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Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:04 pm
by BavarianWheels just dont' understand and uphold not taking the name of God in vain, yet you're not under the law...twisted.

If God said we are no longer under law, then why is everyone so up in arms about my opinion on abortion? Murder is under the law! Let's not bring up that it's "society's laws"...that wont fly. We are discussing whether keeping ANY part of the law is part of being a Christian.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:04 am
by Jac3510
BavarianWheels just dont' understand and uphold not taking the name of God in vain, yet you're not under the law...twisted.
I don't understand. Could you rephrase?
If God said we are no longer under law, then why is everyone so up in arms about my opinion on abortion? Murder is under the law! Let's not bring up that it's "society's laws"...that wont fly. We are discussing whether keeping ANY part of the law is part of being a Christian.
I have been taken out from being under the Mosaic Law and I have been placed under a NEW law (the Law of Christ), and that law is, as I have already quoted, this: love one another. Abortion violates THAT law. To support it is to hate my brother and to promote injustice. Just because we are no longer the Mosaic Law does not mean we are no longer bound to common morality, Do unto others (love them, which is the essence of Jesus' command). Just because I am no longer under the Ten Commandments does not mean that I can now murder. You reject that. You insist on living under an old, dead law, which, in PAUL'S words (not mine), is foolishness. And in doing so, you break Christ's law to love one another.

THAT is why I am so up in arms about it.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:23 am
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels just dont' understand and uphold not taking the name of God in vain, yet you're not under the law...twisted.
I don't understand. Could you rephrase?
Jac3510 wrote:Because most Christians don't know what it means to take the Lord's name in vain.
If it's no longer law, it doesn't mean anything! Just as you demote the Sabbath. You just finished telling me we are no longer under law, yet you uphold the sanctity of God's name. If it's no longer law, it's no longer holy...just like the Sabbath. Some would say the tongue of this thinking is split.
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:If God said we are no longer under law, then why is everyone so up in arms about my opinion on abortion? Murder is under the law! Let's not bring up that it's "society's laws"...that wont fly. We are discussing whether keeping ANY part of the law is part of being a Christian.
I have been taken out from being under the Mosaic Law and I have been placed under a NEW law (the Law of Christ), and that law is, as I have already quoted, this: love one another. Abortion violates THAT law. To support it is to hate my brother and to promote injustice. Just because we are no longer the Mosaic Law does not mean we are no longer bound to common morality, Do unto others (love them, which is the essence of Jesus' command). Just because I am no longer under the Ten Commandments does not mean that I can now murder. You reject that. You insist on living under an old, dead law, which, in PAUL'S words (not mine), is foolishness. And in doing so, you break Christ's law to love one another.

THAT is why I am so up in arms about it.
Are you telling me that prior to Christ uttering the words of "love one another" it was not part of the "Christian" walk to love one another? Are you saying that because of the law, no one felt love? Yet we hear from David how the ROD and STAFF comforted him and Love would follow him all his days. (Psalm 23) David says he delights in God's commands and loves them. God's love fills the earth and His law a delight, commands are trustworthy, David loves God's law, the commands make him wiser, the law is righteous, (Psalm 119) This Psalm is full of love from God and love for God's law.
Psalm 119:113 wrote:I hate double-minded men, but I love your law"
Anyone that upholds one or another of God's hand-written law but puts one down as insignificant is as David says here...double-minded. Read through Psalm 119. It's an amazing Psalm consdering David was a man after God's own heart.(Acts 13:22)
Psalm 119:160 wrote:All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.
Now you'll probably tell me that prior to the Cross people were saved by law...LOL...when we know the NT affirms that righteouness was credited to them...just like it is credited to us. They were declared righteous by the promise of a coming Redeemer. We are declared righteous because of Christ, the Redeemer that came. Both are declared righteous in the same manner.
Proverbs 21:21 wrote:He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Luke 6:46, 47 wrote:Why do you call me, `Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice.
If God does not change (Malachi 3:6), then neither do His words. The law, then, is eternal...just as David writes.

