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Re: RE:

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:23 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: :lol: :o How do you astrally project anyway :?:
Astral projection is just something that happens if you happen to be that way gifted. I have my "own" way of "encouraging" it however. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:28 pm
by marys_little_one
XenonII wrote:
marys_little_one wrote:First of all any kind of sexual activities outside of marriage is MORALLY WRONG!

Now within marriage oral sex could also be wrong. I say COULD because oral sex could NOT be a sin in certain cases.

If a couple is using oral sex as some kind of sexual enticement...that will ULTIMATELY end in FULL sexual intercourse with their spouse, then it is NOT wrong. It is not wrong because the couple is still having sex meaning they are being OPEN to life.

BUT....if a couple uses oral sex as a way of "releaving" their sexual desires and FULL intercourse is not followed...then it is considered a sin! It is a sin because the couple is closing the doors to the possibility of new life!!

I hope this clears some things up for some of you guys. I've gone to a private school MY WHOLE I know a lot about religion and stuff. Personally, I think oral sex is just gross!
Just because a perversion is comitted inside a marriage doesn't somehow make it right. Oral sex is of homosexual origin. That alone should tell you it's wrong. This filthy disgusting practice of oral sex (sodomy) replaces the normal "face to face" relationship God intended in a marriage.

The Bible describes the sex act in Song of Solomon Chapter 4. In this chapter it speaks of this "face to face" relationship by describing looking into his lover's eyes and kissing his lover's lips and fondling his lover's breasts. Oral sex is not normal or natural as it is an unclean act.
I agree with you 100%. However, what I meant to say...I don't know if you understood that oral sex can be used as a sexual act to get the male and female excited before actual vaginal penetration. Sexual Intercourse MUST occur for it to NOT be considered a sin! If vaginal penetration does not occur then it IS a sin because people are just using their body parts for masturbation.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:43 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: The legal definition of sodomy is any form of unnatural sex. Sodomy includes anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and bestiality.
Here's how defines sodomy:
Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse or bestiality.

sod·om·y (sd-m)
Anal copulation of one male with another.
Anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.
Copulation with an animal.
Since sodomy is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals, it's more applicable to homosexuals.
Not in the proportion to what it occurs however.
You can't control what people do in their bedrooms, so the next best thing is to lecture on it.
80% of homosexual males do NOT engage in anal intercourse
Yes, that many probably do it. Are you going to come up with a theory that suggests most homosexuals are celibate? :roll:
and besides even if those bogus "statistics" were true 20% of 99% of the population is a LOT more than 80% of 1%. :)
Nope, because one just has to look at the proportion to see how so many male homosexuals relish sodomy.
Says you. [lesbians] are far more worse than gays.
I doubt as many lesbians engage in anal intercourse and promiscuity as gays do.
At least gays use their body parts.
Depends if the lesbians are into cat on cat. :lol:
[lesbians] are disgusting and repulsive looking, more masculine than most men!
And many, if not most, gays are as or more womanly than women are.
You only like [lesbians] coz you have a fetish for them.
I'm not attracted to lesbians, but it sounds like you may be. :lol: Both gays and lesbians are morally misguided.
Astral projection is just something that happens if you happen to be that way gifted. I have my "own" way of "encouraging" it however.
Care to share how?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:00 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: Since sodomy is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals, it's more applicable to homosexuals.
Heterosexuals engage in oral sex just as much as anyone else. Straight men would perform anal on their women just as much as gays doing it if their women would allow it.
You can't control what people do in their bedrooms, so the next best thing is to lecture on it.
You can always ban it. I would be delighted if there was a ban on sex before marriage.
Nope, because one just has to look at the proportion to see how so many male homosexuals relish sodomy.
Why do straights do it then in ever increasing numbers if its so wrong? Well we know why, society has abandoned God big time and is now just living for itself through moral relativism. Straight men relish sodomy just as much as a group "shame" for them a lot of females wont let them do it! And because there are so many more straight men then there are "gay" men and most of the straight men are not practicing Christians there are far more straight men engaged in this perversion than "gay" men.
I doubt as many lesbians engage in anal intercourse and promiscuity as gays do.
Well seeing as they arent capable of anal intercourse I doubt any do. And lesbians are just promiscious as gays, 2 lesbians together is an act of promiscuity even if they cant have real sex.
Depends if the lesbians are into cat on cat.

That is just a revolting act of sodomy and its not real penetrative sex. Just being a couple of licking perverts.
And many, if not most, gays are as or more womanly than women are.
Only a false stereotype im afraid. A FEW are like that but they are the ones that stand out and you notice. The rest you wouldn't know they were "gay" unless they told you about it. All lesbians are ugly masculine looking freaks!
I'm not attracted to lesbians, but it sounds like you may be. :lol: Both gays and lesbians are morally misguided.
Of course you're not attracted to them for the reason above. And i'm certainly not attracted to them the whole concept makes me want to vomit.
Care to share how?
Ok though just because it works for me doesn't mean it will for you or anyone else I still think you have to have a gift for it.

I found out about 6 months ago when I had stayed up really late and was completely exhausted soon as I went to bed, put my head down on the pillow and closed my eyes wow it was incredible I had that huge rush of emotions and started astral projecting forcefully immediately.

