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Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:26 am
by Silvertusk

My 2 cents.

My faith has been a journey both up and down. You can't shelter yourself from atheistic viewpoints or programs, articles shelter just to keep your faith strong. I became a believer through science which I have come to the conclusion that is the most rockiest way to come to faith - because science is always changing - new discoveries are made, new ideas and you have to keep trying to fit them into your world view. I have had many challenges to that - The evolution thing was big thing for me as I could not see how it fits in with a Creationist view (old earth) - but now I don't mind if that is the way it happened or not as either way seems a beautiful miraculous process - and you also come back to the point that even evolution needs the initial fine tuning to begin in the first place. And that always clinches it for me. So evidence for or against evolution does no longer shake my faith. Like I said I am finding it a more and more beautiful an amazing process, only something that could come from God. I now believe that if evolution is the way it happened - it may have been gradual but it certainly was not random.

I am sure the next challenge to my faith will be along soon - for instance Chaos theory is something I now need to look at and to see how that fits in to my world view - but again - each challenge makes your faith stronger all the time... Keep running the race my friend for the rewards are more than you can possibly imagine.

God Bless


Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:28 pm
by robyn hill
I agree with Silvertusk. My faith became much stronger once I began studying science, philosophy, and even many atheist websites. Before I studied these areas, and during college, I was afraid to read atheist materials. I was afraid what was said might be true, but I knew that even if it changed my faith, it was truth I was after, no matter the outcome. I was agnostic during this time. I studied, and continue to do so, and it has only reaffirmed my faith. Science has led me to see the amazing systems of our universe and how there is purpose through it's assembly. The cycles, our bodies, the resourses on earth, morals, consequences, all work together for the purpose of human life and the opportunity to develop character and to make our own choices. An intelligence is the only reasonable explanation to such intricacy. Chaos is the result of randomness. Evolution, natural selection, are only two of many processes that point to a world with many processes that must work together in unity to provide life, yet often these are the only two that atheists use to make a case.The more I study, and seek knowledge, combined with prayer for understanding, the more I have grattitude for the faith God has in us to give us intelligence to discover all of it. Christians don't need to cower in fear or ignorance. I am so grateful that God would never ask us to turn a blind eye or to ignore our need to question. I do think that in order to come to a strong faith, you should study with tenacious fervor. I believe most atheists who do the same will discover God. It is the Christians and atheists who don't question or study who I believe remain stagnant. I no longer view christianity as blind faith. I wouldn't have arrived at this understanding had I not taken the chance to find truth despite my fear, and now that I have, I have arrived at my beliefs without bias or sway from current trends, and trust God as he has allowed me keep both eyes wide open.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:20 am
by DocSir
My answer would be, honestly, that christianity and many faiths ARE losing their hold over many people in America. Atheist videos and Atheistic rants have more views because, well, christianity has no appeal other than fear anymore.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:30 am
by zoegirl
Or because it's an easy route for them to take...I would be curious to know how many have taken a good apologetic look at Christianity or have they just accepted atheism because it's easier...

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:10 am
by DannyM
I think youtube provides the atheists with an outlet to vent their spleen. Most rants I see are so ludicrous in that they are never based on real examination of the truth claims of religion and are usually littered with words like 'five' and 'senses' followed by claims of super-rationality. It really does begger belief.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:51 pm
by ramunematt
zoegirl wrote:Or because it's an easy route for them to take...I would be curious to know how many have taken a good apologetic look at Christianity or have they just accepted atheism because it's easier...
Funny. I wonder how many of the thousands of sects of Christianity you have taken a good look at. Or did you just skip that and stay apologetic because it's easier?

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:03 pm
by Vice
I have actually looked at apologetic people and heard them out, but in the end, they were not convincing to me. As for atheists and youtube, I think it's just "the place" for religious discussion in the mainstream of the internet.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:12 pm
by zoegirl
ramunematt wrote:
zoegirl wrote:Or because it's an easy route for them to take...I would be curious to know how many have taken a good apologetic look at Christianity or have they just accepted atheism because it's easier...
Funny. I wonder how many of the thousands of sects of Christianity you have taken a good look at. Or did you just skip that and stay apologetic because it's easier?
Not as many as I would like, but I have read. You'd be surprised at how many atheists haven't read a single good apologetics book.

