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Re: 2012

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:08 pm
by JCSx2
Kyle2012 wrote:to be clear, its not december 1st, its december 21st. 2012

Also, the Mayans arent the only ones to have a calander that ends on this date

check for more info

I agree, as the bible says, no one knows when Jesus will come back (and as such, the end of the world)

if this date holds significance tho, it would probably mean the end of the world, as we know it. it could just simply be extreme global warming, another war, or the start of a new age.

also, yes, on this date, the sun will be at the center axis of the galaxy (not IN the center of the galaxy, as our solar system is on one of the galaxies arms). just imagine a SIDE view of the galaxy, pretty much a line with a circle in the middle like this: ---<>--- if you cut that in half with a horizontal cut, thats the line where our sun will be on.

anywho, I'm having a party on that day

A Christmas party would be good for that day not an end of world party. As Scripture points out that there will be 3 1/2 years of peace prior to 3 1/2 years of tribulation. That equals 7 years it is 5 years till 2012, and peace has not happened yet.

Also the other signs prior to this have not happened either.

I wouldn't bet on this 2012 date.

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:56 am
by emanuel2
If it turns out to be 2012 that's great, that would leave four years to get ready. It's a nice comfortable timeframe to work within. :) I feel like I really aught to get the house cleaned up, and the car and computer I have now will probably last that long. ( just a little humor, this is my first post/ reply)

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:10 pm
by JCSx2
emanuel2 wrote:If it turns out to be 2012 that's great, that would leave four years to get ready. It's a nice comfortable timeframe to work within. :) I feel like I really aught to get the house cleaned up, and the car and computer I have now will probably last that long. ( just a little humor, this is my first post/ reply)
Welcome, I am a n00b to the boards myself

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:50 am
by madscientist
End of the world?? well... as to explain it.
One person gave me some links to look for on hell. Then due to the links on YT on the right... suddenly looked on this. And to say, all were so that it looks like 21/12/2012 is the end of the world. Worse, evidence against it is non-existent. Some arguments for are:
1. Mayans' calendar ends in 2012 - not necessarily end of world, but some big change.
2. I-chang or what it is - it says in the video it was accurately correct till now!
3. Prophecies such as St Malachy - that is appalling: when our new Pope came to be, I read he is to be the last or before-last one. Didnt read more, thought - more of HOPED it to be not true. But then says on this video all his predictions were correct so far. So is Benedict XVI the last Pope??!
4. The polar shift change - no wonder why there are to be more catastrophees to come towards end of the world. (However, crash with planet X seems more deadly, dont know of what significance is this compared to that one :P)
5. SOme 2012 code was read in the Bible - didnt get it myslef how they got it but aparently its there.
6. Planet X (Nibiru) to crash Earth on this date at 11:11 AM. Another significance is of 1111 (a change is necessary).
7. Merlin and Nostradamus and others have predicted this date. (Astrology points to something??)

Importantly, i have always been sconrful to astrology, but since these things have been accurate, how? Thing is - does God approve of astrology? And more, what is astrology? If it works out, is it because our fate is predetermined? I can't still understand how they could predict it to happen. The I-chang thing and all those... some mysterios force? God?

Another thing is, apparently we have known this sine 1983 (NASA) about end of world and Nibiru but why no-one did anything? If the world is to end, why no-one knows about this? I feel horrible to imagine to tell my family and so that we are all to die in 4 yrs and something (or well before that if natural disasters and death are to increase). Why isnt public doing anything?? That seems to be my "counter-argument" but isn't really. Public often isnt aware, of just ignores facts. Probably they dont wanna scare anyone but we have to do something.
But I dont want to be an ignorant. Thought that this knowledge would change my life forever, as there is no need to plan anything further... just live, survive, no university, no investments etc.

