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Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:16 am
by zoegirl

ACre to back *any* of that from scripture?!?

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:50 pm
by Jac3510
My favorite part was "space means evil." The gnostics would be proud ;)

Keith, let me applaud your efforts, but may I humbly suggest that it is rather dangerous to look for direct revelation from God. Heb 1:1-2 teaches us that God has completed His revelation. The canon is closed. The Holy Spirit may well illuminate a passage to you in that He may show you how it applies directly to a situation in your life, but He will not give you any revelation outside of that which has already been revealed.

Look at it this way--suppose I said that I got a revelation from God, too. But suppose the revelation I got was completely contradictory to yours? On one basis will you say yours is correct and mine is not? Clearly, they cannot both be, for God cannot contradict Himself. Thus, we must all look to what we all have in common, namely, the words of Scripture. It is much harder, I know, to do the work of exegesis. It takes years of study and very careful examinations of both the minutia of Scripture as well as the big picture (so that we keep all of our details in context). But in the end, it is the only way to know God's mind, and best of all, when you finally get an answer to your question, you'll find that you learned so much more along the way than you knew there was to be learned.

God bless :)

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:11 pm
by Gman
I have no clue what this guy is trying to say.. Sorry.

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:19 pm
by Proinsias
Gman wrote:I have no clue what this guy is trying to say.. Sorry.
I think he may be trying to explode our reality tunnels in a discordian sort of way.

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:21 am
by Keith

<<My favorite part was "space means evil." The gnostics would be proud>>

The Great White Brotherhood that Lord Jesus rescued me from claim that the Gnostic heresy along with many more were inspired by them so anything I now say is an anathema to Gnostics

<<Keith, let me applaud your efforts, but may I humbly suggest that it is rather dangerous to look for direct revelation from God. Heb 1:1-2 teaches us that God has completed His revelation. The canon is closed. The Holy Spirit may well illuminate a passage to you in that He may show you how it applies directly to a situation in your life, but He will not give you any revelation outside of that which has already been revealed.>.

Your words show how dangerous it is to think that God's Mind is closed to us. The born again know that Jesus' Holy Spirit is always here to guide and guard us from forces not of God. God's Revelation to me can only be proved by seeing if it contains anything that slants or contradict what Jesus said on earth as recorded in the Four Gospels. Mine doesn't!! I didn't seek a direct Revelation from God and I don't suggest others do. God comes to us when we are ready to repent. The message that I teach is that God is personal to each and everyone of us.

<<Look at it this way--suppose I said that I got a revelation from God, too. But suppose the revelation I got was completely contradictory to yours? On one basis will you say yours is correct and mine is not? Clearly, they cannot both be, for God cannot contradict Himself. Thus, we must all look to what we all have in common, namely, the words of Scripture. It is much harder, I know, to do the work of exegesis. It takes years of study and very careful examinations of both the minutia of Scripture as well as the big picture (so that we keep all of our details in context). But in the end, it is the only way to know God's mind, and best of all, when you finally get an answer to your question, you'll find that you learned so much more along the way than you knew there was to be learned.>>

The examination and arguing about ancient texts is just another trap to stop souls going to God now. The amazing thing about the truly born again is that they gain a knowledge of God in the same way that Jesus' uneducated fishermen disciples also gained it.

<<God bless. Saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.>>

Thank you but you should reconsider your signature quote because it is an incomplete modern evangelical mantra that eliminates the need for the Ten Commandments and individual soul repentance direct to Lord Jesus. Hope you understand.


Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:59 am
by ageofknowledge
"The examination and arguing about ancient texts is just another trap to stop souls going to God now. The amazing thing about the truly born again is that they gain a knowledge of God in the same way that Jesus' uneducated fishermen disciples also gained it."

Fascinating hypothesis. So in other words, you are saying that Jewish fishermen who learned directly from Jesus as he walked the earth and spoke to them in a physical body before the coming of the Holy Spirit is how believers today learn. *scratches head*. No that can't be it. So you are saying that we can all get together and write a whole bunch of new books, claim they are from Goddd, and add them to the Bible. Seems that was tried before and it failed miserably... Gnosticism.

