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Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:25 pm
by secretfire6
i'm new to the site and have recently been doing some research and soul-searching on the global flood subject. As for the question that started the disscussion, well there are more issues than just breathable air to contend with, there is also temperature and pressure. If the waters pushed all the atmoshpere up with it as someone suggested might be a counterpoint, would not the properties of the entire atmosphere change? The atmospheric layers that we have now and the elements in those layers and how they behave are governed by gravity, temperature and pressure. If they were all lifted 30,000 feet up for any great length of time, those governing factors would change...temperature drop, pressure drop and hold of gravity weakens.
The temperature drop alone would be potentially lethal. Wouldn't the surface of the waters be ice after a few days? I know the ark was large and they could have had a place to make fires, but we are talking EXTREMELY cold for almost an enitre year if they were up that high. I dont think the mountains they were talking about were the Himilayas, or the alps, or the rockies or Andes. From my understanding of the scriptures, the flood of Noah was in mesopotamia, for thats where all humans on earth had ever lived before the tower of Babel. I would also encourage you to read Psalms 104 paying close attention to Vs 5-9. Also see proverbs 8:28,29 Jeremiah 5:22 and Job 38:8-11.
Reading the modern english translations and interpretations of Noah's flood do seem to convey an idea of global destruction under deep water, however the original languages do not do the same. Even reading within the modern english story itself, you can find instances where the word "earth" is not referring to the entire planet. If we have found even one instance where "earth" is not the planet, then it is no longer safe to assume ANY use of "earth" can mean the planet. you must then search the context for clues to a reference for what "earth" is. IE land, region, area, ground, kingdom, city, types or generations of peoples, etc..

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:16 am
by twinc
millions of dead things buried in sedimentary rock layers laid down by water all over the earth[repeat all over the earth] - marine fossils found on inland deserts and top of mountains - twinc

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:42 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
twinc wrote:millions of dead things buried in sedimentary rock layers laid down by water all over the earth[repeat all over the earth] - marine fossils found on inland deserts and top of mountains - twinc

Tectonic plate movement means that over millions of years every part of the world would have been under water at some point so it is quite reasonable for there to be fossilised sea creatures in the desert.


Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:01 am
by twinc
another great con and flight of fantasy over riding fact that there was not nor could there be millions of years - millions of years ago there would have been only dust and ashes or may be even goo in boiling water - so maybe this is where some say we originated from goo to zoo to you - come home soon - twinc

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:25 am
by neo-x
no twinc, not everything can be just labeled "a great con", cuz you think it is. There are certain methods to obtain these figures, people just don't make it out of thin air, as some hardcore YEC preachers might have you believed. To ignore evidence is plainly being dishonest and ignorant of the facts.

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:39 am
by twinc
neo-x wrote:no twinc, not everything can be just labeled "a great con", cuz you think it is. There are certain methods to obtain these figures, people just don't make it out of thin air, as some hardcore YEC preachers might have you believed. To ignore evidence is plainly being dishonest and ignorant of the facts.
exactly and agreed so who is ignoring the evidence and being dishonest and ignorant other than the con and hoax merchants and the fakers and falsefiers and pseudo/phoney non science and nonsense - twinc

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:20 am
by neo-x
you are stuck on a translation issue. Not only that but you are ignoring a ton of data.

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:27 am
by RickD
Twinc, it's time for you to actually participate in the threads, instead of just posting tired rhetoric. You are starting to post the same rhetoric on every thread. If you don't actually participate, and answer questions, then you need to think about why you are here, and if this is a place for you. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of his creation belief. But you need to actually participate, and answer questions asked of you.

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:40 am
by neo-x
another great con and flight of fantasy over riding fact that there was not nor could there be millions of years - millions of years ago there would have been only dust and ashes or may be even goo in boiling water - so maybe this is where some say we originated from goo to zoo to you - come home soon - twinc
It seems to me that you do not have the slightest understanding of what you are trying to say here, seriously, you don't. You need to open the box and think, think hard, see facts, then form your opinion. The systems that God made are astounding, they are grand, in such that their perfection leaves me in awe and wonder. And the more we find about their intricate nature and detailed workings the more we understand the hand of God. So think about it rather than just assert your opinion.

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:21 pm
by twinc
dont open any more boxes - start returning all the crazy stuff let out of the [Pandora's boxes]- crazy mad pseudo/phoney science - once upon a time billions pf years ago when there was nothing,this nothing exploded and became everything - daft I call it but some call it science and truth and fact - there is also much more crazy stuff around so come home now - twinc

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:42 pm
by RickD
twinc wrote:dont open any more boxes - start returning all the crazy stuff let out of the [Pandora's boxes]- crazy mad pseudo/phoney science - once upon a time billions pf years ago when there was nothing,this nothing exploded and became everything - daft I call it but some call it science and truth and fact - there is also much more crazy stuff around so come home now - twinc
Twinc, that certainly is a major misrepresentation of what day age/old earth Creationists believe. OECs don't believe "nothing exploded, and became everything". God did the creating, not "nothing". If you're going to argue against a position, the least you could do is make an honest attempt to understand what you're arguing against. But then again, you haven't been arguing against anything. You've just been spouting off rhetoric, and ignoring anyone that disagrees with your rhetoric.

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:55 pm
by twinc
seems I have it wrong but I surmised this was a mainly Christian forum and millions of years [ of evolution ] is not Christian in any way shape or form but is way out,weird and wacky - twinc

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:02 pm
by RickD
twinc wrote:seems I have it wrong but I surmised this was a mainly Christian forum and millions of years [ of evolution ] is not Christian in any way shape or form but is way out,weird and wacky - twinc
Yes, twinc, you do have it wrong. Please start with this page from the home site:
Then, you'll have at least a basic understanding of old earth creationism. Then, you can ask some questions if you are unsure about anything. Or, you can do a search on the home site. Most of your supposed objections have been answered before. You're not the first young earth creationist to visit the site. I'll tell you a little secret, if you promise not to tell anyone. I too, used to be a yec.

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:19 pm
by twinc
I'll tell you a big secret in return - I am the real McCoy - I am an 82yr old YEC who was once a young OEC and even worse a phoney Christian Evolutionist - you had better be getting your basics right and come home now - twinc

Re: Genesis flood question to ponder

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:25 pm
by RickD
twinc wrote:I'll tell you a big secret in return - I am the real McCoy - I am an 82yr old YEC who was once a young OEC and even worse a phoney Christian Evolutionist - you had better be getting your basics right and come home now - twinc
Oh, so at your age, you were around when God created the heavens and the earth. :esurprised: :pound:
Did you look at any of the links I posted for you? For someone who says he was an OEC, you really don't show that you know much about it.
And, I am home, my friend. Home safe and secure, in Christ. ;)