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Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:24 pm
by Manfer84
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Gracias, Manfer! ...gracias por escribir el nombre de Dios con G en inglés. Se parece que usted es sabio. Suerte con su busqueda.

Jajajja muchas gracias por escribir en espanol jaja es mucho mas comodo, y la verdad mi busqueda es mas que todo por curiosidad, como dije anteriormente, no pretendo cambiar la forma de pensar a nadie ni yo cambiar la mia, simplemente busco conocer gente inteligente con la cual conversar y aprender los puntos de vista de distintas personas. Asi como hacer una que otra pregunta que la persona promedio no se siente comoda de contestar

Gracias por el buen trato que he recibido de todos lo que han contestado mis posts!!

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:34 pm
by Canuckster1127
Please keep posts on the public board in English so that everyone can understand and participate. If you want to speak spanish, that's cool, but please use private messages to do that.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:43 pm
by Manfer84
Canuckster1127 wrote:Please keep posts on the public board in English so that everyone can understand and participate. If you want to speak spanish, that's cool, but please use private messages to do that.
Ok sorry, didn't know that.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:46 pm
by Canuckster1127
Manfer84 wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Please keep posts on the public board in English so that everyone can understand and participate. If you want to speak spanish, that's cool, but please use private messages to do that.
Ok sorry, didn't know that.
No problem. We've run into it occassionally in the past and we're just trying to be consistent. ;)

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:22 am
by B. W.
Manfer84 wrote:Well if your are calling me lawless because I lied to my friend about liking his girlfriend, when she was a total bi….., and envy my neighbor for having a Mercedes when I have a Volkswagen, hell I'm the most lawless guy ever!
By the way you make it sound everybody is lawless, so I think you are misreading the idea I put out, no offense intended.

Why would I corrupt heaven with my way of life? Can you corrupt heaven? Does heaven even exist? (very debatable)
Do you even know how I live? I think that within the parameters of my society and a really decent guy. :D

And about everyone needing Jesus, well I think that is very debatable.
What would keep you from lying in heaven if you do so in earth? You are even putting God on trial right now as well. What would keep you from doing so in Heaven?

Next, do you even understand or actually heard the Christian message?

Or even understand what it means to be sealed?

Without being sealed / transformed — everyone would corrupt heaven — there is none righteous no - not one.

We can all admit we are not perfect but that excuse will not let you into heaven. Being decent is commendable but are you more decent than God? If you think your decency should allow you into heaven, just in case, then would not your decency be greater than God and thus you are better than God? With attitudes such as this — why would God want you in heaven?

You need Christ.

Why the fear of Christ you have?

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:29 am
by jlay
Don't take this the wrong way but if the God you are describing turns out to be real, I wouldn't know what to do because he doesn't sound like someone I would like.
Judges aren't very popular. If you are standing before a judge, guilty of serious crimes, I doubt you are going to like him. Why? Because he has power to judge you for the wrongs you have done. Criminals do not like authority. Have you ever been pulled over by the Police. I have. I don't think I "liked" him very much. However, he was acting on authority, and I was violating the law. I didn't agree with the speed limit.
Now imagine if the judge said, "Because I value you so much, I'm going to serve your time for you." Or, "I'm going to pay your fine for you." And the judge gives up his position to take the position of a criminal. Could you love a judge like this? Boy, I could. Now, imagine, if you said, "No your honor. I don't like you. I don't want to have anything to do with your mercy. I'd rather go to jail."
Sound reasonable to you? Sounds foolish to me.
He said that God didn't care whether you were catholic, Christian, Muslim or whatever, if you believe in him or not, if you did a couple of bad thing in your life, he only cares that at the end of the line you were a good person and treated your fellow man with respect and honesty. That's it, simple, like a superbeing would behave not focusing in the little mistakes one man could have made during his life, but on the overall of it.
What do you think about that idea?? doesn't seem bad to me. I really liked it when I was a kid.
Of course we like things like that. It makes us feel good. The only problem...........,it is make believe. You are simply making up a god in your own mind to suit yourself. The bible calls this idolatry, and it is the oldest sin in the book. I am amazed at how many people critique the bible as being 'made up.' Yet people will turn right around and make up a god in their own imaginations, with no basis other than their own likes and dislikes.