Also, is it to be the end of end of world or start of end of world? Because total end of world is somewhere in chapter 19 or 20 of Revelation. And are the events in this book chronological? What about the angels, horsemen? Are these happening or expected to START happen on that date? And is the "end of the world" an end where no-one can survive or just where many will be wiped out but some may survive? Heard some ideas about building bases on Mars, Moon or go under Earth but come on! Seems pathetic. We have 4 years and a 3 months and a few days, yet almost no-one knows about this.

Yes persecution of Christians is to come etc. and many other things, but who knows if those won't happen fast before?

This scared me, because really, for some reason I dont wish this world to end. I have been depressed before, but on that day (25.8.) when i spent time on those videos - i felt horrible. For nights i had dreams about world ending, i woke up in night, the only thing on my mind this scary stuff. I couldnt get my mind off those things.
Now as i am to go to university, is there a point? If i am to die in slightly over 4 years what's the point of studying for 4 yrs? Then if world is to end all seems to be VAIN.

Please help if you can because these things seem so overwhelming. I can't imagine going on normally knowing life is to end. Nor can I imagine refuse to go to uni because of that, and turn "crazy" as some would point to it. So now I don't know how to behave with this knowledge in mind... all arguments seem to say world will end in 2012 - or start to end. By that date, maybe many will already have been wiped out... who knows.

Let's pray to God to be His and not taken away. I do believe in JC but one more thing which quite struck me... to ask elsewhere... Hope God gives us the right knowledge for our joy and His glory.

Re: 2012

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:44 pm
by obsolete
Even Christ Himself said that no one knows when these things were to happen except the Father. Let us not forget about that very important point. If that be the case, why would the Myans have that kind of insight of things to come when even the diciples didn't?

I think the whole Myan callendar thing stopped because of a few things. The human sacrifice, and then the Spaniards.

Re: 2012

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:50 am
by madscientist
hm ok, but the Mayans were not the only ones. Moreover, on i read about end times and stuff like that. What are the seals and bowls and all that... says there is to be huge earthquake with hailstones - is not that expected to be the Nibiru crashing the Earth? That is predicted on 21/12/2012! :crying:
But what about the 1000 yrs of Jesus and then Satan ruling? Is this to occur before or after the seals and Armageddon and all that? Has the great persecution of Christ already come?
Often we hear end times are near - but how near... maybe we dont even wanna know. Could 2012 be the beginning of the end? y:-?

Re: 2012

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:07 am
by obsolete
madscientist wrote:hm ok, but the Mayans were not the only ones. Moreover, on i read about end times and stuff like that. What are the seals and bowls and all that... says there is to be huge earthquake with hailstones - is not that expected to be the Nibiru crashing the Earth? That is predicted on 21/12/2012! :crying:
But what about the 1000 yrs of Jesus and then Satan ruling? Is this to occur before or after the seals and Armageddon and all that? Has the great persecution of Christ already come?
Often we hear end times are near - but how near... maybe we dont even wanna know. Could 2012 be the beginning of the end? y:-?
1. You are right about the Myans. They were not the only ones to use human sacrifice in their rituals.

2. The seven seals are the prequil to the seven trumpets, which also come before the seven bowl judgments of God's wrath. IMPO I believe that the seven seals will be broken before the begining of the seven year Tribulation. But that is speculation and really is a stretch to prove Biblicaly. This is then followed by the seven trumpets. The hailstones follow the first few trumpet blasts. There is a great earthquake after the two witnesses are killed and come back to life and are taken to Heaven. (Rev.11:12-13) As far as the comet, anything can happen. It could get pulled out of its orbit by something in space. As far as if it does hit. I hope that we are raptured before then.

3. The 1000 years of Christ's reighn happen after the 7 year Trib. At this point Satan has been bound in the abyss that is mentioned in Rev. 9:1. The bowl judgements are not poured out until Rev. 16:1. I believe this to be during the last 3/12 years of the Trib. Because in Rev 13:3-18 the anti-christ is revealed by his actions and the desicration of the Temple of God. After the 1000 years Satan is released once again to deceive the nations once more before eternity.

4. Anyone who persecutes a Christian is persecuting Christ. We see this happening now with the persecution of the Church in areas like China or Indonisia.

