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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:30 pm
by Anonymous
There is more evidence that points to the existence of God than away from the existence of God.
Maybe you can elaborate on this point. Like site some specific examples.
A nonbeliever just lets their faith shrivel up, they often construct their own idea of what god is, just so that they can tear it down
For an agnostic like me, I do not limit nor characertize god in anyway.
People who don't believe in God don't understand and don't even attempt to understand that unlike us God is not limited
I agree that if a god exist, he would not limited to what we can imagine.
but since we are witnesses to something you can't see and/or emagine people who do not believe would rather call us liers.
What is it that has been witness? Care to elaborate further?

My questions are not intended to find chink in your armour. I hope you will answer them. I promise that i will not to refute any of your answers unless you allow me to do so.
If anything, atheists fear death even more, because God or not, death is the end of you.
Well, for me at least, I do not find the fact that there would be an end of me frightful, rather it sort of compels me to live my life to the fullest.
End of existence does not= fear, which you have implicitly assume. Which i take is your personal feeling towards that issue.
I'm really thinking you need to get a grip on informal fallacies, as you seem to commit so many I'm not sure whether you understand reason.
Rest assure, I'm a 2nd year student of mathematics in a Uk university with a yearly average of 80+
I'm not trying to boast or anything, but point to the fact that my reasoning is sound and that maybe the problem lies elsewhere.

As stated elsewhere... it is not enough to dismiss a position (i.e., Christianity) because you think people are in some way caused to hold their beliefs.
I did not meant for that statement as a reason to dimiss christianity, Rather I was just showing you guys of how I as an agnostic feels towards christianity. All this was done in the spirit of exchange. It wasnt meant as an assault.
I was only trying to verify colors statement.

Ad hominem.
sorry but I'm not familiar with that term.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:02 pm
by Deborah
Maybe you can elaborate on this point. Like site some specific examples.
Life comes only from life. One of the most firmly established laws of science is the law of Biogenesis, this law says that life comes only from living things. The is no evidence that life can spontaneorusly be generated from dead matter.

Gods word (bible) agrees with this scientific fact. Acts 14:15 (MKJV) and saying, Men, why do you do these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preaching the gospel to you to turn you from these vanities to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all things in them;

Living things reproduce their Own kind.
Yearly millions of livings things reproduce, the offspring is always the same kind as the parent.
The word of God supports this too, Dogs reproduce other dogs, not fish, birds or people.
Evolution teaches that all the present kinds are the offspring of previous different kinds, going all the way back to one original life form. however there is no convincing evidence for this. While living things adapt to their environment, there is no proof that they produce different kinds of livings things. If evolution was true, one would think that there would be many fossils of intermediate links between the present kinds of living things. But those links remain missing.

Design must come from a designer.
Science was founded on the principle, that the universe is understandable, and we are able to grasp much about how it works. this proves that an intelligent disighner made it, and the fact that much of the workings of the universe is beyond our ability of understand and duplicate prove that the intelligent Being who make it is superior to us.
Evolution is based on life began by blind chance and then random mutations produced all advanced life forms.
The word of god says that an all wise, all powerful, living God intentionally planned and created the universe and all the life forms in it.

The human race is Unique
If man developed from animals how do we explain the vast differences, if we develop new characteristics according to survival of the fittest, how does appreciation of art, etc make us more fit to survive? Only man creates new beauty to appreciate in the form of music, art, poetry, humor etc.
Only man has rational intelligence, what animal invents new tools and machines, trains animals, uses fire, or keeps a record for future generations?

Gods word explains all these differences, we share these characteristics not with animals but with God in whose image we are made.

Gods word contradicts unproven theories, but has never contradicted scientific facts. Gods word states scientific truth centuries before man knew of them.

these are only some ways that science supports the possibility of God.

What is it that has been witness? Care to elaborate further?
It's already posted on the mb.

information used from and

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:58 pm
by Prodigal Son
I have tried my best to be politein all my questioning. It would actually refelect badly on yjour religion if you find me queuries on christianity annoying as it confirms the stereotypical view that religious people are prejudicial and close minded.
:? nameless, it's not your questions that i find annoying, it's your reaction to the answers that are given to you. you always seem to retaliate and attack the answers you get and the people who give them to you--almost as if you didn't want to get a response back; as if you're trying to start an argument or something. it just feels as if you aren't asking to get information or clarification or to learn something new, but to try to prove everyone wrong.

but, if you have been sincere in this latest question, i apologize for judging you. i will look for some good information on this issue that you might find enlightening.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:16 am
by Prodigal Son

no fossils of any other type of human species or ape/human crosses has ever been found. science has misled us all for many years: ... thoax.html

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:18 am
by Anonymous
thx for the link