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Re: masturbation

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:30 am
by Anonymous
Kurieuo wrote:
FrAndrew wrote:Additionally, there have been figures from the bible who have "spilled their seed" who God has punished. This wasn't even masturbation though! This was the "pulling out" method after sex. This shows how you cannot "spill your seed" anywhere outside of the vagina. It is simply impure and taking advantage of the body has given to us.
*ahem* I'm inclined to believe Onan was condemned for his disrespect towards his father and dead brother, not for "spilling his seed." It is written that he continually chose to do such an act in order to keep from producing offspring for his brother. (Genesis 38:8-10)

He also disobeyed a direct order from the big guy. Didn't god order him to impregnate his dead brother's wife?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:15 am
by RGeeB
Vaja, if you got a parking ticket what are you guilty of?

1) Not putting coins in the meter
2) Not paying for the use of a parking space

If you were underage for gambling and you used a slot machine, what are you guilty of?

1) Putting coins in the slot machine
2) Illegal use of a fruit machine

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:21 am
by Anonymous
I don't get your drift.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:36 am
by RGeeB
You are breaking the law in both instances. The act of putting in the coins as well as the act of not putting in the coins brings you under condemnation. So, its not logical to link the offence to the act.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:41 am
by Anonymous

Still not following.

Re: masturbation

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:51 am
by RGeeB
vajaradakini wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
FrAndrew wrote:Additionally, there have been figures from the bible who have "spilled their seed" who God has punished. This wasn't even masturbation though! This was the "pulling out" method after sex. This shows how you cannot "spill your seed" anywhere outside of the vagina. It is simply impure and taking advantage of the body has given to us.
*ahem* I'm inclined to believe Onan was condemned for his disrespect towards his father and dead brother, not for "spilling his seed." It is written that he continually chose to do such an act in order to keep from producing offspring for his brother. (Genesis 38:8-10)

He also disobeyed a direct order from the big guy. Didn't god order him to impregnate his dead brother's wife?
God ordered obedience to a command.

Re: masturbation

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:00 pm
by Anonymous
RGeeB wrote:God ordered obedience to a command.
I know.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:32 pm
by Anonymous
I have enjoyed reading the postings. However, I do not think the issue of masturbation is whether it is a sin or not. The reason everybody believes lust is a sin is because the bible explicitly says that it is. Masturbation is not mentioned specifically in the bible. I believe this was done purposely, religion is meant to be personal and everybody will deal with this issue differently. I think if one feels the need to masturbate they should do it and not feel guilty over it. If one can go without masturbating- even better. James Dobson wrote in his book about adolesence that he does not believe masturbation is a sin is because it involves one person and nobody else. It does not cause pregnancy, it does not spread STD's, and it does not cause emotional issues. These seem to be some key reasons that God had in mind when he told us to wait unitl marriage for sex. Ultimately, the bible is not a book of do's and don'ts, its a model for people to use to live the most fufilling lives ever imaginable and to share an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:04 pm
by Anonymous
I have struggled and still do some times struggle with this problem. I am also married so my situation is a bit different than yours but I am fully convinced that masturbation is sin simply because I do not believe that as a man you can masturbate and not sexually begin to lust for women. The Lord said that we should (turn and run from temptation.). For me masturbation is the exact opposite you are putting your face right in the middle of temtation.
I think these verses pretty much sum it up.

1Co 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

Jam 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Jam 1:15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

I know I have lied to my self many times thinking that if I could think of a face less person while committing the act that it would be ok. but the truth is that that is just a excuse for me to begin, once I begin the urge is to strong to not think of some one, after all sex isn't just about the feeling it is also about a connection with someone.
My advice is simply look at Gods word and I think when we stop being in denial we will see that masterbation is not what God would want us to do.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:12 am
by bizzt
The reason why I informed it might not be apporpriate for the board but it might be embarrassing for the person. Seriously though I don't believe the act of Masturbation is the sin but the thoughts that are usually portrayed behind that act. Lust is the Major one. I do not have a problem talking about the problem and alot of people would benefit from the experiences that people have in life. However on a public board the thought of being ridculed for something like this and I would hate for a Sister in Christ to be ridculed. I am sure many of us have secrets that we are not comfortable telling people about. If we can all agree on not to make fun of each other we can have great conversations about the problems we have in life and the things other people have done about these problems.

