Are Aliens Real?

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robyn hill
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Re: Are Aliens Real?

Post by robyn hill »

Money love you said: If there are aliens they are watching our television and want nothing to do with us.
I can accept the possibility of aliens. The probability of them visiting us is nil considering the incredible distances they would have to travel. That life exists elsewhere in the universe is to me without question. Intelligent or self aware lifeforms? Maybe. It's all conjecture. There is no proof. I cannot imagine however that the wonders of this world could be a singular event. Given the mind boggling expanses of space to me its a given that there is life elsewhere. To assume its humanoid in any respect is ridiculous. Theres no x-files aliens or klingons out there running around. If we were to find intelligent life it would probably be intelligent in the way that a dolphin is. Organised social groups and language development but completely held hostage by the environment it evolved in and unable to build a magic spaceship that travels faster than light and visits other planets but doesnt stop in to say hi.

These are the statements by atheists that seem to contradict their idea that there is no possibility for God to exist. So just to clarify, Monkey love, you are open to intelligent life, possible self aware life forms, open to the possibility of aliens, but closed to the idea of a God existing? You even say that life existing somewhere else in this universe is without question...this seems to be a contradiction in thought and I was wondering if you could comment on it because perhaps I am missing something. Furthermore, you also say that to assume its humanoid is is it ridiculous as most atheists believe in the theory of evolution? If you believe in evolution and the scientific time model as to how long the universe has been around, wouldn't it make sense that a being could evolve more than humans? Seems silly to think evolution only began with our planet, with the pre-existing timeline of the entire universe. I don't see how you can claim science as your reasoning and yet cancel out other humanoids and God ? Just doesn't make sense to me. Let me know your thoughts.
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Re: Are Aliens Real?

Post by kmr »

Think of it this way: God can do whatever he wants. Perhaps he did create other beings. Keep in mind that angles, fallen or not, are separate from humans, and therefore may be considered "aliens". Of course, I wouldn't put it that way, because I do not believe that they live in the same space-time as us, but "in God the father all things are possible". Now, from a scientific perspective, I must quote Dr. William Bradley: "If you took all the carbon in the [known] universe and put it on the face of the earth, allowed it to chemically react at the most rapid pace possible, and left it for a billion years, the odds of creating just one functional protein molecule [out of two hundred needed to have raw materials to make a cell, plus DNA and binding agents] would be one chance in ten with 60 zeros after it." In other words, scientifically, the if life was found anywhere else in the universe, even on a earth-like planet, it would astronomically defy the odds. It is so incredibly unlikely that life exists elsewhere in our universe that we may as well forget about it.

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Re: Are Aliens Real?

Post by Human »

Firstly, the definition for life is somewhat arbitrary and will affect whether what is out there is considered. Off of that, "life" is pretty vague and it wouldn't be surprising if there were some cells out in space, even if originally from earth but been removed one way or another. Just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it's impossible. Especially since the scientific definition of life isn't spelled out in the Bible. Also, when people were spread out from Babel, could have been spread to another planet.(doubt that though)
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