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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:18 pm
by Preach
Beast Movie, eh?. Hmm...I'm going to make it a point to see it when it comes out. It should be quite entertaining to watch. Atheist propoganda? Perhaps or perhaps not. I suspect it may attempt to fill the void with "another gospel" lol.

I have a feeling the Beast may have something to do with UFO phenomenon and aliens. I have no way to prove this as of yet, but I would not be suprised if there would be a connection. Let us imagine a scenario:

A man appears on the world scene having great power and influence. He claims to be from another world and does "miracles" by rasing the dead and instanly healing the sick using advanced technology far beyond human comprehension. He then claims that "God" was an alien being and that he is the "Annointed One" sent to Earth to bring about world peace and enlightment. Theists and atheists alike will most likely believe this.
Anyone here ever read Chariots of the Gods by Erik von Daneken? I have and man, it is an interesting read.
I suspect that today's religious environment is setting the stage for just such a scenario. Just a thought lol.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:13 am
by Mastermind
actually, it says in the trailer that they claim jesus never existed. id call that atheist propaganda. ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:14 am
by Preach
Mastermind wrote:actually, it says in the trailer that they claim jesus never existed. id call that atheist propaganda. ;)
Whoops...I guess I missed that part. I stand corrected.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:12 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Sort of funny....don't want to deal with the fact Jesus came to redeem us all, as long as we submitted to Him so they just go and make believe He never THAT is being in denial.(hard to deny He existed)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:43 pm
by Anonymous
Its hard to deny, but trust me some people will put their life on it (that he didn't exist).

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:14 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Oh I know. The communist's version of history says Jesus never existed...I don't know which book, but possibly the red little book Chinese had to read (I just heard it from a more reliable source than the bum on the street, didn't read it).

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:05 pm
by Poetic_Soul
It's so easy to deny what makes you feel guilty. To hide behind conviction and sweep it under the rug. But the truth is; can't hide the lump that is showing. :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:21 pm
by Prodigal Son
some idiots actually believe the holocaust never happened too. :lol: :shock: :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:12 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I watched this one PBS show last year called The Question of God (I think that's the name), and this one agnostic makes a valid point-you could have some kind of superman pick up a building, twirl it around, etc (I don't know what else), and you could still make up a reason for not believing that actually happenned...people can make up reasons not to believe anything, including firsthand experiences. ... scend.html
Since everyone is famous for finding a link to anything imaginable^^^ and it's quite interesting. (Miracles section below)
Armand Nicholi: Lewis's worldview is very much based on a person that appeared in history. He looked very carefully at the historical documents, and this person who claimed to be God. And, indeed, Lewis concluded that this person was who he claimed to be, and that he died as he predicted he would, and that he rose again on the third day. Now if this person did appear today, so that we could experience him, would we believe?

Jeremy Fraiberg: No, you could still freely choose not to believe. You could say that the evidence is demonstrable and clear, but I choose to live otherwise because — for my own reasons I disagree with some of the claims of that authority.

Armand Nicholi: Did you not say that if you saw someone pick up this building, twirl it around on his finger, and set it down, that you would be forced to believe?

Jeremy Fraiberg: Strong motivating factor.

Frederick Lee: Do you believe in miracles?

Jeremy Fraiberg: I'd admit of anything, I just need to see evidence.

Frederick Lee: Well, I'm not asking about evidence; I'm asking about the philosophical question of is it possible? Is it possible?

Jeremy Fraiberg: Well, I operate by rules of induction, I mean — what happened before leads me to believe what will come in the future. But — I've never seen that before, and it would be so extraordinary that it would completely —

Doug Holladay: But you're open to the idea, that's the thing.

Jeremy Fraiberg: I am open to the idea.

Doug Holladay: That's the point he's trying to get to you on.

Frederick Lee: If you look at the Hebrew scriptures, though, I mean, it's filled with story after story after story of the Israelites, the chosen people, seeing God in the most miraculous ways, beyond anything that is conceivable in human terms, and certainly beyond anything that they had ... of science and intellect to explain.

Jeremy Fraiberg: What you presuppose in your argument is that these incidents actually happened. And show me the parting of the Red Sea. Show me turning water into wine.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:34 pm
by Darwin_Rocks
The communist's version of history says Jesus never existed
it says in the trailer that they claim jesus never existed. id call that atheist propaganda.
There is no physical evidence to prove that he DID exist...I'm not saying that he didn't because I believe Alexander the Great and Hatshepsut of Egypt existed but there is just as much evidence to support both of these historical figures as there is to support Jesus.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:36 pm
by Mastermind
What would constitute as physical evidence though? A piece of Him?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:12 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I'd bet you believe Julius took over Gaul, but (better look in this site, I can't remember) there is a large gap from the time he supposedly invaded and the time the only known writings we have were written.

What'd be physical evidence? A picture of him or something? There is no physical evidence for many important people in history, depending on what'd constitute physical evidence....and..also....I'd call the Christian church surviving physical evidence 8) .

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:58 pm
by sandy_mcd
Darwin_Rocks wrote:... I believe Alexander the Great and Hatshepsut of Egypt existed but there is just as much evidence to support both of these historical figures as there is to support Jesus.
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:I'd bet you believe Julius took over Gaul, .. .
Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar (and presumably Hatshepsut) were contemporaneously much more well-known and had a larger mark on the world of their time than Jesus; consequently there exists abundant physical evidence of their existence. Here's a few jpg's:
caesar over gaul (to be rendered?): ... sAV_sm.jpe ... rms_sm.jpe ... n_gaul.jpg

Disclaimer: Any physical evidence needs to be interpreted and can be faked.


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:02 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar (and presumably Hatshepsut) were contemporaneously much more well-known and had a larger mark on the world of their time than Jesus;
I'd disagree on the 2nd part (don't personally know how many people knew of alexander, Julius, and Jesus, so won't say anything there)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:27 am
by Anonymous
I think this movie is more indicative of the escalating culture war in this country than anything else. There have been plenty of Christian movies made--The Passion of the Christ being a more recent example--as well as movies with other religious themes. Whether one is Christian or not, Biblical stories are very powerful, and thus make good bases for movies.

There are many examples in literature of anti-Christian stories. (For a great example, read 'The Grand Inquisitor' chapter of Dostoevsky's 'Brothers Karamozov'. The book overall is quite pro-religion, but this chapter has an interesting angle against Christianity.)

However, when Hollywood makes a movie like this (or whoever is making it--I know nothing about the movie except what is being discussed here), it is for a simple reason: to make money. Often, controversy targets large markets, and in this country there is a growing sense among the non-Christians that the Christian right is becoming too powerful. A movie like this is sure to attract a reasonable crowd.

In my view, the sad thing is that these types of culture wars lead to almost nothing good for anyone. Christians have felt for some time that our rights are being trampled on, so we push back as hard as we can. Now non-Christians are feeling the same thing, and are pushing back as well. I am too old now to believe that the pendulum will ever settle in a place which allows us all to live in peace. If each of us had more genuine faith in our beliefs, we wouldn't feel so threated by non-believers as to perpetuate the hatred I see in just about all peoples of faith (including athiests).