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Re: Moral Dilemma

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:46 pm
by ageofknowledge
Jac3510 wrote:AoK,

There is an organization you may be interested in joining. "The Can-Do Conservatives", run by Brian Donegan. Here is a speech he made at the Berrien Country Republican Party on 8/15/09.

Bottom line is that he is trying to help give the disabled a voice in the conservative movement. I'm a huge supporter and have offered my full services to him in anyway I can. I know him personally. I think you'll appreciate the speech, since it won't be taken as a "them" vs. "us" mentality. No matter what I say, since I am not disabled, I'll never be able to convince you that I understand exactly what you are saying and want the same solutions you do. But as a conservative, I think you can agree with Brian that it is a shame that the disabled are de facto "represented" by the liberal democrats.

You can find him on FB. Shoot me a pm if you want more info. I'd love to help this organization get off the ground, from both a financial and man-power perspective.

And anybody who happens to think this is a good cause may be interested in getting in contact with him as well.

God bless all!
Thank you jac. I appreciate your looking out in a good way. I will watch it. And our discussions are just that: discussions. Nothing more :). I know you are an authentic Christian through and through. You might get more of my overall view by reading my response to a John Bircher who asked me on their forum if he thought we should simply outlaw Marxism. I replied:

"I think it's a bad idea to go around trying to outlaw every view of the world you don't like including Marxism. Doesn't speak volumes for a faith in a free society to feel so threatened that you have to seek to restrict everyone else's freedom to an opinion that doesn't think like you.

Much better than seeking to outlaw Marxism would be to reform our government so it works like its supposed to. THEN there is no need for Marxism and hence little interest for it.

But reforming government to accomplish this goal may not take the track you think it should either. I think back to the early 1900s and how government really aligned itself with laissez faire libertarianism and the terrible problems that resulted. Thank God their were Christians in our society to organize and force government to deal with it's negligence to promote the general welfare as the preamble to our Constitution instructs resulting in desirable changes in our society in the areas of health, education, labor laws and the abolishment of child labor, and a host of other social maladies the government had permitted as it didn't want to force anything good on its populace such as ending the exploitation of children, for example.

Christians of that era understood Jesus position toward children and a government's right to act for good (Romans 13 verse 4) and they made government put an end to it. I'm sure there are many libertarians here that would have resisted the abolishment of the child labor system because they oppose government forcing businessmen who profit from exploiting child labor in a capitalist system void of restraint, regulation, or control as desirable. Even though it really is not.

Thank God for those Christians. Unfortunately they passed on before fully completing their mission to the rest of the world. In those parts of the world they did not reach, exploitation in terrible conditions continued providing fertile ground for the devil's seed: Marxism coupled with state atheism.

A crop to fill the vacuum perpetuated by the exploiters. And so during the industrial revolution, this crop came to fruition... an unfortuante byproduct of Christians not ensuring the poor, suffering, and exploited had social justice or their government acted to promote their general welfare. The lack of meaning and total absence of any laws regulating factories, public health, education, etc... created fertile ground for this new seed and it is exactly this vaccum that perpetuates it today around the world.

You won't rid the world of Marxism by outlawing it friend. That didn't work for the Czar of Russia and it won't work for you. Only by individuals, churches, social organizations, and some government working together to remove the need will you ensure the seeds of Marxism never come to fruition."

God bless you this week.