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Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:45 pm
by Murray
I'm voting for santorum in my states primary. But he'll probably loose so i'll have to start thinking about if ill vote for romney for president or not.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:08 pm
by Gman
Murray wrote: i'll have to start thinking about if ill vote for romney for president or not.
You can vote for the anti-christ anytime you want.. ;)

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:14 pm
by Murray
Gman wrote:
Murray wrote: i'll have to start thinking about if ill vote for romney for president or not.
You can vote for the anti-christ anytime you want.. ;)
If only romney was a christian... I have serious reserves about voting for a mormon.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:28 pm
by Gman
Murray wrote:
Gman wrote:
Murray wrote: i'll have to start thinking about if ill vote for romney for president or not.
You can vote for the anti-christ anytime you want.. ;)
If only romney was a christian... I have serious reserves about voting for a mormon.
Me too... I just can't trust them. Especially their doctrine... Oh my. :shakehead:

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:52 pm
by Ivellious
I'm just curious, do you demand that a President be part of a mainstream Christian faith? I mean, does simply being a Mormon or a Jew or a Muslim or an atheist automatically make someone unfit for public service?

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:02 pm
by Gman
Ivellious wrote:I'm just curious, do you demand that a President be part of a mainstream Christian faith? I mean, does simply being a Mormon or a Jew or a Muslim or an atheist automatically make someone unfit for public service?
Ivellious, it might sound a little harsh, but it's really the doctrine we have trouble with and why anyone would gravitate to it. In regards to Mormonism, as an example, believing in a g-d that lives near a planet called Kolob that curses minorities with black skin is well... Really pushing the boundaries of not only belief but also issues of morality. And that is just the surface.... There is much more to it...

Sorry. Just can't support that kind of belief system or those who support that...

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:15 pm
by Ivellious
You kind of avoided the question there...I'm not even asking about Mormonism in particular (which I too disagree with), but the fact that someone identifies as one thing or another doesn't automatically define the person and their skills. Just as there are bad people who are mormons or atheists, there are also great people. Just like there are good Christians, there are bad ones too. I just don't see why one should be excluded from consideration regardless of skills or personality just because of a religious affiliation. That's be like saying we can't have a gay candidate for president because they aren't a "good Christian" (though ironically some of them really are good people).

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:28 pm
by Gman
Ivellious wrote:You kind of avoided the question there...I'm not even asking about Mormonism in particular (which I too disagree with), but the fact that someone identifies as one thing or another doesn't automatically define the person and their skills. Just as there are bad people who are mormons or atheists, there are also great people. Just like there are good Christians, there are bad ones too. I just don't see why one should be excluded from consideration regardless of skills or personality just because of a religious affiliation.
Ok.. But if we say we are Bible believing people, many of us try to align our beliefs with those who promote that idea. So yes you could say it is a type of prejudice. But that is really pronounced when someone believes other alternatives to the Bible such as the BoM or Koran. It's a real stretch to believe in those books that don't produce the love we understand from the Bible..
Ivellious wrote:That's be like saying we can't have a gay candidate for president because they aren't a "good Christian" (though ironically some of them really are good people).
Yes because that is a type of morality. But a man who fornicates or watches pornography is in the same boat too.. We can't judge a book by it's cover, true, we do have to make judgements..

But yes I agree with your assessment, I have friends that are gay too, but that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with the lifestyle either..

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:41 pm
by Ivellious
But you have to admit, basing your judgement solely on religious affiliation is a flawed argument. Not all Mormons approve of or practice polygamy. Not all Christians oppose gay marriage. My point isn't that you can't judge your candidates, but just basing that off of a religion isn't giving a candidate full justice.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:12 pm
by Gman
Ivellious wrote:But you have to admit, basing your judgement solely on religious affiliation is a flawed argument.
Not soley, but I would be lying to you to say that the majority of the judgment didn't.
Ivellious wrote:Not all Mormons approve of or practice polygamy.
It's not just that, or racism, but many other things also. That you can become your own g-d too.. I can assure you, the doctrine of Mormonism is corrupt. Those who practice it are misled. Condemned I can't say, misled yes...
Ivellious wrote:Not all Christians oppose gay marriage. My point isn't that you can't judge your candidates, but just basing that off of a religion isn't giving a candidate full justice.
No but those are the obvious ones...

