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Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:36 pm
by ageofknowledge
Selfishness and using one's family as excuses to exploit others is the most common behavior I see played out daily by most people. Maybe that's why it's called the ME generation.

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:06 pm
by Gabrielman
mksimms wrote:Love does exist. Many of those people who brag about having sex are immature or are insecure about something. Sex is an expression of love, but it does not equate to love. I believe there is not a difference of certain kinds of love. I believe there is only one kind of love, the kind of love where you care about someone, forgive them through the thick and thin, like God teaches us to do. I pray that the people on this website will look around the website and realize that God is real. I pray for those who don't believe, and I love them. If I had one million dollars I would give it to people, believers and non-believers, because Jesus loved everyone too. Love is genuine. Love does not boast, envy, nor is it proud. It is slow to anger, amongst many other things. The Bible shows us how to live our lives to the fullest and I just want people to know the love that can be known through Jesus Christ who is EVERYONE'S Savior, whether they know it or not. God bless you all,

Absolutley amazing response! :clap: That was wonderful!
Okay so I have been reading this over, the entire thread, and looking at my responses and what some of you said. I posted this when I was still new here so I am going to go back over it and respond to all that I can and say a few things that have changed in my belief system.
imoneru? wrote:Don't give up and don't settle for casual sex, believe me that is only a temporary thrill, it may not seem like it now when your young and the harmones are racing, and your buddies accuse you of being gay if you don't follow their life style, but when you find that right girl your looking for and you will you will find it was all worth waiting for. I'm sure you know some friends who settled for sex, got their girlfriends prignant and married them (or not) and then simply left or got a divorce and both lives were never again what thay had planned them to be. so be patient and you will find Ms Right, she is out there and is probably looking for the same things you are....Good Hunting...God Bless...Ray
See I never (like most men) stuggled with hormons, granted that has to do with some things that happened in my life that over shadowed such things. I had always imagained that people were a little more innocent, and that love would trump sex, *sigh* I forgot what generation I lived in. I always thought about if someone loved somebody they would want to spend time with them, listen to then, care about them, and want to be everything for that person. I had seen some anime (sorry not a movie guy) with some really good love stories in them where there was no sex what so ever, so I guess I got my expectations up, right?

I guess I would have to ask this, do you all think my expectataions for love are too high? I am seeking what I can't have? I used to believe that love itself was dead outright, but you have proven that wrong. So now I wonder what I should be expecting from love. I am the romantic type and I want someone who is deep (that has a deep personality) and someone who is complex. I don't want the straight and simple. So is that first bit asking too much? I seek a virgin, but is that wrong for me to do so? Many people at work just tell me (pardon my french but this is a quote) "dude you just need to loosen up and get laid", where I then tell them simply "no, I have standards and that is wrong to just go around having sex". However over half of the females at work are having kids now, few of them are married or in a stable relationship. So is wanting a virgin too much? I also want a person of faith, the Christian faith. Not a sit around and say you are a Christian, but someone who applies the Christian morals and values and ideas to their lives. I would hope that I am not asking too much there. See I ask because people always tell me that my standards are too high. I don't think they are, so what do you think?

That's it for now, I will write a bit more later but I have things I need to do right now. This was shorter than what I wanted it to be.
God bless you all!

Re: Love, does it exist anymore?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:47 pm
by ageofknowledge
Thank you for your kindness B.W.. It softened my heart today and I asked God to bless you. Peace.