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Re: Do we ignore science?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:28 am
by ageofknowledge
WConn wrote:
ageofknowledge wrote:
ageofknowledge wrote:

No I do not. I only have my opinion. I'm not sure why you are taking issue with what I said. I said basically everything you did but added that there is only one correct answer. The origin of the earth didn't occur multiple times.
AOK, I don't think I was trying to take issue with what you said, only to gain another answer to my questions. I have just scratched the surface of my quest, I have miles to go before I sleep. True, the origin of the earth did not occur multiple times. I again am simply trying to reconcile my understanding of science with the Bible. As previously pointed out, there are differences of opinion among Christians as to many things in the Bible, and as you said, there is only one correct answer or opinion.

I agree with the old earth opinion, I believe in the local flood as opposed to the world wide flood. These points would have earned me the wrath of a few Catholic Nuns in my past. Lots of reading and studying to do my friend.

Acknowledged Wconn. Many nuns today; however, would have a different view given that the Catholic Church today is much more accomodating on this issue and many Cathoics take a view of theistic evolution which may be a new term for you. ... lic_Church

My grandparents were Roman Catholic but I simply could never be a part of it as it gets between me and Jesus Christ. I have to go with CARM's position on the Catholic Church: ... atholicism

And I hear you Wconn. We ALL still have a lot to learn.