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Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:34 am
by neo-x
by StMonicaGuideMe on Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:15 am

neo-x wrote:

So there is a God?

Is there a posibilty that you'd like to consider?

( :swhat: )

:srofl: :slol: :srofl: oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard at this part :pound: :pound: :pound:

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:20 am
by August
Reactionary wrote:
August wrote:
StMonicaGuideMe wrote:ROFL! Reactionary XD that was AMAZING. WELL DONE BRAVO!

My favourite was "we'll have the theory of everything".


What kills me is how "it's just a matter of time" sounds EXACTLY like FAITH! LOL OOOOOOOOOOOH SO FUNNY
Mmmm, did he do that just a little too well?
August, I was never an atheist, if that's what you meant. :ebiggrin:
I know, I was just messing with you because of your disclaimer.

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:54 am
by PaulSacramento
neo-x wrote:Can you replicate the first chemical processes that started all of it?
If it can be replicated then it means that an intelligent being would be needed to "cause" it.
Replication must be "independent". it must not be because of anything other than itself or that would me an "eternal force" causing It to happen.

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:40 pm
by Murray
This man should probably shave, or at least try to keep his beard up a tid bit better. Very hard to take seriously....

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:49 pm
by Mariolee
What the heck is up with that title? Why the discrimination? Should Christians really be the ones criticizing how one looks when John the Baptist himself ate locusts and did some pretty disgusting stuff in the desert. I mean, he wasn't exactly a looker. Seriously, this is a simple WWJD moment where you have to ask yourself if Jesus would approve of this thread title.

Edit: Whoa, just read through this thread. This is purely my opinion based on what I have read and interpreted of the Bible, but making fun of how Atheists respond doesn't seem like the most respectable or honorable thing to do. If we truly want to discuss with this Asian Atheist, should we not first be able to respect him first? And how can we respect him if we call him silly looking or make fun of the way Atheists respond? Yes, they do it to us, but we're supposed to be better than them on a moral standard, right? As Christians we have to be the light of the world, and would the lights of the world make fun of people behind their backs? C'mon now.

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:36 pm
by neo-x
Mariolee on Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:49 am

What the heck is up with that title? Why the discrimination? Should Christians really be the ones criticizing how one looks when John the Baptist himself ate locusts and did some pretty disgusting stuff in the desert. I mean, he wasn't exactly a looker. Seriously, this is a simple WWJD moment where you have to ask yourself if Jesus would approve of this thread title.

Edit: Whoa, just read through this thread. This is purely my opinion based on what I have read and interpreted of the Bible, but making fun of how Atheists respond doesn't seem like the most respectable or honorable thing to do. If we truly want to discuss with this Asian Atheist, should we not first be able to respect him first? And how can we respect him if we call him silly looking or make fun of the way Atheists respond? Yes, they do it to us, but we're supposed to be better than them on a moral standard, right? As Christians we have to be the light of the world, and would the lights of the world make fun of people behind their backs? C'mon now.
I agree that the title is not the best, it shouldn't be that way. And I think the moderator acknowledged it too
by Canuckster1127 on Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:50 am

No need to mock his appearance.
Though I do think you are placing more credit then due.

No body is stopping him from coming here and discussing it, posting on youtube is an easy thing. He was even referred a number of times to come to this place.

While I agree making fun of someone look is certainly wrong in any way, I don't think why we can't have a good laugh over how absurd sometimes atheists respond. We are not doing it cuz they do it to us, there is no silly revenge here, it just came naturally.

Sorry if you are offended, and sorry to the Asian guy too, and yeah it would be nice if we can change the title of the thread. I don't want someone to think we are idiots like the WBC.

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:29 am
by DannyM
Mariolee wrote:What the heck is up with that title? Why the discrimination? Should Christians really be the ones criticizing how one looks when John the Baptist himself ate locusts and did some pretty disgusting stuff in the desert. I mean, he wasn't exactly a looker. Seriously, this is a simple WWJD moment where you have to ask yourself if Jesus would approve of this thread title.

Edit: Whoa, just read through this thread. This is purely my opinion based on what I have read and interpreted of the Bible, but making fun of how Atheists respond doesn't seem like the most respectable or honorable thing to do. If we truly want to discuss with this Asian Atheist, should we not first be able to respect him first? And how can we respect him if we call him silly looking or make fun of the way Atheists respond? Yes, they do it to us, but we're supposed to be better than them on a moral standard, right? As Christians we have to be the light of the world, and would the lights of the world make fun of people behind their backs? C'mon now.
You've just failed your own test. Why call him an Asian Atheist? What's his ethnicity got to do with his atheism?

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:38 pm
by Murray
what's wrong with saying he has a silly beard? how is that degrading?

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:57 pm
by Mariolee
neo-x wrote:While I agree making fun of someone look is certainly wrong in any way, I don't think why we can't have a good laugh over how absurd sometimes atheists respond. We are not doing it cuz they do it to us, there is no silly revenge here, it just came naturally.