And isn't it interesting...
Luke 10:25-28 NIV wrote:On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
"What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?"
He answered: " `Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' ; and, `Love your neighbor as yourself.' "
"You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."
The interesting thing here is that the "expert in the law" understood already about LOVE being central to the law...Christ affirms this.
Jac3510 wrote:You insist on living under an old, dead law, which, in PAUL'S words (not mine), is foolishness. And in doing so, you break Christ's law to love one another.
While you may interpret Paul's words as cancelling the law as the rod or staff of the Shepherd, Christ/God is the originator of the Law (the 10) and God's word is eternal. If you affirm that murder is wrong (and so do I) then you are proving your own point wrong and are being "double-minded". I don't live under an "old, dead law" as a means TO righteousness, but rather out of love for God's word and His work FOR me. It is a natural response to want to live as God wants us to live. If love is the basis of God's law, as all of the 10 "hang" on it...then ALL of the law is good and righteous. To do the opposite or to disregard one as "old and dead" is sin against God's own finger/word.
Jac3510 wrote:I have been taken out from being under the Mosaic Law and I have been placed under a NEW law (the Law of Christ)
*giggle* Isn't it Christ/God that made those pesky 10 in the first place? God does not change, therefore neither does His word.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:42 am
by Jac3510
If it's no longer law, it doesn't mean anything! Just as you demote the Sabbath. You just finished telling me we are no longer under law, yet you uphold the sanctity of God's name. If it's no longer law, it's no longer holy...just like the Sabbath. Some would say the tongue of this thinking is split.
What do you think it means to use the Lord's name in vain?
Are you telling me that prior to Christ uttering the words of "love one another" it was not part of the "Christian" walk to love one another? Are you saying that because of the law, no one felt love? Yet we hear from David how the ROD and STAFF comforted him and Love would follow him all his days. (Psalm 23) David says he delights in God's commands and loves them. God's love fills the earth and His law a delight, commands are trustworthy, David loves God's law, the commands make him wiser, the law is righteous, (Psalm 119) This Psalm is full of love from God and love for God's law.
When Christ said those words, the Law was still in place. The disciples had no "Christian walk." They followed the Law until it was nailed to the Cross, at which time, they were placed under Christ's Law.
Anyone that upholds one or another of God's hand-written law but puts one down as insignificant is as David says here...double-minded. Read through Psalm 119. It's an amazing Psalm consdering David was a man after God's own heart.(Acts 13:22)
Yes, when the Law was in effect. The one who tries to keep the Mosaic Law while claiming grace, which cannot be of Law, is doubleminded.
Now you'll probably tell me that prior to the Cross people were saved by law...LOL...when we know the NT affirms that righteouness was credited to them...just like it is credited to us. They were declared righteous by the promise of a coming Redeemer. We are declared righteous because of Christ, the Redeemer that came. Both are declared righteous in the same manner.
What in the heck makes you think that I believe that people in the OT were saved by Law? That's beyond ignorance. I've stated the opposite so many times on this board it is beyond obvious. Salvation has always been through faith and not Law. Gen 15:6 makes that clear. Don't you have the first understanding of my theology? Apparently not. On what basis, then, do you critique?
If God does not change (Malachi 3:6), then neither do His words. The law, then, is eternal...just as David writes
non sequitor. You are simply wrong. I'm not saying the Law changed. I'm saying nothing more than Paul did: that it was done away with. It is and was kept by Christ. I am not under it. Besides, whatever gives you the idea that the Mosaic Law was univesal in scope, anyway? Am I, a US citizen, under French law? Of course not. I am under Ameican law. And if I move to France and make my residence there, am I under US law? No, I am under French law.

The Mosaic Law was for Israel. It doesn't apply to me or you. Further, it was nailed to the Cross by Christ, as Paul says.
The interesting thing here is that the "expert in the law" understood already about LOVE being central to the law...Christ affirms this.
Of course. I've said no different. Christ said that the whole Law was based on the command to love others and God. Where have I said differently? Just because you remove the Law doesn't mean that one cannot be placed in its stead this case, the Law of Christ, which is only this: love one another. You want to reject His law and put yourself under the Mosaic Law.

Let's revisit our USA/France analogy. Both have a law not to murder, so neither your nor I do it. But suppose I declare myself, here in the US, under French law, and proceed to NOT MURDER, because that law says so. Does that mean that the US law not to murder is invalid? Or suppose France collapses into chaos and loses its law. Does that mean YOU don't have to murder because they had that in common? Of course not. But even more to the point, if I did such a thing, I would be rebelling against my own country,which is precisely what you are doing. The author of Hebrews says that you have "trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace."

I'm sorry for you that grace isn't enough. You are the one insulting God.
While you may interpret Paul's words as cancelling the law as the rod or staff of the Shepherd, Christ/God is the originator of the Law (the 10) and God's word is eternal. If you affirm that murder is wrong (and so do I) then you are proving your own point wrong and are being "double-minded". I don't live under an "old, dead law" as a means TO righteousness, but rather out of love for God's word and His work FOR me. It is a natural response to want to live as God wants us to live. If love is the basis of God's law, as all of the 10 "hang" on it...then ALL of the law is good and righteous. To do the opposite or to disregard one as "old and dead" is sin against God's own finger/word.
I've already demonstrated the fallacy of this thinking. But lets look at your motivation. You don't live under an old dead law to become righteous. I never said you did. You live under an old dead law because you love God, which I don't doubt. You are like the Pharisees of old who "are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge."