I am certainly willing to criticize many Christians who don't know why they believe...I am quite certain there are plenty of atheists who don't know why they don't believe.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:25 pm
by Vice
zoegirl wrote:
ramunematt wrote:
zoegirl wrote:Or because it's an easy route for them to take...I would be curious to know how many have taken a good apologetic look at Christianity or have they just accepted atheism because it's easier...
Funny. I wonder how many of the thousands of sects of Christianity you have taken a good look at. Or did you just skip that and stay apologetic because it's easier?
Not as many as I would like, but I have read. You'd be surprised at how many atheists haven't read a single good apologetics book.

I am certainly willing to criticize many Christians who don't know why they believe...I am quite certain there are plenty of atheists who don't know why they don't believe.
Well, being an atheist doesn't make you smart, nor does being a Christian. Agree?

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:57 pm
by DannyM
Vice wrote:
zoegirl wrote:
ramunematt wrote:
zoegirl wrote:Or because it's an easy route for them to take...I would be curious to know how many have taken a good apologetic look at Christianity or have they just accepted atheism because it's easier...
Funny. I wonder how many of the thousands of sects of Christianity you have taken a good look at. Or did you just skip that and stay apologetic because it's easier?
Not as many as I would like, but I have read. You'd be surprised at how many atheists haven't read a single good apologetics book.

I am certainly willing to criticize many Christians who don't know why they believe...I am quite certain there are plenty of atheists who don't know why they don't believe.
Well, being an atheist doesn't make you smart, nor does being a Christian. Agree?
I doubt any sane being would disagree with that. But I would still say that it would be a smart choice to be a Christian.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:02 pm
by Vice
I don't see why. I'm assuming you mean because it would be safer. Well, If the Muslims are correct, we are both going to hell. So why not believe in Islam to be safe? I could name more examples for other religions. The point I am trying to make here is, we shouldn't believe things just because it is "safer" but we should strive to obtain knowledge and truth. Whether this truth is Christianity, Buddhism,Hinduism, Nose Paganism,etc etc fill in the blanks. It doesn't matter as long as we do our best with what we have as far as knowledge.

To me, I don't see any compelling evidence or arguments to believe in a God. If evidence or arguments do arise that are compelling, I will believe.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:47 am
by DannyM
Vice wrote:I don't see why. I'm assuming you mean because it would be safer.
Nope. Because it would be the correct choice.
Vice wrote:Well, If the Muslims are correct, we are both going to hell. So why not believe in Islam to be safe? I could name more examples for other religions.

If you believe the Muslims could be correct then I wish you well with that. As a Chrisitian, the Muslim faith has more flaws than the Canary Wharf building. Your question of "what if this religion is correct" is just a non-question for our purposes; when you weigh up and study each religion and each truth claim then you come to a decision. Saying "what about Islam" to me is about as pointless as you can get. It also does nothing in challenging the truth claims of Christianity.
Vice wrote:The point I am trying to make here is, we shouldn't believe things just because it is "safer" but we should strive to obtain knowledge and truth.
Who said anything about neglecting knowledge and truth?
Vice wrote:Whether this truth is Christianity, Buddhism,Hinduism, Nose Paganism,etc etc fill in the blanks. It doesn't matter as long as we do our best with what we have as far as knowledge.
This appears to be a rather wooly statement. Could you clarify what you mean here as it makes no real sense. Apologies if I have missed something here.
Vice wrote:To me, I don't see any compelling evidence or arguments to believe in a God. If evidence or arguments do arise that are compelling, I will believe.
Are you an atheist? What compelling evidence do you see for nothing and chance being your makers?

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:53 pm
by Gabrielman
Vice wrote: To me, I don't see any compelling evidence or arguments to believe in a God.
I do not see any compelling evidence or arguments to not believe in a God. What evidence would lead you to that conclusion? How is it more persuasive than the evidence for a God? Then again what evidence could ever prove there is no God? Are you looking for absolute proof? If you are then do you have absolute proof there is no God. Or do you just have faith that there isn't a God? What kind of burden of proof do you look for when coming to the conclusion that there is/isn't a God? Do you hold the same standard for evidence needed to say there isn't a God as you do for saying there is one?

