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Re: The “Gay Gene” again

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:39 pm
by frankbaginski

Any minority has the same feelings of being left out. I feel it when I enter a liberal college. I feel it when I talk politics to Democrats. I feel it when I talk about God to an atheist. Now I will never know what it feels like to be gay. My beliefs won't take me in that direction.

Yes, Christians have rules to live by and most including myself try and follow them but we all fall short. We speak of the commandment not to murder but prisons are filled with Christians and others so that the prison population just about matches the general population in percentages of faith. This does not change the rules. Just because we fail to follow the rules does not make them any less valid.

My big stumbling block was pride. It took me 51 years to get past it. We all have some form of weight holding us back from the path to righteousness. It is our job to recognize it and cast it off. I am a sinner and I am surrounded by sinners. In fact I know of no one living today on the earth that is without sin. If you are having a crisis related to an emotional attachment to the flesh then step back and try to see the big picture. Our life on this earth is so short compared to an eternity

Re: The “Gay Gene” again

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:08 pm
by zoegirl
hp2007 wrote:This is insane. Do Christians have brains? I hope that one day each and every one of you knows what it feels like when you aren't accepted into the world. The bible is corrupt and immoral. How can one person make you follow so many rules? Don't just jump on the bandwagon because a historical textbook tells you to. Understand what it feels like on the other side. Maybe then you could be considered "holy."

So much for respecting our beliefs!! IF you feel so adamantly opposed to the bible as a worthwhile text to study and feel such scorn towards us, then respectfully, why are you here? In the chat section, you stated that you were an agnostic. From the attitude you have towards our beliefs, I highly doubt this. You don't seem in doubt at all, or willing to engage in discussion in the least, but seem more inclined to pass judgement immediately. YOu hold rather strong opinions towards our cognitive abilites and our Holy text.

If you had read through all of the posts, you would have seen that the vast majority view homosexuality like any other sin. A sin amongst many committed by sinners, a label we all willingly apply to ourselves. None of us claim to be any holier, merely forgiven by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. MOst of us have indeed felt ostracized and, again, if you had read our posts, have felt that we are, like PAul, the greatest of sinners. Good grief, as all of us went through that wonderful :? thing we call middle school, I am certain that we can all claim a time that we were all left out.

But acknowledging that homosexuality is no more offensive than committing adultery or stealing or cheating or lying, however, does not mean that we suddenly eagerly accept or condone any of these. Realizing that we cheat, lie, steal, have lustful thoughts does not then imply that we must make these acceptable or suddenly establish that these are not wrongful acts. Suddenly claiming that lying is not wrong does not suddenly make it so. It is the realization that we are sinners that drives us to Christ's love.

Why not try actually arguing and debating some points, instead of broadly casting judgements?

Re: The “Gay Gene” again

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:19 pm
by jenna
Zoe, you said it all. I wish that I had read this earlier, but maybe it's better that I didn't. I certainly would have shown NO mercy to this person who talks like this to us. Saying that we don't know what it feels like to not be accepted in this world? Sometimes it definitely feels like we aren't. The entire world looks at us like we have grown two heads when we start talking about Jesus. Look at all the problems Christianity has gone through and suffers EVERY DAY. From taking God and prayer away from our children, to making atheist movies. And we don't feel singled out? What do you think would happen if a Christian tried to remove evolution from schools, or anything not pertaining to God? Like that's ever going to happen. This person truly needs to put his head on straight and look at the big picture before he talks all this nonsense. :evil:

Re: The “Gay Gene” again

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:51 pm
by David Blacklock
to BGood, etc:

What a great post about alleles and phenotypic probabilities of June 9 or so. Thank you for that.


Re: The “Gay Gene” again

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:57 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Your welcome!