You have the best of intentions in putting yourself under the Law. You think you honor God. But you dishonor Him. You call Him a liar when He said that the Law has passed away with Christ, and worse, you put others under the same bondage. You reject grace.
*giggle* Isn't it Christ/God that made those pesky 10 in the first place? God does not change, therefore neither does His word.
Already showed the fallacy in this thinking. The OT Law is still the OT Law. We just aren't under it. What has changed is not the Law. What has changed is who is under what Law. We are no longer under the Mosic Law. We are under Christ's Law as given in John 15.

Again, I refer you to Paul:
  • You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? Have you suffered so much for nothing—if it really was for nothing? Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?
So long as you reject the sufficiency of faith and continue to keep the Mosaic Law, you are bewitched, foolish, insult the Spirit of Grace, consider the Blood of Christ a common thing, and reject the Gospel.

What does that say about your salvation? Nothing whatsoever. You tell me you've trusted Christ alone for your salvation, and that is enough for me. What I am saying is that you are not abiding in His word, for while you may accept what He did on the Cross for your jusitification, you reject what He did on the Cross for your sanctification. You are abiding in your works, not His word.

The day you come out of that, you'll experience a freedom that can't be explained. I only hope you get to experience it someday.

God really does want you to be free, Bav. He really, really does. What do you think God wants from you? Apparently, it includes keeping the Sabbath day based on some motivation of loving Him. I'm telling you you are wrong. That's not what God wants. God wants to set you free of EVERY law, EVERY regulation, EVERY ceremony. He wants to free you of ALL law so that you can be free to do one thing and one thing only: just love people. Just love them, Bav. THAT is all God asks of you.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:26 am
by BavarianWheels
For the moment...I'll be back later...being under U.S. Law and/or French Law has NOTHING to do with being "under" (under simply means it's still God's law...not under it as a MUST do because God allows free choice) God's law...which is UNIVERSAL.

...and btw...I know, Jac3510, that you're telling me these things out of love...and please believe that I, likewise, am putting this forward to you. ;)

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:34 am
by Jac3510
I have no doubt of your motivations, Bav. If I did, I would have written this off a long time ago.

As far as God's law being universal, you must distinguish between common morality and the Law of Moses. Just because the Law of Moses contains moral elements doesn't equate it with morality itself.

The Law of Moses was not universal. It was for the Israelites only.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:05 pm
by jlay
God wants us to be free. Yes, no question. Free from sin.

Yet Paul refers to himself as a "slave to Christ," repeatedly. Interesting.

Jesus said the law is summed up in loving God and loving your neighbor. And this is fufilled in love. Jesus said, if you love you will obey my commands. Now this is not someone wagging his finger saying, If you love me, you WILL (if you know whats good for you) obey my commands. No, this is a produce effect. If you love me, you will (naturally produce)obey my commands.

True obedience is the by-product of love, not rule following. It is a heart issue. And doesn't this explain why Jesus amplified the law in Matt 5. If you lust, you commit adultery. If you hate, you commit murder. It is not the mere following of rules, but the desire of the heart. Jesus is exposing the hearts of men. When we abide in this love we see the real beauty of the 10 commandments. Not oppression, but the guiding hand of a loving father. This is old stuff. Deut 6:5. If we truly love God we will worhsip him, honor him, revere his name, and love our fellow man. And how does this happen? The Holy Spirit. We can't produce obedience. If we could, then the law woud be sufficient and Jesus would not have need to die. We need a source. John 14 and 15 is all about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our source. "Apart from me you can do nothing."

Paul said, "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin."
The Law plays a crucial role in bringing sinners to Christ. It silences the mouth (stops us from justifying ourselves) and makes us aware of our sinful state and need to be saved.

A gentile never was under the civil and cerimonial law of Israel. Never. However, the 10 commands are the very moral law written on the hearts of men. When we examine ourselves under the Law we see that we are hopeless and lost. This makes the cross a true place of salvation, becuase the sinner can now understand why he needs a savior.

Paul says, all have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard. The context of Romans 3 is The Law. That is the glorious standard we all fall short of. The standard of God's righteousness and the standard that condemns men as transgressors of the Law.

We can clearly see in Gal. and Col. that the yoke of the Law was being placed on those churches. Likely from Jewish beleivers within that congregation. The word Sabbath is only mentioned once and it is obvious that Paul is saying don't let others (Jews) judge you because you don't eat what they eat, or observe Jewish feasts, or you walk to far on the Sabbath. The word sabbath was used not just to reference the 7th day of the week but also would refer to many relgious days included in the feasts. Paul is not saying. Don't take a day off, because if you do, you are a legalist and you are putting yourself under the law.

One who delights in the Lord can certainly see the value of rest and the fact that the Sabbath was made for man. That certainly doesn't make one a legalist or a slave to the Law, or a Sabbatarian.

