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Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:58 pm
by CAT
I mean no harm, I am simply just joking around - just trying to spice the conversation up.

Since we're on the subject I also remember that the bones of tigers, rhinoceroses and antelope were found alongside the mammoths, and these are obviously not Arctic creatures either. Additionally, fly larvae was also found in the stomach and intestines of the mammoth and these insects are known to grow only in extremely warm climates.

Like I said, I remember specifically watching this on the actual national geographic TV special. I tried to find it under a google search and I did come up with this site:

If you scroll down and read under “frozen remains” it will say: The evidence of undigested food in the stomach and seed pods still in the mouth. It doesn't exactly say “tropical plants”, but from what I understand about seed pods they are those of tropical plants. At least that's what was conveyed on the TV program when I watched it.

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:20 pm
by zoegirl
So basically, you have nothing...."I remember" is not going to convince anyone...the one dissection national geographic did was about Dima, the baby mammoth.

If you had checked numerous references , you would have found that their diet consists of grasses, sedges, and woody herbs, plants that easily can grow during the Steppe environment.

In fact, the very same Wikipedia article that ou quoted (albeit not the entire quote)
The evidence of undigested food in the stomach and seed pods still in the mouth of many of the specimens suggests that neither starvation nor exposure are likely. The maturity of this ingested vegetation places the time period in autumn rather than in spring when flowers would be expected.
This has nothing to do with the kinds of plants but rather the seasonality of the plants (which also shows a non-tropical plant....) other words...this absolutely does not support your assertion

also stated earlier....
Their teeth were also adapted to their diet of coarse tundra grasses, with more plates and a higher crown than their southern relatives.
From another site
The woolly mammoth was a dominant inhabitant of the "mammoth steppe", a immense dry and cold grassland that extended from Western Europe through most of Siberian and into Beringia (eastern Siberia, Alaska and Yukon). A secondary mammoth steppe —separated from Beringia by the massive Wisconsinan Ice Sheet— was located in the north-central United States and southern Canada. Grasses and sagebrush (Artemesia) dominated the steppe vegetation. The grinding teeth of the woolly mammoth were well suited to feed on steppe grasses. Indeed, stomach contents from well-preserved Siberian specimens indicated a preponderance of grasses and low-lying herbs, although woodier growth may form an important part of its winter diet. ... muthus.php

Not to mention the previously provided sources

Most of the ice was locked in glaciers.

Flies can live in cold environments, as anyone in Canada or even Alaska knows, they simply have a very short lifestyle.

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:33 pm
by cslewislover
zoegirl wrote: Flies can live in cold environments . . . they simply have a very short lifestyle.
:pound: Sorry Zoe, I couldn't help it.


Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:36 pm
by zoegirl
cslewislover wrote:
zoegirl wrote: Flies can live in cold environments . . . they simply have a very short lifestyle.
:pound: Sorry Zoe, I couldn't help it.

lol, my sister-in-law grew up in up-state New York and they have a miserable two weeks of black flies...where they just overwhelm the area in a positive frenzy of mating...

btw, a really nice source ... q=&f=false

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:02 pm
by Gman
CAT wrote:You show me proof that it didn't?
We already covered that.. No marine fossils in Yosemite.
That is right... Thanks for affirming my position..
CAT wrote:Oh so now we have Donnie and Marie back on stage together. :shakehead:

FYI I watched and heard it (along with millions of other people) on the National Geographic special when they were doing the dissecting of the frozen woolly mammoth.
Maybe the millions of people could tell us where the millions of dead woolly mammoths are.. ;)

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:07 pm
by Gabrielman
I can attest to flies living in the cold weather, they are the one pest that just won't die for a while. I live in Ohio and in the winter the only bug that is still around regardless of how cold it is, are the stupid flies. Albeit they are inside more often than not, but they are still there :x and no matter how many you kill they just keep on coming back.
touchingcloth wrote:
ageofknowledge wrote:Use these laser light swords fellas. They're safer.

Surely the force would be the safest option (if not as cool as the laser swords)?
Hmmm... I think it would be more fun to use both! LOL.

One thing I wanted to point out about all this talk concerning oceanic fossils in the mountains, is the following. The earth is comprised of tectonic plates that move and collide. Now some times when 2 oceanic crusts collide, the rise up and over time from a mountain. They hold in them shells and fossils of long gone aquatic life. At times an area that was once under water and has since dried up is then considered continental crust and can also form a mountain range with fossils in them. So fossils in mountains do not prove a global flood. I actually did some research on that very concept. Over the billions of years that earth has been around, different areas have been covered is water of some sort, beit a lake or a small pond, and they had a source beit a river or a stream. Either way those can also explain land locked mountains that posses shells and other aquatic fossils in them. I also want to ask this, is it really plausible to say that all those animal, (dinosaurs and what not) all lived with humans and every thing else all at the same time only about 10,000 years ago? Would the earth even be able to sustain all those animals with food? And would there even be enough room for them all? Just my thoughts on all this.
God bless!

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:36 pm
by CAT
The flies were “Warble fly” larvae which are typically known to be warm weather flies. Yes I'm sure they can live in some colder weather, but come on guys, NOT THE ARCTIC!

