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Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:36 am
by Kurieuo

I listened to Sheikh Hamza Yusuf and he seems reasonable enough. Judah's focus has not been regarding the Pope's words however, thus I am not sure what has been refuted. I would like to comment though that Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is a Westernised Muslim, and you are Westernised Muslim, and I am sure you can agree Islam in the Middle East can be very different from Western (in my opinion often watered down) Islam. Yet, you wish to present the more palatable Westernised one you believe in rather than a conservative Islam. That is fine, but then you go on to attack Judah with ad hominems and call her a lier.

I do not see it as enough to try use smear tactics to try discredit Judah's words. Furthermore, she is respected here as being quite level-headed and understanding, and it is one reason why she is a moderator. If you find the information she presents distasteful, then debate it with information which refutes the information she presents. If you are unable to do that, you are still entitled to your opinions, but the insults must stop. She is not out to misrepresent Islam, and give Muslims bad light. If you think the information she presents is invalid, then try to show her just how it is invalid, why she is wrong to believe such things, rather than acting like her only intention is to deceive people about Islam.


PS. Although this thread has now been locked, and so you will not be able to respond here, I hope you will take my words here into consideration in other threads which are still open.