More here:

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:40 am
by RickD
I would be able to vote for Romney for president, if I believed he was going to be the best candidate for the office. I have no problem voting for a non-Christian, to be the leader of a non-Christian country. If I attended a Christian church, and we were voting on someone to fill a position within the church, then a Mormon would never get my vote. Just because someone holds to a religious system that I don't agree with, doesn't mean that he wouldn't be a good president, necessarily. Now, with that being said, I won't be voting for Romney. :lol:

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:37 am
by 1harpazo
wrain62 wrote:Ron Paul believes that Foregn aid takes money away from taxpayers and gives it to the wealthy of other countries. You guys can contend that it does help with defense and it has. But I feel that involvement in the Middle East has gone out of control and leads to a lot of blowback. Is presence in Iraq and Afghanistan doing much against a global terrorist problem? How would you guys feel if China had bases and control here and sometimes would bomb our citizens in the name of fighting terrorism? Military bases and armies are not doing much to fight terrorism and actually causes unrest in the people which makes the Middle East an even worse breeding ground for resentment against America. It is no wonder that the soldiers fighting have weak morale and Heavily support Ron Paul(more money from army donated to him than all of the other rep. candidates X2 and even more than the money raised for Obama); it is because it is hard to justify it. All the bases around the world and our presence in countries is spreading us thin like it has been done to empires throughout history(and what happens to every empire?).

Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU addresses congress:

"We stand together to defend democracy. We stand together to advance peace. We stand together to fight terrorism.

Congratulations, America. Congratulations, Mr. President. You got bin Laden. Good riddance.

In an unstable Middle East, Israel is the one anchor of stability. In a region of shifting alliances, Israel is America’s unwavering ally. Israel has always been pro-American. Israel will always be pro-American.

My friends, you don’t have to -- you don’t need to do nation- building in Israel. We’re already built.

You don’t need to export democracy to Israel. We’ve already got it.

And you don’t need to send American troops to Israel. We defend ourselves." *emphasis added

Look up the transcript yourselves. Is war with Iran really meant to be inevitable? What some Muslim countries want is control over the country of Israel but the ability of Isreal to defend themselves is strong as the Prime Minister has mentioned. If you think that Muslim countries are going to nuke Isreal you may forget that it is not in their intrest since it would kill off more palestinians, it would destroy their holy land, and the perpetrators will face serious consequences from around the world and even Iran is not going to be that stupid. If you think that America itself is in danger then Ron Paul's policy of sending troops everywhere home will actually be a boon to the defense of our homeland and his policy would also us protect against our crumbling of our country due to economic over extension. If we treat some of these countries with more respect the Muslim people in the Middle East would not be as inclined to have resentment towards us and it would also undermine the cause of Islamic extremism which has its main goal as preventing Western Influence to the Middle East.
I know you guys are going to be calling me deluded/naive/out-of-touch-with-reality I cannot stand it when we imply that warmongering is the more Christian way for our government to act or when we say amen to calling a man of integrity "wacko".
Finally...somebody got it right. Ron Paul wants Israel to defend herself, of which she is most capable. He wants to end foreign aid to Israel's enemies as well. The US kicks down four times as much to Muslim countries as to Israel.

Kelleigh Nelson (not a Ron Paul fan) wrote an insightful article giving him kudos and smacks after researching him for six months at: A short excerpt:

"Congressman Paul is by far the most radically anti-big government candidate in the running. He'd boil the Federal government back down to a few skeletal constitutional functions. He'd cut all foreign aid, abolish the Patriot Act, get rid of Obamacare, return us to a gold standard, as well as eliminating the welfare state, and federal income taxes. He hates bipartisan compromise and loves gridlock!"

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:40 am
by RickD
The more I see about Ron Paul, and the more I hear him speak, the more I see he is NOT an anti-semite. And the more I see him as the only candidate not beholden to special interest. The more I see him as having our country's best interests at the heart of what he believes. Anyone who hears Paul speak, and still calls him an anti-semite, IMO, is severely mistaken. Unless one has proof that Ron Paul has done something anti-semitic, can we please stop with these accusations? Listen to Ron Paul himself. Not someone else's opinion of him.
My twenty year hiatus of voting for president, may just be coming to an end. I'm starting to like this Ron Paul guy. I really had no intention of voting for him, but since he was called an anti-semite, I had to do some research. I see no merit in labeling Ron Paul as an anti-semite. If, at voting time, I feel Paul has a legitimate chance to be president, he may just get this one vote from me.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:44 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:The more I see about Ron Paul, and the more I hear him speak, the more I see he is NOT an anti-semite.
Who called Ron Paul an anti-semite? I called him anti-Israel; there is a difference. He's also into economic protectionism, A.K.A. isolationism. If that's your thing, so be it. In any event, he's toast.

Why would you not vote for over twenty years? What's with that? Were you locked up? Sedated? Married to the TV?


Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:05 pm
by wrain62
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:He's also into economic protectionism, A.K.A. isolationism.
From where do you get this idea?