Zoe, autumn is still not freezing cold! And seed pods are still those of growing warm weather tropical plants. If the Arctic still had a AUTUMN season, I might consider visiting.

Gman, YES THERE ARE marine fossils found at “little Yosemite“. And upper Yosemite was determined to have been under an ancient sea of water. How far do you want to continue to stretch this truth? The reason that no marine fossils are found “specifically” on Yosemite is because as I stated earlier that the thick layers of sediment that rested on the sea bed was eventually folded and twisted and thrust above sea level. Simultaneously molten rock welled up from deep within the earth and cooled slowly beneath the layers of sediment to form granite. EROSION GRADUALLY WORE AWAY ALMOST ALL THE OVERLYING ROCK and exposed the granite. And even as uplifts continued to form the Sierra, water and then glaciers went to work to carve the face of Yosemite. WEATHERING AND EROSION STILL CONTINUE TO SHAPE IT TODAY! Is there some kind of brain blockage that does not allow you to “want” to understand this fact?

At this point I think you guys are just scrambling for leads.

Eventually the argument is going to get very old and stale to the point were I will just eventually leave this forum to seek more challenging insights.

I don't need to get the last word in on this one, seeing as I know a little something more about CALVARY!

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:06 pm
by Gman
CAT wrote:Gman, YES THERE ARE marine fossils found at “little Yosemite“. And upper Yosemite was determined to have been under an ancient sea of water. How far do you want to continue to stretch this truth? The reason that no marine fossils are found “specifically” on Yosemite is because as I stated earlier that the thick layers of sediment that rested on the sea bed was eventually folded and twisted and thrust above sea level. Simultaneously molten rock welled up from deep within the earth and cooled slowly beneath the layers of sediment to form granite. EROSION GRADUALLY WORE AWAY ALMOST ALL THE OVERLYING ROCK and exposed the granite. And even as uplifts continued to form the Sierra, water and then glaciers went to work to carve the face of Yosemite. WEATHERING AND EROSION STILL CONTINUE TO SHAPE IT TODAY! Is there some kind of brain blockage that does not allow you to “want” to understand this fact?
Again there are no marine fossils in Yosemite. “Little Yosemite" is lower Yosemite, not upper Yosemite. There are marine fossils there because all the rivers drain out there.. And these fossils are not ancient marine fossils like you find elsewhere.

That is the fact.. Sorry, you backed the wrong horse...
CAT wrote:At this point I think you guys are just scrambling for leads.

Eventually the argument is going to get very old and stale to the point were I will just eventually leave this forum to seek more challenging insights.

I don't need to get the last word in on this one, seeing as I know a little something more about CALVARY!
Thanks for all the Christian respect...

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:25 pm
by Gabrielman
Hey Gman, I need to ask a question. I was wondering something. In the Bible it says that the flood covered everything under the sky. Now I believe the flood was local, so I must as, what was meant by that? Did it mean that everything under their sky was (like as far as they could see) was flooded? That is the one thing that keeps on bugging me. I didn't find anything about that on the main page, so could you please help me understand?
God bless!

Re: Genesis & 24-hr days (The scientific proof for Genesis threa

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:48 am
by zoegirl
CAT wrote:The flies were “Warble fly” larvae which are typically known to be warm weather flies. Yes I'm sure they can live in some colder weather, but come on guys, NOT THE ARCTIC!

Zoe, autumn is still not freezing cold! And seed pods are still those of growing warm weather tropical plants. If the Arctic still had a AUTUMN season, I might consider visiting.

Gman, YES THERE ARE marine fossils found at “little Yosemite“. And upper Yosemite was determined to have been under an ancient sea of water. How far do you want to continue to stretch this truth? The reason that no marine fossils are found “specifically” on Yosemite is because as I stated earlier that the thick layers of sediment that rested on the sea bed was eventually folded and twisted and thrust above sea level. Simultaneously molten rock welled up from deep within the earth and cooled slowly beneath the layers of sediment to form granite. EROSION GRADUALLY WORE AWAY ALMOST ALL THE OVERLYING ROCK and exposed the granite. And even as uplifts continued to form the Sierra, water and then glaciers went to work to carve the face of Yosemite. WEATHERING AND EROSION STILL CONTINUE TO SHAPE IT TODAY! Is there some kind of brain blockage that does not allow you to “want” to understand this fact?

At this point I think you guys are just scrambling for leads.

Eventually the argument is going to get very old and stale to the point were I will just eventually leave this forum to seek more challenging insights.

I don't need to get the last word in on this one, seeing as I know a little something more about CALVARY!
hmm, you admit that you don't have your source and that all you have is "I remember" and *we're* scrambling for leads?!?!? Well that's....interesting. We actually challenge your assertions, discover at least three gaping holes in your statements, and you somehow have the chutzpah to claim you don't need the last word...

Again, cite your sources. The areas where the mammoth and other species were living in was not covered in snow or ice in the last ice age. As such , there would have been seasons, albeit short warmer seasons. and there easily could have been flies.

As for the warbler flies, all I can say is....cite your source....