Real love produces obedience, just as real faith produces deeds. And Christ living through us produces holiness.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:20 pm
by Jac3510
God wants us to be free. Yes, no question. Free from sin.
Yes, but that is not what we are talking about. God wanted people to be free from sin before He instituted the Law. God wants us to be free from the LAW.
Yet Paul refers to himself as a "slave to Christ," repeatedly. Interesting.
Exactly. A slave to Christ. Not the Law.
Jesus said the law is summed up in loving God and loving your neighbor. And this is fufilled in love. Jesus said, if you love you will obey my commands. Now this is not someone wagging his finger saying, If you love me, you WILL (if you know whats good for you) obey my commands. No, this is a produce effect. If you love me, you will (naturally produce)obey my commands.
Two things:

1. I already covered this with Bav. Just because the Law was based on Love does not mean that when the Law was removed, Love is also removed. The Law of Christ is to love. How does it follow that the removal of the Mosaic Law means that Christ's Law, which replaced it, is invalid?
2. Jesus did say if we love Him we will keep His commandments, and those commandments are listed in that very context: love one another. No reference to the Mosaic Law here.
True obedience is the by-product of love, not rule following. It is a heart issue. And doesn't this explain why Jesus amplified the law in Matt 5. If you lust, you commit adultery. If you hate, you commit murder. It is not the mere following of rules, but the desire of the heart. Jesus is exposing the hearts of men. When we abide in this love we see the real beauty of the 10 commandments. Not oppression, but the guiding hand of a loving father. This is old stuff. Deut 6:5. If we truly love God we will worhsip him, honor him, revere his name, and love our fellow man. And how does this happen? The Holy Spirit. We can't produce obedience. If we could, then the law woud be sufficient and Jesus would not have need to die. We need a source. John 14 and 15 is all about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our source. "Apart from me you can do nothing."
True obedience is a byproduct of love, but the question is obedience to WHAT? The Mosaic Law or Christ's Law? Clearly, to Christ's Law, which is to love one another. If we love God, we will love one another. It is by loving one another that we love God. The two go hand in hand.

I've said this repeatedly: Jesus' Law is not the same as Moses' Law. Moses had 613 commands. Jesus had one.
Paul said, "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin."
The Law plays a crucial role in bringing sinners to Christ. It silences the mouth (stops us from justifying ourselves) and makes us aware of our sinful state and need to be saved.
You've misunderstood "we." That is not a reference to all people, but to the Jews. The context is clear on that. Chapter 3 is all about the Jews, and Paul explicitly says here that the law speaks to those under it (the Jews). Thus, the Jews became conscious of what sin (as a doctrine) was through the Law. You cannot say men became conscious sin experientally through the Law, because Adam did not have the Law and yet still knew sin. The Law, then, revealed Sin for what it was as a doctrine. Paul then changes tones. Though the Jews learned the doctrine of sin through the Law (and so can anyone who studies their Law), he says that "righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." Notice the "all." It is now universal.

I don't have time here, but this is clearly a corner stone of Pauline theology. He makes the same point in Corinthians and really drills in home in Galatains.
A gentile never was under the civil and cerimonial law of Israel. Never. However, the 10 commands are the very moral law written on the hearts of men. When we examine ourselves under the Law we see that we are hopeless and lost. This makes the cross a true place of salvation, becuase the sinner can now understand why he needs a savior.
The ten commandments are THE moral law? No, that's not true. The 10 commandments cover moral issues, but they are not THE moral law. Again, consider my last post you never responded to. There are moral laws throughout the Mosaic Law. How are then 10 any different from them? They aren't. Now, I'm not saying that the MORAL LAW has passed. I'm saying the MOSAIC LAW has passed. That includes the WHOLE thing. We aren't to murder, but that isn't because the 10 Commandments say so. It is because to murder is to hate, which violate Christ's Law to love.
Paul says, all have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard. The context of Romans 3 is The Law. That is the glorious standard we all fall short of. The standard of God's righteousness and the standard that condemns men as transgressors of the Law.
See my above comments on this.
We can clearly see in Gal. and Col. that the yoke of the Law was being placed on those churches. Likely from Jewish beleivers within that congregation. The word Sabbath is only mentioned once and it is obvious that Paul is saying don't let others (Jews) judge you because you don't eat what they eat, or observe Jewish feasts, or you walk to far on the Sabbath. The word sabbath was used not just to reference the 7th day of the week but also would refer to many relgious days included in the feasts. Paul is not saying. Don't take a day off, because if you do, you are a legalist and you are putting yourself under the law.
Wrong. The Mosaic Law revolved around the Sabbath. That's what makes Jesus' claim that He is the Lord of the Sabbath so strong. So when Paul castigates the Galatians for keeping sabbaths, he is talking about the Mosaic Law concerning the 7th day, including the 4th commandment.

