Were early Christians socialists?

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Post by Canuckster1127 »

Jac3510 wrote:Canuck, like I said, it's just an impression I got. Maybe I'm wrong. Are you saying that you aren't a socialist and/or don't support socialism? If so, that's fine . . . my QUESTION was to PL if he got the same vibe. Maybe I just misread you, and others, as I'm overly sensative to this particular subject.

You need to watch your impressions. Any reasonable person reading this thread could not have come to the impression I was a socialist. I am not.

Passion is no excuse for shooting off accusations and then refusing to back them up.

I think capitalism is the best system in terms of economics and democracy the best system politically. That said, it succeeds because it recognizes the depravity of man and implements checks and balances based on that recognition. I don't think it is particularly called for Biblically. I think history has shown it succeeds best in balancing self motivation and national productivity.

Far superior is Christian love and sacrifice as demonstrated in Acts, and taught by Christ. Government should not be the vehicle for that however and so I reject government as the primary means of benevolence. Sadly, government has moved in in many cases because of the failure of the Church in this arena.

That being said, there is no doubt that many Christians are enslaved by greed and materialism in the US. That does not invalidate my support of the system. I simply do not elevate it as any where near the ideal taught by Christ.

That's why I said, capitalism is a lousy system, surpassed in evil only by every other system devised. Enlightened benevolence is preferable over state dictated systems that in the end perpetuate what they claim to eradicate.

You seem an intelligent person. I expected better than being labelled a socialist for supporting Christ's clarion call to our love and support for the poor. Perhaps, and this is just a suggestion, you should measure your own understanding of that teaching against your nationalism and economic philosophy and see which one is more important to you.

Up to you though. It's just an impression on my part. ;)
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Post by puritan lad »

Jac3510 wrote:PL, do you get the impression that our socialist-friendly idealists are arguing primarily from an anti-American motivation?

Down with America! Raaarrrr! :roll:

Sorry, guys . . . I believe America is a better country, even with our problems, than anywhere else. Call me a nationalist. Call be elitest. Call me whatever, but as the old song says, "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free!"

Anti-Americanism is much like anti-Catholicism . . . if the Catholics do it, it must be wrong. Silly stances amuse me ;)

God bless
Perhaps. Maybe they watch the news too much :)

Just kidding. I think that the majority of those who promote socialism (even with a little "s") on this board, including Blacknad, have the right heart. The problem is an ignorance of politics in general and economics in particular. Especially in our generation, it is impossible for people to imagine that there were ever schools, healthcare, and poverty assistance without big government programs. They equate "small government" with a lack of compassion (see comment above about "uncaring capitalists").

Let's be clear on our definitions here. Socialism is theft, not charity. It is a redestribution of wealth using the force of the civil government, and cannot be supported with scripture. It is coveteousness and envy, which is rottenness to the bones. It cannot work because it is a violation of God's Laws. As Capitalists, we like to see some bang for our buck. We're tired of spending 7 Trillion Dollars on Wealth Distribution programs just to have people complain that we're not spending enough. How much is enough folks? If you disagree, then I challenge to you is twofold.

1.) Find me a scripture in the Bible that supports socialism (not charity, and please don't try to confuse the two).

2.) Name me one big government program that actually works: (New Deal? Great Society? Welfare? Public Education?)

The Bible commands charity, not state-supported theft. The two bear no resemblance to each other.

As far as the "uncaring" comment goes, please explain why the "uncaring" Red States are more charitable that the "caring" Blue States. (See http://www.catalogueforphilanthropy.org ... ?year=2004)

The problem is more ignorance that anti-americanism (although they are related).
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Post by puritan lad »

Blacknad wrote:QUESTION ONE. Why is it permissable for a Christian to accumulate wealth (i.e. more than enough to support their needs on an ongoing basis) when there are people in this world - in your society - who have nothing or little through no fault of their own?
Yes. It is permissable for me to make as much money as I want. The Lord loves honest wealth. Proverbs 13:11. The more I have, the more I can give charitably. Besides, according to scripture, my duty is to provide for my family before I give one dime to another needy person.

So the answer is: Yes. I am allowed to make as much as possible, provided that I do it honestly and not hoard it greedily.
QUESTION TWO. Can you please explain how we are obeying the command to 'LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELVES' when we accumulate more of the worlds resources than we actually need to live, when we are surrounded by people who are suffering because they don't have enough?
Simple. We give to the needy. That's how.

