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Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:06 pm
by Zenith
Believer wrote:There are MANY graduates from college that maintain their God beliefs. I believe it has to do with the secularism subtly put into classes that make people doubt and therefore turn from religion in these ages.
but keep in mind that forcing children to believe in the bible is just as bad as forcing them to believe in what schools are teaching them. a child must first be taught how to learn, and then that child must choose their own course in life and their own beliefs. the problem with education today, both in school and at home, is that a lot of what children are being taught is unsubstantiated. its like the old saying "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." our modern system of education is like giving them a fish. we give the kids some information and then send them off into the world to try to catch something. but if we really teach them how to learn, how to find out what something is instead of just being taught what it is, then they'll be better equipt to deal with major issues like the one we are talking about.