Bottom line for Paul: we don't have to keep Sabbath laws. None of them. EVERY day is a Sabbath.
One who delights in the Lord can certainly see the value of rest and the fact that the Sabbath was made for man. That certainly doesn't make one a legalist or a slave to the Law, or a Sabbatarian.
One who does not delight in the Lord can see the value of rest, but that says nothing about the value of a DAY OF REST. Besides, if you think the Sabbath was just about giving our bodies a break, I'm afraid you have missed the entire point of why God instituted it.
Real love produces obedience, just as real faith produces deeds. And Christ living through us produces holiness.
Yes, obedience to the Law of Christ, not the Law of Moses. The former is to love one another. The latter includes all those commandments and regulations, including the requirement to observe the Sabbath.

edit: Are you going to reply to my previous response to you? Don't be like Babs and just ignore posts, now! ;)

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:02 pm
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:If it's no longer law, it doesn't mean anything! Just as you demote the Sabbath. You just finished telling me we are no longer under law, yet you uphold the sanctity of God's name. If it's no longer law, it's no longer holy...just like the Sabbath. Some would say the tongue of this thinking is split.
What do you think it means to use the Lord's name in vain?
Simply, that one uses God's name without respecting who He is.
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:Are you telling me that prior to Christ uttering the words of "love one another" it was not part of the "Christian" walk to love one another? Are you saying that because of the law, no one felt love? Yet we hear from David how the ROD and STAFF comforted him and Love would follow him all his days. (Psalm 23) David says he delights in God's commands and loves them. God's love fills the earth and His law a delight, commands are trustworthy, David loves God's law, the commands make him wiser, the law is righteous, (Psalm 119) This Psalm is full of love from God and love for God's law.
When Christ said those words, the Law was still in place. The disciples had no "Christian walk." They followed the Law until it was nailed to the Cross, at which time, they were placed under Christ's Law.
Christ's law...which CANNOT go against Himself. If the law points at sin on one side of the Bible, then the same law points at sin on the other side of the Bible. Christ's "new" law, is the same law, but is expounded on in that it is all about love...has been since it was written on stone.
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:Anyone that upholds one or another of God's hand-written law but puts one down as insignificant is as David says here...double-minded. Read through Psalm 119. It's an amazing Psalm consdering David was a man after God's own heart.(Acts 13:22)
Yes, when the Law was in effect. The one who tries to keep the Mosaic Law while claiming grace, which cannot be of Law, is doubleminded.
Mosaic law? I disagree. If the Law was written by God's on finger, then it is God's law and not Moses'. The "Mosaic" law is that which was written by Moses' hand...the witten code.
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:Now you'll probably tell me that prior to the Cross people were saved by law...LOL...when we know the NT affirms that righteouness was credited to them...just like it is credited to us. They were declared righteous by the promise of a coming Redeemer. We are declared righteous because of Christ, the Redeemer that came. Both are declared righteous in the same manner.
What in the heck makes you think that I believe that people in the OT were saved by Law? That's beyond ignorance. I've stated the opposite so many times on this board it is beyond obvious. Salvation has always been through faith and not Law. Gen 15:6 makes that clear. Don't you have the first understanding of my theology? Apparently not. On what basis, then, do you critique?
I was trying to make a point...I realize you don't believe that which is why it's so odd that one would think there is a "Jew" law only for Jews. If they were'nt saved by law, then did God just arbitrarily give the 10 just to later make the 10 of no importance? (btw...the Sabbath was established at Creation and the Gospel was preached first to Adam and Eve...when there was no "Jew".)
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:If God does not change (Malachi 3:6), then neither do His words. The law, then, is eternal...just as David writes
non sequitor. You are simply wrong. I'm not saying the Law changed. I'm saying nothing more than Paul did: that it was done away with. It is and was kept by Christ. I am not under it. Besides, whatever gives you the idea that the Mosaic Law was univesal in scope, anyway? Am I, a US citizen, under French law? Of course not. I am under Ameican law. And if I move to France and make my residence there, am I under US law? No, I am under French law.
American vs. French law is of no relevance here on this issue because neither is God. I never said Mosaic law was/is universal. I said God's word/law is universal AND eternal. Paul said we are no longer under law as a means to salvation...we never were. It always flashed guilty on the sinner. We are not under law...we are under grace and love. However this "no longer under law" hardly removes the fact that the 10 are God's Law and remain. Paul even states it. (Romans 3:31) Do you uphold the law or just part of it? Paul never tells us to disregard God's law, but rather says the law is holy, righteous and good. He delights in God's law. He's a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin (which the 10 create as it points at sin in the sinner) Many different laws being spoken of in Romans 7 and 8. The law of the Spirit frees from the law of sin. The law is powerless to save as it's only intention is to POINT AT SIN in a sinner.
Jac3510 wrote:The Mosaic Law was for Israel. It doesn't apply to me or you. Further, it was nailed to the Cross by Christ, as Paul says.
God's law isn't Moses' law. They're different. The only thing nailed to the cross was the law of sin! Not God's law that POINTS at sin.
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:The interesting thing here is that the "expert in the law" understood already about LOVE being central to the law...Christ affirms this.
Of course. I've said no different. Christ said that the whole Law was based on the command to love others and God. Where have I said differently? Just because you remove the Law doesn't mean that one cannot be placed in its stead this case, the Law of Christ, which is only this: love one another. You want to reject His law and put yourself under the Mosaic Law.
Moses didn't write the 10...God did. They are His, not Moses'. Christ just added (to clarify to the blind) that the law was love.
Jac3510 wrote:Let's revisit our USA/France analogy. Both have a law not to murder, so neither your nor I do it. But suppose I declare myself, here in the US, under French law, and proceed to NOT MURDER, because that law says so. Does that mean that the US law not to murder is invalid? Or suppose France collapses into chaos and loses its law. Does that mean YOU don't have to murder because they had that in common? Of course not. But even more to the point, if I did such a thing, I would be rebelling against my own country,which is precisely what you are doing. The author of Hebrews says that you have "trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace."