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:39 am
by madscientist
well here are some points regarding this...
1. Mayans no i didnt mean sacrifice humans but they werent the only ones to have predictions for year 2012... there were many other ones.
2. So is the order discutable? OK then what comes first? The rapture? Yes read about that.. a question though - will any Christians be living after rapture? Or will ALL be taken prior to that? And does it mean if someone lives after rapture he is not a christian then cant be saved? So could year 2012 be a prediction of rapture? Then events after that is the starting of 7 seals trumpets and bowls... and is tribulation happening before rapture? The final event is armageddon when antichrist is defeated.
3. But what about they 1000 yrs of Jesus's rule and Satan's rule? Is it 1000 yrs for each Jesus and Satan's rules separately? Will christians be alive by then or is this after rapture and so that no christians will be left alive? So world cannot end before this two periods of 1000 years are fulfilled?
4. Yeah that is true but Christians have always been persecuted... is the pesecution in Bible mentioned to be to a greater extent?

Some more questions... when does one get to heaven? After death? And what about Jesus' judgment? Is that for non-believers only? Are those who go to heaven affected?

Re: 2012

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:17 am
by Truthseeking
JCSx2 wrote:
SUGAAAAA wrote:2012, December 1st.

I havent studied the Calendar.

Anyone know more about this?

Study the Bible. Now the issue here in not reading in to it what you desire to be true but read it as it is written.

There are many prophecies in the Bible regarding end times. It tells us what will happen; here is a repost from another post I replied to.

There are several things that must happen before the second coming of Christ. (These are a few news worthy Items I am listing; when they happen everyone will hear about it.)

The Ark of the Covenant will be found

The 3rd Temple will be built

There will be ONE Ruler for the Middle East countries (1 ruler for 10 countries that have come together presumably in the Middle East).

There will be PEACE in the Middle East (and world wide far as I know) for 3 1/2 years (then after 3 1/2 years there will be the great Tribulation)

As for pre-trib believers, the Bible also points out that Christians will be prosecuted for their belief and many will die; therefore I do not think a pre-trib rapture would happen)

So we must Cowboy up and hold fast to out faith in God during the Great Tribulation, no matter how bad it gets.

That is to just name a few prophecies covered in the Bible; there are more.

None of them has happened yet.

I am keeping an eye on True Peace in the Middle East (or world wide). When that happens we are on the countdown to the second coming.

It was predicted long ago that the Jews would have their own land once again, and before 1943 no one thought that possible.

All prophecies in the Bible that have been fulfilled have been fulfilled as the scripture said.

So keep an eye out for the End Time Prophecies.

Do not read in to it your own interpretation; the Bible spells it out for us.


Just to point out I am not putting a date on this, but there will be signs that we should be aware of. The Bible explains what they are; so keep the Faith. Stay faithful through thick and thin. Being a Christian on this earth is not easy and it will get worse before it gets better.
Isreal became a nation in May 1948, not 1943.

Re: 2012

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:19 am
by Truthseeking
Its funny that the first day of Winter usaully is December 21st. KInd of odd.....

Re: 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:54 am
by JCSx2
Truthseeking wrote:
JCSx2 wrote:
SUGAAAAA wrote:2012, December 1st.

I havent studied the Calendar.

Anyone know more about this?

Study the Bible. Now the issue here in not reading in to it what you desire to be true but read it as it is written.

There are many prophecies in the Bible regarding end times. It tells us what will happen; here is a repost from another post I replied to.

There are several things that must happen before the second coming of Christ. (These are a few news worthy Items I am listing; when they happen everyone will hear about it.)

The Ark of the Covenant will be found

The 3rd Temple will be built

There will be ONE Ruler for the Middle East countries (1 ruler for 10 countries that have come together presumably in the Middle East).

