes back and fourth as needed according to the environment; evolution is just a change.


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:35 pm
by Kenny
abelcainsbrother wrote:
I know science does not claim the earth's surface was leveled off but I'm saying if it was the whole earth would be flooded over the tallest mountains on land on the earth right now.
I agree! But that's a different subject. Do you have any opinions on the other points I made?


Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:48 pm
by Philip
Kenny: "What about all the other stuff I mentioned; do you have an opinion on any of that stuff?"
He's just shotgunning as many things as he can to waste one's time in chasing rabbit after rabbit. Another day, another rabbit/five more holes. I"m pretty sure no answer will satisfy him. :lol:

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:50 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Kenny wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Kenny

Do you really believe life adapting is evolution?
No. First of all I am by no means an expert on Evolution but I would probably call adaption when a creature is able to adapt to it's environment; sorta like a dog shedding his winter coat during summer time. I would call Evolution when a creature's off spring has changed to the point of being different than the creature due to the environment, and doesn't have the option of changing back to what his parent was. Adaption changes back and fourth as needed according to the environment; evolution is just a change.

Evolution is just a change? Hasn't evolution always been about one kind of life evolving over time changing to another kind of life? Claiming evolution is just a change makes it more acceptable but it is a weakened meaning of what evolution has always been about.I'm not trying to make you look bad or anything,I'm actually glad you stepped up and tried to give evidence to discuss.Maybe you understand more why I have such a problem accepting life evolves based on the evidence.

Re: Evidence for theistic evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:43 pm
by Kurieuo
Proinsias wrote:The court date I was thinking of was the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District:
Witnesses for the defense

October 17–19

Michael Behe was the first witness for the defense. Behe is professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, and a leading intelligent design proponent who coined the term irreducible complexity and set out the idea in his book Darwin's Black Box.[25]

As a primary witness for the defense, Behe was asked to support the idea that intelligent design was legitimate science. Behe's critics have pointed to a number of key exchanges under cross examination, where he conceded that "there are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of any biological system occurred".[26] In response to a question about astrology he explained: "Under my definition, a scientific theory is a proposed explanation which focuses or points to physical, observable data and logical inferences. There are many things throughout the history of science which we now think to be incorrect which nonetheless… would fit that definition. Yes, astrology is in fact one, and so is the ether theory of the propagation of light, and… many other theories as well".[27]

His simulation modelling of evolution with David Snoke described in a 2004 paper had been listed by the Discovery Institute amongst claimed "Peer-Reviewed & Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting the Theory of Intelligent Design",[28] but under oath he accepted that it showed that the biochemical systems it described could evolve within 20,000 years, even if the parameters of the simulation were rigged to make that outcome as unlikely as possible.[29][30]
I wrote on this 10 years ago, before Judge Jones had ruled:
  • As for Dover, PA board of education introducing ID into the science curriculum... this is not a move by mainstream ID advocates. For example, the Discovery Institute were deeply opposed to what happened there, and even requested the board policy be revoked. They do not want ID introduced into the science education curriculum because it has not matured significantly as a science. They have only been pushing to teach the problems both for and against Darwinian evolution. And they currently only want ID discussed in the higher levels of academia, not within education until it has been more developed.

    Yet, it seems obvious you have some trying to use ID as a tool to push their own Creationism motives within Science. Such people are going to do a great deal of damage to ID, and such people are completely outside the mainstream ID movement. Right now ID isn't an alternative to evolution, for as you say no proper scientific theory has been proposed. It is more of a tool, and ID needs to mature first before one ever thinks about it being an option to Darwinian evolution. Creationism is however an alternative, and thus if anyone says ID is an alternative it would seem to me they are confusing ID for Creationism. Clearly Creationism is based more on religious Scripture than Science, and so as such belongs in Theology. ID on the otherhand is not Creationism, and currently cannot be considered an alternative since no scientific models have been put forward.
I'll stand by what I wrote at another time too:
  • the judge has no idea of ID if he made a broad ruling on ID in general. Even if one is amiable towards ID for religious reasons, it is a category error to state that ID is therefore religious. It is for this reason the judge presiding over the case was wrong in declaring ID to be religious, despite rightfully detecting the religious motives of those on the board.
Then, I've also responded about Behe's participation (see below).
I'd like to stress that at the end of the day, I really don't care if ID brought the case on -- but they didn't.
If ID wanted it their ideas taught in the classroom also, I really don't care.
I do believe they could positively benefit science, but that's a separate issue here.
While I really don't want to defend ID or everything Behe has done or said, I suppose I just like the facts of the matter being known.
  • Behe is likely acting in the case because distorted statements are being made about ID, and as previously mentioned, the ACLU wants to censor classroom discussion of intelligent design. That is, they aren't going to trial to have it stopped from being taught (for indeed, there would be no real ID theory to teach), they are going to court to censor even its mere mention. It additionally wants to censor discussion that critically analyses Darwinian evolution supported by ID proponents. The Discovery Institute (which Behe is apart of and I believe represented) was against the statement introduced by the board, and is against ID being taught in classes. Yet, they are "also strongly [opposed to] the ACLU's attempt to censor classroom discussion of intelligent design." To quote their position further:
    • Discovery Institute strongly opposes the ACLU's effort to make discussions of intelligent design illegal. At the same time, we disagree with efforts to get the government to require the teaching of intelligent design. Misguided policies like the one adopted by the Dover School District are likely to be politically divisive and hinder a fair and open discussion of the merits of intelligent design among scholars and within the scientific community, points we have made repeatedly since we first learned about the Dover policy in 2004. Furthermore, most teachers currently do not know enough about intelligent design or have sufficient curriculum materials to teach about it accurately and objectively.

      Discovery Institute's Position on Dover, PA "Intelligent Design" Case, John G. West
The Dover case was probably ACLU looking for an opportunity to take on ID, and naive YECs putting the cart before the horse via ID.
Creationists should have just left it alone. ACLU would have been mad not to challenge.
And then there's been well meaning attempts by those who clearly do not understand ID since, for example, Ben Stein and his movie Expelled where he clearly (wrongly) conflates in Creation and ID... but now, everyone is just all so confused ID is like a lost cause.

Truly, I believe authentic ID proponents were on leave while Creationists hijacked their ship.
They didn't get very far and ran it into the reef. Again, I don't care any more to defend ID -- it's lost.
I use to care, but I suppose its been deflated even if I do see good ideas and thoughts.
Meyer and Dembski make a lot of philosophical sense. Behe, I liked his book.

In business, there is advice that if you don't clearly define what it is you do as a business, that others (consumers) will define what you do.
With ID, I think they never truly defined themselves. They absolutely refused to draw lines in the sand and create boundaries around what ID is/isn't.
Instead they opened up a big umbrella and said anyone who believes in true design, or who thinks Darwinian evolution can't account for this stuff we're seeing within the cell, well hop aboard. That was stupid on many counts.

Regardless, I am still interested in the information that we see within the cell and all the fascinating stuff that goes on.
Including many related concepts that core IDists have put forward such as specified complexity and the like.