I have an issue with the charge that "we accumulate more of the worlds resources than we actually need to live", as if there is some sort of a zero-sum gain. In other words, you assume that the reason one person has nothing is that the other has too much. Wealth in one part of the world is not the cause of poverty in another part. If that were true, then the solution would be simple. Eveyone on the planet should just not work very hard. Don't try to achieve anything. Get a low paying job so that you barely make ends meet. In your zero-sum gain world, that should solve the problem. If we all just stop making so much money, then no one would be poor. Everyone would have all of their needs met. Do you really believe this? As I said earlier, you need a basic economics lesson.
'Today the wealthiest 20 percent of the world's population receives almost 83 percent of the world's income, while the poorest 20 percent receive less than 2 percent!'
Perhaps true (although stats like this are quite deceiving. I can give you stats from Sider's first book that are downright humorous. There is no way they can be true.) Stats concerning such matters are impossible to garner accurately. Many undeveloped countries bartar their goods, making such stats irrelevant.

So what is the point? Are you suggesting that the reason that the 20% who are poor are caused by the 20 percent who are rich? See above. Would you like a basic economics lesson? I'd be glad to assist.

There are many causes of poverty. Wealth is not one of them.
The statement, 'The Lord loves consumerism and capitalism' is so worrying when issued from the mouth of a Christian that I despair.
Why am I not surprised?
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Re: Matthew

Post by puritan lad »

bluesman wrote:If you think the government of the United States works you are sadly mistaken PL.

Is this a typo or did I miss something here?
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Blacknad wrote:Despite the fact that I have never once defended socialism, we have gone past that now and we come down to a simple question based upon scripture.
Blacknad, you aren't being consistent. What are we to make of the following?
The point is that obviously God agrees with the socialists that there should be parity of resources between people.
True, but the Bible also recognisees that individuals are innately selfish and will often do everything within their power to hold onto wealth and privilege. So who would have enforced the Year of Jubilee? The leadership (State).
So what? If you don't want a return to the Jubilee, then why bring it up?

Your numerous quotes from Ron Sider (a socialist who is moving, ever so slowly, toward capitalism).
I'll start by once again stating that I don't support the state distribution of wealth.

I do however support government involvement in economic issues to protect the disadvantaged and mitigate against the worst excesses of Capitalism.
Blacknad, which is it? Should the government redistribute wealth or not? Please explain your idea of "government involvement in economic issues to protect the disadvantaged and mitigate against the worst excesses of Capitalism". How is this achieved without redistributing wealth?

You decry us for not taking Jesus' words literally in His dealings with the Rich Young Ruler. But you don't either.
I don't think Christians should embrace either Socialism or Capitalism, but should be looking for an alternative that is consistent with Christ's teachings.
Such as??? Either the government should redistribute wealth or it shouldn't. It is an either/or question? What is your solution?

Capitalism is defined in Wikipedia as follows:
Characteristics of capitalist economies

A set of broad characteristics are generally agreed on by both advocates and critics of capitalism. These are a private sector, private property, free enterprise, profit, unequal distribution of wealth, competition, self-organization (or catallaxy), the existence of markets (including the labor market) and the pursuit of self-interest.
You forgot to add "most charitable", but it's understandable that you would leave this out. You object to "profit"? Can you support this with scripture?
Capitalism does not "distribute wealth". It distributes opportunity for wealth, which is lacking in poverty stricken countries.
You are doing a great job of confirming what I thought about American Conservative Christianity.
You mean Americans who worship God and not the state?
I am not a socialist, but I have big issues with unrestrained capitalism.
You seem confused to me Blacknad. Seriously, have you ever taken an economics course? Do you have any idea how wealth is generated? Do you really have a clue about what causes poverty?

In the end, I have no idea what system you support. You praise the idea of "Jubilee", and then, after much discourse, say you don't want to return to it. You claim that you are not a socialist, but you "support government involvement in economic issues to protect the disadvantaged and mitigate against the worst excesses of Capitalism". You decry the perceived injustices of capitalism, but don't provide any solutions. Perhaps you could tell us what you think we should adopt. Let me ask you some specific questions?

1.) What should be the government's role in an economic system? Please be specific?

2.) What is the best way to help poor countries? Please be specific?

