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Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:50 pm
by Gabrielman
J.Davis wrote:No, I’m afraid you are mistaken here….kenpachi kicked his backside the entire time during that fight. Then Ichigo Borrowed Zangetsu’s Power and merged with him. As kenpachi pointed out it was a weak, cowardly move (But he said it much better…LOL) you know, given that he couldn’t fight his own fight. Then in the end they both dealt the final death blow (It didn’t kill them) and both fell but kenpachi was the last one standing. And both have grown since then.

Something about the whole situation seems familiar here...If it’s not borrowed power it a mask or in this case….LOL…Joking!!!!

It was all said with the utmost respect cslewislover. I would have let it go but it’s just against my nature. I never lose…never…I mean….kenpachi…kenpachi…lol.

Well Gab! That was fun…But you should know that the patch stayed on this whole time… :)

End scene….
y=; come on, really? Is that all you got? ;) Actually Kenpachi admitted a few things during the fight, 1 that Ichigo was stronger, and 2 at the end that Ichigo had won. You should really pay more attention to what is said during the fight. I could link you to the fight in its entirety, but I am not sure you are ready for it yet. You see Ichigo was only using his shikai, while kenpachi was going all out, essentially his banki. And Ichigo still won. Now you should know that so far as borrowing power, that isn't the best word describe it. Ichigo didn't "borrow" the power of Zangetsu, oh no, that is his power. You see, and you would know this if you did your research (what kind of warrior are you!? Come on man, be prepared for your battles) you would know that a soul reaper's power is their Zanpakutō. Just like the samurai, the sword of a real soul reaper is part of who they are. Zangetsu is part of Ichigo, and he was just then learning how to use that power. And the hollow mask, that is Ichigo's own mask. It is his hollow side, which he completely owned and now can use the power of at his own will. It may also benefit you to know that when in banki Ichigo has twice the spiritual energy and spiritual pressure of a captain, with his mask, he has 4x! And that is not counting his new power, which if you had kept up on the manga and seen the most recent things, give him new abilities the likes of which no one has ever seen before. So all the power he gets, is his own to begin with. Look deeper in and you will see that when he fights Zangetsu for the right to use his banki, and when he fights Tensa-Zangetsu and his hollow, he tells him that it is his power, and he must prove himself to be allowed to use it. So all of that power, is his.
J.Davis wrote: I’ll let you guy’s see what I’m working on soon and show you how it was done. Also, I’ll get back to you on Solty Rei. This ending was inevitable but I was hoping that you would wait a bit more cslewislover. Now the picture won’t be as fun…but it’s still cool. Maybe you can see it in two more days or less, It’s quite complex.
This ending was inevitable? What might you be getting at here?
J.Davis wrote: This must have been the first time I’ve seen Gab get fired up and out of his normal super nice guy character. I am sure you Love cslewislover Gab…LOL. I was just fanning the flame a bit…I would never disrespect you like that…You are a cool dude but take it easy with all that smugness!…LOL. And you guy’s love each other like crazy!
Me, fired up? :o You haven't seen fired up, lol I haven't even drawn my sword yet y:> Yes we love each other like crazy, and we have for some time now. What can I say? She is the most wonderful woman alive!
J.Davis wrote: And I love my girl, who was reading in on this the whole time…Love you Pureheart.. y@};-
You should have her come on the board!

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:09 pm
by Gabrielman
This is his banki, he is using flash step! Image

It would also be wise to note that Ichigo stopped a cero (A very powerful hollow spell) from a menos grande (a very powerful hollow type) before he even knew shikai, lol I am having fun now.

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:52 am
by Zak
Hi I I'm new but I like anime and bleach. this should be fun. I like death note F.M.A and bleach. I also like kenpachi. so bye. :wave:

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:53 am
by Gabrielman
Zak wrote:Hi I I'm new but I like anime and bleach. this should be fun. I like death note F.M.A and bleach. I also like kenpachi. so bye. :wave:
:pound: I like that, "I also like kenpachi. so bye :wave: " LOL epic! You need to catch up on the Bleach man, you are missing some!

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:57 am
by Zak
Gabrielman wrote:
Zak wrote:Hi I I'm new but I like anime and bleach. this should be fun. I like death note F.M.A and bleach. I also like kenpachi. so bye. :wave:
:pound: I like that, "I also like kenpachi. so bye :wave: " LOL epic! You need to catch up on the Bleach man, you are missing some!
Yes but you need to catch up in F.M.A so don't get cocky dude.