I'm sorry for you that grace isn't enough. You are the one insulting God.
I don't see the analogy fitting the argument when neither USA nor France are a God of the universe and Sustainer of Life.

If President Obama Ben Lyin has a law on the books that says, "Wearing a solid blue tie or a solid blue scarf, when worn, is out of respect for the Democratic party." and that this law was laid down by the first president and has become some sort of "tradition". Let's say a Republican is now voted in as president, many presidents past president Obama. and removes that law. When people still wear the solid blue tie or solid blue scarf, is it against the law to do so? If not, then does it remove the fact that it represents respect to something/someone? I dont' know if I'm any better at an analogy...oh well it was a shot.
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:While you may interpret Paul's words as cancelling the law as the rod or staff of the Shepherd, Christ/God is the originator of the Law (the 10) and God's word is eternal. If you affirm that murder is wrong (and so do I) then you are proving your own point wrong and are being "double-minded". I don't live under an "old, dead law" as a means TO righteousness, but rather out of love for God's word and His work FOR me. It is a natural response to want to live as God wants us to live. If love is the basis of God's law, as all of the 10 "hang" on it...then ALL of the law is good and righteous. To do the opposite or to disregard one as "old and dead" is sin against God's own finger/word.
I've already demonstrated the fallacy of this thinking. But lets look at your motivation. You don't live under an old dead law to become righteous. I never said you did. You live under an old dead law because you love God, which I don't doubt. You are like the Pharisees of old who "are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge."
Knowledge of what...that it's ok to go against God? Are you saying that we can do the exact opposite of God's law or skew it to our own human traditions as long as we keep Christ in our "hearts"? Take a look once again at Matthew 7:21-23.
Jac3510 wrote:You have the best of intentions in putting yourself under the Law. You think you honor God. But you dishonor Him. You call Him a liar when He said that the Law has passed away with Christ, and worse, you put others under the same bondage. You reject grace.
I'm not under law. I'm under grace. If there was a perfect person, besides Christ, would he/she be under law or grace?
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:*giggle* Isn't it Christ/God that made those pesky 10 in the first place? God does not change, therefore neither does His word.
Already showed the fallacy in this thinking. The OT Law is still the OT Law. We just aren't under it. What has changed is not the Law. What has changed is who is under what Law. We are no longer under the Mosic Law. We are under Christ's Law as given in John 15.
John 15:24,25 NIV wrote:If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: `They hated me without reason
Why did they "hate" God? Because they didn't marry love and service, but made service the point rather than love. To love is to serve...they just served and expected things in return. Israel was like a spoiled child.
Jac3510 wrote:Again, I refer you to Paul:
  • You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? Have you suffered so much for nothing—if it really was for nothing? Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?
So long as you reject the sufficiency of faith and continue to keep the Mosaic Law, you are bewitched, foolish, insult the Spirit of Grace, consider the Blood of Christ a common thing, and reject the Gospel.
Bewitched because they thought salvation or God's pleasure was through the law for the sinner when God's pleasure was in LOVE first and service would follow freely. Clearly Paul knows that Israel was trying to attain a goal by human effort and they suffered for it. The Spirit is not "received" by observing the law. If one is able to observe the law perfectly, the Spirit is expected as the law finds the person perfect and thus THE LAW declares the perfect person perfect. The law remains for the perfect being to follow as his/her guide in perfection. Similarly, the law remains as a guide in the life of a sinner into a closer walk with God, but it is Grace, by Faith, through Christ that DECLARES perfection and this perfection is gifted to the sinner. We are dead to the law. The law cannot declare a dead person more dead.
Jac3510 wrote:What does that say about your salvation? Nothing whatsoever. You tell me you've trusted Christ alone for your salvation, and that is enough for me. What I am saying is that you are not abiding in His word, for while you may accept what He did on the Cross for your jusitification, you reject what He did on the Cross for your sanctification. You are abiding in your works, not His word.

