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Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:55 pm
by August
Resident Atheist wrote:
August wrote: By what standard do you believe something to be true or not?
Any reliable, proven standard. The scientific method, diametrically opposed logic, falsifiability, the ability to use a claim to make future predictions greatly lends to credibility.

Like I said, Jehovah isn't even a valid hypothesis. Or in layman's terms, a "maybe this is so".

It's not falsifiable, it's not subject to experimentation etc, etc.

What criteria do you use?
How do you know those standards to be true? Please logically prove the scientific method to be true.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:56 pm
by Resident Atheist
I know i know. But they never said they were the son of God.

<b>Yeah, they did. And even if they didn't, what, if I'm the first to claim I shoved 15 spoons up a crocodile's ass, does that make it so?</b>

Yep. Many other religions believe the earth was held up by elephants and so on.

<b>You know there are over 2500 world deities, right?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:03 pm
by Jay_7
Yeah, they did. And even if they didn't, what, if I'm the first to claim I shoved 15 spoons up a crocodile's ***, does that make it so?
Jesus and Christianity is alot of different to all these other religions, thats a good thing.
You know there are over 2500 world deities, right?
Tell me some that you think to be more unique and accurate besides Korah.

Do you even know all there is to know about Christianity?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:08 pm
by Resident Atheist
Generation wasnt meant in the 100 years sence, ive read somewhere of what it meant, ill try find it.

<b>He didn't use the word generation.</b>

I sure did. No, they were not risen from the dead, Jesus was the only one. That just proves your lack of study in this area.

<b>Maybe you're talking about 15 <i>other</i> supposed sons of Jehova. Wouldn't shock me.

Or maybe it's been a long time since I read about them and I'm confusing their mythologies with that of Horus.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:10 pm
by Resident Atheist
How do you know those standards to be true? Please logically prove the scientific method to be true.

<b>You're kidding, right? You want me to prove the usefulness of the scientific method?

Look around you.

Besides, you can create a problem for which you know the answer, and let scientists use these methods to determine it for themselves, with sucess.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:14 pm
by Resident Atheist
<i>Yeah, they did. And even if they didn't, what, if I'm the first to claim I shoved 15 spoons up a crocodile's ***, does that make it so?</i>

Jesus and Christianity is alot of different to all these other religions, thats a good thing.

<b>Did you even get my point?</b>

Tell me some that you think to be more unique and accurate besides Korah.

<b>You know I'm an atheist, right? Besides, I don't think christianity is unique in any way, or very accurate. Or logical, or substantiated.</b>

Do you even know all there is to know about Christianity?

<b>Oh course not. I doubt anybody does.</b>

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:16 pm
by Jay_7
He didn't use the word generation.
Do you read your own posts?

"Luke 21:32
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all (the second coming, the resurrection, the judgment, etc) be fulfilled. "

Read this: ... -pass.html
Or maybe it's been a long time since I read about them and I'm confusing their mythologies with that of Horus.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:19 pm
by Jay_7
Did you even get my point?
Yes not that it matters though.
You know I'm an atheist, right? Besides, I don't think christianity is unique in any way, or very accurate. Or logical, or substantiated.
Ok, ocne again this arguments based on faith and opinion.

Oh course not. I doubt anybody does.
Therefore it cannot be proved wrong until you know everything there is to know.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:19 pm
by August
Resident Atheist wrote:How do you know those standards to be true? Please logically prove the scientific method to be true.

<b>You're kidding, right? You want me to prove the usefulness of the scientific method?

Look around you.

Besides, you can create a problem for which you know the answer, and let scientists use these methods to determine it for themselves, with sucess.
No, I don't want you to prove the usefulness of the scientific method, I want a logical proof for the scientific method as the only method by which truth can be known.

I am not asking for examples, i.e. "create a problem for which you know the answer".

You state that the scientific method is the mechanism by which you know the truth, I want you to show how the scientific method is true.

If you can't, as it seems, then you are taking that to be true by faith. And it stands as an unreasonable faith, since you cannot show it to be true.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:39 pm
by Fortigurn
Resident Atheist wrote:Read about it more, you'll find the bible actually says somewhere the earth is sphere.

<b>If memory serves there actually is no hebrew word for sphere, it says "the circle of the earth", most likely as in a disk. It's purposeful mis-interpretation into "circle" is plain decietful.
Oh yes, because a disk is not a circle. :roll:

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:01 pm
by Jbuza
So have you won? IS your conscience easy, and you believe there is no God? I'm sorry to say that you probably are not going to find proof for Jesus and God. You have clearly expressed that it is all foolishness to you. You have set your mind against God.

Are you the worlds? Do you despise Jesus and his followers?

Well you breathe so their is hope, but it seems you have rejected everything that could save your soul simply to buy yourself supposed freedom. I can assure you from my own experience that the freedom you seek comes for Jesus.

Careful you don't reject him. Run and hide and protect what may be left that convinces you of what is true.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:23 pm
by jerickson314
Resident Atheist wrote:
SUGAAAAA wrote:Resident, ever hear of the Preterist view? all of the things described there have already happened in the Apostle's lifetime, except the second coming of Christ (which isnt what Jesus talks about in those passages).

Anyway, many would argue that "generation" means "race", or a certain group of people. for more on preterism, go here ... .php?t=667

Matthew 16:28
Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

The Last Apostle (John) saw the second coming, through revelations, which he talks about in the Book of Relevalation.
So christ was just screwing with their heads then? Misleading them to think the end-times were near.

You misunderstand preterism. Preterism teaches that the end did happen in the first century. It's just that Jesus was talking not about the end of the world, but rather the end of the age. As in, the time when the religious and social system of Judaism, with its sacrifices and all, would come to an end. It was to be replaced with Christianity, where Christ's death was a sufficient sacrifice for all. The old religious system was finally abolished in 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed the temple, thus meeting the criteria for "end of the age."

It's important to make conclusions from the original languages in which the passages were written, not the English Bible. In this case, the word for "age" is the same as the word for "world." Another common confusion is that another word for "world" is the same as the word for "Roman Empire." I believe this may have been the word used to describe the place Jesus saw from the mountaintop.

It's also important to make conclusions based on how the ancients would have interpreted a text, not how a modern person would interpret the text.
Resident Atheist wrote:Didn't you just hear me? Fifteen other men fit the prophecy, had apostles, claimed to be the messiah, and supposedly performed most of the miracles christ did, then were crucified and rose from the dead.
See here.

With regards to dying for a lie, most other ancients died for a religous system favored by their society. The social atmosphere was not as favorable for Christianity. See here.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:45 pm
by rico7
Here is some very compelling evidence that Jesus is God: