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Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:56 pm
by Fisherman
Big Bang Fact = God said, "Let there be light." and BANG, there it was! I'm smart enough to just trust God.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:41 am
by mattx0x
its not that your "smart" enough to trust god, its that your to afraid to face up to the fact that there is no magical place we go wen we die, that our lives really r just a product of chance and hav absolutely no deep spiritual meaning. Who does want 2 face up to such a sobering thought, but just because we dont want 2 believe it doesnt mean we should just go into denial

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:56 am
by Believer
mattx0x wrote:its not that your "smart" enough to trust god, its that your to afraid to face up to the fact that there is no magical place we go wen we die, that our lives really r just a product of chance and hav absolutely no deep spiritual meaning. Who does want 2 face up to such a sobering thought, but just because we dont want 2 believe it doesnt mean we should just go into denial
Typical atheist statements refuted, experience comes from believing, experience does not come from not believing. Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell do not exist. Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist. Where is the proof? If none, than please stop being another atheist that we have seen come and go one too many times here. I could ask you many, many questions (that you would have to answer on your own, not from atheist forums or their "research") and I would like to see if you can prove to me that all of Christianity (still the dominating and truthful belief), is nothing but myth. Reading secular science magazines does not disprove God (although some articles within those magazines will, at times, even though you can't prove or disprove God through science in the first place). I, among many others here, know how this atheist game works, and we are ALL standing by to refute. Please provide your proof beyond a reasonable doubt now that nothing of any branch of Christianity exists...

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:43 pm
by mick
Thinker wrote: Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell do not exist. Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist.
You know, or should know, that this is no more possible than your proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Valhalla and Hades do not exist.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:32 pm
by Believer
mick wrote:
Thinker wrote: Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell do not exist. Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist.
You know, or should know, that this is no more possible than your proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Valhalla and Hades do not exist.
Hmm, well, once again, why don't you research things like this and find the REAL TRUTH instead of trying to play "role-reversal" on me. While you feel like joining into this game, please study history, religions and their mythology, archeology, etc... and then come back and tell me Christianity is 100% undeniable false in everything that it is. Would you like me to set you up with HIGHLY respected and very intellectual theologians mick? I don't mind trying, but I would like you to challenge what you think you know and see if what you are saying holds truth to it. Do you think science is our only source of truth and everything besides science should be trashed? Do you know how to determine truth from myth from religion to religion?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:19 pm
by Jbuza
mattx0x wrote:its not that your "smart" enough to trust god, its that your to afraid to face up to the fact that there is no magical place we go wen we die, that our lives really r just a product of chance and hav absolutely no deep spiritual meaning. Who does want 2 face up to such a sobering thought, but just because we dont want 2 believe it doesnt mean we should just go into denial
Who wants to believe that there are eternal consquences to our actions? Who wants to belive that if we eat drink and be merry leaning on ourselves that we will be damned? Who wants to beleive that we are commanded to make our bodies living sacrifices and stop doing things that while pleasurable are not good? Who wants to believe they are wretched and in need of redemption?

Yeah Christians are coping out and have it easy. <sarcasm>

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:42 pm
by mick
Thinker wrote:
mick wrote:
Thinker wrote: Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell do not exist. Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist.
You know, or should know, that this is no more possible than your proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Valhalla and Hades do not exist.
Hmm, well, once again, why don't you research things like this and find the REAL TRUTH instead of trying to play "role-reversal" on me. While you feel like joining into this game, please study history, religions and their mythology, archeology, etc... and then come back and tell me Christianity is 100% undeniable false in everything that it is. Would you like me to set you up with HIGHLY respected and very intellectual theologians mick? I don't mind trying, but I would like you to challenge what you think you know and see if what you are saying holds truth to it. Do you think science is our only source of truth and everything besides science should be trashed? Do you know how to determine truth from myth from religion to religion?
Interesting post; nothing to do with my point, though.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:38 pm
by x'tian
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell do not exist.
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell DOES exist.
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist. Where is the proof?
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God DOES exist. Where is the proof?
If none, than please stop being another atheist that we have seen come and go one too many times here.
If none, then please stop being another THEIST.
I could ask you many, many questions (that you would have to answer on your own, not from atheist forums or their "research") and I would like to see if you can prove to me that all of Christianity (still the dominating and truthful belief), is nothing but myth.
I could ask you many, many questions (that you would have to answer on your own, not from THEIST forums or their "research") and I would like to see if you can prove to me that all of ATHEISM is false.
Reading secular science magazines does not disprove God (although some articles within those magazines will, at times, even though you can't prove or disprove God through science in the first place).
Secular science magazines do not try to disprove God. It's a none issue.
I, among many others here, know how this atheist game works, and we are ALL standing by to refute. Please provide your proof beyond a reasonable doubt now that nothing of any branch of Christianity exists...
I know how this THEIST game works, and YOU ARE ALL standing by to refute ONE ATHEIST. (That's fair!)

Typical religious fanaticism.

If you are so confident about your faith and your knowledge, then why do you not go to an Atheist forum alone and debate with more than one atheist? Instead of picking on one atheist.

