Re: Was Adam the first human?
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:52 am
It is based on fossil records not on the Bible, the Bible is mute about it. Which flood are you talking about? be specific please. My question is, why did the genetic drift happened as you say. I am sorry i do not understand your mentioning of 20 years generation, what is your point by it?must have been considerable genetic and physiological changes from then to our current form now. Of course they became extinct, there was a flood. This would have been followed by considerable genetic drift (stated clearly in the bible where it shows their decreasing lifespans, which were passed on to their children, and hence proves genetic change of a very large order). These much later much shorter lived people would have had generations of only 20 years, as today, and so would have greatly outbred and swamped out any of the old genetically pre flood race. Therefor, your artificial, not biblically supported, and in fact even biblically denied distinction between homo sapiens and non homo sapiens as humans is not warrented.
There are noAs for ice ages, the actual timespans are ice ages of about 100,000 to 120,000 years with interglacials of about 10,000 to 12,000 years, at least "recently" (we are due for the end of one right now). Considering that Adam lived to be over 900 years old, as did many others pre flood, and that thus the timespan of a single genration could have been 200, rather than 20, years, your dates must be way off. The timespan from peoples who lived to be 900 to when they only lived to be 70 must be quite long, especially since they had to start over after a flood. Thus, you need to start over, Adam at only 5000 years ago, impossible!
As for the ice, of course the bible doesn't speak of it, they lived in the middle east, that is clearly stated, the ice was far north and south of them, in the temperate zones. The only real diference they would have noticed would be a far lower sea level (hundreds of feet), and a generally drier climate (as clearly stated in genesis account of the pre flood climate). When the ice age ends, as it has been recently discovered can happen with extreme suddeness, the result could be a sudden deluge of rain and a flood over them if they were living in a place which is now several hundred feet below sea level, sound familiar? As for language and writing, well, the most currently likely beleived site where they lived, starting with the genesis description of the area, is off the coast of the middle east and is now several hundred feet below the sea. Any language or writing those people did would be washed away when they were, and the evidence also washed away, possibly not once but as many times as there have been ice ages between then and now. And then there is the whole tower of babel thing, that would have muddied the laguage and civilization waters as well. Threfore, the whole "civilization started so many years ago" argument is moot, that only covers civilization since the end of the last ice age at most, and with the long lifespans of those ancient men, that simply does not leave enough time between Adam and modern, short lived humans. You may also wish to go to the the parent site and read up on it, the idea that the names given in the geneologies are the only ones is not true, the word 'father" can also mean grandfather or great great etc grandfather and thus the timespan covered could be VERY much longer ... ogies.html .
timespans regarding ice ages, they are more like a ranges, some scientists think some are more accurate some think otherwise. Depends who you choose to support your theory.actual
I am aware what the word father could mean. your points are interesting, however even if you say about the ice age (which can be interpreted multiple way) I am not YEC, I just do not think Adam was the first human, I think there were humans before Adam and Adam is somewhere around 5000 or 6000 B.C years since it has to be in civilization not before.
I made a point in my post regarding language and written language with grammar and syntax since the humans you are putting at 100000 or before did carry language like we know and the Bible clearly says that the characters in genesis even the pre-flood human spoke language. If you put humans way back like you are putting them than I'm sorry, your arguments would not be concluded as they clearly would fail at language. language and modern speech in humans arose somewhere between 100000 - 50000 B.C but it was like the speech that apes have today. Language and speech as we know arose around when civilization arose. And this is backed up by scientific evidence, just google it up.