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Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:29 am
by Ashley
I don't want to push too hard to the extreme. plus i am not scholar so i have to be emphatic that all are personal opinion. But I am speaking on good faith based on reading the bible only once.

human traits are only a part (or probably a very small part) of what God is. we never know God. Even vengeance has to be driven with certain intention, unless the do-ers are psychopath doing things with reflex action involuntarily. [Boldly I say like this]

Before we kill people, we must be driven by bitterness.


Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:32 am
by jenna
I think we all here speak on faith. Not all of us are scholars, I know I'm not. :ewink: Yes, God has traits, so do humans. And we get alot of our good behavior traits from Him.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:36 am
by Ashley
:oops: ye intentional ethics, which I wish the guys there may let me boldly term it, is what I read about Jesus teachings in New Testaments. Another example: what harm do we do if we lie, casting away in a barren island in the middle of the sea? We do it before a rock, alone.


Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:38 am
by jenna
Ashley wrote::oops: ye intentional ethics, which I wish the guys there may let me boldly term it, is what I read about Jesus teachings in New Testaments.
Intentional ethics? :econfused:

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:42 am
by Ashley
Usually we don't lie, because of fear of poor witness among people, so we behaviorally don't. We may be misunderstood.

But I trust that the behavior - lying itself - is not enough to cuff you to hell. :roll:

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:45 am
by jenna
No, I agree that it isn't for people that don't intentionally set out to lie. But for people that lie to break down and purposely hurt and destroy others, that may be a different story.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:48 am
by Ashley
I don't put things into absolute positions.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:49 am
by zoegirl

OUt of curiousity, what warrants hell?

From scripture, it is our sinfulness, our *being* a sinner and in rebellion to God, that warrants the separation between God and ourselves.

Even if no one witnesses a lie, the deception is there, our deceitful nature is still present.

Unless I am not understanding what you mean, in which case, could you clarify?


Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:50 am
by Ashley
do you think that God would make a guy lie, for sake of another one to believe to receive eternal life? The mean is condemnable, but the result is good.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:51 am
by jenna
Ashley wrote:I don't put things into absolute positions.
No, we as humans tend not to. That is one way we are human. Notice God sais that to break one commandment is to be guilty of all. That sounds pretty absolute to me.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:52 am
by Ashley
zoegirl wrote:Ashley,

OUt of curiousity, what warrants hell?

From scripture, it is our sinfulness, our *being* a sinner and in rebellion to God, that warrants the separation between God and ourselves.

Even if no one witnesses a lie, the deception is there, our deceitful nature is still present.

Unless I am not understanding what you mean, in which case, could you clarify?


Hell, [sure my personal opinion], lead to bad result and there must be a victim.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:53 am
by jenna
Ashley wrote:do you think that God would make a guy lie, for sake of another one to believe to receive eternal life? The mean is condemnable, but the result is good.
First, God doesn't MAKE anyone do anything. And I think He would have better ways of getting someone to see the truth than "making" someone lie.

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:55 am
by Ashley
what is the use of courtroom if there is no victim? What job does a judge have in the court-room if there is no plaintiff and defendant? What use is there about ethics if sufferers do not take it as sufferings if evil-doers hurt?

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:55 am
by Ashley
jenna wrote:
Ashley wrote:do you think that God would make a guy lie, for sake of another one to believe to receive eternal life? The mean is condemnable, but the result is good.
First, God doesn't MAKE anyone do anything. ...
oh does he?

Re: The Authencity of the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:58 am
by jenna
Ashley wrote:what is the use of courtroom if there is no victim? What job does a judge have in the court-room if there is no plaintiff and defendant? What use is there about ethics if sufferers do not take it as sufferings if evil-doers hurt?
You again are speaking of humans, Ashley. I don't think anyone is saying there aren't victims. We are getting off-subject I think, because now I'm having trouble following you.