Please provide your proof beyond a reasonable doubt now that nothing of any branch of ATHEISM is true...

P.S. From preschool to college, I went to Cathoilic schools, and all my religion and theology teachers/professors said one thing in common. FAITH IS BELIEVING WITHOUT PROOF.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:57 pm
by x'tian
Big Bang Fact = God said, "Let there be light." and BANG, there it was! I'm smart enough to just trust God.
Which god?

Zeus? Apollo? Shiva? Brahma? Vishnu? Quetzacoatl? Bathala? Rah? Atum? Amu-ra? Osiris? Isis? Anubis? Ptah? Serapis? So many gods, so little time to choose.

Or did you mean the Abrahamic god, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Holy Trinity?

Why does it make you smart to trust the Abrahamic god?

Because the Bible said so?
Because the Church said so?
Because the ancient jews said so?
Because some old guy, some time ago said so?

Does the argument, "_______ said so" an intelligent or smart argument?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:02 am
by Believer
x'tian wrote:
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell do not exist.
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that Heaven and Hell DOES exist.
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God does not exist. Where is the proof?
Please prove to us beyond a reasonable doubt that God DOES exist. Where is the proof?
If none, than please stop being another atheist that we have seen come and go one too many times here.
If none, then please stop being another THEIST.
I could ask you many, many questions (that you would have to answer on your own, not from atheist forums or their "research") and I would like to see if you can prove to me that all of Christianity (still the dominating and truthful belief), is nothing but myth.
I could ask you many, many questions (that you would have to answer on your own, not from THEIST forums or their "research") and I would like to see if you can prove to me that all of ATHEISM is false.
Reading secular science magazines does not disprove God (although some articles within those magazines will, at times, even though you can't prove or disprove God through science in the first place).
Secular science magazines do not try to disprove God. It's a none issue.
I, among many others here, know how this atheist game works, and we are ALL standing by to refute. Please provide your proof beyond a reasonable doubt now that nothing of any branch of Christianity exists...
I know how this THEIST game works, and YOU ARE ALL standing by to refute ONE ATHEIST. (That's fair!)

Typical religious fanaticism.

If you are so confident about your faith and your knowledge, then why do you not go to an Atheist forum alone and debate with more than one atheist? Instead of picking on one atheist.

Please provide your proof beyond a reasonable doubt now that nothing of any branch of ATHEISM is true...

P.S. From preschool to college, I went to Cathoilic schools, and all my religion and theology teachers/professors said one thing in common. FAITH IS BELIEVING WITHOUT PROOF.
I'm sorry you found no truth, and even if you did, I'm sorry you lost it :cry:. I'm sorry you have to resort to reverse copping methods to "prove" your point. However our (believers) proof comes from the Bible. Right, you think it is "one of those" statements again", well you are right. Our proof is the Bible, as far as I'm concerned, I know of no early religion that states there is no God. Do you? There are many theologians and philosophers with many doctorates that I think you would like to debate so you can prove them wrong? My proof is the Bible, that's it. Having faith and trusting in a religion that is not some crazy concept people made up like many others. When you have true faith, you will experience God, and maybe you did, but nothing happened, that's fine, some things happen to believers and some things don't to believers, and some things take a while before anything happens.

And also with your P.S. thing, I agree, it is faith without proof and it is a good quote. I'm not sure why you turned to atheism, and I'm sorry you did as you probably didn't find Christianity convincing comparing it and studying it in depth with every other religion there ever was. I do know though that people who grew up atheist do find God for whatever reason that convicts them as well as people that find reasons to fall away from faith after being "saved", and I quote that because they weren't saved in the first place or maybe they were but made the decision that they didn't want it anymore.

I know science magazines; Nature, Discover, and Scientific American do have articles in them, maybe not with eery issue, but nonetheless, still in them, that takes it to downplaying God as a creator. I haven't really seen anything that is pro-God in any of them. I just can't see why people will favor science to replace God instead of them working together which they can.

Also, I do not at this moment, but still learning, have enough knowledge to refute atheists, but e-mailing numerous sources, I have found that the debate is favored on Christianity and not atheism, too many of the same arguments that have been refuted. That is what I got from the result of e-mail polling.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:09 am
by Believer
x'tian wrote:
Big Bang Fact = God said, "Let there be light." and BANG, there it was! I'm smart enough to just trust God.
Which god?

Zeus? Apollo? Shiva? Brahma? Vishnu? Quetzacoatl? Bathala? Rah? Atum? Amu-ra? Osiris? Isis? Anubis? Ptah? Serapis? So many gods, so little time to choose.

Or did you mean the Abrahamic god, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Holy Trinity?

Why does it make you smart to trust the Abrahamic god?

Because the Bible said so?
Because the Church said so?
Because the ancient jews said so?
Because some old guy, some time ago said so?