The day you come out of that, you'll experience a freedom that can't be explained. I only hope you get to experience it someday.
While I am declared righteous and thus "sanctified", this does not give the sinner in love with God the right or the inclination to disobey God's will.
Jac3510 wrote:God really does want you to be free, Bav. He really, really does. What do you think God wants from you? Apparently, it includes keeping the Sabbath day based on some motivation of loving Him. I'm telling you you are wrong. That's not what God wants. God wants to set you free of EVERY law, EVERY regulation, EVERY ceremony. He wants to free you of ALL law so that you can be free to do one thing and one thing only: just love people. Just love them, Bav. THAT is all God asks of you.
God wants what he wants/demands of every being under His creation/rule. Loving submission to Him and His will...for it is He and only He that knows our needs. He created us. I am free, Jac...I really, really am. Things done out of love and not law, regulation, nor ceremony. More important than loving people, He wants us to love HIM.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:32 pm
by BavarianWheels
From an abortion thread
Jac3510 wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:I never said God's rejection of murder was done away with. I said the 10 commandments, as an institution, were done away with. The Mosaic Law was done away with.

If you can't see how "Love your neighbor" forbids murder, then I can't help you.
It's not me that keeps saying the Law is "old and dead" and then promotes the keeping of only part. If the law is done away with...and the law includes murder, then you're being "double-minded" for your own convenience.
No reason to have this debate in two places. If you can show me how I can murder someone and love them at the same time, and I insist on not murdering them anyway, I'll concede I'm doubleminded. But murder clearly violates the Law of Christ.
Oh an easy one of the highest proportions: Did not God the Father allow Christ's murder...and yet love Him?

God had/has purpose in allowing His law to be broken in regard to sin's presence. What purpose could a created being possibly find in willfully breaking God's law? Do we have that right?

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:59 pm
by jlay
So when Paul castigates the Galatians for keeping sabbaths, he is talking about the Mosaic Law concerning the 7th day, including the 4th commandment.
I've addressed this before. Where does he castigate the Galatians for the sabbath? That don't hold water.
You say, they are not Jews.
Paul says, "Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you."
If they were Gentiles, who never kept the Sabbath, why would they return to keeping the Sabbath? Sounds like he is referring to paganism here.

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
You cannot say men became conscious sin experientally through the Law, because Adam did not have the Law and yet still knew sin.
Romans 2:14-15
(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
I've said this repeatedly: Jesus' Law is not the same as Moses' Law. Moses had 613 commands. Jesus had one.
Actually Jesus gave about 50 commands in the new testament.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:15 pm
by Jac3510
My, my, Bav. I never imagined you would accuse God of being a murderer.

Let me help you out here some. No one murdered Jesus. He may have suffered a miscarriage of justice, but he was not murdered. Second, Jesus life was not taken from Him. He laid it down willingly, thus, He was not murdered. Third, God did not allow Jesus to be murdered. God sacrificed His Son for our sins--an innocent to shed blood for the guilty. Finally, even if all the above is rejected, God cannot murder for the simple reason that all life is God's. He can take what live He will entirely without justification and it cannot be murder for HE is the Sovereign. Thus, your "easy" example fails on no less that four counts.

Now, if you REALLY believe that you can stand by passively as someone is murdered before you eyes and you can say you love them, and if you can honestly say that you can actively partake in murder and still say you love the person, that says something of your own moral bankruptcy.

Of course, you did just call God a murderer . . .

edit: forgive me, not a murderer, only a accomplice to murder.

edit2: come to think of it, you did say that you thought we should go ahead and legalize and fund things like rape and murder. I probably should have stopped trying to have a reasonable conversation with you about morality with THAT little gem.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:24 pm
by Jac3510
jlay wrote:
So when Paul castigates the Galatians for keeping sabbaths, he is talking about the Mosaic Law concerning the 7th day, including the 4th commandment.
I've addressed this before. Where does he castigate the Galatians for the sabbath? That don't hold water.
You say, they are not Jews.
Paul says, "Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you."
If they were Gentiles, who never kept the Sabbath, why would they return to keeping the Sabbath? Sounds like he is referring to paganism here.
Why would Judiazers tell the people to turn back to paganism?
You cannot say men became conscious sin experientally through the Law, because Adam did not have the Law and yet still knew sin.
Romans 2:14-15
(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
How does this argue against my point? It proves it. Paul says here explicitly that Gentiles did NOT have the Law. They know right from wrong by nature (you know, general revelation). Thus, my point is proven. The Mosaic Law does NOT tell a person the difference in right and wrong--it is not the means by which humanity becomes conscious of sin. Further, you didn't deal with Adam, which I reference, as you can see.
I've said this repeatedly: Jesus' Law is not the same as Moses' Law. Moses had 613 commands. Jesus had one.
Actually Jesus gave about 50 commands in the new testament.
John 15:17: "This is my command: Love each other."