3.) What should the limits be on wealth, ie. How much should a person be allowed to make? Is there such thing as an unfair profit?

4.) Who should enforce #3?

5.) Where is money used most efficiently, in the hands of consumers or government?

6.) What types of countries are the most well off?
Capitalist or Socialist?
Christian or Pagan?
Republics or Dictatorships?

Once you answer these questions correctly, you will be well on your way to find the solution to the problems you mentioned.

In any case, Phoenix, I believe that you question has been answered. The Bible does not support socialism.
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I pay taxes and the government spends

Post by bluesman »

Blacknad, which is it? Should the government redistribute wealth or not?
The governments of the world already do redistribute wealth its a matter of extent of.
I assume you pay taxes PL ? Then the goverment spends billions as they see fit. Your tax dollars and my tax dollars are going to already wealth people and also to some welfare people who refuse to work.

Why should I struggle to feed my family to give a tax break to GM and Ford?
Either the government should redistribute wealth or it shouldn't. It is an either/or question?
Yes, the government should and it does. It doesn't normally take property and land just money. Yeah I am aware of certain government and land reforms. Should it make everyone equal in wealth ? Of course not, effort must be rewarded.
1.) What should be the government's role in an economic system? Please be specific?
2.) What is the best way to help poor countries? Please be specific?
3.) What should the limits be on wealth, ie. How much should a person be allowed to make? Is there such thing as an unfair profit?
4.) Who should enforce #3?
5.) Where is money used most efficiently, in the hands of consumers or government?
6.) What types of countries are the most well off?
Capitalist or Socialist?
Christian or Pagan?
1. Make sure the health of all is taken care of .
Protect and care for the poor and help them to provide for themselves.
Make sure wealthy companies don't take unfair advantage of its workers.
Education of the people so they can get good paying jobs
protect the environment so companies don't get rich by overexplotation and pollution.

2. I don't know ask Bono from U2. The plain just giving of cash does have a role,but we need to look at each country and each local area in a country and develop solutions geared to each. Blanket solutions don't work. Hey, I lived in west africa so I do know a little.

3. Unfair profit would be from poorly treating workers, damage to the environment, not leaving resources for the future in a renewable resource.
Another country taking anothers resource and not giving something fair in return to the people. Ignoring laws by bribing corrupt government. Also in
Canada anyways there is laws governing competition in order to reduce monopolies.

4. The government would have to enforce 3. which almost sounds funny

5. Money is best used in a combination of consumers and governments hands. If we left it up to the consumer to provide the welfare money then I think quite a few kids are going to go hungry.

6. Name a Christian country ? George Bush might be christian but that doesn't make the government so. Freedom of religion I believe in.

If you lived in a country where the vast majority lived in poverty, yet there was a corrupt government and wealthy multination companies getting rich would you not want reforms? If you was one of the poor and maybe facing the fear of death squads? Remember Nicaragua ? Samosa? The Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional? eh??

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what the #@#2 is a trillion?

Post by bluesman »

bluesman wrote:
If you think the government of the United States works you are sadly mistaken PL.


Is this a typo or did I miss something here?

No typo PL . All empires come crashing down. The United States is no different than Assyria, Egypt, Rome, Greece, USSR, and Great Britian.

If I max out my credit card debt, but then raise my limit and max it out again and raise my limit and get more credit cards. Then I start print more money to pay my interest on my debts. However, I think I can print more money because the world trades goods in my money. I sure get threatened by those who want to trade in anothers form of money though.
What would happen if too many start to get rid of my bonds?
Then I start to trade with a country that has cheap labour and jobs disappear. Then a "rainy day" but I have to increase my debt to pay for that. Could you run you household like that? Yet the credit card debt in the USA is out of control and hampering the economy.

How much is 9 trillion dollars anyways???

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Re: what the #@#2 is a trillion?

Post by puritan lad »

bluesman wrote:
bluesman wrote:
If you think the government of the United States works you are sadly mistaken PL.


Is this a typo or did I miss something here?

No typo PL . All empires come crashing down. The United States is no different than Assyria, Egypt, Rome, Greece, USSR, and Great Britian.

If I max out my credit card debt, but then raise my limit and max it out again and raise my limit and get more credit cards. Then I start print more money to pay my interest on my debts. However, I think I can print more money because the world trades goods in my money. I sure get threatened by those who want to trade in anothers form of money though.
What would happen if too many start to get rid of my bonds?
Then I start to trade with a country that has cheap labour and jobs disappear. Then a "rainy day" but I have to increase my debt to pay for that. Could you run you household like that? Yet the credit card debt in the USA is out of control and hampering the economy.

