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Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:13 pm
by KrisW
gee. I guess I'm the only one that makes spelling errors? :roll:

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:15 pm
by zoegirl
neutrinos and antineutrinos


Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:18 pm
by zoegirl
I will take a stab and guess that FFC is genuinely wanting to know what neutrinos anti-neutrinos are. I think he is less subtle than that. If he was razzing you about spelling he would come right out and say it. Of course FFC can defend himself on this, but you seem to get offended *very* easily and are spouting about this on other posts. Unless you are sure somebody is attacking you, you really ought to clarify before going on the offensive.

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:57 pm
by frankbaginski
Just how does one come to Christ? Moses saw a burning bush and went up on a mountain to check it out. Paul was knocked off his horse by a wirlwind and a bright light. Jonah was swallowed by a fish. Thomas stuck his fingers into the side of Christ. What do these events have in common? The destination of the individual.

God knows each of us more than we know ourselves. I am sure that in His own way He will give each one of us many opportunities to get to know Him. My prior post reguarding particle physics had an underlying assumption that the reader would see my meaning. That being there are many paths to the path of salvation. One must start at some place and make progress towards a relationship with God. That journey can be started by looking into the eyes of your son. That journey can start anywhere with any event. All things are possible with God.

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:14 am
by JCSx2
KrisW wrote:
zoegirl wrote:
I believe Frank was referring to the method of God drawing a believer,.
There is only one 'method' God uses to draw a beleiever to Him......and it ain't a quark. :roll:
I am curious what is the "one" method God Uses to draw people to him?

I know what method he used to draw me to Him, I was hoping He used the correct one because I know it wasn't the same as method used to draw other people in to accepting Him as the One True God and One way to Eternal Life.

I think you are confusing issues here.

There is one way to Get Eternal Life that is through the Grace of God, Accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior. Then we are on the road to being better Christians. We then try to live better lives, Christ Like lives are the Goal, but as sinners we fall short. His loving Grace gives us entrance to His Kingdom.

Now how do people come to the conclusion that Christ Died for their sins? How do they end up accepting God as our one true God? How do they come to the realization that we are loved and Accepted by our Creator?

Well this is different for everyone; everyone has their “own” story on how they got saved,

By studying the Galaxy and realizing it was just too complicated to be an accident could be one way for one person.

Being in a near fatal accident that could wake you up and open your heart for the Holy Spirit to enter in

By being so utterly alone and depressed they wanted to end their life.. Then a total stranger says “Hey God loves you.

By looking at nature and being so amazed that it wasn't an accident, they started to look for other reasons for our existents.

Any method could open up our hearts for the Holy Spirit to enter in.

Even being amazed by a “quark”, God could open up your heart that way also.

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:29 am
by JCSx2
hp2007 wrote:Hi, I would just like to know why you all insist upon pushing your beliefs on others. I know some Christians don't do that, but I've met so many Christians that just think that they are better than me.
I can't believe certain people think they are Christians.
We are commanded by the Lord to spread the word of God to the entire world. It is one of our jobs as Christians; we have been commanded to do it.

Now the method people use to do it sometimes gets a tad ........ok, ok WAY PUSHY. Sorry for that, it is just Christians attempting to do what they have been commanded to do by God.

It is called the Great Commission

Matthew 28:19

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

I hope they do not turn you off to Christianity; you do not have to be pushy and rude to spread the word of Christ.

They just want to see you get the reward awaiting you at the end of this earthly life. Eternal life in a heaven that is perfect, peaceful in being in the presents of God always.

Also, no matter how unworthy you may think you are, God will accept you if you accept him in to you heart first.

The first move to Everlasting Life is up to you, God just needs to be let in to your life by you.

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:58 pm
by Gman
hp2007 wrote:Hi, I would just like to know why you all insist upon pushing your beliefs on others. I know some Christians don't do that, but I've met so many Christians that just think that they are better than me.
I can't believe certain people think they are Christians.
If certain Christians think they are better than others (with an arrogant attitude) then this to me is an un-Chritian like behavior... It is a contradiction of what Christ taught....

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:23 pm
by FFC
Gman wrote:
hp2007 wrote:Hi, I would just like to know why you all insist upon pushing your beliefs on others. I know some Christians don't do that, but I've met so many Christians that just think that they are better than me.
I can't believe certain people think they are Christians.
If certain Christians think they are better than others (with an arrogant attitude) then this to me is an un-Chritian like behavior... It is a contradiction of what Christ taught....

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Also keep in mind that although we are to "consider" each other better than ourselves, in reality none of us is better than the other.

I asked my physchologist if I had an inferiority complex and he said no... you don't have a complex...."you are inferior". :esurprised: y:O2 I stole that from Rodney Dangerfield or somebody. :clap: :clap: :clap: :ssorry:


Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:30 pm
by zoegirl
"you don't get no respect" :esurprised:

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:18 pm
by Truthseeking
hp2007 wrote:Hi, I would just like to know why you all insist upon pushing your beliefs on others. I know some Christians don't do that, but I've met so many Christians that just think that they are better than me.
I can't believe certain people think they are Christians.
It depends on what your definition of a Christian is. For me I don't think I'm better than anyone else, its pointless. I believe I am saved sinner, but I don't put it out there like that. I do voice my thoughts though. To me no one is better than anyone else . We are all sinners. Its only though Gods grace and mercy that we obtain Salvation. Lets not forget that pride come before a fall.

Re: Christians Please Answer

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:38 pm
by Metacrock
hp2007 wrote:Hi, I would just like to know why you all insist upon pushing your beliefs on others. I know some Christians don't do that, but I've met so many Christians that just think that they are better than me.
I can't believe certain people think they are Christians.

you came here, no one drafted you.