Sorry if you are offended, and sorry to the Asian guy too, and yeah it would be nice if we can change the title of the thread. I don't want someone to think we are idiots like the WBC.
Alright, I understand. It's just I've seen the same type of "absurdity at how Christians respond" much in the same way, and almost everytime I'm offended by how they oversimplify our argument and turn them into Straw Men arguments, which they are not. I felt as if the same thing was happening here: it appeared to me (though they may have had much better intentions) that the people were oversimplifying the Atheistic arguments to the point where it does look absurd. Not enough credit was given to them, and the less credit given to their argument the less respect you have towards them naturally.
DannyM wrote:You've just failed your own test. Why call him an Asian Atheist? What's his ethnicity got to do with his atheism?
Because I was trying to point out how ridiculous it was to point out he was Asian when like you said, his ethnicity has nothing to do with it, but I can see looking back that the formatting of my sentence that it appeared I was saying otherwise, so I apologize. I'm trying to point out how odd it was to say that the atheist was Asian because it kinda struck a cord with me, since I too am Asian. As soon as I saw the thread title, I thought, "What in the world? What is the OP trying to say about us Asians since he grouped his Asian ethnicity with a bunch of other negative adjectives?" There was honestly no reason to point out he was Asian unless the OP considered that to be a negative aspect of the Atheist. If he can offer up another explanation, I'd be happy to hear it.
Murray wrote:what's wrong with saying he has a silly beard? how is that degrading?
My point is: Why even point out he has a silly beard in the first place? Usually people point out silly aspects of other people in order to deteriorate the audience's opinion of that person. It's ridiculous.

If it helps in anyone's view of me right now, I am an Asian Presbyterian Christian who merely wants to know why the OP worded his thread title the way he did unless he wanted to put the atheist in the video in a derogatory light.

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:24 pm
by Murray
No mariolee, i am not degrading him by saying he has a funny beard. If you were to wear a a hot pink shirt with holes and puke stains on it I'd probably say something too.

He chooses to have a strange looking beard, he obviously wants you to see it to get attention, and look he succeeded.

Nobody said anything about him because of something he did not choose, nobody said "oh he's soo ugly and hideous"; instead somebody commented on how he chooses to wear a scummy beard to try to get attention.

And honestly, if your professor was wearing hot pink liberty spikes would you really be able to concentrate on what he is saying?

And you answered your own question about the OP mariolee..... Probably not the best title, but just like the bearded guy, it got your attention didn't it?

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:50 pm
by Mariolee
Murray wrote:No mariolee, i am not degrading him by saying he has a funny beard. If you were to wear a a hot pink shirt with holes and puke stains on it I'd probably say something too.

He chooses to have a strange looking beard, he obviously wants you to see it to get attention, and look he succeeded.
I'm not saying you're degrading him. I'm saying the OP is.
Also, how do you know he has that strange looking beard for attention? Isn't it as likely if not more likely that he just thinks it looks good? I have more than a few buddies that look a bit like him and have odd hair styles and such, and they simply have a preference for style like that. Please explain why you think it's obvious that he's doing it to get attention, because it is not very obvious to me. :(
Murray wrote:Nobody said anything about him because of something he did not choose, nobody said "oh he's soo ugly and hideous"; instead somebody commented on how he chooses to wear a scummy beard to try to get attention.
I must've forgotten him choosing to be Asian when he was born, sorry! My bad. :p joking aside, I just don't see why it is even relevant to his arguments.
Murray wrote:And honestly, if your professor was wearing hot pink liberty spikes would you really be able to concentrate on what he is saying?
Not if it was out of the norm. But if that's the way he dresses normally, and he thinks it looks good, then I won't let it get in the way of my respect for him. How would you feel if because you chose a tight fitting sweater that you thought actually looked good on you on the way to giving a speech about Christianity, and then later after the speech you find that people were focused not on your speech but on your fashion sense. Not only would you be frustrated your message did not get across and was not respected, but your self esteem would be broken. Or at least, that's how I would feel. Give this guy some credit for even giving this site a chance.
Murray wrote:And you answered your own question about the OP mariolee..... Probably not the best title, but just like the bearded guy, it got your attention didn't it?
There are better ways to get people's attention. Pointing out their most negative aspects is not the most Christian one.

Re: Silly looking hairy asian atheist reviews God and Scienc

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:48 pm
by cubeus19
Ok, time for me to come clean. I'm the origional poster and I posted the title about the atheist guy.
Ok first and foremost, I did NOT intend to lash out or offend Asians. I apologize to any Asians who are offended who have read this thread.

Quite honestly, all I thought I was doing was just giving people a good description about what the atheist looked like. I didn't mean for it to be a derogatory remark towards Asians. I love Asians, in fact, I hope to help out missions organizations who specifically go to Asians countries like China for instance.

