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Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:01 pm
by Katabole
Hi Canuckster.

Well, I put up on a previous post that I was raised as a Roman Catholic. However, I moved away from the Catholic faith many years ago, because I didn't learn anything. I learned a lot about different feasts and saints days but the Word was sort of an enigma and it was almost assumed that members knew what it meant. There was always a reading from the Old and New Testament and the sermon which probably should have been about understanding scripture was instead left to whatever the particular priest felt like speaking about. The Word was simply preached, just not taught.
Therefore, over the years I listened to every TV evangelist there was. I read about different sects and cults within Christianity and checked out other denominations. I even checked out other faiths, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam because the truth always seemed like an elusive thing but Christianity always struck me as easily being the most intelligent of the lot. I became to think like the Eunuch in Acts chapter 8.

Acts 8:30, And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? (KJV)

31And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

So like the Eunuch, I needed a teacher.

15 years ago I joined the Shepherd's Chapel church. Here is a link:

You may not like the Pastor but like the churches of Revelation, it wasn't where the church was geographically located or who ran the church, it was what the church taught that mattered. Give it an honest listen and send a question if you feel like that. I'm not selling my church, it has sold itself pretty good but to let you know here I'm coming from that's the church I'm a member of.



Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:45 pm
by Canuckster1127
Thanks Ron.

I'm familiar with the Shepherd's Chapel. We've had some threads with regard to it on the board that you might want to search out.

I appreciate the background.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:12 pm
by frankbaginski
Katabole ,

Hi there. I just noticed an error in a prior post. I do not want to change your beliefs. I left out the word not.

I have studied some of the major religions, just so I know what kind of beliefs are out there so I can witness for Christ in their terms. So much easier if you start on their turf and then move them to the truth. The same can be done with an atheist. Although people of faith are way more open to God.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:15 pm
by paparalph
<< Acts 13:41 >>

New American Standard Bible (©1995)

Please know that I am not calling you a scoffer or saying you don't believe. You, like me, seem to be going through a similar time in our life. I found this verse for you to let you know that many marricles have been performed possibly through profecy fullfillment that we as humans tend to explain away. For example, just look at the plight of the Jewish people in light of the bible!!!

I also think that you mentioned that you had OCD (forgive me if I'm wrong). I deal with this affliction as well. I am not a horder or a hand washer, but I obsess and worry about things hours and hours on end. All it takes is for the price of oil to go up for me to begin worrying about my children in the "end times". I then begin to try to figure out what is going to happen, if we will be raptured, or if we will suffer through the tribulation. I analyze things to death, and find that I end up in the same place where I started.....having faith to believe in Christ or having faith in something else. The alternative to Christ--The world view that "its all good" has burnt me too many times. Therefore, I'll choose Christ's philosophy at the very least- whether I believe or not.