How much is 9 trillion dollars anyways???

Mike the Bluesman
No argument here. Just wondering why you addressed this to me. I fully agree that you cannot trust government. Just ask an Indian. It is the socialist who puts his trust in Caesar, not the capitalist.

I agree completely that fiat money is immoral and unbiblical.

Leviticus 19:35-37
"You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume. You shall have honest scales, honest weights, an honest ephah, and an honest hin: I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Therefore you shall observe all My statutes and all My judgments, and perform them: I am the LORD.”

Isaiah 1:22
"Your silver has become dross, Your wine mixed with water."

So did I post something to make you think otherwise?
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Re: I pay taxes and the government spends

Post by puritan lad »

bluesman wrote:The governments of the world already do redistribute wealth its a matter of extent of.
I know bluesman. I'm saying that it is wrong and unbiblical.
I assume you pay taxes PL ? Then the goverment spends billions as they see fit. Your tax dollars and my tax dollars are going to already wealth people and also to some welfare people who refuse to work.
Why should I struggle to feed my family to give a tax break to GM and Ford?
Whoa. You were going good until now. Do you really think that GM's "tax break" comes out of the money that you earn to feed your family? Here's a dirty little secret. The Rich pay far more taxes than anyone. It isn't even close. The "tax break" is not a financial gift from the government. It is the government deciding not to take as much of GM's money. That's right Mike. The money is GM's money. They earned it. WHen the government lets them keep more of their money, it allows GM to hire more workers, pay bigger salaries, build more factories (more jobs), make more cars, which in turn lowers the price of cars. Everyone benefits from the "rich" getting "tax breaks".

However, when you build an economic system on coveteousness and theft, the opposite occurs. We can bask in the self-righteous glow that we used civil government to "get the rich", ie. make them pay "their fair share", but the reality is that it is the poor who suffer and the middle class who will ultimately pay the price (fewer jobs, lower pay, higher prices, etc.)
Yes, the government should and it does. It doesn't normally take property and land just money. Yeah I am aware of certain government and land reforms. Should it make everyone equal in wealth ? Of course not, effort must be rewarded.
Scripture please. I agree that the government does. It's wrong.
1.) What should be the government's role in an economic system? Please be specific?
2.) What is the best way to help poor countries? Please be specific?
3.) What should the limits be on wealth, ie. How much should a person be allowed to make? Is there such thing as an unfair profit?
4.) Who should enforce #3?
5.) Where is money used most efficiently, in the hands of consumers or government?
6.) What types of countries are the most well off?
Capitalist or Socialist?
Christian or Pagan?
Bluesmans goals to help the poor...
Make sure the health of all is taken care of.
Protect and care for the poor and help them to provide for themselves.
Make sure wealthy companies don't take unfair advantage of its workers.
Capitalist countries do this. In fact, they overdo it, which is part of the problem.
Education of the people so they can get good paying jobs
How? Who should oversee this?
protect the environment so companies don't get rich by overexplotation and pollution.
Again, we do this (overdo this).
I don't know ask Bono from U2.
That's OK. I'll pass. I prefer ask someone who actuially knows something about the Bible and about economics. Bono can just sit back and sing.
The plain just giving of cash does have a role,but we need to look at each country and each local area in a country and develop solutions geared to each. Blanket solutions don't work. Hey, I lived in west africa so I do know a little.
OK. What specifically should be done? Maybe West Africa should follow the American model. Seems to work OK here. I'll say, get the government out of the way and allow Africans to be productive. Education will help speed this along.
Unfair profit would be from poorly treating workers, damage to the environment, not leaving resources for the future in a renewable resource.
Another country taking anothers resource and not giving something fair in return to the people. Ignoring laws by bribing corrupt government. Also in
Canada anyways there is laws governing competition in order to reduce monopolies.
Correction. The "profit" is not what is unfair. Stealing, bribing, etc. aren't profit. No one is suggesting that businesses should just run amuck and ignore laws and fair labor practices.