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:59 am
by Gabrielman
Zak wrote:
Gabrielman wrote:
Zak wrote:Hi I I'm new but I like anime and bleach. this should be fun. I like death note F.M.A and bleach. I also like kenpachi. so bye. :wave:
:pound: I like that, "I also like kenpachi. so bye :wave: " LOL epic! You need to catch up on the Bleach man, you are missing some!
Yes but you need to catch up in F.M.A so don't get cocky dude.
Uh.... I have watched the whole thing man... and you haven't seen them all... so yeah.... now who's cocky? :D

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:00 am
by Zak

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:01 am
by Gabrielman
Hey J. Davis, here is a link so you can see Bleach from the first episode. :ebiggrin: Just click the big grin!

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:02 am
by Gabrielman
Zak wrote:DUDE YOU NEED TO WATCH HALO ANIME! watch it now! dude
:? uh.... what? Seriously, an anime based off of the game? We are talking a Japanese anime right? Wow.... what's next for Japan... global domination?

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:06 am
by Zak
Image I like this a lot.

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:08 am
by Zak
This to Image

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:09 am
by Gabrielman
Zak wrote:This to Image
:pound: LOL Azien needs coffee! That is the source of his power! Take that away and what does he got? Nothing! LOL nice

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:49 am
by J.Davis
You know…Just because one person seems to have a victory doesn’t mean the other person was defeated. You should know that…Gab….Even God appeared to fall to beings that were weaker than him. It’s all a matter of perspective and we all know the truth behind that story. Kenpachi destroyed ichigo darn near the whole fight and in the end he said “you won dumb not so nice word” as ichigo was lying on the ground beaten and lifeless. He was saying that it was a personal loss for him not that ichigo beat him. Kenpachi was standing exactly 52 seconds (youtube time) after ichigo fell and then 3 seconds before he was about to fall he said you won dumb not so nice word. It’s no different than Jesus saying it is finish. Humans didn’t kill God just the same as Kenpachi was not defeated by that weakling ichigo in that fight (and it is an example, not saying anyone is God but God). That is the bottom line my friend…Kenpachi won that fight…period. And to dismiss that fact just means you choose to lie to yourself. Anyone that wants to watch the fight just type in ichigo vs kenpachi in a google search. And then click on the first youtube link. I won’t give a direct link because I do not believe all the language is appropriate for a Christian forum and I don’t know the age limit here.

But all and all Gab...I do not care about that fictional fight..All of this was just a bit of fun.

Gab I want to know something…You said….
Gabrielman wrote: :lol: no one took what you said as offensive. I have a few more pics I would like to work on for your sig pic, lol ones with just that touch of smugness you need ;)
And after I was extremely nice and I do not believed showed any sign of flirtation or rudeness. Maybe unless you mistook my post about Kenpachi preparing for his night out as an escort for a sophisticated woman, and then I gave the wink at the end. But that post had a dual meaning just like most of my post after that one had a dual meaning (because you got smart). 1.Remember, my girl reads this forum when I tell her of an interesting thread. 2. Cslewislover had previously attempted to soften up Kenpachi's Image. I gave the most logical reason for the picture given the nature and character of the images involved. The wink at the end was me telling Cslewislover that I reversed another one. And of coarse the whole meaning behind why I even understand that picture is because I love my girl that much and would do anything for her (Not that I have worn pink slippers or read cosmos lol).

That is the only thing I can think of that you may have misjudged. And I could understand that…But lets hear it. Am I right or no and if not what was it?

You could try to break down my argument against your fictional character. But it won’t work...I assure you. Best you can do is use a variation of the argument I gave in my first paragraph but still that would only be in your mind because you do not have the visual proof as I do. Do you really want to go on with this? But Gab…no matter what…Kenpachi darn sure won this battle…LOL! :)


Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:59 am
by Zak
Kenpachi didn't win! And my mom wasn't flirting with you!!! =D

Re: Anime & Anime Images

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:09 am
by J.Davis
LOL! You are Cslewislover son? Cool! Ok…No, I did not say she was flirting with me. Absolutely not…Why did you say that??? I just want to know the reasons for Gab’s reply.

And Kenpachi did win…LOL!