You are trying to determine how God will judge you, by what "works for you." Let's look at it this way. Say, you stand before a judge accused of a serious crime. In your defense you say, "But your honor, I've done lots of good things in my life. You should just overlook my crime, because of all the good I've done." A good judge would say, "your past deeds have no bearing on the crime you committed." That is why we have the term "justice is blind." It is an eternal mistake to think you can balance the good side from the bad, to escape your crimes.

Imagine if someone who murdered your family said such a thing. "Your honor, I only killed this one family. All the rest of my life, I have been honest and helpful." Now imagine the judge lets this person go free after killing your family. How would you feel about such a judge? You would view the judge as corrupt. God is not corrupt.
You can quickly see why your logic doesn't hold up.
the once you lie you are a liar and that's it for you, that sort of things I don't like.
How much you like or dislike something is not a measuring stick for whether it is true. Have you ever failed a test? I sure have. Didn't like it. But my answers were still wrong.
How many murders do you have to committ to be a murderer? That's right, one. You might not like being a liar. I don't either. We shouldn't like being liars, because we both know in our conscience that lying is wrong. If there is no God, and no source of right or wrong, then why would you care if you are a liar or not? You care about being known as a liar, because you know lying is objectively wrong.

You don't like God, because His standard of morality doesn't jive with your own. How many children do we see who don't like their parents, because they don't agree with their parents rules? Happens all the time.

God doesn't just throw you to the curb. Because God made you, He values you. God is not waiting their with a ball bat, ready to smash you over the head for your sins. God hates sin, because of what it DOES to you. The same reason we hate cancer. We hate it because of what it does to us. If sin destroys you and contaminates you, making you unfit for access heaven, do you think God will stand back and watch His creation destroy itself?

He didn't.

He did everything within His power, while never violating His nature and character, to save you.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:53 pm
by Manfer84
Jlay, I just got back from a weekend on the beach, it was great by the way :) , and found quite the answers.
I think that everything you say about God is true, that's why I have never been able to renew my believe in him. Also that was the stuff that bothered me when I used to believe in God. I just think (this is only my opinion I don't know nor care if some shares it) that a supernatural being capable of everything we could ever and never imagine, all that stuff that's suppose to be true about God (omnipotence, onmi ….everything), would see the world in black and white, by the way you make it sound God doesn't even bother to see the shades of gray in a persona life.
You are right, If I kill someone I wouldn't expect a judge to forgive me, whether or not I turned into the Pope afterwards, but if I just happened to lie a couple of times about minor stuff and not regret it (like I think everyone has done it at least once) I think the judge would find me innocent.
But like you said, when it comes to God you can't wish for him to be what you want, you take him as he is (of course after accepting his existence and all)

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:01 pm
by Manfer84
TO B.W.:
I'm not saying God would want me in heaven, I don't even want myself in heaven (seeing how I don't believe in it) what I'm saying is that God is suppose to know everything (all the omnis) so how could he allow someone into heaven already knowing he could corrupt it, I think he wouldn't, just as you would not allow into your house someone who you know is gonna steel something. That's why I think it's not possible to corrupt heaven, not by me or anyone else, because God would know you would corrupt his house so he wouldn't let you in.
And I don't fear Christ, he actually sounds like a pretty cool guy (if in reality he existed, which I think he did, just not in the whole son of God thing).

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:54 am
by jlay
Point 1: Perspective
Manfer84 wrote:Jlay, I just got back from a weekend on the beach, it was great by the way :) , and found quite the answers.
I think that everything you say about God is true, that's why I have never been able to renew my believe in him.