However, I would like for you to expand on the statement: "Another country taking anothers resource and not giving something fair in return to the people." Give me an example here.
The government would have to enforce 3. which almost sounds funny
Scripture please. Or is this just your personal opinion?
Money is best used in a combination of consumers and governments hands. If we left it up to the consumer to provide the welfare money then I think quite a few kids are going to go hungry.
I think quite a few kids are going hungry despite 7 trillion dollars in the hand of government. The private sector, like it or not, is more compassionate that government, more efficient, and more effective. Big government doesn't care about the poor, unless they can do so in front of a TV camera during an election year.
Name a Christian country ? George Bush might be christian but that doesn't make the government so. Freedom of religion I believe in.
Let's rephrase this. Which countries are better off financially? Those who predominantly Christian, Capitalist, Limited Government, or the opposite. American wealth is no accident. It is the product of the puritan work ethic, along with limited government and the free market. Unfortunately, we are slowly losing all three.
If you lived in a country where the vast majority lived in poverty, yet there was a corrupt government and wealthy multination companies getting rich would you not want reforms? If you was one of the poor and maybe facing the fear of death squads? Remember Nicaragua ? Samosa? The Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional? eh??
Absolutely. You've nailed it. This is the biggest cause of poverty on the planet. Corrupt government. As I stated earlier, what these countries need is "reform"; specifically Christianity, Capitalism, and Freedom from Tyrants. This is the only solution. Federal Aid is paid from government to government, and in reality, causes the very problems it attempts to fix. Socialism, in all forms (including healthcare), are immoral, unbibical, and have been proven time and again to fail (at the cost of about 100 million lives).
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9 trillion dollars

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I will answer your post more later .
I just have one question now .

What would happen to the USA economy if the government got out of the way in the order of 9 trillion dollars debt????

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Re: 9 trillion dollars

Post by Canuckster1127 »

bluesman wrote:I will answer your post more later .
I just have one question now .

What would happen to the USA economy if the government got out of the way in the order of 9 trillion dollars debt????

Interest rates would go down, property values would likely deflate, the investment market would have to seek a new standard and source of high grade, low risk investment instruments.

It's pretty much moot anyway as the US is no longer on the gold standard and debt is built right into the economic policy of most of the Western World.

The bottom line is there would be world wide economic realignment. It would be right up there on par with Dogs and Cats living together in peace.
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Re: 9 trillion dollars

Post by puritan lad »

bluesman wrote:I will answer your post more later .
I just have one question now .

What would happen to the USA economy if the government got out of the way in the order of 9 trillion dollars debt????

Avoid a 10 trillion dollar debt, as well as cease robbing from us all (including the poor) via fiat money.
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Everybody hates the Tax Collector

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The apostolic symbol of Matthew is three money bags to remind us that he
was a tax collector before Jesus called him.

You gave me a lot to answer PL , but I will try to explain myself on some.
bluesman wrote:
The governments of the world already do redistribute wealth its a matter of extent of.

I know bluesman. I'm saying that it is wrong and unbiblical.

I will prove to you its right and biblical for government to take care of its poor. Remember too that today we live in a global world.
and also to some welfare people who refuse to work.

I wrote the above, but let me make it clear that I fully support welfare.
I have had relatives that needed to collect welfare and it wasn't because they didn't want to work. Most on welfare want to work.
hat's right Mike. The money is GM's money. They earned it. WHen the government lets them keep more of their money, it allows GM to hire more workers, pay bigger salaries, build more factories (more jobs), make more cars, which in turn lowers the price of cars. Everyone benefits from the "rich" getting "tax breaks".

First all tax money goes to one coffer, If GM pays less I have to pay more or have services cut or increase debt. Either way I pay more.
GM and Ford just layed off thousands despite tax breaks. Why?
Loss of market share thats why. Lower prices are caused by companies fighting for market share. Higher wages are from labour shortage and from
Unions. Yes, that right Unions!! Why are tax breaks given? To attract or keep companies to a certain area and sometimes under threat of moving jobs elsewhere. I am at least glad that in Canada almost all can read which attracts some companies.

Woa! the trickle down theory of economics! I was hoping that died with Ronald Reagan. The man who thought deficits don't matter.

but the reality is that it is the poor who suffer and the middle class who will ultimately pay the price (fewer jobs, lower pay, higher prices, etc.)

