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Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:48 am
by Imperial
Jac3510 wrote:Did you even read the thread, Imp?

One of the things that bothers me about ideologues, whether conservative or liberal, is when they spew their talking points without giving their own views the benefit of a full philosophical analysis before submitting to it. I realize doing that is hard work, and most people these days are intellectually lazy, but if you really think one line is sufficient to discount centuries of precedent and, more importantly, a finely nuanced treatment of any given subject, then there's nothing for us to talk about. If all you want to do is post your own views rather than engage in discussion--which is kind of the point of a discussion board--then use your own blog.

Since I really don't expect you to slog your way through the position presented here, I'll just ask you a very simple question that was never hinted at during this particular debate:

How can gay marriage be good when the average life expectancy of a gay man in a monogamous gay relationship is only 41? In fact, how is it that gay men who are never "married" (that is, develop a long term monogamous relationship) have a median age of death of 42; that is, that is, if gay marriage is so good, why do gay married men die earlier than single gay men??? What is it about being in a gay marriage that shortens your lifespan? In fact, given that the median age of death for a married man is 75, Why should society support something that cuts your life expectancy in half?

By the way, you should note that these numbers are based on those who never contract AIDS. Of those who do, married or not, the median age of death is 39 . . . amazingly, AIDS only cuts the average gay man's life short by three years; it only cuts those in a monogamous, long-term relationship down by two . . .

The bottom line is simple, Imp. While we have a very sophisticated and philosophically nuanced argument against gay marriage, in the end, we can just point out that it is lethal, and on that grounds alone, it is something that should be discouraged.
Yaaa if you've seen any of my other posts, i've stated everything i believe on gay marriage INTENSELY. Im not gonna copy and paste it to every related thread. And just glancing at what you wrote made me just not wanna read it :P its the same old crap.


Domestic Partnership / Civil Union + All the rights of Marriage = Win

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:04 pm
by Jac3510
Yeah, that's what I thought. Forgive me . . . I was so blown away by your philosophical acumen and your incisive dismantling of Aristotelian and Thomistic metaphysics that I failed to realize how amazingly powerful your and absolutely authoritative, if not divine, your pronouncements were.


Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:56 pm
by Canuckster1127
That just makes me want to dive into apologetics all the more. ;)

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:42 pm
by Jac3510
Canuckster1127 wrote:That just makes me want to dive into apologetics all the more. ;)
Prov 26:4-5 . . . you tell me which applies here :)

I would assume 4, only because of the demonstrated disinterest on actually interacting with any kind of discussion, at least on this particular issue. But perhaps I'm wrong. I hear it has happened before . . . y:-? :twisted:

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:44 pm
by Canuckster1127
Thanks for clearing that up.

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:57 pm
by Jac3510
Anytime. Always willing to help a friend in need.

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:22 am
by DannyM
Imperial wrote:And just glancing at what you wrote made me just not wanna read it :P its the same old crap.
Talk about open minded ... :shakehead:

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:57 pm
by Imperial
DannyM wrote:
Imperial wrote:And just glancing at what you wrote made me just not wanna read it :P its the same old crap.
Talk about open minded ... :shakehead:
Dude i've been open minded... After being on this site for a while i pretty much know EVERYTHING you all believe in when it comes to gay marriage. And i definatly don't agree with any of it. If your definition of "open minded" is to give in and believe what you believe =/ we are on 2 different pages here.

There's no point in arguing about gay marriage anymore, none of what anyone says on this site is going to change what is eventually going to happen. You can predict all you want but you can't be 100% sure on anything.

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:10 am
by DannyM
Imperial wrote:
DannyM wrote:
Imperial wrote:And just glancing at what you wrote made me just not wanna read it :P its the same old crap.
Talk about open minded ... :shakehead:
Dude i've been open minded... After being on this site for a while i pretty much know EVERYTHING you all believe in when it comes to gay marriage. And i definatly don't agree with any of it. If your definition of "open minded" is to give in and believe what you believe =/ we are on 2 different pages here.

There's no point in arguing about gay marriage anymore, none of what anyone says on this site is going to change what is eventually going to happen. You can predict all you want but you can't be 100% sure on anything.
This is important if you are to be free from ignorance. You have shown yourself unwilling to even look at the philosophical arguments provided against gay marriage, let alone come up with any kind of rebuttal to those arguments. I mean just look at what you wrote: "And just glancing at what you wrote made me just not wanna read it ... its the same old crap." How do you suppose people will take you seriously when you simply dismiss a highly sophisticated argument, petulantly asserting that, "Oh well, gay marriage is going to happen whether you like it or not, so nur nur nur nur nur!"?

Why on earth are you even here if there's "no point in arguing about gay marriage anymore, none of what anyone says on this site is going to change what is eventually going to happen."? So YOUR, ahem, arguments count but others' don't? If you do not get agreement then you throw up your hands, put your fingers in your ears and just dismiss other points of view since it does not fit with your agenda?

Hey, dude, I think you need to either argue against the position or keep your powder dry until you are prepared to at least try to provide an argument. It truly is the taking part that counts here. Better to come forward with a weak argument than no argument at all. 8)

Re: Gay "Marriage"

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:55 am
by Kurieuo
Imperial wrote:
DannyM wrote:
Imperial wrote:And just glancing at what you wrote made me just not wanna read it :P its the same old crap.
Talk about open minded ... :shakehead:
Dude i've been open minded... After being on this site for a while i pretty much know EVERYTHING you all believe in when it comes to gay marriage. And i definatly don't agree with any of it. If your definition of "open minded" is to give in and believe what you believe =/ we are on 2 different pages here.
Can I ask two questions, perhaps with a different, less controversial issue.

What virtues or values do are you upholding in supporting "gay marraige", and for Christians who don't support it, what virtues/values do you believe they are treading underfoot?