Let me make sure I understand. You believe what I say is true. Please, keep in mind, this is not simply what I 'think', or 'say' about God. But, this is what the Bible reveals about Him. That is how a good teacher is recognized. If my testimony is not in line with the scriptures, then it should be rejected.
You are right, If I kill someone I wouldn't expect a judge to forgive me, whether or not I turned into the Pope afterwards, but if I just happened to lie a couple of times about minor stuff and not regret it (like I think everyone has done it at least once) I think the judge would find me innocent.
Did you notice what you just did? This is called trying to 'justify' one self. Justification is the central issue. I will address that at the end of this post. Again, you try to condone your own sins, by what? By, comparing yourself to everyone else. And I quote, "Everyone has done it at least once." So, let me ask you. If everyone murdered just once, would murder be any less serious of a crime? Is that how we judge the seriousness of a crime, by how many people have committed it? Of course not.
Now, if we are being perfectly honest, then we also have to admit that we've all lied more than a couple of times. But why stop at lying. Let us see how Jesus describes the character of God and the standard of His righteousness.
Manfer, have you ever had feelings of anger or hate towards another person? Jesus says in Matthew 5:21-22, that you have murder in your heart.
Have you ever looked at someone with sexual thoughts. Matt. 5:27-28 says that you are an adulterer at heart.

--Because of the nature and character of who He is, God sees you as a lying, murdererous, adulterer at heart.
If God were to judge you according to His glorius standard, would you be innocent or guilty?

Again, this gets back to perspective. Your perspective on lying is very low. God's is infinately higher. You are saying that God should judge according your your perspective. Keep in mind what you are doing here. You are judging God. And your beef is with how He is judging you? But how can God violate His own character, and overlook your lies, lust and hate? He can't and won't. Would it be fair to say that If this God exist, that you don't like Him because He won't bow His knee to you, and your perspectives? Aren't you saying that you are qualified to judge God, but He is not qualified to judge you?

I know you don't see your lies as that serious. Hitler didn't view exterminating human life as serious either. You can see how amongst mankind perspective can vary dramatically. So, under the same conditions, how can you or I judge Hitler's actions to be wrong? In fact, how can any of us make judgments in regards to morality? Do you feel qualified to say that Hitler was wrong? I would hope so. How? Because you know there is an objective standard of right and wrong that Hitler crossed. Sadly, the line that you see so clearly in this instance, is the same one that is distorted in your view in regards to your lies.

In your situation, you are applying your own value system to how the judge of the universe, should see you. You are saying, that because you feel this way, that God shouldn't judge you. Couldn't Hitler do the same?

Perspective. If you know anything about military service, you know that there is a chain of command. How does the fresh private view a smudge on his shoes, or a lump in his made bed? Probably not a very big deal. But when the drill Sergeant sees these things, the Private learns that he is under a new standard. Now, what if the Private says, "In my opinion, that is not a big deal. Everyone has had a smudge of their shoe." Do you see how the Private's low standards don't rank when it comes to his military standing?
Through God's word, and through our conscience, we learn that there is a moral standard far higher than our own. This standard is at war with us. It exposes us. (Romans 3:20) There are two ways we can react. We can admit that something is horribly wrong between ourselves and our creator. Or, we can reject the standard. We see this play out in our own world. Can you think of instances where a child has rebelled and rejected the authority of his parents? Criminals also do this. It is not that they do not understand the law. It is that they have rejected the law. They place their own desires in higher position than the law.
But like you said, when it comes to God you can't wish for him to be what you want, you take him as he is (of course after accepting his existence and all)
Doesn't sound to me like your problem is accepting his existence. Like you said, You believe what I say is true. It sounds like your problem is that your own self sovereignty is at stake. And like many of us, you don't like the idea of being subject to a standard of morality that is at war with your own. So, a very common response is to imagine a god who better fits what you want. Or, to imagine away god all together. Based on our conversation, it sounds as if your issue is not belief. But your issue is one of trust. Do you trust that the God of universe really has a plan? Do you trust His wisdom over your own? Why should you trust Him?