Yeah I agree with the reality. Its only because of the global nature of business. The fact that multinational companies can just move jobs to where profit margins are better, regardless of human costs.
Moved to where labour works for peanuts, environmental laws are a laugh, and where corrupt governments will easy their way for kick backs.
Yes, the government should and it does. It doesn't normally take property and land just money. Yeah I am aware of certain government and land reforms. Should it make everyone equal in wealth ? Of course not, effort must be rewarded.

Scripture please. I agree that the government does. It's wrong.

Land reforms. Where a corrupt dictator such as Samosa , who was support by the USA, owned much land and other riches, that should go to the government to be used/distributed to the people.
The USA wanted certain riches and lands returned to corrupt supporter of Samosa.

What about crown land ? Are you against that?
Make sure wealthy companies don't take unfair advantage of its workers.

Capitalist countries do this. In fact, they overdo it, which is part of the problem.

Am I reading you wrong? Are you actually saying we should slacken our laws that protect workers? If so where the do you work? You certainly don't work where I do.

protect the environment so companies don't get rich by overexplotation and pollution.

Again, we do this (overdo this

Again is this a misread?! We should just let companies pollute God's Creation??!
Correction. The "profit" is not what is unfair. Stealing, bribing, etc. aren't profit. No one is suggesting that businesses should just run amuck and ignore laws and fair labor practices.

You used the words together "unfair profit" . Business do ignore laws and have unfair labour practice. You have to think global here or more to the past. I can tell you when your a big enough company you get away with a little more than others. If you can tell me what happens when a company has an environmental spill then you maybe understand that.

I think quite a few kids are going hungry despite 7 trillion dollars in the hand of government. The private sector, like it or not, is more compassionate that government, more efficient, and more effective. Big government doesn't care about the poor, unless they can do so in front of a TV camera during an election year.

The whole thing is that Bono and friends were saying governments were not doing enough, but I think Canada new leader might move some on that. Despite the government not doing enough nobody picks up the slack.
The Church doesn't do it. The Private sector doesn't . Rich people don't.
Okay yeah Bill Gates does give a lot. My point it still not enough.
So whats the answer? Everyone has a role to play including government.
The IMF is the biggest problem if you ask me.
American wealth is no accident. It is the product of the puritan work ethic, along with limited government and the free market. Unfortunately, we are slowly losing all three.

Some might say that American wealth came from stealing from the natives
and on the backs of Black slave labour. I do agree that work ethic is lacking, that effort needs to be rewarded, and that in Canada we don't need a Senate.
Scripture please.

We covered to wide an area already in too long of a post. Yet I didn't deal with all you said. Let me get into scripture in another post.

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Not socialism or capitalist

Post by bluesman »

Some say the Bible teaches Socialism. Some say it teaches Capitalism. This page shows how both are an extreme and not in agreement with the Bible.

The Bible endorses private ownership. Those who endorse capitalism use private ownership as a reason to say the Bible teaches capitalism. But that is just part of the truth. The Bible also endorses mercy, to feed the poor, and to help the weak. Thus the Bible way is not capitalism, because capitalism, under the profit decision matrix, does not feed the poor nor does it help the weak. The Bible way is not socialism, because socialism does not allow for private owenership, nor does it give me the choice of how I want to invest the 16 percent of my self-employed income for my retirement, that social security takes and spends according to GOVERNMENT WISDOM, contrary to my own wisdom.
So you see I am not against the original idea of the post , but you also seem to say that the Bible supports pure capitalism. The fact is that it doesn't. I think it supports something in the middle. Lets call it socialistic capitalism for the fun of it.
The Bible teach even government to care for the poor.

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Post by Blacknad »


I'm right with you. You are spot on.

The problem with PL is that he can see no alternative to out and out capitalism. He and Jac seem to think that America, Christianity and Capitalism are inextricably linked. Criticize one - criticize them all. When ever did the scripture say that what a nation needs is Christianity AND capitalism. Dollar worship snook in somewhere.

The problem is that here we see a view of culture that is not distinct from scripture. Culture should be held up and viewed in the light of scripture, that is how we apply the measuring rod of biblical principles. When we see culture and our faith as the same thing then we lose that ability. I'm not anti-American per se, but for a country that prizess free speech, it jumps mighty quickly upon views that dissent from the generally accepted right wing capitalist worldview. That's the problem when you are that powerful, the power corrupts. Look at what's currently going on in academia where students are shopping any professor with a left wing bias. A national disgrace.

Your wasting your time expecting to get agreement.


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