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Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:48 pm
by secretfire6
yeah definately can't read Genesis as if it were a textbook in class. It tells us the very basic of basics about the beginning of our planet in a pretty, poetic way. If we wish to know the nitty-gritty and want the details, we must learn and examine the laws, systems and processes that God set in place to make the things he created work. That's what science is.
As for where all the water came from..well, the best theory i've heard is that Earth got many of its unique and vital elements from an early impact with another small planet..before Earth was Earth. The Bible is silent about anything this early in creation so we are left with going by what is most likely to have happened. All I can say for sure is that we got our water sometime during or after our core became live and before the sun ignited. The live core gives us our magnetosphere which protects our atmosphere and liquid water from the solar winds of the burning sun.

You are right though, only he really knows. it's just fun trying to figure it out :)

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:07 am
by kmr
Hahaha :lol: :pound: !!!

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:46 am
by carpentersson
We believe and it is evident from reading the bible that the God of creation is a God of order and not chaos.
Therefore His account of creation in Genesis should be ordered and not confused as your idea suggests.
If the genesis "days" are literal 24 hour periods, then why "call" them day and "call" them night?
If the genesis "days" are literal 24 hour periods, then why always say "there was a morning and there was an evening"?
What would be the purpose of such wording to explain something so commonly understood as a regular day?
The creation "days" are clearly marked by a coming of light and a coming of darkness, distinctly separate periods "called"
"days" by a timeless Creator. I think Hugh Ross and others have it right, these are God's days and not men's days.

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:59 am
by secretfire6
carpentersson wrote:We believe and it is evident from reading the bible that the God of creation is a God of order and not chaos.
Therefore His account of creation in Genesis should be ordered and not confused as your idea suggests.
If the genesis "days" are literal 24 hour periods, then why "call" them day and "call" them night?
If the genesis "days" are literal 24 hour periods, then why always say "there was a morning and there was an evening"?
What would be the purpose of such wording to explain something so commonly understood as a regular day?
The creation "days" are clearly marked by a coming of light and a coming of darkness, distinctly separate periods "called"
"days" by a timeless Creator. I think Hugh Ross and others have it right, these are God's days and not men's days.
Which part of my statement suggests chaos? maybe the word impact? sure, initially it brings to mind destruction and a massive energy release, but what is the ultimate result? 2 planetary bodies become 1, all elements necessary for life are gathered and sorted onto it, remenants become the moon to stabalize and balance our orbit as well as give us tides. It also gave the planet the right mass and enough Iron to make our planets core "live" thus giving us our magnetosphere which protects our water, atmosphere and life from solar radiation. It is very orderly and done very purposefully. This is all stuff that happenes before the Bible starts. It's not really my idea, just the best one I've ever heard. I believe you are right, they are not man's days, they are God's creation days :)'s just a few reasons why
"Day" is an english word. Genesis was written in Ancient Hebrew and its word for day has several meanings including: span of time from sunset to sunset, span of time from sun up to sun down, span of someones lifetime, span of a reign of a king, age, Eon or any span of time with a beginning and an end in which something of importance occurs. Even in modern English we use "day" this way figuratively.
God called the LIGHT day and the DARKNESS night. Its a general statement and is not applied to people, times, or the earth. The sun, moon, stars and their purposes are not revealed until later, so how can you tell a reader about 24 hours, sunrise and sunset before there is a sun to see? In the scriptures it acctually says evening came first, then there was morning. Evening for ancient hebrews was both the beginning of one day and the end of another and morning was the beginning of "the light or warm hours". So no matter how you look at it, it doesnt refer to a beginning and then an end of a 24 or 12 hour day. you either have a beginning and a half way point or a beginning and another beginning if you try to read it literally and in that order.
Genesis chapter 1 is also a hebrew poem. Every reliable biblical and hebrew language/cultural scholar that ive asked or read about has confirmed that for me. it explains the different writting styles from chapter 1 to chapter 2, it explains the pattern and repetition of verses still evident in other translations and it explains the figurative useage of the words. Throw in the fact that at the end of the account it says that this is the story of the earth, its creation and all life in the "day" god created it. So now all those 6 days happened in one day and the logic for day soley referring to 24 hours is shattered. The original text acctually never says (a) (the) first day. It reads "...came to be morning, time span one"

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:48 pm
by carpentersson
Sorry...I'm still new here and maybe my computer is slow or I clicked on the wrong thing but I was not replying to your post. y#-o
Actually, I don't disagree with you.
About the days:
My thinking is that a timeless God can see things from a timeless perspective and can show us the video of creation at any speed. And, if God shows the video of prehistory, then from what perspective will it play?
Does the author write of earth as seen from far in outerspace? Or is the scene played out from the perspective of an ant?
It seems logical that the writer must be telling the story from the earthly ground level perspective of mortal man.
So, when everything seen from a man's point of view has been in darkness for 2 billion years and then there is a coming of light, He calls that morning, He calls that day. If after eons of time pass and the surface of the earth becomes darkened again, He calls that evening, He calls that night. The evening and the morning He calls a day. The point is that the first 6 great periods of time of genesis were marked by 12 periods, 6 periods of darkness and 6 periods of light, beginning and ending at each changeover point.

I did not know there was poetry involved.

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:32 pm
by carpentersson
Oh, I see. You can make a post, somebody will respond to it and then edit their post leaving your reply to a missing post.

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:40 pm
by RickD
carpentersson wrote:Oh, I see. You can make a post, somebody will respond to it and then edit their post leaving your reply to a missing post.
Carpentersson, if you're having an issue with something, please let a mod know, so someone can help.

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:27 pm
by B. W.
For a little jovial relief...

Sometimes I run across an interesting passage in the bible and think of Evolution...

Job 11:12, "An idiot will become intelligent when the foal of a wild donkey is born a man." NASB

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:45 am
by secretfire6
carpentersson wrote:secretfire6,
Sorry...I'm still new here and maybe my computer is slow or I clicked on the wrong thing but I was not replying to your post. y#-o
Actually, I don't disagree with you.
About the days:
My thinking is that a timeless God can see things from a timeless perspective and can show us the video of creation at any speed. And, if God shows the video of prehistory, then from what perspective will it play?
Does the author write of earth as seen from far in outerspace? Or is the scene played out from the perspective of an ant?
It seems logical that the writer must be telling the story from the earthly ground level perspective of mortal man.
So, when everything seen from a man's point of view has been in darkness for 2 billion years and then there is a coming of light, He calls that morning, He calls that day. If after eons of time pass and the surface of the earth becomes darkened again, He calls that evening, He calls that night. The evening and the morning He calls a day. The point is that the first 6 great periods of time of genesis were marked by 12 periods, 6 periods of darkness and 6 periods of light, beginning and ending at each changeover point.

I did not know there was poetry involved.
oh ok yeah, it took me a little while to get the hang of it. i like to use to "quote" button if i want to respond to somebody directly and their post is already a few back. So many of these get side tracked and when you are on your 3rd page of posts and somebody is responding to the original, we are a bit confused at first. Yep Genesis chapter one is a poem in ancient hebrew. it also doesnt end where our modern bibles end it. i have an inclination to believe as im sure others have noticed as well, that chapter one actually ends at 2:4 and 2:5 should be the beginning of chapter 2.

Re: Just another Genesis idea...

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:47 am
by secretfire6
LOL BW. it sounds like one of those "when pigs fly" statements. I would never have thought I'd see something like that in the Bible. Who was saying that? what was going on at the time?