Point 2: Position
Does God understand your position?
Also that was the stuff that bothered me when I used to believe in God. I just think (this is only my opinion I don't know nor care if some shares it) that a supernatural being capable of everything we could ever and never imagine, all that stuff that's suppose to be true about God (omnipotence, onmi ….everything), would see the world in black and white, by the way you make it sound God doesn't even bother to see the shades of gray in a persona life.
I hope I haven't made it sound such a way. The bible says, "For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted." (Heb 2:18)
And, "For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15)
The best way to put it, is that Jesus has walked a mile in our shoes. He TOTALLY understands our position. Like I said before, God is not waiting there to clobber you with a ball bat. Do you understand that Christ literally stepped into the court room and paid your fine? Because of this, justice has been served. You couldn't pay the fine. So, God paid it for you. He settled your debt. Why? LOVE. Real love. Not ooey, gooey emotional fluff. Greater love. God put Himself in your shoes, lived a life as a human being, facing all the temptations we did. Yet, He never sinned. And what was His reward? He died in humiliation in your place. And for this, God does not ask you to join a religious group. He doesn't ask you to become a monk and clean all the junk out of your life. He simply says, "Trust in me." Now, remember what I said earlier about justification. Read here what Paul says in Romans 5:1 about being justified. "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
How are we justified? Not by trying to dumb down our sins, by comparing ourselves to other people. Not by subscribing to the I'm OK, your OK philosophy. Not by trying to distort who God is, so we can feel better about ourselves.

We are justified simply by trusting in who He is, what He has said, and what He as done.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:49 am
by Manfer84
You make very good points and have successfully dried my curiosity in the subject. Thanks for the answers they were very informative. I agree with the way you see your God, if I were to believe in His existence I think I would struggle a lot with everything we've talked about.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:53 am
by jlay
That's the great thing Manfer. When you beleive/trust in Him, the struggle (the main one) is over.
You are forgiven. Sin is erased.

It would be great if you would read through my last couple of posts and paste and quote some specific feedback, or areas where you see the struggle.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:06 am
by Manfer84
Well in reality I don't have a problem with any of it, since I don't believe in the existence of god/gods (including the Christian one).
But like I said, it used to bother me the whole judging part (when I was younger and didn't want to accept the fact I don't believe in God, believe it or not I tried for a while to justify my believe in him) , now it's more a matter of curiosity, but you've made quite a clear case as how your God works (according to the Bible if I'm not mistaken). So I thank you again

Sorry for not adressing what you write by quoting but I haven't figure out how the whole quoting thing works, this is actually the first forum i've participated on, so i´m really a newbi.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:46 pm
by jlay
Also, which statement best describes your position, in regards to a creator. (Not asking you in regards to a specific faith, or religion.)
1-You lack belief.
2-You have chosen not to beleive.

Also, would it be fair to say that many of your concepts of what you thought about God, and were taught about God growing up, were actually different than what I have presented?
I'm not asking a loaded question here. I am simply trying to figure out what you have rejected, or decided not to beleive in.

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:17 pm
by Manfer84
It's lack of belief.
And to answer the other question, they were basically the same, maybe (please don't take this the wrong way) a little less preachy. But then again a congregation known as Advance Catholic (Avanzada catolica in spanish) was kind of "in charge" of the religious upbringin of kinds at my school, I don´t know if there is a diferrence between what they and yourself believe, just something maybe worth mentioning.

It's not that i've decided to reject o deny God, it's just sort of happened, one day I just simply realized I don't believe in any kind of god/gods /creator/etc. I don't know why, it just dosen't seen make sense to me, I just don't feel it (if you know what I mean).

Re: Morals without god/the bible

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:59 pm
by jlay
I don't know why, it just dosen't seen make sense to me, I just don't feel it (if you know what I mean).
It's lack of belief.
And to answer the other question, they were basically the same, maybe (please don't take this the wrong way) a little less preachy. But then again a congregation known as Advance Catholic (Avanzada catolica in spanish) was kind of "in charge" of the religious upbringin of kinds at my school, I don´t know if there is a diferrence between what they and yourself believe, just something maybe worth mentioning.

It's not that i've decided to reject o deny God, it's just sort of happened, one day I just simply realized I don't believe in any kind of god/gods /creator/etc. I don't know why, it just dosen't seen make sense to me, I just don't feel it (if you know what I mean).
I would assume by your presence here, that there is some searching on your part. Some interest within you to find answers. Am I wrong?

Regarding your upbringing. Not knowing what you were taught growing up, I can't answer that question. But in your answer you initially said they were the same(teachings), then you said, "maybe." I have found that what I espouse and teach to be quite far from what many Hispanic Catholics are taught. Not saying it couldn't be the same. It certainly could.

Since it doesn't make sense to you for their to be a creator God, you must have some reason/reasons to deny one.
So, what is your main reason, that you can think of, for not believing in a creator?