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Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:46 am
by ageofknowledge
Food is good. Nuff said.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:00 am
by Cactus
yea, you knocked the nail on the head with that statement :nunchaku:

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:45 pm
by God's chosen ones
There will be no hunting in the kingdom of God....thank goodness.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:18 am
by lenaxin
What are the regulations for coyote hunting in south minnesota? LIke what time of the year can i hunt. Is it all year. And are there any limits. Also what are some supplies i should bring along an all day coyote hunting trip.
external keyword tool ~ ~ ~ ~

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:46 am
by ageofknowledge
I have a friend that says he won't eat anything with a face on it. I say good.. more for me.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:43 pm
by WConn
Okay, now you've hit a nerve. Didn't god give us the animals for food? I think in my as yet, rudimentary understanding of the bible, he did. That being said I am a hunter but I make it quite sporting. I use a long bow. Not a rifle, not a compound bow with sights and bells and whistles and gears and pulleys, but a long bow, just like the indians did on the plains of this country hundred and thousands of years ago. I shoot a Stotler 3piece Game Getter Bow, 72 lbs pull at 28 inches. No sights, just a learned instinctive aim and release. I eat what I kill.

There are actually more white tail deer and mule deer in the lower 48 these days than in centuries past due to the controlled hunting and conservation paid for by the taxes on hunters and their gear, including rifles, shotguns and ammo. There are environments in this country where the deer population has exploded and the result has been accidents between the animals and cars with deaths on both sides of the equation. Those areas need to lighten up and invite a few hundred bow hunters in to thin the herd and improve safety.

If God didn't mean us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them so tasty.


Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:01 pm
by cslewislover
I absolutely love fresh water fish, like blue gills, fried in butter. *drool* Fishing isn't quite the same as hunting, but still, little fishies have little faces. :) Poor fishies.
WConn wrote: If God didn't mean us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them so tasty.
I wouldn't use this argument, though, since other things seem good or desirable to us that are sinful.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:10 am
by WConn
cslewislover wrote:I absolutely love fresh water fish, like blue gills, fried in butter. *drool* Fishing isn't quite the same as hunting, but still, little fishies have little faces. :) Poor fishies.
WConn wrote: If God didn't mean us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them so tasty.
I wouldn't use this argument, though, since other things seem good or desirable to us that are sinful.
Okay, how traumatic must it be to a fish who thinks he is finding a meal only to become impaled on a hook and reeled in on a line. Yes, fish too are tasty.
Maybe it's just another one of those pleasures God has provided us to keep us fed and healthy. Like an instinct? If something is GOOD and desirable, is it
sinful? I must be missing something here. How can it be good if it is then sinful?


Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:00 am
by cslewislover
WConn wrote:God has provided us to keep us fed and healthy. Like an instinct? If something is GOOD and desirable, is it sinful? I must be missing something here. How can it be good if it is then sinful?
Well, my first thought had to do with sex . . . It can seem desirable and instinctive outside of marriage, even good, but it is sinful. I'm sure there are other things people get hung up on, that I don't, that are sinful, but to them seem more naturally desirable.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:47 pm
by Cross.eyed
WConn wrote:Okay, now you've hit a nerve. Didn't god give us the animals for food? I think in my as yet, rudimentary understanding of the bible, he did. That being said I am a hunter but I make it quite sporting. I use a long bow. Not a rifle, not a compound bow with sights and bells and whistles and gears and pulleys, but a long bow, just like the indians did on the plains of this country hundred and thousands of years ago. I shoot a Stotler 3piece Game Getter Bow, 72 lbs pull at 28 inches. No sights, just a learned instinctive aim and release. I eat what I kill.

There are actually more white tail deer and mule deer in the lower 48 these days than in centuries past due to the controlled hunting and conservation paid for by the taxes on hunters and their gear, including rifles, shotguns and ammo. There are environments in this country where the deer population has exploded and the result has been accidents between the animals and cars with deaths on both sides of the equation. Those areas need to lighten up and invite a few hundred bow hunters in to thin the herd and improve safety.

If God didn't mean us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them so tasty.

Another trad archer,
Good to meet you WConn.

I shoot a Black Widow recurve, and would like to get a longbow but the expense couldn't be justified since I haven't
had the time to hunt lately.
Maybe later on.

Welcome to the board.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:41 pm
by Gabrielman
I believe that hunting is fine, so long as you do not torture the animal. God did give us animals to eat and to help us, so I guess it's okay. Personaly I don't think I could live without meat, it is a good source of protien and for someone like me that is a good thing. Sure there are other sources, but meat is the best. I don't hunt (couldn't shoot a gun if I tried, more into swords really), but a lot of people in my family do. Think of it like this, if you were stranded on a desert island with noting to eat but a rabbit or your best friend, which would you choose?

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime."-Ancient Chinese Proverb.

Re: Hunting, yes or no?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:29 pm
by megacab64
I hunt. I have always included my children as well. I have taught them respect for life and that we eat what we take. It is nice just to get out in the bush with the kids. I would never shoot anything for a trophy as I don't agree with such practices.