I personally would love to see more of the Chinease as well as Japenese and Koreians to come to Christ because from what I've head they are way more devoted believers than many here in the US, and plus they don't have the additude problem than many American non believers have.

And with China specifically with the fact that they are destined to become the new landlords and possibly slave owners to America very soon (with the way things are going with the national budget and the economy) it would be a double blessing to see many of the Chinease come to Christ.

Now with that said, I will say that I did mean to poke fun at the guy, not because he is Asian but mostly because he's an atheist, and not just an athiest, but one of the loud, rude, hateful, and unresponsive atheists.

Basically all he did in that video was trash Christianity, trash Christ, and trash Rich Deem and God and Science, a place that has ment a whole lot to me over the years and has helped me tremendously with any doubt and questions I have concerning the faith.

Another reason why I did that was to actually help encourage everyone here to remain bold and confident in their faith because things like this guy's video can really get us down and destroy our positive morale. Plus quite frankly, I don't like to see us get pushed around and I certainly don't like to see Chrisitanity and our God get pushed around and insulted.

Now granted, to whoever made the WWJD comment. I think many people take the "What would Jesus Do" concept way too far at times and I think in this instance is one of those times.

For example, many curious nonbelievers think that Jesus was just like one of the CareBears or Barney the purple Dinosaur who just goes around loving on everyone and only saying nice and sweet stuff to people and who never ever gets angry and who basicaly lets any bully or any hostile opposing group or person to just walk all over, manipulate, deframate, harm, and possibly kill them AND THEIR MESSAGE.

But to who ever said that and to anyone else who thinks otherwise, Christ DID in fact get angry and just like with me, called people like the Pharasiees, the scribes, even some of His own disciples hurtful names like vipers, snakes, hypocrites, and even sons of the Devil.

And I didn't even mention the money changers at the Temple. Now I don't know what your Bible says or what your church teaches, but mine didn't say that Christ huggied and kissied and tickled and cueed the money changers out of the temple for selling stuff and haggeling with people wanting to change out their money.

No He made a whip and used it on many of those nutcases, He over turned the tables and scattered and destroyed alot that they had and basically kicked them out and for good reason.

Now we should try to act loving and kind towards people, especially those who don't agree with us. But at the same time, we do need to stand our ground against not only the nonbelievers who cannot or will not ever convert over to Christ (like this guy or other "new" atheists like this guy).

But by those (who are also like this guy) who mock and curse our God and everything we stand for and doing it with glee knowing the fact that many believers will not do anything but just sit around and take it like a helpless puppy that just got run over by a car and offer sweet sounding one liners that sound less like Jesus and more like well, Barney the purple dinosaur.

And if this atheist does come in here we need to handle him according to how he treats us. If he comes in and his kind, civil, and generally normal acting, we should treat him every bit as good, if not better.

But if he comes in and types a bunch of four letter words, mocking Christ, insulting Rich,Gman, or anyone else he should clearly get the message that we won't put up with his garbage.

Now granted, more than likely he will either get banned for good or at least banned for a short period of time until he learns to treat us and our God with more respect.
But let's imagine for a moment that this place had no mods or no rules regarding banning and disciplining rude posters. And this guy or anyone like him was going off about his hatered for Christianity, and he does not clam down even when told nicely to do so.

Are you just going to keep telling him how sweet and loveable he is while he continues to swear and curse everything you hold dear?
I mean athiests especially the ones who are civil do deserve to treated nicely and even the mean ones at first, but if they keep pushing us to the edge like they love to do, every now and then they do deserve a taste of their own medicine. Just to let them know that, hey we won't let you push us and our God around, we have every bit as much of a right to hold to our views as you all do.

And in a nutshell this is the reason why I started this thread. I did it to expose him to all of us here, and to tell him "hey you are welcome to come but don't push us around like you do".

And again I just want to stress again that I did NOT go after him because of him being Asian, it's all because of not only his atheism, but his rude, arrogant, and hateful flavor of atheism, otherwise known as "new" atheism or "internet" atheism. I apologize to all Asians who are reading this.

Re: Internet atheist reviews God and Science

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:53 pm
by Mariolee
OK, I understand now. I'm sorry for criticizing you earlier, as I was indeed offended by the title a bit. :)

Re: Internet atheist reviews God and Science

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:58 pm
by Murray
Mariolee, nobody thinks that looks good..... People wear things to get attention. When a person pierces half their face, wears hot pink liberty spikes and wears black drag all day they are not doing it to look good, they do it to get attention.

And that guys beard, I can't imagine that he thinks it looks good, if he does, somebody should say something to him for the sake of being nice....

Re: Internet atheist reviews God and Science

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:07 pm
by Murray
Bottom line for me: I cannot focus with an extreme chosen feature on a mans face which I believe is screaming at me trying to get my attention.

That's it.