Looks pretty simple to me (and that, btw, is the context in which Jesus talks about loving Him and keeping His teaching). Each of those other "commands" can be talked about, yet this verse is the bottom line. This is what matters. This is the command.

Sorry, J - we aren't under the Law anymore. Not any of it, including the Ten.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:08 pm
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:My, my, Bav. I never imagined you would accuse God of being a murderer.

Let me help you out here some. No one murdered Jesus. He may have suffered a miscarriage of justice, but he was not murdered. Second, Jesus life was not taken from Him. He laid it down willingly, thus, He was not murdered. Third, God did not allow Jesus to be murdered. God sacrificed His Son for our sins--an innocent to shed blood for the guilty. Finally, even if all the above is rejected, God cannot murder for the simple reason that all life is God's. He can take what live He will entirely without justification and it cannot be murder for HE is the Sovereign. Thus, your "easy" example fails on no less that four counts.

Now, if you REALLY believe that you can stand by passively as someone is murdered before you eyes and you can say you love them, and if you can honestly say that you can actively partake in murder and still say you love the person, that says something of your own moral bankruptcy.

Of course, you did just call God a murderer . . .

edit: forgive me, not a murderer, only a accomplice to murder.

edit2: come to think of it, you did say that you thought we should go ahead and legalize and fund things like rape and murder. I probably should have stopped trying to have a reasonable conversation with you about morality with THAT little gem.
I don't think I ever said we should fund rape. I'd appreciate it very much if you'd stop inserting thoughts, ideas on what I say and take the words at face value and at/for the topic at hand.

I never accused God of murder, just that a death was necessary for the salvation of all and that God knew it would take a death of an innocent...of Himself...and YET continued. This does not give freedom in taking the lives of the unborn. What my point is -HUMANLY SPEAKING- if you're able to think humanly, is that since abortion will happen and does happen regardless of it being illegal, we should try and find the "best" possible way to do this while AT LEAST keeping the mother safe. example doesn't fail at all, you just fail to see it in plain light. No one murdered Jesus? Of course they murdered Him...He didn't take His own life, it was taken from Him while He sat by without a word and allowed it to be taken. God turned His back on is evidenced by Christ's cry from the cross of "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me"...if we take this to mean anything other than what the words are, then we do not affirm Christ as fully God and fully man. Christ was murdered horrifically and God, knowing it was necessary, allowed it to happen. God a murderer? No...not at all.

Re: shaving, sabbath and such

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:52 pm
by Jac3510
Bav wrote:I don't think I ever said we should fund rape. I'd appreciate it very much if you'd stop inserting thoughts, ideas on what I say and take the words at face value and at/for the topic at hand.
Oh, you didn't?
You wrote:I'm in favor of government funded murder, rape, torture, theft, just like you. As long as it is voted in as a society, I'll live with it...or move out of the affected/infected area.
Moving on . . .
I never accused God of murder
Really? Because I read you saying: "Did not God the Father allow Christ's murder."

That would make God, at least, an accomplice to murder. No way around that.
just that a death was necessary for the salvation of all and that God knew it would take a death of an innocent...of Himself...and YET continued.
So was this death that "was necessary for the salvation of all" in fact a murder? If yes, then you make God an accomplice to murder. If not, then you have not offered me an example of any place in which I can murder someone and still legitimately say that I love them.
This does not give freedom in taking the lives of the unborn.
No, apparently, a majority vote does.
What my point is -HUMANLY SPEAKING- if you're able to think humanly, is that since abortion will happen and does happen regardless of it being illegal, we should try and find the "best" possible way to do this while AT LEAST keeping the mother safe.
Sure, so let's apply that logic to everything. Since rape will happen and does happen regardless of it being illegal, we should try and find the "best" possible way to do this while AT LEAST keeping the rapist safe. example doesn't fail at all, you just fail to see it in plain light. No one murdered Jesus? Of course they murdered Him...He didn't take His own life, it was taken from Him while He sat by without a word and allowed it to be taken.
That's not what Jesus said:
  • No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father. ~ John 10:18
God turned His back on is evidenced by Christ's cry from the cross of "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me"...if we take this to mean anything other than what the words are, then we do not affirm Christ as fully God and fully man. Christ was murdered horrifically and God, knowing it was necessary, allowed it to happen. God a murderer? No...not at all.
Then you are saying that God is an accomplice to murder. If I see someone murdering someone in front of me, and I let it happen--worse yet, if I set up the circumstances that allows it to happen--I am culpable for that murder.

Now, I've already shown why we can't say that about God. But you reject it, and insist that Christ was murdered and that God stood by while it happened, encouraging it, even.

The proper response is to recognize that this is a matter of sacrifice, not murder. Jesus volitionally laid down His own life. He took it up again three days later. You can't use God as an example of someone who murdered as a basis of saying that YOU can murder and still say you love. Doesn't work.