Does the argument, "_______ said so" an intelligent or smart argument?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: - too funny!!! I just express that because this is an old argument and it should have retired long ago. But as always from the atheist, must come more unsatisfactory arguments. Why are you registered on a Christian forum for again?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:02 am
by Fortigurn
From what I can see, most atheists want us to believe that the universe came into being:
  • In a single moment of time
  • As a result of a cause which was outside the universe
  • According to laws which pre-existed the universe itself
  • From nothing which existed previously in the universe
  • By means of forces which, though undetectable directly (observable only by means of their effects on other entities), unmeasurable, and possibly undefinable, nevertheless actually exist
The problem is, we already do. 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:20 am
by thereal
Thinker wrote:I know science magazines; Nature, Discover, and Scientific American do have articles in them, maybe not with eery issue, but nonetheless, still in them, that takes it to downplaying God as a creator. I haven't really seen anything that is pro-God in any of them.
Would you kindly provide citations for some of these articles that make any direct mention of God or lack thereof? I only ask this because I'm uncertain as to what you mean by "downplaying" God; are you saying that by not mentioning any aspect of God in a scientific forum these articles are taking a religious (or anti-religious) stance? That is like saying that an instruction manual was written by an atheist because it doesn't mention God...religion has no place in certain situations. I have never once read an article in peer-reviewed scientific literature that was either pro- or anti-God...simply put, God falls outside the realm of legitimate science. As was stated earlier, the existence of God is a non-issue for most people in the field of science. I don't presume to know whether or not there is a God, and even if there was evidence it would have little bearing on my own research (maybe I have it easy in that respect). The problem arises when those of faith, who can provide no more proof than I regarding presence or absence of a God, attempt to push their belief into an area, such as science, that should be devoid of mere beliefs and must be based purely on observation.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:47 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
thereal wrote:
Thinker wrote:I know science magazines; Nature, Discover, and Scientific American do have articles in them, maybe not with eery issue, but nonetheless, still in them, that takes it to downplaying God as a creator. I haven't really seen anything that is pro-God in any of them.
Would you kindly provide citations for some of these articles that make any direct mention of God or lack thereof? I only ask this because I'm uncertain as to what you mean by "downplaying" God; are you saying that by not mentioning any aspect of God in a scientific forum these articles are taking a religious (or anti-religious) stance? That is like saying that an instruction manual was written by an atheist because it doesn't mention God...religion has no place in certain situations. I have never once read an article in peer-reviewed scientific literature that was either pro- or anti-God...simply put, God falls outside the realm of legitimate science. As was stated earlier, the existence of God is a non-issue for most people in the field of science. I don't presume to know whether or not there is a God, and even if there was evidence it would have little bearing on my own research (maybe I have it easy in that respect). The problem arises when those of faith, who can provide no more proof than I regarding presence or absence of a God, attempt to push their belief into an area, such as science, that should be devoid of mere beliefs and must be based purely on observation.
He's not talking about peer-reviewed journals. He mentioned several pop-science mags, "Nature, Discover, and Scientific American". However I would like to see an article from Nature which falls under Thinkers description.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:51 pm
by Believer
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
thereal wrote:
Thinker wrote:I know science magazines; Nature, Discover, and Scientific American do have articles in them, maybe not with eery issue, but nonetheless, still in them, that takes it to downplaying God as a creator. I haven't really seen anything that is pro-God in any of them.
Would you kindly provide citations for some of these articles that make any direct mention of God or lack thereof? I only ask this because I'm uncertain as to what you mean by "downplaying" God; are you saying that by not mentioning any aspect of God in a scientific forum these articles are taking a religious (or anti-religious) stance? That is like saying that an instruction manual was written by an atheist because it doesn't mention God...religion has no place in certain situations. I have never once read an article in peer-reviewed scientific literature that was either pro- or anti-God...simply put, God falls outside the realm of legitimate science. As was stated earlier, the existence of God is a non-issue for most people in the field of science. I don't presume to know whether or not there is a God, and even if there was evidence it would have little bearing on my own research (maybe I have it easy in that respect). The problem arises when those of faith, who can provide no more proof than I regarding presence or absence of a God, attempt to push their belief into an area, such as science, that should be devoid of mere beliefs and must be based purely on observation.
He's not talking about peer-reviewed journals. He mentioned several pop-science mags, "Nature, Discover, and Scientific American". However I would like to see an article from Nature which falls under Thinkers description.
I don't subscribe to these magazines, nor would I, but I have seen articles every now and then that briefly bring the topic up that everything is by chance and accident, meaning it is anti-God, not stating God, but in a world where God is the center of all discussion, these topics would of course be brought up. As I said, I don't subscribe, but I read the latest issues at magazine stands and archived ones at the library. Unfortunately and honestly I did not care to look at the date of the archived issues and mostly the same with new ones on magazine stands, but I do know, every now and then, articles are published like that. I also see advertisements promoting atheism in these science magazines, so I do get a clear meaning of what their intention is, and that would be to examine and observe and say it all came about naturally and accidentally which would state in this world that revolves around God, that they are downplaying Him, not even acknowledging or considering the possibility. And it does get worse in my opinion every year. Science is the # 1 contribution to demolishing faith and bringing up atheism. And I do hope you know what kind of science I am talking about.