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:59 am
by ageofknowledge
"The examination and arguing about ancient texts is just another trap to stop souls going to God now. The amazing thing about the truly born again is that they gain a knowledge of God in the same way that Jesus' uneducated fishermen disciples also gained it."

Fascinating hypothesis. So in other words, you are saying that Jewish fishermen who learned directly from Jesus as he walked the earth and spoke to them in a physical body before the coming of the Holy Spirit is how believers today learn. *scratches head*. No that can't be it. So you are saying that we can all get together and write a whole bunch of new books, claim they are from Goddd, and add them to the Bible. Seems that was tried before and it failed miserably... Gnosticism.

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:28 am
by zoegirl


Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:27 am
by Keith
ageofknowledge wrote:"The examination and arguing about ancient texts is just another trap to stop souls going to God now. The amazing thing about the truly born again is that they gain a knowledge of God in the same way that Jesus' uneducated fishermen disciples also gained it."

Fascinating hypothesis. So in other words, you are saying that Jewish fishermen who learned directly from Jesus as he walked the earth and spoke to them in a physical body before the coming of the Holy Spirit is how believers today learn. *scratches head*. No that can't be it. So you are saying that we can all get together and write a whole bunch of new books, claim they are from Goddd, and add them to the Bible. Seems that was tried before and it failed miserably... Gnosticism.
Your hypothesis is based upon your lack of understanding of spirituality. Jesus' disciples were blessed by the Holy Spirit which means that their souls were cleansed of sin and from that moment onwards God dwelt within them which brought to them Holy knowledge to enable them to distinguish what was and what was not of God. The truly born again today have the same experience. The excessive writing and studying of books usually leads to a disbelief in our Creator God as the intellect takes over the heart of our soul.


Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:44 am
by Byblos

Could I prevail upon you to stop using large fonts for entire paragraphs? It's a little distracting. It's ok to use it for emphasis but for entire texts it's just too glaring.


Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:22 am
by Keith
Byblos wrote:Keith,

Could I prevail upon you to stop using large fonts for entire paragraphs? It's a little distracting. It's ok to use it for emphasis but for entire texts it's just too glaring.

Byblos, I have the opposite problem in that concentrating on your 'normal' text hurts my eyes because I suffer with glaucoma and have to copy messages into Word in order to answer them in a font size I can easily read. However I wouldn't want to offend anyone so I will try to remember to reduce the size in future before submitting a post


Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:09 am
by Byblos
Keith wrote:
Byblos wrote:Keith,

Could I prevail upon you to stop using large fonts for entire paragraphs? It's a little distracting. It's ok to use it for emphasis but for entire texts it's just too glaring.

Byblos, I have the opposite problem in that concentrating on your 'normal' text hurts my eyes because I suffer with glaucoma and have to copy messages into Word in order to answer them in a font size I can easily read. However I wouldn't want to offend anyone so I will try to remember to reduce the size in future before submitting a post

No, no, it's quite alright. It never even dawned on me that there could be an underlying physical reason, for that I apologize. Please post as you see comfortable (and I mean that literally :wink:).

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:24 am
by Keith
<<No, no, it's quite alright. It never even dawned on me that there could be an underlying physical reason, for that I apologize. Please post as you see comfortable (and I mean that literally ).>>

That is very kind of you. Thank you.


Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:07 am
by waynepii
Why not increase the text size used by your browser? That will make it easier to read everyone's posts.

Re: The scientific proof for Genesis

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:33 am
by ageofknowledge
The elderly also have this problem with font size. I've noticed my 73 year old father has a big screen and he still squints at it even with glasses. Increasing font size is one way to help. Here's how you do it in Internet Explorer:

To change the text size on a Web page:

Select the Page menu, by pressing ALT+P.
Select Text Size by pressing X.
Select your choice of Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, Smallest text sizes by pressing the arrow keys, then ENTER.

Give it a try :)

Returning to regular font now.