I live by my faith and my experiences, that is how I keep my faith that there is a God and that some day I will be in paradise with Him. Though if I posted my experiences I am sure that some one may try to just write them off, which brings up the question, why do atheists try so much to "prove" there is no God? The reason Christians share our faith and try to convince people that there is a God is because we are convicted by our faith to do so, and Christ told us to spread the word to the world. But don't get me wrong, we don't do it because we are told to, no. We do it because we want others to feel the joy and hope and peace that comes with a relationship with God. A deep personal and loving relationship with the Lord, All He asks for is for you to willingly love Him. He wants a relationship with you, He wants to be with you, but you have to want that too in order for receive it, He can't just force it on you weather or not you want it.

God Bless

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:00 pm
by Vice
DannyM wrote:
Nope. Because it would be the correct choice.
I don't see how.
DannyM wrote:
If you believe the Muslims could be correct then I wish you well with that. As a Chrisitian, the Muslim faith has more flaws than the Canary Wharf building. Your question of "what if this religion is correct" is just a non-question for our purposes; when you weigh up and study each religion and each truth claim then you come to a decision. Saying "what about Islam" to me is about as pointless as you can get. It also does nothing in challenging the truth claims of Christianity.
Oh, both religions have flaws sir. Both make truth claims that one can not back up(As of yet). I will get to a more related answer on this in a bit. As it ties in to the other person's response.
DannyM wrote:
Who said anything about neglecting knowledge and truth?
It was simply a statement I made. Nothing directed at anyone in particular. But I will explain better in the next quote.
DannyM wrote:
This appears to be a rather wooly statement. Could you clarify what you mean here as it makes no real sense. Apologies if I have missed something here.
It simply means, we should follow where the evidence leads. If it leads to Christianity so be it. If it leads to Islam so be it. If it leads to Buddhism so be it.
DannyM wrote:
Are you an atheist? What compelling evidence do you see for nothing and chance being your makers?
I don't see compelling evidence for that. Because, that is not what science says at all.

Gabrielman wrote: I do not see any compelling evidence or arguments to not believe in a God. What evidence would lead you to that conclusion? How is it more persuasive than the evidence for a God? Then again what evidence could ever prove there is no God?
There doesn't have to be evidence proving no God. I will get to why below.
Are you looking for absolute proof? If you are then do you have absolute proof there is no God. Or do you just have faith that there isn't a God? What kind of burden of proof do you look for when coming to the conclusion that there is/isn't a God? Do you hold the same standard for evidence needed to say there isn't a God as you do for saying there is one?
Well, the thing is if there is no evidence for said claim then there is no reason to believe it. If I told you that I was God, would you not ask me for proof? Now, I'm not claiming seriously that I am God. But what if I did? You would want evidence that I am.

When you understand why you don't believe in all the other Gods, you will understand why I don't believe in yours.

[quote[I live by my faith and my experiences, that is how I keep my faith that there is a God and that some day I will be in paradise with Him. Though if I posted my experiences I am sure that some one may try to just write them off,[/quote]
Well, you know that Muslims and such have these experiences too. Would you write those off?

which brings up the question, why do atheists try so much to "prove" there is no God?
Well, in my case I just like to debate this subject. It's fun to me. Because I used to be a Theist myself. I like challenging myself.
The reason Christians share our faith and try to convince people that there is a God is because we are convicted by our faith to do so, and Christ told us to spread the word to the world. But don't get me wrong, we don't do it because we are told to, no. We do it because we want others to feel the joy and hope and peace that comes with a relationship with God. A deep personal and loving relationship with the Lord, All He asks for is for you to willingly love Him. He wants a relationship with you, He wants to be with you, but you have to want that too in order for receive it, He can't just force it on you weather or not you want it.

God Bless
I'm well aware of the Christian teachings. But to be honest, the teachings of the Bible don't convince me. I'm talking about the truth claims.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:38 pm
by sinnerbybirth
Hey Vice, just a couple of questions.
Vice wrote:
Well, in my case I just like to debate this subject. It's fun to me. Because I used to be a Theist myself. I like challenging myself.
Who or what changed this for you?
Vice wrote: I'm well aware of the Christian teachings. But to be honest, the teachings of the Bible don't convince me. I'm talking about the truth claims.
Have you found it yet? Truth that is.
Just curious.