So exhaustion seems to aid the soul and the body to seperate from one another. Other times it has also happened when really tired and I have been drifting in and out of consciousness. This is certainly no guarantee but exhaustion seems to help. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:31 am
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: Heterosexuals engage in oral sex just as much as anyone else.
At least it's not anal sex, fisting, oral to anal contact, or other forms of sexual perversity that's typically associated with homosexuals.
Straight men would perform anal on their women just as much as gays doing it if their women would allow it.
How do you know this?
You can always ban it. I would be delighted if there was a ban on sex before marriage.

There was a ban on fornication in some states before the Supreme Court ruling, and it might be reinstated once we get some conservative judges on the bench.
And because there are so many more straight men then there are "gay" men and most of the straight men are not practicing Christians there are far more straight men engaged in this perversion than "gay" men.
Over 80% of Americans are Christians, and the proportion of Christians among heterosexuals is higher than among homosexuals. It's been well-documented that the average homosexual is more susceptible to drugs, suicide, promiscuity, smoking, child molestation, religious perfidy, and alcoholism than the average straight person.
And lesbians are just promiscious as gays, 2 lesbians together is an act of promiscuity even if they cant have real sex.
Which is why they need help.
Just being a couple of licking perverts.
Or riding perverts. :lol:
Only a false stereotype im afraid.
Nope. Though not all, gays tend to be more feminine and lesbians tend to be more masculine.
Of course you're not attracted to them for the reason above. And i'm certainly not attracted to them the whole concept makes me want to vomit.
But you're attracted to boys, or do you try to suppress your emotions?

Re: RE:

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:54 am
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: I've never taken anything up my ***
So you weren't "completely" involved in homosexual acts?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:41 pm
by LittleShepherd
Inappropriate euphemisms. *-censored curse words. Wonky statistics pulled out of thin air. Personal attacks. Gross generalizations concerning the masculinity and femininity(at least in appearance) of gays and lesbians. A complete lack of knowledge on lesbian sex acts(no real penetration my foot). A complete lack of knowledge on lesbian promiscuity, including but not limited to their surprising promiscuity(on average) with males.

If any moderator reads this, please have mercy on the forums and cast this sucker into the garbage where it belongs.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:12 pm
by ochotseat
LittleShepherd wrote: Gross generalizations concerning the masculinity and femininity(at least in appearance) of gays and lesbians.
Yeah, I'm sure most gays look and behave more masculine than straight males and lesbians are more feminine than straight females. :roll:

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:30 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:
LittleShepherd wrote: Gross generalizations concerning the masculinity and femininity(at least in appearance) of gays and lesbians.
Yeah, I'm sure most gays look and behave more masculine than straight males and lesbians are more feminine than straight females. :roll:
No, most "gays" look and behave as masculine or close to as straight males. The ones that don't are the exception not the "norm". Stereotypes are based on the most extreme members in a group and are no way representative to the group as a whole. I still think most/all dikes are disgustingly masculine and ugly though. :lol:

Re: RE:

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:35 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:
XenonII wrote: I've never taken anything up my ***
So you weren't "completely" involved in homosexual acts?
Barely involved would be a better way to describe it. Not all homos take it up the ass just like not all girls take it up the ass. Its a myth that most "gays" are into anal sex. Personally I think it's pretty revolting. And yeah I did do the "giving" with someone but that was a few years ago and I wasn't thinking straight at the time. :D And who wants to be a virgin at 28? Society makes you feel like a lepper (sp?) if you are.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:48 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: At least it's not anal sex, fisting, oral to anal contact, or other forms of sexual perversity that's typically associated with homosexuals.
These activities are becoming more popular with heterosexuals all the time and ARE starting to be associated with them! :)
How do you know this?
I've talked to enough and read enough about it online to know its true. Straight men love the tighter feeling of shoving it up a womans back passage gives.
There was a ban on fornication in some states before the Supreme Court ruling, and it might be reinstated once we get some conservative judges on the bench.
That would be great! Can't wait to see it. :D
Over 80% of Americans are Christians.
Over 80% of Americans SAY they are Christians but how many are actually practicing? Only a small percentage no doubt.
Nope. Though not all, gays tend to be more feminine and lesbians tend to be more masculine.
Some are some aren't. In my experience the feminine "gays" are definitley in the minority. :wink:
But you're attracted to boys, or do you try to suppress your emotions?
I'm not attracted to boys as I am not a pedophile. I don't try and suppress my emotions I just don't dwell on them or act on them. Who I am attracted to is only really a pretty small and insignificant part of who I am and I'm not sat here obsessing over it all day, I don't think about it much in fact.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:27 am
by Prodigal Son
are you a liberal by any chance? oral sex is a perversion...
if liberals like oral sex, then i suppose i am a liberal.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:36 am
by XenonII
Prodigal Son wrote:
are you a liberal by any chance? oral sex is a perversion...
if liberals like oral sex, then i suppose i am a liberal.
Yup always thought so. Oral sex is still a sin. :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:47 pm
by Prodigal Son
i don't care.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:34 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: No, most "gays" look and behave as masculine or close to as straight males. The ones that don't are the exception not the "norm".
Most gays are more feminine than straight men, because they supposedly have more estrogen, which is a female hormone. Look at the majority of gays in a gay pride parade. Watch Will and Grace, or Queer Eye. They don't come close to behaving as Stallone, Schwarzenegger, or the Duke.
Stereotypes are based on the most extreme members in a group and are no way representative to the group as a whole.
Then, why were you portraying all blacks as freaks and criminals? Do you hate Jews as well?
I still think most/all dikes are disgustingly masculine and ugly though. :lol:
But with lesbians you can talk about guy stuff and not get nagged about wearing something they don't like. :lol: