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Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:05 am
by Canuckster1127
Gman wrote:Hi folks,

I just joined the forum here. I like this site. Looks like there are alot of neat topics here.

G -
Welcome Gman!

Hey everyone!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:15 am
by madscientist
I have been on this since 12 may 2006 but its only now i found this and realzied i cud tell those people more aboyut me.
To strat with, my name is MArtin. So, as it says, i am living in Switzerland. But i am SLovak original, and i got sent here in 2001. And im 16 only. I found this because i wanted to know more about questions that bothered me dreadfully. Likke, why is there so much evil etc.. Predestination vs free will, god's plans etc... (you can find them on my posts :))) ). And i remember, on 17 february 2006 i found and started to read and read. Huge thanks to Rich Deem who was able to bring this website on and share his testimony and help people to bring them towards God!!
I like this forum and i go here quite often when i am on comp. I dont have the mood to post all the time (and read topics with tons and tons of answers :)) ) but it's cool people can talk abotu such things openly.
And as my name says, I love science and all that goes with it. But I knew evolution made no sense as well as other things, and i know science wont bring eternal joy, but this instead . SO although i love science and wont give it up, i am aware that philosphying about God&Science is more than pure science. ANd, what i always wanted was a clear connection between God & Science, what this offers!
OK enough about me. Feel free to add me on MSN or email me when you feel bored to chat about anything!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:41 pm
by Britannianhero4
I am Jason (BH4) I am from North America, I love to play Video Games (Don't worry I am cleaning up myself so I'll still have plenty or more of time with God I Promise) and God.

My favorite types of games are Nintendo Entertainment System
and Super Nintendo Entertainment System In English
Action and/or Adventure Role Playing Games
(NES & SNES IE Ac &/or Adv RPGs).

greeting to everyone

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:01 am
by Bianca
hi everyone ,I am Bianca Chan, today I found this wonderful pleace :lol: . I am 25 and like play scraftstar ,music,literature...
I 'd be glad to make friend with people at here .

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:50 am
by August
Hi Bianca, welcome to the board.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:47 am
by Felgar
Scraftstar? Not to be confused with Starcraft?

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:40 pm
by Swamper
Hi all, my name is James, or you can call me Swamper, which is my nickname (long story). I've been coming to the God & Science website every so often for awhile now, but haven't been on the forums until now. I'm 19 years old, and I like music and video games.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:28 am
by bizzt
Swamper wrote:Hi all, my name is James, or you can call me Swamper, which is my nickname (long story). I've been coming to the God & Science website every so often for awhile now, but haven't been on the forums until now. I'm 19 years old, and I like music and video games.
Welcome Swamper. Glad to see you here

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:43 am
by Turgonian
Hi everyone,

I'm Turgonian...16 years old and living in the Netherlands. I am not a farmer, do not wear wooden shoes and have no special feelings about tulips or mills. :)
I came to this forum because some time ago, I developed an interest for theology, because I was pelted with other opinions and I wanted to find some people on the Net who agreed with me. Drawing on their knowledge and expertise, I expect to find enough knowledge to defend Christianity in real life (esp. at the university college I hope to attend in a year).

I know hardly anything about science, so I won't be frequenting discussions about evolution / OEC / YEC. Personally I am a YEC, because my school teaches YEC (it's really great to attend a staunch Calvinist school :D) and because I see some glaring differences between the order of evolutionary / OEC development and the order of the Biblical account. But like I said, scientifically I'm uneducated.

Apart from theology and philosophy, I like poetry, linguistics and fantasy literature (well, and other literature...). I really dislike the HP article here on the site. :lol: In fact I checked out the forum to see if there were people who WERE Harry Potter fans, but I was attracted by other topics. So here I am.
I also like girls, especially some, but um, we won't talk about that. :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:29 am
by Gman
Welkom Turgonian!