There will be PEACE in the Middle East (and world wide far as I know) for 3 1/2 years (then after 3 1/2 years there will be the great Tribulation)

As for pre-trib believers, the Bible also points out that Christians will be prosecuted for their belief and many will die; therefore I do not think a pre-trib rapture would happen)

So we must Cowboy up and hold fast to out faith in God during the Great Tribulation, no matter how bad it gets.

That is to just name a few prophecies covered in the Bible; there are more.

None of them has happened yet.

I am keeping an eye on True Peace in the Middle East (or world wide). When that happens we are on the countdown to the second coming.

It was predicted long ago that the Jews would have their own land once again, and before 1943 no one thought that possible.

All prophecies in the Bible that have been fulfilled have been fulfilled as the scripture said.

So keep an eye out for the End Time Prophecies.

Do not read in to it your own interpretation; the Bible spells it out for us.


Just to point out I am not putting a date on this, but there will be signs that we should be aware of. The Bible explains what they are; so keep the Faith. Stay faithful through thick and thin. Being a Christian on this earth is not easy and it will get worse before it gets better.
Isreal became a nation in May 1948, not 1943.
Correct, not sure how I got 1943, had to be a typo, after looking at my references they also say May 14, 1948, so putting 1943 was most definitely a mistake.

Re: 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:47 pm
by madscientist
hm ok so then are we close to an end or not?? all those things pointing to the fact that there will be end of the world in 2012. However I know many people who have heard this, yet completely ignore. Now i dont want to be a sceptic or anything but should one believe it or not? And how many of end-time prophecies have been fulfilled?

Re: 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:58 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
madscientist wrote:so then are we close to an end or not?
Do not worry. Get married, have children and travel. (Why not start by going to Évian? it is just across the lake from where you are...)

C'est pourquoi je vous dis: ne vous inquiétez pas...qui de vous peut, í  force d'inquiétude, prolonger son existence, ne serait-ce que de quelques instants?
(Matthew 6:25a, 27)


Re: 2012

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:49 pm
by madscientist
hey FL! nice post there ;) yeah been to evian some yrs ago. actually - im not living in that area any more; just lazy to change my location hehe.
Yeah my french is quite good but not that good - trouble understanding Bible quotes in french and also in english (first language makes most sense believe me or not :))! Yeah. And as for your thing - i wish i could not worry and all that.
Yes, JC tells us not to worry. But i dont get this - how can we not worry if we cannot be sure of our salvation? I reject OSAS by the way as i now believe one can "lose" his salvation (or actually never be saved 100%) by committing mortal sin and not confessing/repenting of it. Now - if that is just one out of many things that could happen, how can we not worry?
And yeah... it IS true that thinking we have some... 3 yrs 2 month 21 days to end of world according to that then - I dont see a point in "living" and see life rather as a short term thing rather than planning for long term. I see no point in studying and getting a degree, thinking about "marriage" or what this could mean, dont see beyond this. Now it IS very bad and depressing thinking there's nothing to look for in the long term but in the short term only. Sure, let's hope the world will NOT end so soon (nor that it will be a "beginning of end") and that JC brings peace to our hearts. Yet that scary evidence and videos i seen was compelling and freaked me badly... y:O2

BTW i like travelling... one thing i wanna do in life - just travel, see all those nice places we have on our planet... and actually LIVE A LIFE!!

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:59 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
madscientist wrote:Yes, JC tells us not to worry. But i dont get this - how can we not worry if we cannot be sure of our salvation? I reject OSAS by the way as i now believe one can "lose" his salvation (or actually never be saved 100%) by committing mortal sin and not confessing/repenting of it. Now - if that is just one out of many things that could happen, how can we not worry?, if you can lose your salvation, why worry? You've probably lost it anyway by sinning through worry! Get this: if you worry about being «good enough» to earn entrance to Paradise, you are creating an idol. The idol of Sanctimony. The god of Sanctimony may even deceive you into thinking that you may get to Heaven if you can just be a little better...

...but you will never be good enough to enter Heaven. You're going to roast for eternity anyway with your Sanctimony god, so why worry about it?