Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:05 pm
Cro-Magnon man is the more modern skull.Wall-dog wrote:Barbarian,
That picture isn't exactly hi-res, but even in it you can see the color variations in the skull. That's not from age. That's from plaster. The actual bone from both could have just as easily been put together to create a modern skull. But the naturalists who assembled the fragments into skulls knew what the skulls should have looked like according to evolutionary theory so when they assembled the skulls they made them look the way they thought they should have looked. It's like assembling a jigsaw puzzle when you only have a some of the pieces - if you are missing enough you can give the puzzle any shape you want. Look at all the gray around the cheekbones and in the upper jaw on the cromagnon skull. Look at the large gray areas used to extend the skull backward an inch or so. Not a single tooth in the upper jaw is even in bone. There is NO WAY anyone can say that's what that skull really looks like. The neandrathal skull looks far more intact. Of course, it also looks much more modern, except where you have a lighter coloration around the eyes. That must be plaster...
Really they use lots of different things to hold bone fragments together and to 'fill in the gaps.' It is hard to say how much is real just from a picture.
Keep in mind too that there are many variations between different modern skulls. Taking two very different skulls and putting them side by side doesn't really show how much they differ from modern skulls. It only shows how much they differ from each other. My skull likely looks very different from yours, yet nobody would say that one of us evolved from the other.
The only intact bone on the most complete cromagnon skull in existence is the jawbone. Amazingly, that's also the only part of the skull that is identical to our own. I wonder had they never found an intact jaw bone if cromagnon man would have had a different jaw than we do?
In fairness they don't have enough fragments from any human skull that old to prove that they should look like us either, but the burden of proof should be on those who say they found a skull that is shaped differently. Really, the most scientific way to look at those skulls would be to look at the fragments laid out on a table. But that wouldn't be impressive.
Re-examine the picture.
Neanderthal is on the left.
Is it your assertion that Paleontologists are all in on some sort of conspiracy?
Perhaps you would like to examinte the fossils yourself?
the features between yours and my skull are not as drastic as these fossils.
homo erectus