It just so happens I'm a second generation dutchman (actually from Friesland) living in the U.S.. My Dad can speak both dutch and friesian, but not so for me. I also get that wooden shoes question pulled on me a lot too... :lol:

By the way there are many dutch Christian colonies living in western Michigan and some of the cities have even taken on the dutch names. This is where my family came from.. If you want sometime, come check it out over there. I'm sure you will feel at home...

Hey don't sweat that HP article, there are some topics here I may disagree with also.. In fact I think some spritual aspects of our life reflect Harry Potter in some way... I'm more of a lord of the rings fan though.

But overall, I would agree with most topics here..


G -

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:35 am
by Canuckster1127
Welcome Turgonian,

It's great to have you here.

We have somethings in common. I am Canadian orginally. I grew up near Toronto and for a good part of my school career I went to a Dutch Reformed school which was staunchly Calvinist and YEC too.

I had an uncle who was not a Christian but was a very avid astronomer and amateur scientist who taught me many things about astronomy, got me interested in science and regularly took me to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto which had an observatory. He also gave me a junior Membership in the Royal Astronomical Society in Canada which gave me a subscription to their academic journal and so I grew up learning about things like supernovaes and red-shifting and the like, which argued against the YEC training I received.

I stuck with YEC because I believed science could be interpretted wrongly and the YEC was waht the Bible taught. As I got older, I studies the Bible more and also trained for ministry. I came to realize that YEC was itself an interpretation of the Bible and it could be wrong and the Bible still right.

Over time, that's the position I have taken.

But YEC or OEC is not a cardinal issue in terms of one's salvation or fellowship with other believers.

So, I'm glad you're here!


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:54 am
by Turgonian
Whee! Who among the nations shall withstand the pow'r of Holland?

Gman - Molendraaier, hm? Well, nice to meet you. Of course, surnames don't always reflect the occupation of an entire family through multiple generations...but sometimes they do.

Oh yeah, I've been a member of the Lord of the Rings Fanatics Plaza for more than two years (that's were the name Turgonian comes from, descendant of Turgon King of Gondolin -- I made it my general Internet name).

Canuckster - Thank you for your warm welcome! And you're right, what we believe about the age of the earth has little bearing on one's salvation. Or on the respect one is owed! * bows *

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:55 am
by Gman
Canuckster1127 wrote:I grew up near Toronto and for a good part of my school career I went to a Dutch Reformed school which was staunchly Calvinist and YEC too.
Bart, you have just defined my life here.. My family also came from a strict Calvinist background, and were birthed out of the CRC.. Later to become Presbyterians...

G -

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:03 am
by Canuckster1127
Gman wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:I grew up near Toronto and for a good part of my school career I went to a Dutch Reformed school which was staunchly Calvinist and YEC too.
Bart, you have just defined my life here.. My family also came from a strict Calvinist background, and were birthed out of the CRC.. Later to become Presbyterians...

G -
Thats cool.

It was maybe a little different for me. I am not dutch and I was one of the few in the school whose name did not begin with "Vander" ;)

My mother was Catholic, my father was pentecostal, we went to the Anglican Church until I was 12 and then began going to evangelical Churches after that.

Still, some in common there. :)

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:24 am
by Gman
Turgonian wrote:Whee! Who among the nations shall withstand the pow'r of Holland?
Yes, for sure... As the saying goes... You ain't much if you ain't dutch... :wink:
Gman - Well, nice to meet you. Of course, surnames don't always reflect the occupation of an entire family through multiple generations...but sometimes they do.
Yes... Don't tell anyone, ok? Looks like the word is out anyway..
Bart wrote:Thats cool.

It was maybe a little different for me. I am not dutch and I was one of the few in the school whose name did not begin with "Vander" Wink

My mother was Catholic, my father was pentecostal, we went to the Anglican Church until I was 12 and then began going to evangelical Churches after that.
Well, maybe party then I guesss... That's ok, we can convert you to the dutch brotherhood.. :lol:

G -