On that note

I have heard these valid arguments before

Would you do this in front of Jesus?
Would you do this in front of the Church?

My arguments against these are if you are married here. Would you feel comfortable having sex in the same situations above?

Just some thoughts

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:32 pm
by seedling

In our search for truth and light, if we are ridiculed, what does it matter? We will always be ridiculed by someone for saying or searching for the truth. We need to learn to handle ridicule if we want the help. It seems to me that when the guys were talking about it, it was OK ... when a woman opened her heart about it, everyone got nervous and the two posts were deleted. I am not complaining about this. I do not want this person to feel uncomfortable, and understand that this is a public board and the topic may be too intense for it. I hope this person doesn't have to wait until her 40's to get the help she needs.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:56 pm
by Felgar
Seedling, did you check your PM's?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:02 pm
by bizzt
seedling wrote:Tim,

In our search for truth and light, if we are ridiculed, what does it matter? We will always be ridiculed by someone for saying or searching for the truth. We need to learn to handle ridicule if we want the help. It seems to me that when the guys were talking about it, it was OK ... when a woman opened her heart about it, everyone got nervous and the two posts were deleted. I am not complaining about this. I do not want this person to feel uncomfortable, and understand that this is a public board and the topic may be too intense for it. I hope this person doesn't have to wait until her 40's to get the help she needs.

Thanks for your post. I understand what you are saying and understand that we have to handle the ridicule but I still do not think this should be discussed on a public forum nonetheless. The posts were not deleted because the mods wanted them deleted but probably because the Users themselves wanted them deleted. I just thought it would be better if Kate and I talked together on it as we can share our experiences and find out how each one of us Dealt with it! I hope I did not offend in any way that is not my intention as it was nice sharing with a fellow Christian about our troubles in life but sometimes it is better if those Troubles are kept in a Group of fellow people struggling with the same thing.

Thanks again

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:45 pm
by seedling
Hi Tim,

I respect your sensitivity. I also want to state that I think women masturbate for different reasons than men do. But all in all, with both, it can become an overwhelming addiction. I am willing to discuss in PM my experience with this matter, if any woman is interested.

I also want to state that ... while it was OK for the guys to discuss this, it shouldn't it also be OK for women to discuss this? Just curious about your opinion ... I know the previous post by a woman may have been a special case ...

I have to say this has been a bit eye-opening.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:03 pm
by bizzt
seedling wrote:Hi Tim,

I respect your sensitivity. I also want to state that I think women masturbate for different reasons than men do. But all in all, with both, it can become an overwhelming addiction. I am willing to discuss in PM my experience with this matter, if any woman is interested.

I also want to state that ... while it was OK for the guys to discuss this, it shouldn't it also be OK for women to discuss this? Just curious about your opinion ... I know the previous post by a woman may have been a special case ...

I have to say this has been a bit eye-opening.
I totally agree but after thinking and praying about the issue about whether it should or should not be on the forum, I don't think discussing it in a public forum is the correct way that is why using PM is the best way. I don't think it matters whether it is a Woman or a Man we both have the same Urges sexually (give or take :wink: ). The only case I was again trying to make whether it belonged in the public kind of like whether having Sex in Public is right or not? In any case shall we continue with the Discussion

Shall we continue off from here?
One can masturbate without lust. Furthermore, masturbation is a wonderful stress reliever and if you're snapping at coworkers and family members because you're stressed, then just go away from them for a bit, get yourself off and voila. A much more relaxed and content person will be there to greet them.

Thus, masturbation benefits all.