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Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:17 am
by Byblos
Felgar wrote:As a rule I make it a point to be informed about our world, its history, and the dynamics at play throughout various regions. I gotta admit though, I know almost nothing about the Middle East. I thought Isreal gave back the land in the whole Gaza withdrawal. Was that only a small part of it? And isn't this the first time the Palestinians could ever really be considered a nation? Who controlled Gaza before 1967?

In a nutshell,

In the 1967 war Israel captured Sinai (from Egypt), Golan Heights (from Syria), West Bank (from Jordan who later relinquished it to the Palestinians while still under occupation), and Gaza and East Jerusalem (from the Palestinians).

Sinai was given back when Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel. Gaza was recently given back to the Palestinians (with limited self-rule, not as a formal nation) and is now under military operations after Hamas loyalists kidnapped an Israeli soldier. Golan Heights, West Bank and East Jerusalem are still under occupation.

Israel's unilateral pullback does not and will not include parts the West Bank (where most of the settlements are) and East Jerusalem (which the Palestinians want as their capital as part of any peace deal). Not sure what Israel's intention is wrt Golan Heights and a small disputed strip of Lebanese land called the Shebaa farms, which Hezbollah has consistently used as an excuse to attack Israel as an occupier of Lebanese land).

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:20 am
by Canuckster1127
Felgar wrote:As a rule I make it a point to be informed about our world, its history, and the dynamics at play throughout various regions. I gotta admit though, I know almost nothing about the Middle East. I thought Isreal gave back the land in the whole Gaza withdrawal. Was that only a small part of it? And isn't this the first time the Palestinians could ever really be considered a nation? Who controlled Gaza before 1967?

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:52 pm
by Gman

I'm sorry to keep asking you such pointed questions. I know quite a bit of the history of the land there, but I'm not sure how certain groups (in that area) perceive the situation.

Outside of this conflict, how do you think most Lebanese Christians perceive the Israelis? In general are they thought of as occupiers and aggressors or do they think they hold a legitimate title to the land or are they neutral about it? Not of Lebanon but the country of Israel. Or do they think they want Lebanon as well.

To add to this, how do you think most Lebanese Muslims perceive the Israelis in general?

I'm sure opinions have changed since the conflict...

Thanks John,

G -

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:56 am
by Byblos
Hi Gman,

Please see my PM.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:52 am
by August
This is not good, things continue to escalate. Israel seems to be massing forces on the border for a ground-force invasion of Lebanon. No doubt that will lead to "official" war between Israel and Lebanon, and result in amnymore innocent deaths. How sad.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:45 am
by Byblos
August wrote:This is not good, things continue to escalate. Israel seems to be massing forces on the border for a ground-force invasion of Lebanon. No doubt that will lead to "official" war between Israel and Lebanon, and result in amnymore innocent deaths. How sad.

We have a saying in Lebanese that goes something like 'if it doesn't grow it won't get smaller', i.e. if it doesn't escalate, it won't subside.

There simply is no way for Israel to wipe out Hezbollah; I think that much is clear, just by looking at the casualties; of over 300 dead so far in Lebanon, only 7 belong to Hezbollah. The Israelis can push them back and create a buffer zone and they do realize the only way to accomplish that is via a ground offensive. But then again, if Israel is not planning on re-occupying Lebanon, who's going to maintain this buffer zone?

Our esteemed president (who's a Christian but a staunch Hezbollah and Syria supporter, whose illegitimate presidential extension by Syria sparked resolution 1559, the cedar revolution and the subsequent Syrian withdrawal) announced yesterday that the Lebanese army will have no choice but to fight the Israeli invaders. He, of course, failed to say why if the army was capable of fighting an Israeli invasion, 1) why it wasn't capable of protecting the south before an invasion was necessary, and 2) what was the need for Hezbollah to begin with.

A strong peacekeeping force seems to be a plausible answer. I think the U.S. is even leaning towards that solution. The buzz in Washington is that Rice will forward such an idea as part of a broader cease fire initiative when she heads to the Middle east on Monday.

I do have a very uneasy feeling though due to Hezbollah's repeated comments that they have more surprises. Most think it means they have long range missiles that can possibly hit Tel Aviv. I hope I'm wrong but I think it's something much more sinister :twisted: .

Prayers are continually requested and much appreciated.

God bless,


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:24 am
by Gman
It looks like it is hit and run for now.... Although the Israeli forces are massing at the borders, I'm becoming a bit more skeptical if it's going to be a mass invasion (unless they are provoked more). I don't think they care really that much about the two soldiers now, but want to see those missile sites pushed back. But then again, all the opponent needs to do is get longer range missiles from Iran or Syria. So what's the point unless Israel only wants to show some force? (maybe too much..) I think that's all they are doing now...

I don't think the Israelis would fully invade unless they can get more assurance from other countries. And if they do invade, and pull back, who will take their place for a buffer zone (such as the UN, NATO or the Lebanese gov, like Byblos said)? Not sure who it would be.. Possibly NATO would be the best.

Whatever happens, Jews will always be there (in Israel) no matter what these Muslim extremists think or want. I think these extremists need to face that fact and stop worrying about it... Israel and Jerusalem is already occupied by the three major religons of the world, Islam, Christianity, Judaism. What more do they want except for the total destruction of Israel?

G -